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Posts posted by Lilik

  1. As the walls closed, Players simply shifted closer together. Lilik supposed it was a bit like the instinct to step away when someone joined you in an elevator. There was no rule stating it had to be done, but it simply felt like the most natural, comfortable response. It wasn't until the smaller space became evident, and the situation more dire, that unease finally rippled through her companions. Lilik herself experienced the first flicker of uncertainty, but she refused to feed the flame. Panicking won't help, she told herself firmly. Panicking was for the weak. I'm not weak.

    The pink haired woman's voice snagged her attention, just seconds before Lilik instinctively snatched the flying key from the air. She wanted to snap back, demanding to know when she was made honorary 'key girl,' but the impulse quickly died away. What would be the point? Besides, as one of the tallest Players in the room, it made sense for her to deposit the keys into the locks.

    Once more balancing precariously on the arms of the chair, the long woman reached up to slide the key into the lock. With the faintest click, which she felt more than heard, it did its job. Lilik glanced down again just in time to watch a blonde scale a redhead, giving her the boost she needed to finish the key puzzle.


    Before Lilik could finish the word, the chair broke beneath her feet, sending her tumbling into a pile of limbs and wood.

    Putting Key #3 (from Blueberry) in the lock.

  2. Lilik spun a slow circle, taking in the small space. Though the expression she wore wasn't exactly disgust, it did flirt with disapproval. "This is it?" she muttered to herself. "We go from this huge chamber with some ancient death trap to some guy's private study?" Hands planted on her slim hips, Lilik's gaze came to rest on the grand desk situated beneath the stained glass windows. That would be the obvious place to stash important information, right? Including how to get to the top of the tower, or what awaited them there? It was certainly worth looking into.

    Long strides carried her there, but she was forced to stutter-step when a book tumbled into her path. A pink-haired elf stood in front of the shelf, tearing books from their perches with reckless abandon. Lilik could appreciate the tiny person's enormous energy, and as such, she simply skirted around her. Then, as an afterthought, she added, "Give me a holler if you need help with the books on the top shelf." Considering Lilik had a good ten inches on the girl, it would be easy to access the places she couldn't reach. Unfortunately, though the comment had been made in good faith, it was difficult to tell if it would be received that way.

    Looking for a key? she mused, reflecting on what the others had said. A key would be easy enough to find in the desk's drawer, or maybe tucked away in a secret compartment that-

    Something small and shiny winged past, only inches from her face. It fell soundlessly to the thick carpet, and reflected the fire's light in such a way it looked to be smoldering itself. "Nice," Lilik managed, stooping to scoop up the key. Then, with an undignified grunt, she dragged one of the ornate, straight-backed chairs just below the key holes. With a foot on each arm, and with considerable balance and reach, she managed to slam the key home.

    "One down," she announced.

    Putting Key #1 (from Nian) in the lock.

  3. Akin to a lost sock in a dryer, Lilik tumbled ass over tea kettle. Even before she splatted on the ground, her amber eyes were already firing manically. She spluttered as she found her feet. Her mouth filled with her all-time favorite phrase. "What the fu-"

    With a gasp, the lanky woman stumbled to the side, arms pinwheeling comically. She tripped over her own feet as the world shifted, and without any obvious handholds, Lilik was yeeted into the abyss. Amid the free-fall, her final thought was "I can't believe I'm going to die this way."

    Yet as she splatted for a second time, she took no more damage than before. In fact, she hadn't lost a single sliver of her health bar since accepting the cryptic quest from Cardinal. In any other situation, that thought would have intrigued her, and perhaps motivated her to take further risks. But in the moment, she was just pretty annoyed about ending up in some kind of pit.

    Lilik climbed to her feet. Then, planting her balled-up fists in the small of her back, she stretched dramatically. "That really sucked," she declared cheerfully.

    ID: 202359 LD: 12

    North Corner: 0/50
    East Corner: 0/50
    South Corner: 0/50
    West Corner: 0/50

  4. "Why though?" Lilik muttered to herself as she jogged along the hallway, sneakers squeaking comically on the marble. Why in the world were Players bothering with the NPCs? Rallying the rebels, interrogating the guards - what was the point even? None of it made any difference, unless one of them somehow held a fast-pass to the top of the tower. And she wasn't about to waste her time trying to see if that was true.

    Instead, the purple-haired woman opted for the old-fashioned way up - the stairs. Dodging the handful of guards proved quite easy, as they appeared preoccupied with the peasants that swarmed their castle. Whenever Lilik heard one approaching, and they were none too stealthy, she simply peeled off and hid behind a decorative vase or suit of armor. Then, after a few breaths of relative quiet (save for the chaos below), she continued her trek.

    When she reached the tenth floor, Lilik expected just another flight of stairs. Truth be told, she had fully expected to waltz her way straight to the top. Instead, she found a landing, a painting of some deer, and a door. Without missing a beat or breaking her stride, Lilik grabbed the handle and turned it. It stuttered in her palm, and the door did not budge, even as she gracelessly plowed into it.

    With a frustrated growl, she tried again.

    ID: 202022 LD: 3

    Progress: 132/150

  5. Somewhere, Lilik had heard that jumping the moment a falling elevator hit the ground would save you from dying. Whether that actually held any truth or not, the woman thought of it as she stared down at the rapidly approaching lawn. Her hand tightened around the rope she held, the rough fibers slick in her sweaty palm. So if she jumped the moment the vessel crashed down, or maybe swung out on the rope, she should avoid any impact. Yeah, she could do that. Swing a little arch through the air, like the pirates did in the movies. Suddenly feeling far more sure of herself, Lilik gave the rope a hard tug. The opposite end, which had been lazily draped over a pole, slid like a snake through the air to coil at her feet. The curse word that exploded from her lips was absorbed by the sound of screeching metal and snapping wood.

    The force threw Lilik from her spot at the rail, and like a toy thrown by a mid-tantrum toddler, she was tossed into the air. She fell hard, bouncing across the grass, limbs and purple hair flailing wildly. When she finally came to rest, a limp, jumbled mess, Lilik just assumed she was dead. No one could have survived that, right? But a glance at her health bar confirmed she had taken no damage whatsoever.

    It took her a moment to find her feet, and though she groaned the entire time, her body quickly forgot the shock of the fall. Just as the long woman straightened to her full height, a sea of NPCs washed over her. Apparently, they had finally broken through the barrier, and were joining the Players in their storming of the castle. Fine by me, she mused, slipping into the crowd. A distraction's a distraction, no matter how ridiculous.

    The thought proved true, as Lilik managed to slip by the guards who appeared preoccupied with wrangling the protestors. By the time she gained access, all hell had broken loose. A gaggle of kids were scurrying by like frightened little insects, guards flinging through the air, an animalistic shrieking from somewhere down the hall.

    "What the flying fuck-?" she stammered, flinching as a stone pedestal crashed to the ground. 

    ID# 201954 LD: 10

    PROGRESS | 115/150

  6. Lilik kept a single hand on the wall as she traversed the lower decks, the other hand holding yet another gem. The sudden burst of speed from the crystals had knocked her off balance, and she'd be damned if she went ass over tea kettle again. So as she dragged her fingertips across the cold surface, she climbed her way back up the stairs, and into the middle of a Jersey Shore outtake.

    A cutesy blonde shoved a black-haired woman with wild eyes, sending her stumbling into the Player who shadowed her. The cry of "tyrant" burst through the space like a gunshot. "Uh, is this part of the event or something?" Lilik caught herself mumbling to no one in particular. The NPCs were all hyped up on some revolution bullshit, so maybe the Player was just... playing along? Really getting into the mood? Lilik rolled her eyes so hard she worried they might pop out of her skull and go rolling across the deck.

    In response, the victim began muttering something about commoners, breezing by the blonde as if she were merely a bug in need of swatting. Oh god, Lilik thought, groaning aloud, its a full-fledged production. There's no way they aren't acting right now.

    And when the man in the bathrobe began monologuing, she strode to the railing and peered over at the ground below. She wondered if she would survive the fall damage. She also wondered whether she really wanted to.

    IDX | LD 6 | --> supplies


    Navigation: 113/100
    Power: 109/100
    Supplies: 91/100

  7. Crystal thingies?

    If Lilik had been a dog, her ears would have perked up at the sound. All thought of the maybe-rum-maybe-pickles-filled barrels forgotten, the long woman's gaze scanned the deck of the ship, curious as to where the cry had come from. The voice had appeared muffled, and when she didn't see the speaker right away, Lilik picked her way toward a descending staircase. Her rubber soles of her tennis shoes squeaked faintly as she picked her way deeper into the belly of the ship. After a few moments of venturing downward, the woman realized she had no idea which floor - story? deck? - the man resided on. She opened her mouth to call out, but the sudden, pungent odor of fish slapped her across the face. Grimacing, Lilik turned a corner, then another, following the stink to the source. 

    She didn't know quite what she expected to find. But whatever it was, it wasn't a man wearing a tattered brown robe. Her grimace worsened, the lines crossing her forehead deepening into full-fledged trenches. What the actual-?

    But when her amber eyes fell on the crystals clutched in the man's hands, all rationale thought left her. Sidling up beside him, Lilik plucked the largest crystal from his grasp. It was a deep black color, with a strange metallic sheen that reminded her of an oil spill. "Thanks," she commented simply. Then, because she couldn't help herself, Lilik added, "You reek."

    Briefly, she considered taking a few more, but ultimately decided against it. It made more sense for her to do a little research, then go back and "pirate" a few more crystals once she knew what she was dealing with. At least now she knew where to find them, and besides, the man didn't look like he could put up too  much of a fight. Wandering down the hall, Lilik ducked through an opening, and found herself in what appeared to be a futuristic boiler room. Or, at least, that's what she assumed. She'd only seen Titanic one time.

    Finally holding the gem out in front of her, Lilik focused intently, summoning an item inspection. The gem, called a 'Power Crystal,' had no description, aside from a warning that it could not be traded or sold. When she tried to equip it, or add it to her existing gear, nothing happened.

    "Useless," Lilik scoffed. As annoyance flared, she yanked open a nearby drawer, chucked the crystal inside, and slammed the door shut.

    Now humming from it's new power boost, the airship lurched forward.

    ID201848 | LD10 | --> power


    Navigation: 59/100
    Power: 57/100
    Supplies: 63/100

  8. The NPC's death held a bizarre macabre that Lilik hadn't encountered in Aincrad. Most enemies simply exploded into fragments, their bodies occasionally crisscrossed with crimson gashes. Watching the Knight's body convulse, foamy spit oozing from his slack lips, Lilik could find only disgust. Not because of the gruesome sight, or the violent deed she had just witnessed, but simply because of the wasted time and effort. She might have felt something for the dying man if he were real, but pausing to observe a line of code's final moments felt wholly unnecessary. As it was, they had wasted precious seconds bringing an end to the guy's life. Lilik's one-way trip to treasure was likely seconds from taking off, and if Blondie robbed her of the chance, she might kill him herself. No good deed or some shit, she thought dully, before moving back into a sprint.

    The Player followed her - why, she had no idea - but she took the opportunity to weigh in on his sage advice. "Or," she began matter-of-factly, "you could have just run faster." She managed to give a flippant shrug without breaking stride. "They're just dumb NPCs. Be smarter than them, and you won't have to waste time on fighting." Wide words from a level six, but she still believed it. Aincrad already has enough monsters, she thought, cutting the man a sideways glance as he met her stride for stride. There's no time to waste on things like mobs and NPCs. Not that this stranger would understand that. He had never met Dominic.

    She looked as though she might say more, but the Player's sudden declaration had her stumbling. "Wha-" she managed, before a strong arm hooked around her waist and dragged her closer. Her hands flew to his chest, ready to shove him back, but the sudden lift had her grabbing fistfuls of his clothes instead. It took only a split-second for the initial shock to wear-off, and once it had, Lilik grinned maniacally, gazing between their dangling feet at the city below. When he invited her to climb fist, she did so without hesitation. Hand over hand, she dragged her long body flush with the airship's railing. Then, with a soft huff, she pulled herself up and over.

    Without pausing to check on Blondie, she turned to a collection of barrels lined up beside her. She gave the wooden side a swift kick with the toe of her sneaker, and when something inside sloshed, she tilted her head. Water? Rum? Pickles?

    Motioning to a nearby Player, Lilik called, "Give me a hand with opening these. I don't have a sword or anything."

    ID: 201787 | Loot: 11 [Supplies]
    Navigation: 28/100
    Power: 19/100
    Supplies: 31/100

  9. "Do I look like a Ladonian guard or something?" As she spoke, Lilik motioned to her appearance - black leggings and a light jacket. "What about this makes you think royalty?"

    Still, the burly NPC blocked her path, his hairy hands clenched into fists at his sides. "Nobody goes in," he informed her in a voice like an ax cracking wood. "That's how this is going to go."

    Something about the way the man spoke really chewed Lilik's ass. As her golden eyes sparked, she drilled a finger into the man's hard chest. "Oh-ho no way," she scoffed, "you do not tell me how 'this is going to go.'" This time, she planted her finger into her own chest, and continued, "I am the Player, you are the NPCYou take orders from me, do you understand?" He didn't, of course, as Players and NPCs were abstract concepts he couldn't possibly fathom. But Lilik still felt damn good reminding him of who was in charge. She lunged to the right, attempting to slip by the brute, but he easily side-stepped into her path.

    "Listen, Hulk," she seethed, "you gotta let me through." With a wave of her hand, she gestured to the dark sky, and the black warships circling there. "That's my ride to the Central Tower, and I'm going to be pissed if they all leave without me. So move. your. ass." Ducking her shoulder, she plowed into him like a linebacker, but only succeeded in making a fool of herself. All around them, voices rose like instruments in a symphony, each contributing to the soundtrack of the Ladonian Rebellion. Sharp cries of pain or fear mingled with low, explosive cries of triumph, and chanting still carried like a consistent back-beat. None of it mattered to Lilik as she glared holes into the NPC's chest. Suddenly, she she gasped, pointing to the man's right. "Is that Inspector Javert?"

    When the beast of a man turned to follow her gaze, Lilik ducked under his opposite arm, sneakers sliding across the stone as she exploded into the tangle of chairs, barrels, and other assorted furniture items. As she blew past him, she reached out and dragged the coiled bullwhip from the man's belt, tucking it into her armpit for safe keeping. It wasn't as if she had any knowledge, or even interest, in using it. She just didn't want him to use it. "Insurance!" She cried out, long limbs flailing as the Player scampered over the barricade.

    She hit the ground with a jarring thud, the wind whooshing from her lungs as she struggled to stay upright. Skyport, she told herself, arms pumping as she began to pick up speed. Have to get an airship. Have to fly it to the tower, and get to the treasure before everyone else. Or, at least, she assumed it was treasure. What else did a bunch of nobles with sticks up their asses keep in the top of a locked tower?

    As Lilik turned onto a main street, she became aware of two things at exactly the same time - the Player who ran in front of her, and the guard who ran behind him. Blowing out a breath between her clenched teeth, the woman used her system-increased speed to drop behind the guard. What do I do now? she asked herself, staring at the soldier as his armor glinted in the firelight. It would be easiest just to let the other Player fend for himself, but there was something sick about a line of code attacking a human from behind like that. 

    So without giving it much thought, Lilik yanked out the bullwhip, and pictured Indiana Jones a she let it fly. She'd hoped to give the man a solid thunk on the back, potentially shoving him off balance. Much to her shock, the whip coiled around the  man's throat, and when she instinctively gave it a hard tug, he was yanked completely off his feet.

    Surprise came first, but soon, victory soared through the woman. Had she finally found her weapon, after half a decade in Aincrad?

    "Watch your ass, Blondie," she called out to the Player, falling into step beside him. "Guard almost got you. You're lucky I was here."

    201749 | LD: 8 | 107/125


  10. Ⓛⓘⓛⓘⓚ


    Level: 6
    Paragon Level: 0
    HP: 120/120
    EN: 30/30

    Damage: 8

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Vanity Whip
    Armor: Vanity Armor

    Whip R5




    "Hey, watch it!"

    Lilik's pretty face curled into a snarl as an NPC shoulder-checked her. Were it a Player, she likely would have thrown a punch, or at the very least, delivered a hard shove of her own. She was in the middle of a city, so it wasn't like she'd go orange or anything (though, really, who gave a flying fuck if she did?). But considering that the man was just lines of code, or whatever, Lilik determined he wasn't worth the energy expended. She did, however, glare a hole into his retreating back. When a second man shoved into her, she sucked in a surprised gasp, stumbling forward a step before whirling on her attacker.

    "Are you shitting me?" she demanded, hands balling into fists. This time, she was going to throw those hands, NPC or not. But surprise dampened the mad as Lilik watched the NPC dutifully follow the first. Suddenly intrigued, the woman spun a slow three-sixty, finally noticing the odd way in which the NPCs filed past her. They flowed past like a river, parting around her as if she were a boulder in their path. One or two still bumped into her, but this time, she did not bother to shout.

    "Where are you little ants going?" Lilik murmured, golden eyes flashing devilishly. She allowed the crowd to swallow her up, moving briskly along the streets of Ladonia. They weren't quite running, but there was a rolling, no-nonsense feel to their gait. Anticipation, she decided, long legs pumping to keep up. These guys mean business. But where were they going?

    This time, it was Lilik who plowed into the NPC. With a hard oof, her face rammed into his sturdy back, face planting between his shoulder blades before she stumbled backward. A curse and an insult tanged on the tip of her tongue, but she bit it back as she peered around the tree-trunk of a man. They had stopped. No, they had been stopped, by an enormous form taking shape fifty feet away. 

    "Oh god," Lilik muttered, gazing up at the hulking barricade that loomed overhead. "It's some weird Les Mis bullshit."

  11. Both ruby eyes flew open, gleaming dangerously in the dim light. The long woman sat up, right hand grabbing for the spear that rest beside her bed every night. Before Aincrad, her instinct would have been to grasp the knife or the pistol beneath her pillow. Now, of course, things were very different. Well, not so different - the night terrors had stuck around.

    Lilik's chest rose and fell on ragged breaths, the pointy end of her spear sweeping the air in front of her as she pivoted atop the tiny mattress. With her legs tangled in the thin sheets, maneuverability was limited, but she could still take in the entire room. Nothing there. Of course there's nothing here, the spearswoman thought with a huff, replacing her weapon against the headboard. What had she really expected, to find a giant lizard stomping around her teeny hotel room? That might be more terrifying than the dream itself.

    Muttering a colorful string of curses, Lilik flopped back over onto her stomach. "I shouldn't have eaten that burrito," she told the empty room, before falling into fitful sleep.

  12. Of course Lilik noticed the hesitation, but she gave no indication. Rather, she merely stared at the woman he was doing a piss-poor job of introducing her to. Elora was cute, but pretty fragile looking. Wonder if people think that about me, she mused, though only for a split second. If that were indeed the case, it was high time she get involved in the fighting.

    "No can do, Jack," she answered, giving her massive spear a quick twirl. As she leveled it across her chest in a ready position, she gave Elora a quick wink. "Gotta hop in before there's nothing left to kill."

    Without another word, the long, lanky player lunged into the fray. It was easy enough to avoid the other players when she had no regard for their safety or well-being, though she did nearly trip over some clumsy blonde who flopped like a fish in the mud. It's like an idiot's attempt at a snow angel, Lilik thought, bemused. When she finally drew close enough to see the enemies in all their glory, she pursed her lips. 

    The lizard-looking one, she decided. Everyone else appeared to be attacking it, and at this rate, maybe she could snipe the final blow. Soundlessly, the spearwoman plunged her weapon into the effing Lizard King.


    HP: 40/40 | EN: 2/4 |  DMG: 5 | MIT: 9

    Lilik uses Heft against Rain Minion 12.
    ID: 153217 | BD: 10 5+2=7*2=14 DMG


  13. So many people. It reminded her of a mob after a big sporting event. Everyone went to the same place, but they still pushed and shoved like petulant children. Instead of reflecting on the game/concert/show/etc. that they'd just witnessed, most became irate, focused entirely on being the first to the buses, the cabs, the parking lot. It was honestly an exceptional time to pick their pockets.

    Lilik mulled this over as she watched from a distance, back propped against the trunk of a tree. Disinterest rode high on her sharp face, but her ruby eyes continued to skim the spectacle before her. Somehow, amidst the chaos and the commotion, the plum-haired player spotted a familiar form. A grin slashed across Lilik's face, and with a pep in her step, she strode across the battlefield toward the unsuspecting target.

    Ignoring the man and woman who stood with him, Lilik smiled coyly at Jackpot. "Have you ever seen so many nerds in one place?" With her hands on her hips, she gazed across the crowd. "It's all so fascinating. They're so into it."

    @Jackpot @Elora

    [Just arriving, so takes no action.]


    Level: 2 | HP: 40 | Energy: 4
    » 2H Assault Spear - Rank 1 [Novice]
    » Uncommon 2HAS [Damage]
    » Uncommon Leather Chestplate [Mitigation]
    » [5] Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50HP)

  14. Her ruby gaze had just reached the message's half-way point when the shopkeep started blabbering. 

    Once you've reached the city limits, you'll need to-

    And that's as far as she got. Every time she inched closer to learning what she needed to do, the man's voice broke her concentration. Lilik's jaw clenched, eyes narrowing, as she attempted to block him out. She could practically visualize the walls she constructed in her mind, sound-proofed and all, meant to shut him up until she was done reading. 

    Once you've reached the city-

    "Someone who has experience with weapons." 

    Maybe what she needed to do was envision him with a muzzle.

    Once you've reached the city limits, you'll need to locate the-


    The plum-haired player actually snarled. He might have heard it, and hey, all the better if he did. She certainly had no reason to hide her frustration. She was clearly attempting to read something, and he was being exceptionally rude trying to butt in. Besides, reading was difficult enough for her. Being reminded of her inability to listen to him and read along only infuriated her further. So she gave up, just in time to hear the guy pitch his proposal. I hope whatever else he said wasn't important.

    "Look, asshole," she shot back, finally looking up from her HUD. "First, don't interrupt me when I'm reading. That's just rude. Second, no, you wouldn't be doing me favor, so cut the gallant knight bullshit. It's pretty evident that you just want some fast money, so don't sugarcoat it. Which leads me to three." The long, lean woman leaned forward a bit, and plucked a teleportation crystal off a nearby shelf. "Seventy-thirty. And you give me one of these."

  15. The woman opened her mouth to respond, but closed it again with the appearance of another player. The black-haired player rivaled her in height, something she secretly appreciated. He's cute, too, she thought, but knew it was only lust - she was immediately attracted to just about anyone she didn't dwarf. He was quick to introduce himself, but as the other players in the group launched into a discussion of their own, she merely tossed him a quick, flirty smile over their heads. It was like a secret kept just between tall people. It's the simple things in life.

    Finally, she caught and held Baldur's attention. Loosing a quick shrug, she replied, "Friend of mine speaks pretty highly of you. Said you were a Frontliner, too, so you must be pretty capable." Something devilish flashed in her red eyes, but her smile was innocent enough when she added, "You'll have to give me some pointers. I'm on my way up to the Frontlines myself." She went to turn away, but tossed over her shoulder, "Lessa probably says hi. She doesn't know we're talking, but if she did, that's the kind of thing she'd do."

    Finally tuning back into the discussion being had between the other players, Lilik pursed her lips. "A grocery list?" she demanded, looking over Tsurei's shoulder at the paper. "Sounds like one of those garbage gather quests."

    @Life @Baldur @Tsurei

  16. "F*ck."

    Lilik took a stumbling step backward. The woman had simply materialized in front of her, like a gopher popping out of a hole. Or a meerkat. Prairie dog? Whatever. "What?" The spearswoman stared down into the grinning face of the other player, blinking owlishly. What had she said? Mag? Like a magazine? There were no guns in Sword Art Online. "Mag?"

    The bubbly brown-haired youth nodded. "Uh huh. It's short for magnificent."

    "Then why not just say magnificent?"

    Shrugging, the stranger answered, "It takes too much time."

    Lilik's sharp features remained lax, her face expressionless, when she replied, "Not as much time as you wasted explaining it to me."

    Another shrug, and the woman rocked back on her heels. "Touche."

    Silence fell between the pair, broken only when Lilik finally asked, "Who is Alyssa?" The name wasn't familiar, but the woman threw it around as if Lilik should have recognized it. Or was that her name, and the brunette was speaking in third person? Eh, I've seen weirder.

  17. 09b11014194cca70032a8c4da0356aba.jpg

    Is that opera?

    Lilik slowed to a halt, her head tipping as she focused on the noise. The melodic sound rose and fell over the clamor of the crowd, incredibly out of place in the chaotic city square. Who the hell would just walk around singing like that? Were they nuts? And why didn't they have anything better to do? Lilik, on the other hand, was a woman on a mission. The entire day would be dedicated to making col, even if it meant doing stupid fetch quests or odd jobs for NPCs. It was pointless side-quest garbage, but if she didn't make money, she couldn't have nice things. And if she couldn't have nice things, how in the world was she meant to get stronger? 

    I wasted too much time. The thought both burned like a fire and clenched like a vice. The anger was there, of course, because she couldn't ignore the wasted years. She had fallen behind everyone else because Rainey had needed protection. Rainey had insisted she stay close. Rainey had begged her to stay safe. Rich, coming from someone who killed herself. And there was the regret, the loss, the disappointment, a weight on her shoulders and a tightening around her heart. Lilik remained sedentary for her best friend, and while she was furious at the girl's selfishness, she couldn't bring herself to hate Rainey's memory. Instead, she'd use it as a motivator. No more wasted days.

    The long, willowy woman blinked once, twice, then muttered, "Pretty sure that's Phantom of the Opera."


    Level: 2 | HP: 40 | Energy: 4 | Base DMG: 3 | Base MIT: 9
    2HAS [1]
    Uncommon 2HAS [1 DMG] |  Uncommon Leather Chestplate [1 MIT]


  18. After a moment's pause, Lilik gave a brief nod of her head. It was the smallest of gestures, and could be mistaken for a twitch by someone not paying attention. It was the most energy she would waste on the man. Of course, he didn't seem to mind; relief washed over his face, confirming the shift in power. The tables had turned in the tall woman's favor. She was the Queen, granting the peasant permission to continue speaking to her. 

    "Valaina Verutum," came his hurried explanation. "It belonged to the famous demigod, Valaina." His wide eyes searched her face for sign of recognition, but he found none. So the frazzled man continued, rushing to fill the uncomfortable silence that yawned like a gaping cavern between them. "After Valaina died, my employer acquired it for his collection. But it was stolen, and he needs to get it back."

    A single plum brow creeped up, the only indicator of Lilik's interest. "And if I go get the spear, I get to keep it?"

    The man in the ugly, ill-fitting suit blustered. "What? No, of course not."

    Wrong answer. "Okay, bye then."


    Lilik's ruby eyes flashed, as hard and brilliant as the gems themselves. "Why not? Why the hell would I get a spear if I can't keep it? That's a sh*t quest."

    The stranger's gaze narrowed, his expression shifting to mirror Lilik's. Interesting. He wasn't entirely spineless. "This isn't a quest, this is a job. And you will be paid really well, in col."

    Dismissal came quick to the tip of her tongue, but she stopped herself at the last second. She was dirt poor, and filling her pockets meant she could buy some really nice things for herself. A custom spear. Better armor. A house. Her stomach leaped to her throat at the thought, but her face betrayed nothing. "Fine. Message me the details, then you can go. I'll make sure it's taken care of."

    He looked like he might argue, and even opened his mouth. But it was a resigned sigh that came out, and with a twinkle of bells, he summoned his HUD to do so. With a hurried nod of his own, the burnt sienna-clad player evacuated the shop. Lilik remained where she was, reading over the message he'd quickly composed and sent.

  19. "Baldur, huh?" Lilik pushed off the wall she'd been leaning against, long arms swinging loosely as she sidled up to them. Her long, pin-straight hair fell like a purple tapestry down her back, and it rolled over her shoulders as she gave her head a toss. It was as close to a greeting as the samurai was going to get. "I've heard that name before." Eyes the shade and hardness of rubies swept over him from head to toe. Then she loosed a soft tch sound. "Assumed you'd be taller."

    Granted, most everyone was shorter than Lilik. At a natural six-foot, her heeled boots added another couple of inches, shooting her over the heads of the average crowd. It was true that some women would be uncomfortable being so tall. Lilik, on the other hand, found it incredibly empowering. Her confidence made her appear even taller, and she quite enjoyed looking down her nose at the rest of the world. With her broad shoulders back, and her ample chest thrust forward, Lilik moved past Baldur to survey the small group of newbie players. At least, she assumed that was what they were, based on their attire. It wasn't altogether different from her own attire, of course; only her leather breastplate actually provided mitigation. But at least everything else she wore looked like armor, even if the exposed midsection was more fan-service than functional.

    "So," she drawled, hands planting themselves on her hips. "What am I interrupting?"

  20. girl-the-city-hair-warrior-wallpaper-pre


    She didn't even turn around. Realistically, Lilik was not at all used to being referred to as Miss, or Ma'am, or Lady, or much of anything positive. It wasn't until the hand landed on her shoulder that the woman understood she was the intended target. Of course, that realization came a couple seconds after survival instinct took hold. The woman swatted the man's hand away, spun, and found herself in a ready crouch even before his hands went up in defense. When he said nothing, just gazed owlishly at her, Lilik straightened. "You don't just grab a woman like that," she informed him, tone icier than Frostbite Lake.

    The man's face reddened in frustration. "I only touched your shoulder," he retorted. "Like this."

    When his hand moved to demonstrate, Lilik again swatted it out of the air with the back of her wrist. "Nuhuh," she snapped, "what did I just say?" Visibly flustered, the stranger was unable to formulate a response. So the lanky woman blew out a breath, planted her hands on her hips and asked, "Is there something I can help you with, buddy? Or do you just get your rocks off touching women in public?"

    "Yes." Horror burst across his face, and he hastily added, "No. I don't get my- I mean, there is something you can help me with."

    Her eyebrows, dyed the same rich plum as her mane of hair, winged up. "Oh? And what might that be?"

    The man straightened his tie, a clear effort to regain some semblance of composure. The color - was it 'burnt sienna?' - clashed with the dark brown jacket, which hung, ill-fitting, over wrinkled khaki pants. This was a man making every effort to appear more capable, more important, than he actually was. She knew the type. "Yes, well, my employer has asked that I find a suitable candidate for an operation of sorts."

    Lilik's head tilted. "So a quest? You an NPC or something?"

    The man blustered. "Me? No. Clearly, I'm not an NPC." 

    "Right, yeah, because what NPC would wear that?" She scoffed, rolling her eyes to hide the faint embarrassment. Still relatively new to the world outside of the Town of Beginnings, Lilik honestly didn't know how NPCs dressed. She didn't know if it was typical of one to follow a player into a shop, or grab her shoulder. But like hell if she would let this traveling salesman know that. "Anyway, what does this have to do with me?"

    "Well, I believe you would be a good fit for the job."


    The not-NPC gestured to her, waving up and down her body. He kept the motion close to his body, however, so not to give Lilik reason to smack his hand away. "It is easy to tell from your armor that you're a high-level player. A frontliner?"

    "Oh, you betcha." Looks like I'm not the only dummy in the room, she mused. Her appearance, though flashy, was constructed almost entirely of vanity items. Only her chest plate was actually enhanced, and that was a single slot of mitigation. Even her spear, which rode strapped to her back, was a step above garbage quality. Again, one more thing he didn't need to know. But she couldn't spend her entire afternoon toying with the village idiot. "But I'm afraid I'm all booked up. Important frontliner business, you know." She winked conspiratorially, then turned away. "I'm afraid I've got to get moving if I don't want to miss the next boss fight."

    Lilik had nearly turned her back entirely when the man blurted out, "B-but there's a spear involved, like the one you've got! And it's made of gold!"


    Level: 2 | HP: 40 | Energy: 4
    » 2H Assault Spear - Rank 1 [Novice]
    » Uncommon 2HAS [Damage]
    » Uncommon Leather Chestplate [Mitigation]
    » [5] Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50HP)


  21. "Welcome to the gala, miss. Some refreshments for you?"

    Another waiter. For f*cks sake, I can get my own food you little-

    As Lilik rounded on the waiter, another surely-bitchy comment teetering on the tip of her tongue, she was caught by surprise. Not a crotchety old man, but a young woman close to her own age. And the swirling crystal that forever rode above her head signified actual player, rather than NPCInteresting.

    Curious, the woman relaxed her features. Something like a smile unfurled across her painted lips. "Don't mind if I do," came her silky answer. Fingers with black, manicured nails selected a perfectly round chocolate chip cookie from the tray. Lilik hardly paid any attention to the fruit, content to reach right over it for the tastier treat. And why not? Why in the world would you choose a hunk of nasty-ass melon in a place where carbs don't count?

    "I dig the suit," Lilik commented mildly, gesturing with the cookie before taking a delicate bite. She chewed, swallowed, then added, "It fits you well, and isn't nearly as stuffy as what everyone else here is wearing. I appreciate the understated."


  22. rsz-890308c927f3750865d41dd6b490ed88e7ba5579-00.jpg"It's so... pink."

    Lilik grimaced as she emerged into the pretty tent. The sickeningly sweet aroma of flowers and perfume washed over her like a toxic wave, and her unpleasant expression grew even more so. This was a mistake, she mused, and nearly turned on her ice-pick heel. She might have, were it not for the arrival of a pinch-faced man in a penguin suit. "Ma'am," he said by way of greeting. He wore the expression of a man who had only just concluded sucking on a lemon. Is that what my resting b*tch face looks like? she wondered. "You've entered through the incorrect door. Might I direct you to the front entrance, so you may be greeted by our host, Lady Pembrook?"

    Though Lilik towered over the short man, he did an excellent job of peering down his nose at her. His beady little eyes remained transfixed on her facial tattoos, and his disapproval was evident. Oh, so that's how it's gonna be. "No can do, Jeeves," she answered flippantly. "I'm not here for the honorable Lady Pembrook, I'm here for her food. Besides," the woman waved her hand, gesturing to their surroundings. "It's a tent, asshole. No doors."

    The NPC stammered, his programming clearly failing to keep up. "Excuse me, but I-"

    "You're excused," she answered cheerfully, giving his head a brisk pat before striding by him. Her long, plum hair fanned out behind her as she walked, only a few shades lighter than the night-black column of fabric covering her pale skin. The dress was unadorned with jewel or lace, sporting only twin slits up each side. She herself wore nothing flashy, save for the black strip of leather riding high on her neck. Black stilettos with a mile-high heel plunged the already six foot tall woman even higher into the heavens. That was fine with her. She liked it up there.

    Maybe I'll stay, she decided, crimson gaze combing the crowd for anyone interesting. It might be fun.

  23. Lilik leaned forward in the uncomfortable wooden chair. Her fingers tapped a muffled rhythm across the table's marred surface, the sound practically a soundtrack to her anxiety. She rarely allowed herself to become so agitated, but over twenty four hours had passed since sending Bahr and Lessa after Rainey. What in the world was taking so long? Were they having a difficult time locating the timid girl? Had they decided to abandon the quest? Or had something happened to them? Had something happened to Rainey?

    "Ughhh," came her exasperated groan. The woman leaned backward, stretching her long, lanky body away from the table. Then she raked both hands violently through her thick plum hair. Constantly visualizing the worst case scenario was a one-way ticket to madness, and Lilik just did not need that. What she did need was something a little stronger than coffee. Okay, a lot stronger than coffee. She dubiously eyed the mug that sat untouched on the table; the black beverage had long-since stopped steaming. A couple shots of vodka, a couple mugs of beer, and she wouldn't even remember Rainey's name, right? Except that it didn't work that way in Aincrad. Lilik was without her vice, and now, without her friend. What did she have left?

    Honestly? Nothing. Lilik was still a fresh-faced level one, with only starter gear and garbage stats. So many years wasted waiting on Rainey, and yet here she sat, continuing to do so. And I'll keep doing it, she admitted to herself, though her face remained unreadable. I'd do it all again for Rainey. She gave me a chance when no one else would. I had nothing out there either, but she took me in. She had my back. Now, I have hers.

    A sudden ping, a flashing in the corner of her vision. Lilik read the message, and already knew even before she'd reached the end. She read it again, and again, and did not stop until the words began to blur.


    From: Lessa

    Hey Lilik. I'm so sorry that it took so long to contact you. We found Rainey.

    Are you available to talk? I'll meet you, wherever you are. Just please let me know.


  24. "And I think the word you were looking for was 'Hi.'"

    Lilik took a deep gulp of the canteen, eyeing the man over it's base. The temptation was there to drain the thing before handing it back, especially after he'd copped that attitude. But few players would be willing to share, so maybe she could give him a pass. This once.

    After swallowing, she returned the container to it's original owner. He looked as miserable as she felt, sweat slicked clumps of blonde hair clinging to his flushed face. Why in the world was he wearing such a hefty overcoat? Wasn't he roasting in there? Sure, her beginner gear wasn't pretty, but at least it didn't cook her while she wore it. She surveyed him a moment longer, and when he extended his hand, she eyed it warily. "Lilik," she finally answered, grasping his damp hand with her own and giving it a firm shake. Her gaze turned to Leeroy & Jenkins. "What the hell is that thing?"

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