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Posts posted by Setsuna

  1. Left alone, in silence the guards leaving signifying the player killers retreat. Setsuna was trying to process what the hell just happened, in a flurried mix of hatred and sorrow. Sobbing with teeth latched closed enough to draw blood, the tinge of copper filling her mouth and her face was hot. Where would she go, what would she do now. Her entire sense of direction so far had been her friends, Setsuna didn't play games. A dark cloud of regret and failure pumping through her veins feeling as though it'd consume her, but now she had to see justice done. She'd made a promise to Shiroe, and god damn she'd keep it. But where would she start...

    Fighting the tears back, she couldn't keep them from flowing but her face started to contort as Setsuna tried to contain them through rage. At her back, while she was collapsed to her knees, a familiar voice “Setsuna, what’s wrong, what are you doing here?”

    ID#136242 results: Loot 5+3, Failure to locate a chest!

  2. “You’re going to get out of here Setsuna, you can do that for me can’t you?” Shiroe looks to Setsuna with eyes filled with tears in acceptance of her fate. “Why?” Setsuna shouts to the creature circling her friend, trying to draw its attention but is ignored. “Shiroe, come on you can do it.”

    Shiroe looks back a small stack jerk pushing her closer to the ground. “Promise me…”

    “I promise, Shiroe I can…” Setsuna struggles to pull the words in an almost final farewell to her before she's gone

    The blade falls in a trail of red as her friend vanishes into data, the last to be claimed by a predator preying on the weak.

    A sharpened tongue and with spite “I’ll find you…” shooting a dilated eye to this monster, in a creature it’s birthed. “I look forward to it.” The cloak speaks and laughs. Vanishing away as the guard’s approach in defense of the village against the player killer, Setsuna is alone.

    ID# 136241 results: Loot: 8+3 Failure


  3. “Setsuna, do not argue with me ok...trust me and go!” Shiroe turns Setsuna and pushes her in a boost of speed toward the village of Tolbana, the safe zone.

    The clash of steel at her back she clears the gate, quickly turning around and seeing Shiroe approach blocking an occasional strike here and there and holding her own.

    50 Feet turn to 20

    20 to 10: the pressure seems to freeze time as each second feels like years are passing.

    10 to 5, Setsuna yells out “Come on Shiroe your almost there!” trying to give her friend that final confidence to escape. Her footfalls slow, grinding to a halt as she collapses to the ground. Reaching outside the safe zone and grabbing her friend's hand and attempting to pull her through the gate, managing to move her a few inches before the creature lops off the hand Setsuna was using. Setsuna drops back to her rear and looks out to see her friend struggling to raise her head.

    ID# 136240 results: Loot: 6+3, Failure!

  4. Flailing around aggressively hoping for a connection, but the dark figure shifts and slides outside out of each attempt before a blinding flash of red leaves a large slash upon Meina’s frame. “Go...Shiroe, Setsuna get the F*** out of he…” the sentence breaks to early, reflecting the life-ending in the same fashion as she’s claimed by the cardinal system.

    Shiroe was the only one left from the group running beside Setsuna with tears feeling her eyes alongside, her feelings mirroring the child she was trying to protect. The figure was gaining on them quickly bouncing from tree to tree like a bird of prey.

    “Go Setsuna…” Shiroe tells Setsuna, wiping the tears from her eyes twisting her face to a scowl, to stand strong against this adversity.

    “But Shiroe…” Setsuna chokes out the words trying to convince her friend to keep running, her body shaking hard with a dread she’d yet to experience.

    ID# 136239 results: Loot: 3+3, Failure!

  5. Shiroe quickly moves to Setsuna and tells her “Setsuna get out of here! This is no place for you.” looking down at the silver-haired girl out of the corner of her eye.

    A quick nod Setsuna starts to retreat with water bracing the corner of her eyes but knew she’d only be in the way if she had stayed. Shiroe was on her tail trying to edge Meina and Tianna to get to the safe zone each taking swings trying to keep the wolf from being able to sink in its teeth.

    Then a scream…Setsuna turns to see Tianna, the blonde who she’d considered a friend disappear to nothing.

        This couldn’t be happening

            This was supposed to be a good day

                      This was supposed to be fun

    “Tianna, You piece of…” Meina starts to get pissed, the way she does she loses her clarity and starts to try and avenge her friend swinging a warhammer. 

    ID# 136238 results: Loot: 2+3, Failure!

  6. “...Do...Want…?” Meina shouts from the distance, looking flustered despite how blurred she was.

    “...leave us ..., we have ... for ....” Tianna could be heard, a bit of a shake audible in her voice.

    “... disagree, I want ... head and the ... your carrying.” the shadowed figure spoke with a low hum to their voice.

    Ripping her one-handed battle axe from her back along with the shield strapped above it, Shiroe prepares to fight against this unknown figure. “I’d ... to see you ... it.”

    Coming up to meet the group, finally getting close enough to see a figure clad in black linens obscuring its face, Setsuna is preyed on by a fear building in her chest strong enough to rob her of the ability to speak. Turning hearing her come in from behind the group turns to face her, including the figure who exploits the opening shoving some blade through Tianna’s back with her yelping in anger and response.

    ID# 136237 results: Loot: 4+3, Failure!

  7. Shouting in the distance breaks the comedic atmosphere, Setsuna quickly shifts her sight to its origin. Following a similar pattern as before, thinking and assuming her friends found more for her to collect. Finding her way out of the maze of color, Tianna vanishes having heard something as well. Setsuna starts to follow suit but struggles to keep up with her friend given her stature. Reaching out in silence, Tianna takes a turn and disappears leaving Setsuna desperate to catch up and figure out what's going on. Seeing Tianna stopped through the canopy of trees Setsuna starts to approach. Rushing out of her sides are Meina and Shiroe, yelling as Setsuna is catching up unable to make out the words. A flurry of vague phrases started to become clear little by little as she covered more and more terrain, the soft patter of her feet moving as fast as they could.

    ID# 136236 results: Loot: 6+3, Failure!

  8. Setsuna drops into the bunches of flowers enjoying the colors, Tianna smiling as Setsuna looked to be enjoying herself and driving her own actions. "This was a great idea Shiroe, she is acting on her own. you were right." Setsuna skittering through the collective, a slight shake visible from its exterior looking as if the wind was moving them. Setsuna in the confines of the patch finds herself to another pack of webs just out of sight in the thicket, which she grabs onto with the gloves crafted to help her with dealing with such a material. After a second or two of pulling it starts to come to loosen, a small spider is not happy with her. Moving down toward her hand it snaps out, Setsuna frowns and slaps it out of the way. In a tiny flash of data, she shows the jerk what for.

    ID# 136235 results: Loot: 12+3, Success!

    1*T1 Materials Obtained!

    Total T1 Materials: 8

  9. Tianna pipes up in the distance "Yep Got another thing!", just north of where Setsuna was playing with the spider web. Passing through a bush in a soft *psh* as she clears past it, little tapping steps on the turf underfoot as she quietly moves to see what Tianna had found. Coming to a ring of vibrant colors, a small garden of sorts bleeding blinding hues of pedals around under sunlight driven reflection. Pointing to a small bundle of fabric left by time to rot, Setsuna picks it up and pulls it straight eyeballing it with novice eyes. "You think it will work?" Meina asks before Setsuna nods with a soft couple shakes of her head. Shoving the bundle into her satchel it surprisingly receives the object much larger than it, the beauty of a reality they were in being created artificially is objects much larger fit when they shouldn't.

    ID #136231 results: Loot: 15+3, Success

    1*T1 Materials Obtained!

    Total T1 Materials: 7


  10. Earning a Living Craft:
    Exp: 3(+2 Trading Hall)= 5

    Name: Web retrieving gloves
    Profession: Tailor
    Rank: 0
    Roll ID: 136224
    Roll Result: CD: 10
    Item Type: Clothes
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: +1 Loot Dice
    Post Link: Here
    A simple pair of gloves treated with an oil to make working with sticky material, as to keep it from sticking to you while you retrieve it.


  11. Setsuna continues to pull it down before it is in a nice size lump of string in her mitts, taking a quick glance around to the surrounding branches for the possibility of another unharvested piece of the same. It, however, appears to the small maiden with silver hair that it is devoid of anything of worth where she's raised. Letting her down slowly the girls set her on the ground, before splitting up and starting to scan the area for more materials to aid their smallest friend.

    Setsuna looks deep into the strings in her hand, trying to get a sense of what they may be used for. A thick almost metallic-like cable that was tough like a fishing line and shined in the sunlight pouring in from between the leaves overhead. Pulling it apart as hard as she could it seems to snap back not unlike a rubber band.

    ID# 136230 results:

    Loot: 8+3, Failure

  12. Exiting the threshold new gloves stuck to her hands as a pleasant reminder of her success, she shuts the door with both hands before turning to the pack awaiting her return. Earnest faces look on to her with interest in the result, which Setsuna takes note of their uneasy patience. Flashing the group a pair of thumbs raised in her quiet aura, they explode with excitement. "I knew you had it in you Setsuna." Shiroe rushes to her with Tianna and Meina in tow. Shiroe pats her head while Meina nuzzles her from behind and Tianna looks at the gloves she made in a chatter of commotion. 

    "Come on guys..." Setsuna softly whispers with a smile trapped on her mouth.

    Sporadically breaking free like flaps of wings, the group skitters out with Shiroe's decree "Let's go get you some more to work with before we go and claim your building!"

    Setsuna returns to the webs she'd tried to pull free before, and using the new gloves has little issue retrieving them from the shackles it made on the trees overhead while Meina & Shiroe give her a boost up.

    ID# 136223 results: Loot: 13+3, Success

    1*T1 Materials Obtained!

    Total T1 Materials: 6

  13. Tearing away at the web with a careful slick of this small knife from her hip, it breaks loose and begins to fall slack. Spinning and twirling the knife to cause it to take a spherical shape it was apparent that Setsuna would need to use oiled gloves to weave this into a usable fabric after treating it to remove the adhesive. Removing it from the flat of the blade in a small ball of material, Setsuna takes care to add it to her satchel without getting it stuck to her palm.

    ID# 136221 results: Loot: 13+2, Success!

    1*T1 Materials Obtained!

    Total T1 Materials: 1

    The ravenous animal was at least good for something, Setsuna led the bloodhound bark and growl in the distance while she went to pull her blade. Had to second guess her draw, moving her hand from the katana back to her curved blade for she wasn't proficient with the previous yet. Keeping her distance taking a careful shot of vision toward the player's cursor, it retracting green.

  14. "I don't like it..." Sliding in from obscurity with leaves dropping down in a free fall as she drops from her vantage point in the canopy surrounding the village in question. Setsuna was on edge, as usual, the girl wasn't content with how out in the open they lay in the lush field of emerald shrubbery. Voicing her concerns as she eyeballed Gaius running amuck through the same woods as she was concealed in she saw no use in hiding as her positioning was being announced by the idiot running around yelling and doing nothing to remain unseen. Taking to a collection of webs attached to the underside of the branch she'd been clung to. The webs of silver string tough and thick, would make a fine fabric if woven properly. Setsuna being a tailor of new found ground and taking her first steps in dabbling in the profession at the behest of the warrior in red, struggled to remove it from the tree given its sheer adhesion to the ridges of wood it clung to.

    ID# 136159 results: Loot: 4+2, Failure!


    Setsuna, Creature of the Mist:

    Level: 4

    HP: 80/80

    EN: 8/8

    Damage: 3

    Evasion: 3

    Accuracy: 1

    Loot Dice: +2

    Weapon: Devil's Tongue (T1/Rare) +1 Damage, +1 Accuracy

    Armor: Cold Fabric Kunoichi Wear (T1/Perfect/LA) +3 Evasion

    Misc: Silver Covetous Serpent: +2 Loot Dice


    1H Curved Sword: Rank 1


  15. "We will be waiting, you got this Setsuna!" Shiroe shouts as the others key in.

    "I want you to show me what you make in there alright!." Meina remarks adding to the pleasantry in attempts to bolster Setsuna's resolve

    "You are going to make a fabulous dress, I want to be the first to wear one! I can't wait to see what you can do." Tianna giggles with an exuberant grin plastered on her mouth.

    From inside Rufus was pressing a push petal of an analog sewing machine that clicked in a rhythm. Pulling the materials she had claimed from the surrounding habitat of the floor, sheepishly placing them on the counter in the NPC's peripherals the sound stops. "Would you look at that? well then let's get to work shall we?" Rufus says with a delicate smile claiming the corners of his mouth, one that Setsuna couldn't help but emulate. After a stint of time, Setsuna gets the hang of it after processing her materials into fabrics and weaving a pair of cotton gloves from it. Placing onto her hands she smiles and heads out giving Rufus a wave

    #136224 results: Crafting T1 Clothing Craft: 10 Uncommon

    Name: Web retrieving gloves
    Profession: Tailor
    Rank: 0
    Roll ID: 136224
    Roll Result: CD: 10
    Item Type: Clothes
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: +1 Loot Dice
    Post Link: Here
    A simple pair of gloves treated with oil to make working with sticky material, as to keep it from sticking to you while you retrieve it.

    Setsuna swaps Cold Kunoichi for Web Retrieving gloves! 

  16. Continuing her pull and picking at this brush, Setsuna managed to procure another back of the resource. Each pulls complemented with a snap as the bush recoiled from each break. After a short while of repeating this, her HUD updates with the completion of her harvest requirement. Looking with a painted grin she gives two thumbs up to her friends who cheer at the notion.

    ID# 136146 results:

    Loot: 18+2 Success!

    1*T1 Materials Obtained!

    Total T1 Materials: 5

    Heading back to Tolbana to obtain her profession, she finds the soft wooden slightly run-down exterior of the shop her earning a living quest was pointing her toward. The sun still high in the sky, it was approaching noon seeming the group had made good time. Reaching for the handle started a racking fear of failure to claim Setsuna, after all, her friends had tried so hard to support her and what if she had failed them. Clasping the handle it rattled a bit in her grasp as she couldn't find the incentive to turn it...

  17. Her friends doing the best they could to assist her, given that all the materials obtained had to be by her to teach her the methods of her craft. Tianna in the distance draws Setsuna with a yell "Setsuna~ I think I got something~" to a patch of white puffs of plant stuck to the tops of a green bush. Carefully picking away at the brush, each retracting strand pulling the plant with it before a soft snap causes it to recoil back to a neutral position and leave a small ball of white in her fingertips. A bit confused at what she was looking at, Setsuna sniffs it then taps it with her tongue. It was bitter...

    Continuing to pick a few more pieces it morphs into a small bag with a rapid flash, her HUD updating both the material requirement for her quest and a title for the item.

    <<Bundle of Field Cotton Obtained>>

    ID# 136144 results: Loot: 15+2 Success!

    1*T1 Materials Obtained!

    Total T1 Materials: 4

  18. Scouring the grass like a wolf pup, hopping in and out of the grass in a fervor appearing to even huff the surrounding area like a bloodhound. Alas it appeared the golden thread she had procured was the first and last of its kind, any others must have been consumed by the creature that Meina had dealt with. Finally coming to a halt she turned to Meina who looked back to her with a tilted head, a smile on her face "You're a bit weird at times." Setsuna simply shrugged silently before Meina hit her with a hug out of nowhere "Good thing your so damn adorable!" Meina squeezes her enough to make her muffle and squirm a bit with flailing arms, then pulling her back out of the embrace with a heavy breath in "Meina, you trying to kill me..." Setsuna says softly with puffed up cheeks a bit flustered.

    ID# 136143 results: Loot: 3+2 Failure!

  19. Rushing to her senpai's side leaving Shiroe where she stood with a smile, the same soft pats of feet as she approached. Meina taps her war hammer on her shoulder overlooking a crater that was more than likely the remains of some poor soul that crossed her. "Check it out Setsuna it was chewing on this spool of some cable, you think it counts?" Leaning down and lifting it into the air it was some yellowed almost metallic material of a cord. Not sure what it was she pocketed it and sure enough her quest tracker updated its tally to three upon it being acquired. A soft smile to Meina, and a nod. Dropping low to the ground like a fox in brush she began to start scanning the area for another item hoping that maybe it didn't stop at just the one spool that Meina had stopped some animal from eating.

    ID# 136142 results: Loot: 18+2 Success!

    1*T1 Materials Obtained!

    Total T1 Materials: 3

  20. Setsuna begins to rustle through the box again, hoping that maybe there was another in it. Setsuna's size worked to her advantage and she climbed completely inside. Checking every square inch of the small wooden container, it appeared to be empty. Letting out a soft sigh she squeezed her small frame back out, getting a little stuck near the end. "Anything?" Shiroe asks with Setsuna responding with a pivot of her head signifying no. From the distance, however, a pop is heard signaling the destruction of some creature. Peering together around the stone a bit nervous Setsuna and Shiroe look to each other and back to its origin hoping to figure out what was going on.

    Silence takes the air once again but is broken with a call out from Meina from where the sound came from. "I think I found something, Setsuna come come~" An excited and slightly orchestrated decree from the distance.

    ID# 136141 results: Loot: 10+2 Failure!

  21. On to the next rendition of collecting the materials required to fulfill the obtaining of her profession, Setsuna and her friends in a busy pack of girls skittering about looking over nook and cranny for something usable in completion. Shiroe finds a small box obscured from primary vision, calling out verbally to Setsuna a few leagues from her. "I think I've hit paydirt! Setsuna over here~"

    Edging to her side with small pitter-patters of her feet on soft grass, Setsuna moves to Shiroes side eyeballing the box curiously. "There should be something in this, let's hope its what you need...Open it." A soft nod in her unique mute nature she begins to peek the boxes corners to see how to open it. After a moment or two Setsuna's eyes catch a small lip just under the top, looking to open like a matchbox she pushes from one of the sides and the adjacent one begins to reveal its contents. Shiroe claps and congratulates Setsuna "Well done, your better at this than you think." Setsuna in quiet nods takes to the box and retrieves a bolt of silk from within adding a second material to her roster.

    ID# 136140 results: Loot: 20+2 Success!

    1*T1 Materials Obtained!

    Total T1 Materials: 2

  22. "Come in come in, you must want to learn to sew." a male shuffles out from a pile of fabrics layered in bolts with the sounds of a pulling needle. The man was flamboyantly dressed in all manner of shades and color. "I'm Rufus and I'll show you..." Looking around the shop, it appears all the materials he has are to tough for her to handle. "It appears I am out of T1 materials my dear if you bring me some I can teach you proper." Setsuna gives a soft nod in acknowledgment, understanding what he'd been implying and waves without a peep from her mouth given her shy nature. The friends move to meet her, give her thumbs up and the like with a few soft phrases before they head outside the walls to help her achieve her goal.

    Taking to a tree, Shiroe points up to the adhered web "This one, Setsuna"

    Meina leans down and places her hands together "I'll give ya a boost!."

    "This is going to be easy, just you wait." Tianna boasts with a grin

    Ripping the webs down with her friend's support Meina lets her down, taking a look at the slightly sticky but tough thread in her grasp her HUD updates and proves her accomplishment with a grin building on her mouth.

    ID# 136139 results: Loot: 16+2 Success

    1*T1 Materials Obtained!

    Total T1 Materials: 1

  23. Setsuna and the group made haste to the bustling small village of Tolbana to continue the task she'd received from the quest board. Making a great time under the morning sun, daylight is saved in the rapid travel down soft dirt paths. These same paths that shatter the fields of green into fragments, shards of turf divided by these lay lines of clean well-cut grass. Coming to a building within the village walls, blessed with varied NPC in simple wears designating them as farmers and the like Setsuna finds what she's intended to. A small shop graced with brass handle and a swaying sign, clearly a needle with thread attached shifting softly from a sense of gravity on chains. Popping the door ajar with a soft gulp and subtle encouragement without words, Setsuna makes her way inside. A room littered with fabrics of shades of color, each of different gloss and tint.

    ID# 136138 results: Loot: 2+2 Failure

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