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Jack The Ringleader

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Posts posted by Jack The Ringleader

  1. The onslaught of zombies began to reach a precipice, almost overwhelming. But with perseverance, coordination, and expertise you all dispatched of the zombies in due time. A few stragglers remained, but nowhere near the numbers of the horde that had plagued beforehand. Before a victory rally could be shouted, or applause from bystanders hiding within the seating the lights cut out. Standing in complete darkness, you hear shuffling but not that of a zombie. As the lights cut back on, flickering quickly before staying lit permanently. An eerie silence hangs in the air. Jack is now standing upon a podium his beaming smile as wide as before.
    "CongratuLAtions!" He cries out, his voice sounding much more manic than before. "HOw NicE to SEe that you fiNe folK of Aincrad didn't get all RUSTY in my abSENcE," Jack says, as his gloved hands begin to clap. "Bravo! Bravo!" Looking at Jack you notice that not only has his demeanor changed, but his appearance has altered slightly as well. Vines hold his feet to the ground, leaves peek from under his clothes, and his normal skin tone now resembles that of a pumpkin rind.
    "Now then? Shall the real show begin? BWA HA HA HA HA HAAA!"
    The voice echos as vines erupt from Jack's body, snaking in and out of the ground covering the area in a green mess. Jack's body floats in mid-air, suspended by vines a horrific grin across his face as his body contorts and expands. The laughter continues as the body no longer represents a man, but a monstrous pumpkin complete with a toothy grin and adorned with a tiny crown.





    New Tiered Boss Fights are Unlocked! Find the sign-ups for these events below!
    Tier 1: The Scarecrow
    Tier 2: The Countess
    Tier 3: The Pumpking



    Zombies Killed: 511

    Rewards Table:
    -  Concession Stand Upgrade (UNLOCKED)
    Spider Cider, Popcorn, and Fairy Floss buffs are improved!
    Spider Cider heals 90HP, Popcorn grants 20 mitigation, Fairy Floss increases base damage by 2
    (This applies to all current items in inventory, not ones applied in a thread.)

    -  Concession Stand Voucher (UNLOCKED)
    200 Col's worth of items may be purchased for free! 

    -  New House Item (UNLOCKED)
    More Details Coming Soon!! 

    -  Concession Stand Upgrade (UNLOCKED) 
    Diet Soda, Obnoxious Corn Dog, and Funnel Cake are improved!
    Diet Soda heals 150hp, Obnoxious Corn Dog grants 45 mitigation, Funnel Cake increases damage by 3 and grants 1 ACC
    (This applies to all current items in inventory, not ones applied in a thread.)

    -  Concession Stand Voucher (UNLOCKED) 
    500 Col's worth of items may be purchased for free! 

    - Familiar Item (UNLOCKED) 
    'Ghost Treat' - If you already have a familiar, the treat can be fed to it to change its appearance to a ghostly form of itself. If you do not already have a familiar, it allows you to skip the searching portion of the <<Feeding your Enemy>> quest. If you fail to tame the creature, you will have to find it again by the searching rules in the quest.

    - Zombie Kill Limit Upgrade (UNLOCKED) 
    Limit of Zombies that can be killed in a thread increased from 100 to 150

    - Concession Stand Voucher (UNLOCKED) 
    1000 Col's worth of items may be purchased for free!

    - Choice of Unique Perfect Item (UNLOCKED)
    Jack's <Weapon of Choice>
    [Burn - Blight - Cursed]
    Jack's <Light Armor of Choice>
    [Flame Aura - Evasion - Cursed]
    Jack's <HeavyArmor of Choice>
    [Flame Aura - Mitigation - Cursed]

  3. The lights begin to dim as you each take a seat. Large men, dressed as clowns begin to march around the sides of the stage keeping an eye out for troublemakers and rulebreakers. One bouncer, being thin and agile dressed as a high flyer took notice of @Neopolitan. "Madam," it whispered, it's faced disguised and hidden behind a porcelain mask. "Please make your way down to arraigned seating, there is plenty of room. This area is for circus staff only."

    Another burly clown made its way over to @Teion and @Ryo before letting out a loud cough at them. "No outside food, or drink. If yer hungry, go visit the concessions." It said before he trailed off and began scanning the crowd for more rule-breakers.

    After a few moments, the help disappeared from sight. The lights went out, and suddenly a single spotlight was on center stage. In the center of that light, Jack stood. "Brothers, and sisters! Ladies and gentlemen! Jack's World of the Bizzare presents, to you! Tonight, the world's largest congregation of human oddities! Living! Breathing! Monstrosities!" Drums began to beat as the music began to swell up Jack's voice reaching everyone in the tent. "That's right, they didn't ask to be brought into this world folks, but into this world, they came! Guaranteed to be alive, or your money back! Step right up to the Aincrad Creep Show!" Jack said as the music continued playing.

    As the music concluded, Jack stood standing in the middle of the dirt circle his lips moving to nothing creating no sound. After a few words, he stopped and smiled. He spoke, loudly and clearly. "Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! Wonderful contestants all!" He beams a large grin as he continues. "Today I offer you all a very significant chance! A once in a lifetime opportunity! A test of sorts, to prove yourself against the terrors of the night!" He says, almost maliciously. "Now the first night is to soon come, and as the moon sets the great evil magics of the dark to bring back to dead!" And as his voice echoes in the tent, the ground beneath you begins to quake and shake. The various NPCs around you begin to scream and flee for the doors, only to be met with a swift end as undead zombies begin to pour into the tent. Jack begins to laugh and as his laugh fills the tent, more undead being to burst from the ground. "I'll see you, in the morning heroes!" Jack cries out to the crowd, disappearing under the sea of the dead.


    ~~The Event Has Begun!~~
    The circus within the town of beginnings has begun to be overrun with zombies! Those inside the tent are now trapped amoungst the undead horde! Survive the night, and slay as many zombies as possible! Keep track of how many zombies you kill though, as rewards are locked behind progression! In order for a thread to count towards the event use this tag, [Event-F1] This will help myself, and PST's sort threads for this event specifically. 


    1. No outside food or drink! Food, Potions, and Crystals are unable to be used within event threads.

    2. Concessions are only allowed to be used inside the current Halloween’19 event. Items cannot be refunded and will become cosmetic items after the event. Using these items takes a post action to apply in combat, and last for that thread. Treat them as normal consumables.

    3. Players may still participate in the event, despite not posting in this thread! The down payment of 500 Col is required to receive any rewards from the event! Be sure to send Col to Jack!

    4. Players may only kill up to 100 zombies in a thread.

    5. Players in a party must use the zombie stat block of the appropriate tier of the highest tier within the party. (IE a party of 2 tier 1's and a tier 3, must use the tier 3 stat block)

    6. Players may only be in 1 event thread at one time.



    ~Concession Stand~

    Standing behind the booth looms a figure drabbed in tattered grey and black robes. Unable to see his face you peer down and see a small menu of food and drink, along with prices, for available purchase. He speaks in a low, dark chuckle. "Heh heh heh, what can I get for ya'?" He asks. (send Col to Jack listing what purchases were made)

    Item Name Item Effect Cost in Col
    Spider Cider Heals 90 HP 50
    Diet Soda Heals 150 HP 150
    Popcorn Grants 20 Mitigation 150
    Obnoxious Corn Dog Grants 45 Mitigation 700
    Fairy Floss Grants 2 Base Damage 200
    Funnel Cake Grants 3 Base Damage and 1 Accuracy 1000
    Offbrand Energy Drink Restores Tier*3 Energy 100


    ~Zombie Stats~

    Zombie (Tier 1 Event)
    HP: 50

    MIT: 10
    DMG: 15 on a hit, 20 on a 9 or 10.
    SPECIAL: If the Zombie would be killed by a weapon or defensive ability, and the LD is equal to or higher than 15, the Zombie is instead reduced to 1HP. This ability is ignored if the attack that reduced it 0 was a critical hit or the weapon/armor used has the holy or holy blessing enhancement.

    Zombie (Tier 2 Event)
    HP: 200

    MIT: 50
    DMG: 100 on a hit, 150 on a 9 or 10.
    SPECIAL: If the Zombie would be killed by a weapon or defensive ability, and the LD is equal to or higher than 15, the Zombie is instead reduced to 1HP. This ability is ignored if the attack that reduced it 0 was a critical hit or the weapon/armor used has the holy or holy blessing enhancement.

    Zombie (Tier 3 Event)
    HP: 400

    MIT: 75
    DMG: 200 on a hit, 250 on a 9 or 10.
    SPECIAL: If the Zombie would be killed by a weapon or defensive ability, and the LD is equal to or higher than 15, the Zombie is instead reduced to 1HP. This ability is ignored if the attack that reduced it 0 was a critical hit or the weapon/armor used has the holy or holy blessing enhancement.

    New for this year's event, a Bingo Book of sorts is being added for those who have paid the 500 Col entry fee into the event! Complete requirements to earn achievements, earn achievements to earn points, spend points on amazing items!

    Zombies Killed: Zombies that die in a thread that you're an active party member of.
    Last Hit on Zombies: Zombies reduced to 0HP by a weapon attack you make. (DoT's apply)
    Critical Failures: Natural Rolls of 1 (If achieved cannot claim Critical Evasions)
    Critical Evasions: When an enemy rolls a natural 1 to attack you. (If achieved, cannot claim Critical Failures)
    HP Restored (Self): Amount of healing done to only yourself.
    HP Restored In A Thread: Amount of HP recovered to yourself or other party members in a single thread, relative to the highest tier in the thread.
    Consumables Used: Amount of consumables used on yourself, or other players.

    ~Achievement Name~ Number Needed
    Zombies Killed 100
    Last Hit on Zombies 50
    Critical Failures or Evasions 25 or 15
    HP Restored (Self) Tier*150
    HP Restored in a Thread Tier*120
    Consumables Used  13

    Upon completing an achievement a player will be rewarded with one(1) achievement point. These points expire at the end of the Halloween event. These points can only be exchanged for the items below. The only item that may be purchased more than once is Yui's Grace, everything else may only be redeemed once.

    Item  Name Achievement Point Cost
    Demonic Weapon of Choice 4
    Demonic Armor of Choice 4
    Demonic Trinket of Choice 4
    Halloween Sticker 3
    Yui's Grace (Repeatable) 1
    LD roll(including bonuses)*3 tiered materials 2

    Demonic Weapon (choice of 1)
    [Weapon of choice] - Holy|Cursed|Damage|Damage
    [Weapon of Choice] - Fallen|Cursed|Accuracy|Accuracy

    Demonic Armor (Choice of 1)
    Heavy Armor - Flame Thorns | Cursed | Thorns | Thorns
    Light Armor - Holy Blessing | Evasion | Evasion | Cursed
    Shield - Frost Thorns | Frost Aura | Cursed | Mitigation

    Demonic Trinket
    Trinket - Life Mending | Life Mending | Recovery | Cursed

    Halloween Sticker: Allows the user to upgrade the quality of a single item to the quality above it. ie. Rare to Perfect. This can make an item demonic. Doing so allows them to choose any enhancement they can normally get on that item or(not both) roll for a random unique enhancement that is applicable and add that.

  4. Awaking from your sleep you reach up and rub the dust away from your face as the morning sun comes to rise. You pull yourself away from your bed and make your way to the window. Drawing the curtains not as much light enters the room as you had anticipated. An overcast sky blocks the sun’s rays as you peer outside seeing a thin layer of autumn fog hang close to the ground. You stretch for a while and see it best to start your day.

    Your day goes by uneventful, at least uneventful by Aincrad standards, but you notice something new by the job board.


    Reads the top half of the flyer, depicting a large circus tent with curious images in silhouette dancing in twain in its background.


    Looking over the sign you see dates of what you assume is the circuses running time, and a location. It not being too far from your position, you decide to check it out.

    Making your way to the site of ‘Jacks Circus’ you find yourself nestled into a sea of people, a crowd that stretches on and on. Many town-folk are here, some friends you may recognize, and many upon many NPC’s have all come to marvel at this display.

    “Step on up ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls!” A voice booms out over the crowd. Following the source, you see a man, dressed in festive attire standing on a podium. “I am Jack, the ringmaster of this fair circus! And for a limited time, a special offer for you!. For the measly sum of 500 Col, I can promise each and every customer the show of a lifetime!” The man hops down from his stand and disappears inside the tent. As many of the NPCs begin to walk away, unable to afford the ticket price you are left with a handful of people standing outside the large tent.


    Pay 500 Col to Jack The Ringmaster to receive a ticket to the show! Feel free to Role-Play out sitting down inside the tent and watching others come inside. And feel free to mingle with one another outside the tent as well. After 48 hours(1:00 pm PDT, Friday) the show will begin, so make sure you have a seat!

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