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Posts posted by Miaki

  1. Miaki glanced where one would wear a wristwatch in the real world. "Heh, old habits die hard." He checked the time on his interface and looked back to Nikki. She was closing her menu and already looking at him again.

    "What are you up too? It seems I have some time before I have to go home, so If you want we can keep this up."

    "Well now that I think about it, there are some nice cafes here and on the second floor. You should have about an hour or two before the sun gets too low. We could get something warm before you return to the cold of the fourth floor. What do you say?"

  2. Miaki started to follow Clarence out of the city as he explained how the <> was a dangerous region. Fortunately he was a high level tracker and Miaki had gotten rather skilled in combat himself. He didn't know much about Cinder yet but he could tell that he knew his way around a fight. The three men armed to the teeth and a high level average among them exited the city gates and started walking towards the bay.

  3. Miaki kept looking at Eryn as she looked away at the field of grass where this all started yesterday. He stood up and walked around opening up the floor map. "Hmmmmmmm, there is one place I know a little about that I think you'll like. It's called the 'Dungeon of Elements'. It's not really dangerous. From what I heard there are thousands of gems and crystals to see. What do you think of that?" He highlighted the point on his map and showed it to her.

  4. Miaki brought the mug back to his lips and took another sip of his coffee. The aroma of the large amount of cream and sugar inside was enough to fill his senses with joy. Looking at Eryn he thought about how difficult it must be for someone like her in this game. Especially one who can't fight or defend herself. All of the sights she has missed not being able to go travel through mob filled areas. "hmmmmmmm.... Is there anywhere you have wanted to go but couldn't? I'll take you there and keep you safe. What would you like to do?"

  5. Miaki heard the screaming of a familiar voice and drew his sword instinctively. He saw who he thought was Elyth and seconds later he saw the giant ent behind her. 'Oh, that's not good.' He thought. He looked at the player with him and yelled.


  6. Miaki sat on the log they'd sat on the night before, still in his grey sweats. He had checked his clock in his HUD and saw that it was 9:34am. He yawned again and took a sip of coffee. He heard Eryn stir about in the tent behind him. He turned to face her. "Morning sunshine. Sleep well?"

  7. Miaki pulled out the jar he filled with fireflies and tied it to one of the top rails over their heads. "There we go." He looked down at Eryn who was already asleep. He opened up his interface, changed into grey sweats and a t-shirt. After that he wrapped the young girl in the wool blanket and laid down beside her with his own sleeping bag which he left partly open. He fell asleep before he knew it.

  8. Fear. That is what he felt before. But as he started questioning the whys, he started feeling anger to those who wronged him. Those he used to call friend and turned their backs on him. The ones who called him hurtful names. People who wronged him........... Kayaba. The red mist surrounded him entirely and as it did anger arose inside him. A burning, uncontrollable rage. He looked up and around him for something to lash out at but saw nothing but red. The water even had a redish hue to it.

  9. Miaki was crying now. Just like the little kid before him he was crying feeling all alone. Why did he have to find out about this game? Why was he one of the 10,000 people that had a copy of this game? Why would that monster Kayaba create this blasted game!? He cried more than he could ever remember crying before. He felt alone and cried to be released from this torment. He slowly felt the fear start to lessen on him. The spectral image of his childhood vanished and although he didn't notice, the mist around him was changing from black to another color. Red./

  10. Miaki looked at the two toys Michael clutched onto in his arms. He had nearly forgotten about them. One was 'Buddy', a worn rag doll that was the first toy he ever had. The second was a small stuffed turtle he called 'Peekaboo'. These two toys brought great comfort to him when he was little. They helped him feel safe. But seeing them right now wasn't helping the fear hanging over him. Michael started crying again and calling out for his parents.

    For the first time since this game started he was truly afraid. It was crushing him. Miaki grabbed his head and joined his younger self in screaming for his parents. He fell to his knees and cried out for them.

    "MOM! DAD! HELP ME! PLEAASEEE!!! I NEED YOU!" He felt like he was in a nightmare and couldn't get out.

  11. In a shimmering blue light Miaki was teleported on the first floor, visiting to take care of some errands. His light brown trench coat flapped around as he moved. Underneath the coat he wore a grey vest and khaki pants. His glasses reflected some of the sun's rays so he adjusted his light brown fedora to block the sun from his face. He had no weapon equipped at the moment knowing full well that in a manner of about 5 seconds he'd could arm himself and be battle ready. He surveyed the crowd filling the area and saw a familiar face.

    "Yo! Kane!" Miaki waved and walked toward him. As he got up beside Kane and the girl he was looking at, Kane seemed a bit distracted. He looked between the expressionless girl and Kane who seemed a bit zoned out. Clearly he'd just missed something. "Uhhhhhh I just missed something didn't I?" Miaki looked between the two again and spoke up this time. "Aincrad to Kane. You there?"

  12. "Well practicing is a good place to start as any. Just remember, this is something one friend I made in here told me about this game. Remember that not everything is about your level. It's about your will to keep moving forward and not give up. Even when things seem grim and at their darkest, there is always a light at the end. Never lose that will and drive to beat this game." Miaki gave a thumbs up remembering the words told to him by Kirito.

    "So, how would you like me to help? It's always nice to have someone to help."

  13. Miaki started to eat the last of his marshmallows. He saw Eryn beginning to yawn. Miaki didn't even bother glancing at the time. He knew that it was well past a normal person's bed time. Especially one as young as Eryn. "Getting tired?" Wanna climb on into the tent and sleep?" He said and pointed with his thumb at the tent behind them.

  14. If professions were a thing, I think they should be for something that just added more depth to a player. The Army ere players that took law into their own hands. Information brokers were all about finding stuff out and being a walking wiki/google source to SAO. Child care was done by those who took the underaged children under their protection and worked to provide for them. Laughing Coffin, we know about that.

    I could say that my player is a trainer for example. All I do is help others improve in a specific area. Or maybe someone could say they are a explorer/geographer. What they do is explore regions of floors and map it out for others. A bodyguard would simply be at another players side while they were outside the safety of the city walls.

    Just to mention what came to me.

  15. Opened the updated map information from both players and started scrolling through it. He checked the places mentioned and nodded his head while reading it. The area was rather risky but he had done fine on his own expeditions and recalled how well he did fighting a level 3 quest boss recently. He moved his two fingers across the interface and brought up his inventory. He had the supplies needed for atleast a 4 day expedition and had a decent skill set for himself and his level was high enough. He wasn't sure about where Cinder and Clarance were compared to him but he deduced from their demeanor and appearance that they were well off as well. They both stopped talking and seemed to be looking for a response.

    Miaki examined the two points they both indicated. "The bay sounds like it will be more rewarding for all of us, not just in experience but in mats and possible loot." He flicked his wrist, discarding the GUI. "I don't know about you two, but I'm ready to leave now. If there are no objections..." He held his whole arm out toward the city gates. "Shall we?"

  16. Miaki found his way back to the village and wasted no time in making his way to the hut where this quest all started. He entered the hut and the motherly NPC reacted to his presence. Miaki approached her and materialized the item she needed.

    "I defeated the monster hidden in the forest. This should be what you need to make a cure to save your daughter and the rest of the villagers."

    The NPC looked at him and started to cry, thanking him I between sobs. She took the item and went straight to making a cure. Miaki watched her use a basic alchemic set she had in the corner of the room. A minute later she took a small sickly colored potion and rushed to her daughter in the back room. Miaki heard he wet coughs of the little girl and thought about the times when he was that really sick. Before he knew it the coughing stopped and the mother emerged again.

    "It worked! Thank you so much! I have to get this to the others as quickly as possible. But first I have a gift for you."

    She went over the a mantle over a small fireplace and grabbed a sword that was displayed on there.

    "This is called the <>. It used to belong to my grandfather, who protected this village before I was born. I think it is appropriate for you to have it now."

    Miaki accepted the blade prompting the completion of the quest. A subtle fanfare was heard and a display appeared listing the COL and EXP gained from the quest, the <> was also listed on there.

  17. Miaki stood less than a meter away from the quest boss called <>. He was panting heavily from the multiple hard hits he took while entangled in it's vines. "It's time someone weeded you out!" He shouted, charging up for his final attack. He held his sword down toward the ground as it started glowing a bright silver. The <> boss roared loudly at him. Miaki held the charged blade in his right hand as the boss brought back all of it's vines, preparing to snuff Miaki out of existence, but it was too late. Miaki leaped forward performing a sword art combo attack he was still working hard to choreograph and perfect, it was called <>.

    The vines shot down on Miaki as he started his attack. He slashed once at the boss and began his rotation counter-clockwise, upon performing the 360 degree spin, he slashed a second time this time in a downward slash; soon as he finished this he stopped his momentum, swinging rightward now, dealing a third and final blow killing it instantly.

    The <> froze, emitting a final roar before it shattered like glass into an infinite number of fragments which started raining on him. A gigantic display text appeared above him reading 'CONGRATULATIONS!'. But Miaki just stood there completely limp and barely standing. His head was hung down and the edge of his blade laid in the earth. He did it! He defeated the <>! But all he cared about was that it was gone and he was breathing.

    After about ten seconds of sweet silence, a small transparent display appeared in front of his face. It was the post battle data board. It showed him the monster's name and showed him how much exp he gained. Then he noticed the extra text underneath it. It read:

    'BONUS ITEM: <>

    SUCCESS!!!!! He got the bonus item! He somehow managed to find the energy to shout a loud cheer that echoed through the forest. Regaining his strength and watching his HP slowly start to restore, Miaki opened up his inventory and consumed a healing potion, increasing the HP regeneration rate. As the health bar steadily increased from the combination of the potion and being outside of combat, Miaki made his way back to the village.


    Parties Current HP:

    Miaki: 5/17

    <>: 0/12 - Defeated

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