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Posts posted by Setsuna

  1. As soon as Setsuna leaves the guildhall, she makes her way toward the town with the teleportation circle. After little effort, finding herself at the front gates, she begins darting through the shadow making sure not to be seen. As soon as the circle is in line of sight, Setsuna quickly runs to it with a whisper saying “Floor 17.” Before anyone would notice that there was someone standing there, she was gone.

    <<Welcome to floor 17, Spartaia>> appears in her view

    Setsuna ignores it, darting her eyes to the map. After seeing the green icon, Setsuna moves quickly out of prying eyes behind some builds near her. Moving through the shadows and around the building she makes her way toward the exit of the town. Exiting the walls of Spartaia and seeing the large field before her with mountains littered all around Setsuna frowns. Without any more thought, she begins running toward the destination.

  2. Setsuna sits in the darkest corner of the guild hall, knees to the chest with her arms wrapped around them holding them together. Sitting there, watching Raidou from a distance working on something that she can’t see from her angle and distance. Every now again, watching another guild member run up the stairs and back down moment later. Walking in the other door littered around the main hall. Setsuna keeps quiet, not knowing anyone here yet, choosing to keep her distance from everyone. As eyes dart from person to person walking by a pop up shows up in front of her face. 

    [Quest Available!]
    The goddess Aphrodite wishes to test your skills as a Tailor. Succeed and your reward will be worth the time spent. Fail and you will be greatly disappointed. Do you accept my Challenge? 
    [Quest Location: Floor 17]
    [Do you accept?]

    Reading the details carefully, standing in the dark corner accepting the quest. As soon the last person walks out she darts to Raidou’s side saying “I’ll be back later” and before he can respond, Setsuna is already at the door glancing back at Raidou. With a nod toward her, Setsuna exits the Firm Anima Guild Hall.


    Setsuna, Creature of the Mist:

    Level: 5

    HP: 100/100

    EN: 10/10

    Damage: 3

    Evasion: 3

    Accuracy: 1


    Weapon: Devil's Tongue (T1/Rare) +1 Damage, +1 Accuracy

    Armor: Web Retrieving Gloves (T1/Uncommon/Clothing) +1 Loot Dice

    Misc: Silver Covetous Serpent (T1/Rare/Trinket) +2 Loot Dice


    1H Curved Sword: Rank 1

    Disguise [Extra]: +1 Evasion until next turn, 3 turn cool down

    Battle Ready Inventory:

    Cold Fabric Kunoichi Wear (T1/Perfect/LA) +3 Evasion


  3. The others were creating a ring around her as they equally tried to pull away at the materials from the line of items that graced the turfs surface, Setsuna could not distance herself from a slight interest in how they were doing in their efforts. The idiotic hound that was Gaius seemed to be doing the best among them, in a streak of dumb luck. "I cannot believe I am doing this instead of hunting, I do not understand what you wish of me." Setsuna spoke to herself with the rhetorical notion seeking no answer. "It is simple, you just look for the gold glow on the tips of the leaves." Setsuna remarked in a response to Griswold, having just processed what he asked prior finally as her train of thought broke enough to allow the words to reach her ears. Setsuna's hands unknowingly fell still as she was concentrating more on what the others were doing then what she was.

    ID# 136842 results: Loot: 4+3=7, Failure!

    Total [Quest] T1 Materials: 1

  4. Moving to her side Kasumi joined Setsuna where she has knelt in the rough, overhanging a patch of dark green plants. A quick scan around her, it seemed as though the others had found their way to where she was. Maybe they weren't as useless as she pictured them to be. One by one each of them including the ravenous dog that was Gaius managed to retrieve a small plant the same as she had. Finding it peculiar that each of them looked to her, before claiming their own pieces confounded Setsuna. Maybe this was what Raidou intended, but she hardly believed he could have perceived any of the events that lead them here now could he? Setsuna tried to shift her attention back to what she was doing, but the events that unfolded followed with a slight intrigue of what Raidou may have planned and what was just circumstance driven remained unclear to her.

    ID# 136838 results: Loot: 1+3=4, Failure!

  5. It appeared that Cordelia had a similar experience to Setsuna during the darkened clouds of Floor 6. "My hands are still torn up from what I had to do." Setsuna thought out loud as she stared deeply into the small lacerations that still claimed her fingertips. Her attentions shift away from her hands, as Cordelia seems to be fiddling with her menu.

    Flipping her wrist to the side, her left dragging her HUD open as a notification sound plays at Cordelia dropping an invite to her. "If you are willing to teach me, who am I to refuse such an offer. I accept." Setsuna looked on to Cordelia through her menu, tapping the accept on her friends request. Her eyes catch the names of the deceased, her stomach churns and in silence with a bit of hesitation manages to convince herself to close the menu.

    "Simply call, and I will come. I will not waste your time if you do not waste mine." A soft whisper from the child, a mix of pain and possibility clouding her mind.

    ID# 136836 results: Loot: 1+3=4, Failure!

  6. "It happened when I sheathed it, I can not begin to understand why." Setsuna spoke coldly to Cordelia, seeming a bit ill content but this was just the manner of speech commonplace to her. Retracting the blade from her side, just below where the curved blade sat Setsuna looked over the basic looking blade of a black sheath with a simple iron handle. Shifting her attention back to Cordelia in a furthered dialog "I used this blade to slay my reflection on floor 6, it was wielding it and I used this to remove its head. It aimed to claim my life, and twisted the memories I hold dear into perversion."

    Then Cordelia brought up that she would be willing to teach her to use it. Setsuna's mind hung on the idea, her trust was ill but she wanted to use this weapon as it seemed some unseen force had provided her with it as if fate found it to her hands. Swallowing her pride and reluctance, Setsuna makes a decision and responds in her familiar chilled tone "What would you have me do?"

    ID# 136834 results: Loot: 4+3=7, Failure!

  7. Dropping down from where she was affixed, in the network of branches that comprised the top of the pillar of wood. In her wake a collection of descending leaves that seemed to dance about the air as they broke from where they were attached. A soft landing with her fall, displacing her weight and momentum in a ring of puffed dust. "Fine..." Setsuna spoke to Cordelia, now beneath her noticeably shorter than the girl in front of her. Taking to a stand and shooting a piercing glare to Cordelia firmly, Setsuna drops another few words from her tongue "Better? now tell me, as it sits no matter how hard I try..." as the words fall flat. Taking her hand to the hilt of the weapon she could not draw Setsuna tries to pull it free to no prevail, as a form of show and tell to prove her point as it will not free itself from the sheath she placed it in after the only time she's swung it.

    ID# 136831 results:

     Loot: 20+3=23, Success!

    1*T1 Materials Obtained!

    Total T1 Materials: 3


  8. Stranger still Setsuna having just pocketed the cable and aimed to move on to another, took notice of Quinn actually approaching Raidou in a complete 180 of the prior events. Setsuna couldn't help to look on as the girl seemed to speak, standing over Raidou as he worked the same as always. "What, did you do?" Setsuna whispered to the winds, trying to understand how the events had come to this and what Raidou may have said to bring about such a change. Trying to return herself to the assignment she was given, she couldn't help herself as curiosity preyed upon her mind enough that she found herself fixated on the pair from her perch in the canopy of trees. Silverish blue eyes laser-focused on them from the treetops, her silver hair carried with the increased winds as she watches on in silent infatuation for what was to transpire next.

    ID# 136810 results: Loot: 2+2

  9. A calm and displaced look painted on Cordelia's face that matched what Setsuna commonly projected "They respect my decisions to do so, as should you. It is a tool to draw me from prying eyes like your own." Setsuna expressed with her attention focused on the handle of the weapon attached to Cordelia's hip in closer inspections as the words flowed from her mouth in a rapid dismissal of what she was saying. The words that came from the girl seemed to distort and become gibberish as Setsuna begins to ignore them, the weapon was in fact the same as the one she had attained in the destruction of her Gemini, The same she could not draw for some reason.

    Trying once again to draw the blade as Cordelia began to flourish her hands and open her HUD as Setsuna instinctually came to find her hand resting on its handle before she mustered the courage with half spiteful seeming words as the question did not flow easily "How did you learn to wield that blade?"

    #136730 Loot: 7+3=10, Failure!

  10. With Quinn seeming to relax Setsuna finds herself roaring back to reality, realizing she had been staring with an unannounced feeling she wasn't too familiar with. Breaking her self away from the lock in the direction of the pair, her eyes becoming her own once more looks up to the treeline and dives up into them. A quick tap of her feet along the trunk of the tree until her hands reach a branch and she spins her frame around it before launching higher into the canopy. Sliding around through the pillars of wood with leaves falling down in her shifts, not intending to be hidden but move quickly as the trail of debris keeps her position in the overhang known. Moving along quickly, half to make up time wasted and others to avoid what she was just lost in Setsuna comes to a small bolt of fabric amongst some sort of run-down building. Shaking her head to keep focused and shake this feeling in her chest, Setsuna adds it to her bag and finds herself back to safety. 

    ID# 136728 results: Loot: 13+2=15, Success!

    1*T1 Materials Obtained!

    Total T1 Materials: 2


  11. A quiet gaze as Raidou approached the girl who sat in the dirt, Setsuna seemingly just as distracted as Kasumi was. Raidou joined her where she sat, thoughts danced through her head in a quiet reflection of her own past. "The same he had done for me." Setsuna whispered to no one, seeing a likeness between then and now. Trying to draw her gaze from the pair and continue working, halting this waste of time as the clock ticked forward but she couldn't find the willpower to remove her eyes from their fixated position over the two as Quinn seemed to speak at him. A soft blink from her as she struggled with the thoughts of inactivity but entrapped in the events as they unfolded trying her best to break the cycle that was robbing her of the ability to move away and continue. Folding her arms in a slight fluster, she attempted to convince herself that this was what she wanted to do.

     ID# 136722 results: Loot: 4+2=6, Failure!

  12. Raidou explained to her his intentions and with them, Setsuna began to understand what he wished to achieve. Simply all he strove for was a flooded market of the well-equipped base of players, to drop the highest quality swords and shields into every arm that would bare them. This wasn't a game to him she was certain, he was focused on building an army against the digital one against them. A soft nod in acknowledgment in understanding, lifting herself from the patch she was knelt on and leaving the rest to the guild master to finish up. Her eyes of ice took to the girl with brown ones, a subtle wind dragging her blonde hair graced by the look of confusion painted upon her face. Turning to face Raidou the boy in red, eager and expectant to see what he would do as she cared not in this plot of his, but wanted to see what his actions would be.

    ID# 136694 results: Loot: 4+2=6, Failure!

  13. Reaching up for the bits of cord hanging from the branches she'd weave into linen later, the girl underneath her speaking up at her with a sound of pity or worry in her voice. Setsuna wasn't sure which she heard but was sure she didn't like either.

    "Why do you care?" Setsuna spoke down with a bit more gusto this time around, this girl didn't seem to take a hint. "I don't have a guardian, I have a leader and that is all I have." Setsuna continued with venom, not enjoying the nosiness of the girl below her. Almost all of what she had here, had before here was gone and now it was just this drive to fulfill her promises. Her attention focused on Cordelia pretty heavily now, halfway between the two trees she was latched between. On the girl's hip, Setsuna saw it clear as day. With a branch bending slightly as she clasped it, Setsuna drops down from the canopy and peers deeply at the hilt as the leaves drop down around her head. It was the weapon she couldn't seem to draw, Setsuna was sure of it.

    ID# 136627 results: Loot: 13+3, Success!

    1*T1 Materials Obtained!

    Total T1 Materials: 2

  14. Following behind, as the others found their way to them. Setsuna keeps in tow with Kasumi, keeping around the doorway pressed against the wall of the building as Kasumi enters. It seemed the man wanted them to find materials, and given that the quest claimed potions as a reward they must be herbs. Setsuna remembered the field where Raidou was showing her how to identify them. Leaving Kasumi to wrap things up here, she aimed to claim her own five materials not waiting for the rest to join her.

    Finding a small patch of green, Setsuna carefully plucks one looking similar to the one Raidou had shown the girl previously and when added to her inventory catches the new tag in its description. It was labeled as a quest item, showing that materials they'd obtained before the completion of this quest would be considered as a step toward completing it.

    ID# 136624 results: Loot: 18+3=21, Success!

    1*T1 [Quest] Material Obtained!

    Total [Quest] T1 Materials: 1

  15. A soft hum flowed from the girl underneath her, Setsuna choosing to pay her no mind and leave her be. She had no interest in the devices of others like Raidou seemed to due so freely. The girl seemed to take notice of her, looking her squarely in the face while she attempted to scan around for more resources to claim. Her eyes were a pinkish hue, reminding her slightly of Meina's. Breaking the locking of vision between the two of them, estranged by the interaction. Cordelia began to question her motives, calling her a child which she no longer considered herself one after what she had witnessed. Turning away from Cordelia and retracting herself further up into the canopy she was taking a vantage in, a soft whisper from within spoken with spite "Mind your own business." Making her way up in the network of twisting wood, Setsuna skips along to the next in suit not letting the player rob her of time.

    ID# 136622 results: Loot: 7+3=10, Failure!

  16. Not sure the reason she was tasked with this drabble, removing her from a more serious encounter. Setsuna was not amused in being paired with the rest without Raidou, she believed the lot of them useless and he was wasting his efforts. Her mind darting back to the quest she had taken with her friends, a bit of sorrow from the memory paired with the sheer bending of wills coming from the boy she now chose to follow. Raidou would be better served without them, she saw not their worth but vowed to follow his words for it was all she knew.

    Finding the girl she was tasked to accompany, Setsuna reluctantly approaches in her hunting grounds. It was day, and she was only used to being here during the night and the daylight felt strangely unwelcoming to her lately. "I'm here, wheres the rest of the group?" Setsuna asked coldly, wanting to finish this sooner rather than later and remove herself from this endeavor.


    Setsuna, Creature of the Mist:

    Level: 5

    HP: 100/100

    EN: 10/10

    Damage: 3

    Evasion: 3

    Accuracy: 1


    Weapon: Devil's Tongue (T1/Rare) +1 Damage, +1 Accuracy

    Armor: Web Retrieving Gloves (T1/Uncommon/Clothing) +1 Loot Dice

    Misc: Silver Covetous Serpent (T1/Rare/Trinket) +2 Loot Dice


    1H Curved Sword: Rank 1

    Disguise [Extra]: +1 Evasion until next turn, 3 turn cool down

    Battle Ready Inventory:

    Cold Fabric Kunoichi Wear (T1/Perfect/LA) +3 Evasion


  17. A continued outward ring as Setsuna pressed through, combing the area for aught of use in her profession at the behest of him. A glimmer danced on her peripheral the familiar sight of sunlight striking a hung web. Shifting herself as she sprung around the wooden pillar, attaching her feet to its trunk before jettisoning herself forward. Latching on just underneath where it was, Setsuna spun around the protruding branch before halting herself above it. It was a web alright, the strong tendrils of cable stuck to the wood with that same adhesive. Retracting a small blade after adjusting the treated gloves as to keep it from attaching to her skin, she cuts it down before twirling the knife to lump it up in a ball. Pulling a small sheet of fabric from her satchel she covers it as to stop it from sticking on the inside of her bag.

    Finishing the collection Setsuna looks down to see a girl with white hair just beneath her.

    ID# 136618 results: Loot: 16+3=19, Success!

    1*T1 Materials Obtained!

  18. A brightened sky with a burning solar of glowing orange claiming its place among the blue overhead, Setsuna taking to the outskirts of Tolbana village. From the branches of a tree hung loosely in an active scan of her surroundings with her eyes darting about looking for a simple material to use in her craft: webs, string, twine and the like. It was early enough to still have the materials lay where they spawn, but the constant migration of the nodes was a bother. Setsuna couldn't seem to locate anything of worth among the canopy and foliage. Hopping from her raised position with a light foot with a slight disbursement of the dust underfoot with a bit of free falling leaves she keeps her head in the game. "Damned worthless..." A soft whisper under her breath in quiet disgust at the time she had wasted, fruitless as if the cardinal had robbed her directly.

    ID# 136616 results: Loot: 8+3=11, Failure



    Setsuna, Creature of the Mist:

    Level: 5

    HP: 100/100

    EN: 10/10

    Damage: 3

    Evasion: 3

    Accuracy: 1


    Weapon: Devil's Tongue (T1/Rare) +1 Damage, +1 Accuracy

    Armor: Web Retrieving Gloves (T1/Uncommon/Clothing) +1 Loot Dice

    Misc: Silver Covetous Serpent (T1/Rare/Trinket) +2 Loot Dice


    1H Curved Sword: Rank 1

    Disguise [Extra]: +1 Evasion until next turn, 3 turn cool down

    Battle Ready Inventory:

    Cold Fabric Kunoichi Wear (T1/Perfect/LA) +3 Evasion



  19. Dropping back into the clearing from the oak she was perched in near where Kasumi and Raidou sat, hard at work collecting what they were after. The principles of what Raidou still intended where still an enigma to Setsuna but blindly she followed his direction. An eye to Quinn yields a reflection, the girl was uncomfortable near new people it seemed watching her peel up the item Raidou had left on the ground for her. "I don't understand what your doing, you aim to collect all these things but then give them away a second later." Setsuna asked Raidou while kneeling down with almost a bit of spite on her tongue. Scanning what it was that he was messing with: the patch of plants being raked around underneath his experienced fingers but not stopping as they brushed the tops, remembering the last time she'd done this leading to him exploding and the guild she now resided in being formed in the wake.

    ID# 136478 results: Loot: 4+2, Failure!

  20. Shaking her head as the two more bombastic amongst them haphazardly just approach the other player they knew nothing about, Setsuna wasn't sure what they'd expected to come of such an action. "Idiots, the lot of them." Setsuna speaks softly removing her hand from her blades handle as it returns to its dangling position off the fabric holding it in place, a quick hop back into the branches overhead with an intention to keep with the task given. Jumping from tree to tree back to where the webs had hung, Setsuna starts to scan for more prospects. Dangling down her silver hair drooping down toward the ground, she takes a reverse perspective of the area. The attempt, however, yields no results, biting her lip she flips back upright and dives deeper out of sight. A flurry of leaves flutters down from where she jumps being taken by a soft breeze as they skitter about dancing in the subtle winds.

    ID# 136464 results: Loot: 3+2, Failed!

  21. wttw_1345825675.jpg.2ecf80183ab7942d21934e3d9386d210.jpgimage.png.7b8e9bdd9fe323973048a321f91dc0bf.pngA soft wooden building under a flurry of snow, hidden from most prying eyes and locked tight. Littered along small mannequins and busts are dresses fit for no one, layered and produced for some unknown frames and are not for sale to any even when asked. Across tables are networks of unused fabrics on bolts, untouched and ready.

    Inside under dim candlelight that seems to pour in from somewhere else, a shadow is cast on worn-down walls. Painted is an image of hair and the flow of a needle and thread visible from the main entry, like a ghost working away in silence. On the door clear as day a small sign that reads not 'Open' or 'Closed' as one would expect but rather 'Go Away' as the owner needs no business for the ones she produces her wears for. The commoner either purchase them elsewhere or put on a brave face.






    T1/Uncommon: 360 Col or 1 T1(Or Greater) Material
    T1/Rare: 515 Col or 2 T1(Or Greater) Materials
    T1/Perfect: 1200 Col or 4 T1(Or Greater) Materials
    T2/Uncommon: 720 Col or 1 T2(Or Greater) Material
    T2/Rare: 1030 Col or 2 T2(Or Greater) Materials
    T2/Perfect: 2400 Col or 4 T2(Or Greater) Materials
    T3/Uncommon: 1440 Col or 1 T3(Or Greater) Material
    T3/Rare: 2060 Col or 2 T3(Or Greater) Materials
    T3/Perfect: 4800 Col or 5 T3(Or Greater) Materials

    Backroom (Buffs/Chart/Exp):

    Trading Hall: +2 Attempts, +2 Experience
    Workshop: +1 Experience
    Trinket (Ambition): +1 Experience

    Rank 10: 9540/???? Exp

    Crafting Attempts a Day: 13 [+2 Trading Hall]

    ►Rank 10
    [1] = Critical failure (Lose materials) EXP: 6 (+2 Trading Hall,+2 Workshop, +1 Ambition)
    [2-3] = Salvage (Keep materials on LD 6+ [Trading Hall:+5]) EXP: 7 (+2 Trading Hall,+2 Workshop, +1 Ambition)
    [4-6] = Uncommon item (1 slot) EXP: 8 (+2 Trading Hall,+2 Workshop, +1 Ambition)
    [7-10] = Rare item (2 slots) EXP: 10 (+2 Trading Hall,+2 Workshop, +1 Ambition)
    [11-12] = Perfect item (3 slots) EXP: 13 (+2 Trading Hall,+2 Workshop, +1 Ambition)

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