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Posts posted by Shirogane

  1. "I'm back! Mr. Lyle, what is the task you're going to make me do?" she asked the blacksmith. Lyle gave her one day to prepare and it was enough for her to be. "The task is a simple one young lady, get me some boar tusks. You can get them by killing Boar Pups, it's loot you can get from those animals" he told her. It struck Shirogane like lightning, she was going to fight some boar to get the materials. She could feel her sweat go cold at the thought of fighting. She wasn't that scared but it always felt like she was going to die if she fights something. Lyle noticed her grow pale and lowered his hammer "don't worry, you've got that problem child with you, I'm sure he won't let you get hurt or reach a certain point of damage in your HP" he said.

    Shirogane nodded "I sure hope so" she replied to him. Shirogane waited just outside the blacksmiths's shop, Crozeph's instructions were clear to her "wait for me outside Lyle's workshop, I'll get you some equipment from my shop" his words echoed inside hers. She held her spear firmly, trying to hide her fear. It would be a great opportunity for her to overcome this and for now she's placing her thrust to Crozeph on how to train her an overcome her fear.


    • Level: 4 I HP: 80 I EN: 8 I DMG: 6 I ACC: 0 I EVA: 0 I MIT: 8


    • 2-Handed Assault Spear R1 I Heavy Armor R1


    • Ko-Naginata [+2 damage] I Vanity heavy armor 


    • x5 T1 rare health potion [+40 Hp] I x1 uncommon damage potion I x1 special Over-health potion [+50 HP]
  2. Shirogane held the package in her hand and followed Crozeph "thank you uncle Zakariah, I'll give this to the guy you told me to" she told him before dashing out to catch up with Crozeph. Shirogane felt like floating as they walked through the crowds and made their way to another part of the settlement. She held the package firmly was happy for the very first quest she accomplished. It was different from just tagging along, Crozeph made a good call of not helping her and it gave her the courage to do it on her own "we'll be making a lot of progress soon so I can help you more" she told him.

    Ten minutes went by fast and now they are in front of a blacksmith's forging area. The hot fumes of the furnace made her feel a little dizzy but she kept her composure and asked the blacksmith "are you Lyle Tealeaf?" she asked him. The blacksmith turned around and saw her and behind her a familiar face for him "if it isn't Crow, now what blackmailing method did you use on a girl this time?" he asked him. Shirogane flailed her hand as she heard him "n-no I'm the one who asked him to tag along, uncle Zakariah wants to give this to you" she said as she stretched out her arm handing the package to Lyle "looks like you've done well young lady" Lyle replied, his head nodding in approval "what do you say you also help me with something? I'll make it worth your time plus you've got this guy to help you out, a bit on the rude side but he's a fine" Lyle said as he pat Crozeph on the shoulder. 

    Shirogane's eyes gleamed with excitement "sure I'll do it, Crozeph can help you say?" Shirogane pulled Crozeph towards her "we'll do it so what is the quest going to be?" Shirogane was on a roll and this might be her next goal to leveling up.

    To be continued >>>


    Thread Summary


    • 2 SP (completed page) + 2 quest SP +1 bonus SP  = 5 SP
    • 800 col (completed pages)
    • x5 T1 rare health potions [+40 HP] I Tier 1 uncommon damage potion [+1 damage] I Tier 1 special over-health potion [+50 HP]


    • 2 SP completed pages + 1 bonus SP


  3. Shirogane looked at Crozeph "that's right I've got a lot of energy to spare, now I wonder how I could give some to you" she told him. Shirogane followed behind Zakariah and listened to him explain how a potion is essential to raising the chances of survival by using it "yeah I saw my friends use it and I did use some health potions" she turned her head to Crozeph "do you use health potions too Crozeph?" she asked him. Knowing the guy, he's probably more akin to dodging attacks. Crozeph was more strategic on things for himself than in a team as Shirogane noticed but lately, he's been trying to help others and with her recent request to help James and Carmilla, it seems that he's making a decent progress.

    She sat on the crafting table and began her crafting, it would take a while as she is new to it but Shirogane is always positive about doing things and crafting a potion is no different. If she managed to find materials then she can also craft what Zakariah wants.

    crafting a healing potion

    • ID: 149736
    • CD: 5 success
    • uncommon health potion crafted
  4. Shirogane giggled, there was no treasure chest but she liked how Crozeph explained it "I guess we should be making our way back to uncle Zakariah" she told him before walking away. The settlement was still as busy as they before when they left, it reminded her of a certain town in an MMORPG where every merchant and craftsmen gather along with player-run shops. "This place is like Prontera, always busy with all the players earning their living" she told Crozeph. soon she'll be having a shop if things go exactly as planned and while she was still against on using her music to sell, she wanted to help also "if things get serious, I'm willing to just give my recording crystals away" she thought as they walked.

    Shirogane entered Zakariah's shop with a lively attitude, her eyes always full of life and her hands behind her "we did it uncle, so what do I do next?" she asked him, eager to know more of what she'll be doing for the rest of the day.

  5. ID: 149447 LD: 14 x1 T1 material found

    "Dungeon hunting sounds nice and scary at the same time" Shirogane uttered. She picked up something under a thick flower-like plant and it was a material "looks like we have what we need" she told him. Shirogane can't wait to bring it all back to Zakariah and craft something. All the time she tagged along with Gerard and his group it wasn't this rewarding and Shirogane felt more joy on it than staying inside the settlement. 

    She smiled as Crozeph asked her about her musical abilities. It was a nostalgic feeling as she tried to remember the times she played music with her family. "You could say I have it in my genes, my family is full of musicians" she told him, "I think it's nice that you can play music just by hearing it. Not everyone can do that" she added. Shirogane gestures for Crozeph to go back to the settlement and take the materials to Zakariah "let's go, we still have a lot to do" she exclaimed as she walked.

  6. ID: 149428 LD: 1 no materials found

    There was no material to where she was again. Every time this happens, Shirogane would take a deep breath and resume her search, and just like the failed searches earlier she resumed her gathering and looked forward to finding the last material that she could find. She understood what Crozeph meant, it would be an honor for her to contribute to their guild and hopefully, put whatever she gives to good use. Not that she was suspecting Crozeph and his friends of using it for evil but rather, never make mistakes at the cost of a life. She smiled, maybe she could earn a little and help a lot.

    "I guess we should finalize this, I'll be the performer and you be the merchant, we'll set up our shop right next to each other and put 221B on the sign," Creating music while playing inside a game was not a dream for her anymore and at the same time the game doesn't have a respawn feature, they die for real "I want to keep everyone with me safe, please use the items to keep everyone safe Crozeph" she told him with satisfaction in her eyes.

  7. "You bet! I'm gonna nail that craft on the first try you and uncle Zakariah would be speechless" she said as she tries to look for materials. Shirogane was having doubts about becoming a merchant, it would require her to go out and gather items to identify but it sounds fun. She thought about being a performer but it would go against the principle of her music is for her family and not for earning something. "I wanted to be a performer but if it means I'm going to earn something doing it then that would make me..." Shirogane fidgeted for a second "I don't like my music getting paid" she added.

    It would be fun if she was a performer, she was good at it and it would be nice if she can do what she wants, play music inside a VRMMORPG. The thought was exciting but also was contradicting her ideal that she has been keeping up for so long. Shirogane sighed at the lack of material to where she was digging, she moved to another area and searched for some materials under a fallen tree.

    ID: 149423 LD: 6 no material found

  8. Shirogane composed herself and returned to where she was digging earlier "it's so sad that I can't help but cry for you" she told him. Losing a family member was hard for Shirogane, she attended funerals of relatives despite her having little knowledge of who died, she still felt sad. "I-I'm glad that things are sorted out between you and her,  it was probably one of the bravest things one could do" Shirogane would forgive her also, given that they'll be able to have a talk about it but it also crossed her mind "I never knew the feeling of losing someone in the family but you did good Crozeph, you did good," she told him as she continues to dig for materials.

    She found another one and that makes a total of four materials, just one more for them to return to Zakariah. Shirogane held the materials and placed it inside her inventory, she resumed her search they're one step away from finishing the gathering of materials.

    ID: 149287 LD: 11 x1 T1 material found


  9. Shirogane could feel her hand shaking as she heard the words "Crozeph's brother died because of her?" she thought. It hit her like a truck but Shiroane steeled herself and tried to hold back her tears and continued searching. The bad past that Crozeph told her was about a murder and it was heartbreaking for someone like her. AS if it all made sense to her why Crozeph was like this, he had been experiencing pain and dealing with it along "so that time, it was to forgive her" she thought.

    Tears fell on where she was digging for materials, she was being weird for nothing about the woman named Mari when it turns out, she was proof of his pain and also his freedom from it. Shirogane grabbed something from where she dug, it was a material and it seems she only need to more. She began to sob and stood up walking towards Crozeph and hugged him from behind "I'm sorry I asked I didn't mean to ask something so terrible" she said as she held the material in her hand and her arms wrapped around Crozeph's side.

    ID: 149282 LD: 18 x1 T1 materials found.

  10. Shirogane turned around and looked at Crozeph with sad eyes "I-I didn't mean it that way Crozeph" she uttered before she returned to gathering materials "at times I think I just misunderstand you so it's not that you're always wrong. Please don't go back to isolation again, I really need someone to help me with this and you're the only one I know who can help" she added. She couldn't find the right words but she felt really bad when Crozeph began mentioning about getting out of the way of others again. She forgot that when helping others, there will come a time that a person will get in the way of others.

    She slapped both sides of her cheeks and search for materials. It turned into a sad conversation all of a sudden and Shirogane wanted to change the topic. "Um, can I ask who is the orange-haired woman really is for you? I figured if I'm tagging along I probably need to know if someone is..." Shirogane turned red "I just want to know" she asked again before she shook the bushes in front of her waiting for something to fall off.

    ID: 149277 LD; 7 no materials found

  11. Shirogane sighed, it was hopeless to explain it to him at the moment but she did say so many times that she wanted to help him back "the problem is you're too carefree doing it" she told him. "There are other ways to be polite to girls without being a flirt and..." Shirogane began pulling her hair "I find it hard to explain it to you because you'll just slap me with your logical reasoning" she said in an annoyed manner. Shirogane looked at Crozeph as he began to ask himself or maybe her about it. Shirogane frowned as Crozeph began asking questions that are simple to her but it was already complex for someone like Crozeph.

     She continued searching for materials as soon as she finished her bagel "there's nothing wrong with what you're doing Crozeph, it's just that..." she felt bad now that she thinks about it. Someone like Crozeph who was always rationally doing things lived a life getting in trouble with people whose emotions are easily riled up. He was being serious but it makes people misunderstand him "maybe there is something wrong with people for someone like him" she thought, her hand touching and searching for materials.

    ID: 149250 LD: 13 x1 T1 material found

  12. Shirogane turned red as soon as she saw the bagel near her face "how far can this guy's idiocy go?"  she thought. It was a joke, she wasn't expecting Crozeph to really feed her by his hand "now this is more awkward than asking him who the orange-haired woman is" she thought. Shirogane reluctantly took a bite but after it, she quickly snatched the bagel from him "you need to take it down a notch with the whole I-don't-care-if-you're-a-girl attitude Crozeph" she said. She doesn't know if anyone has seen it but Crozeph obviously lack the understanding of how to deal with the opposite sex. 

    "Someone might mistake it for flirting and that spells trouble if you tell them that you're not," she said as she angrily took a bite. Shirogane looked on the bushes and under some dead trees for materials, a bagel still between her teeth. She wasn't sure how to react but that advice can save a lot of trouble for Crozeph. "Look here mister Crow, it's nice to be nice to girls but make sure it's just you being nice and not..." Shirogane grumbled "why am I explaining this to an idiot" she uttered while she searched for materials.

    "Joining a guild sounds fun, I want to meet the people you know so that I can know more of you,"  she said. "This is to help you Crozeph, I'll teach you how to be more affable to people" she told him, her face brimming with eagerness.

    ID: 149226 LD: 3 no materials found

  13. "No, I'll continue searching but you can feed me while I search" she told him playfully. Shirogane wasn't even frustrated enough to quit, she just knew it wasn't going to be easy for her. Crozeph might have a decent skill in gathering materials but she was just a beginner on things like this and it was showing. She continued, she won't be getting anywhere if she stops on searching, she wasn't sure if Crozeph would buy into her joke. 

    "Wow they sound fun, I'd like to meet them someday, when I'm less pathetic as I am now," she said "I wonder who the orange-haired girl is there? the cheerful one or the..." she thought hard for a second "maybe she's the one Crozeph had a bad past"  Shirogane shook her head, why was she getting curious on the woman? Shirogane continued her search as she tries to shake the thought out of her head. "I wanted to know more from him but why do I feel like it would sound awkward?" she thought.

    ID: 149195 LD: 4 no materials found 

  14. Crozeph having connections was weird for Shirogane, she had known him to be quite reserved and it was a clear sign that he was alone, not on the anti-social side but alone. "You know I find it weird that you always venture out alone yet you know people, isn't that unusual?" she told him. She didn't mind Crozeph and what he's doing she had something to do and delaying it will only lengthen the days of her training "I better make it worth his time accompanying me with things a player can do alone" she thought. Shirogane carefully scooped dirt with her spear, it wasn't a good tool but they didn't bring any for the job, she just bolted out of Zakariah's shop as soon as she was given the task. 

    As she searched, something crossed her mind. It was the person she saw with Crozeph on floor 10, a woman with orange hair and it seemed like Crozeph was sleeping on her lap. It bugged her for a few days "who was that woman? is she a lover?" she asked herself. It was an inappropriate thing to ask but Shirogane's curiosity was piqued "if she isn't then Crozeph must've fallen into her trap" she thought.

    ID: 148952 LD: 8 no materials found

  15. Shirogane heard the word adagio, in a moment her musically inclined self surfaced as she continued searching for materials "why would you call your shop adagio? are you planning on making some slow-burn music or are you going to sing?" she asked him. Shirogane hated adagios, they're slow and while there is grace in its sound, it felt lonely to her. "Maybe he still has some loneliness he can't express" she thought. Her concern for Crozeph's emotional state began when she saw him again, he was obviously rude to those he meets the first time but at some point, she thought that maybe Crozeph doesn't like them because of a certain pain.

    Her thoughts shifted to the next question about MMORPGs and it was something she wanted to flaunt at Crozeph "I know a lot about MMORPGs and you're right I'm cautious but..." she made an awkward smile "that's because I'm scared of monsters bigger than me, I mean I'm good at parties for grinding levels and resource management bu I'm bad at doing things alone" she said as the embarrassment grows. 

    Still no materials from her previous search, here's hoping she could find one on a soft ground she found not far from where they were earlier.

    ID: 148947 LD: 10 no materials found

  16. The thought of having a shop right next to each other was exciting for Shirogane and also an advantage for her "we can call that place 221B Baker Street" she said. The idea of Holmes and Watson was already falling into place. She was happy about it and for sure her friends would be happy to know that she's doing well. "You can be a performer and I'll be a merchant just below your room" she told him. Shirogane thought about how she would name her shop and told Crozeph some of her ideas "I'm thinking of naming it "221B Heian Antiques or something like Shibuya Trends, and maybe go for the name High Rate Merchs" she said with excitement "I can always have your back for identifications right?" she asked him.

    She continued her search for materials, there have been times where she didn't find any and she still had to look for four more "this gets tedious, I can't even imagine doing this alone" she said as she looked underneath the bushes, Crozeph was acting lazy but him talking to her kept her mind out of boredom.

    ID: 148946 LD: 1 no materials found

  17. "Oh we're not doing a quest right now?" she asked him. It was a bit weird that he asked that considering they're doing a quest now or maybe Crozeph has something else in his mind. "Do you mean a quest where we kill something? she asked again. Shirogane was a little scared to fight yet, she still had the traumatic experience of her going with Crozeph and the raven-haired player soloed the Sand Shark. It was safe to say that Crozeph would handle the situation and plan something that keeps them both safe but she's still scared. "I could try to do some slaying with you once I get the right equipment to do so," she said with a little nervousness in her voice.

    Shirogane searched for materials, she found one already and it was giving her hope when she did. Maybe she just has to put her mind into it and harness the skills that she gained from playing MMOs before she got stuck inside Aincrad.

    ID: 148813 LD:4 no materials found

  18. Shirogane smiled but kept it from Crozeph, she continued her search as they talked "well that's a relief, I was wondering if I'm pestering you" she told him. Shirogane liked moments like this, where she and her friends just talked about certain things while being productive at the same time. "You're helping me just fine, not rushing and not slacking" she said as she continued to dig "you're slacking though" she added. It must've been easy for Crozeph to do things alone, get things done but Shirogane thought that maybe, it wasn't good for his heart. This is why she made the decision of going with him when she also decided to strengthen herself. She still has a long way to go but with someone who is objective as Crozeph, she might just gain the right momentum to get stronger.

    "Holmes and Watson?" she laughed as she heard it "yes! yes, that's who we are now, I'm more of a Watson so you be Holmes..." Shirogane gave him a sarcastic smile "a lazy version of Holmes" she added. Shirogane continued on searching, she hasn't found one yet and there's five that she has to find before they could return to Zakariah.

    ID: 148759 LD: 12 I x1 T1 material found

  19. Shirogane began looking for materials on the trees, she was eager to get things done and move on to the next "I've wasted more than I should with my time and now that Crozeph is helping me, might as well get something done fast so I don't pester him for too long" she thought. She kept her eyes peeled for whatever is useful, Crozeph was in between decent and good on it. "I wonder how you manage to get a lot of materials, do you have a secret or something?" she asked him.

    Shirogane was struck by his question, maybe Crozeph was getting annoyed with her already that's why he's asking. Shirogane didn't know him well but she understood enough that Crozeph was preparing for something and she felt like she wanted to be part of it. "I-I don't have much plans aside from those, to be honest, I just want to join you because you're always alone," she said as she tries to hide the sadness in her voice "b-but if it's annoying you I can go back to my previous party, they might be a guild by then so..." Shirogane dug furiously on the ground trying to dodge the conversation.

    ID: 148571 I LD: 7 no material found

  20. Shirogane turned her head and looked Crozeph, it would seem that Zakariah didn't want him to get splashed by whatever chemical he is holding. Shirogane giggled, who wouldn't? Zakariah's place was enough to make Crozeph, the most disinterested person she ever met, be curious about the chemicals. "I know the materials, a lot of players seem to look for it everywhere" she told him. Shirogane saw players, including Crozeph to value it as much and it wasn't that hard to find, unless a person is very unlucky.

    Shirogane nodded her head like a child "well get into it mister Zakariah, we'll be back in a minute" she said as she dashed out of the shop pulling Crozeph with her. "Hey where should we look for materials?" she asked him as they try to quickly make their way out of the settlement. Shirogane's enthusiasm was brimming today and she was hoping she could finish this and help Crozeph on doing his performer quest. The two were out in the fields rather quickly and Shirogane inhaled as if she's going to dive in a pool "let's get started."

  21. They continued to walk into the busy streets and she listened as Crozph talked about how his performer quest can be done on his own "Nah uh, I'm going with you plus I get to hear you play a musical instrument or maybe sing" she told him. "So after you switch I'm going to be the one doing all the merchant stuff right? then keep all those items flowing into my soon to be prosperous shop and I might just give you a huge discount" she added.

    As Shirogane entered the shop, she also saw what Crozeph saw, it was a laboratory and was complete of equipments. Shirogane was amazed by how there are different colors of potion. She wants to stop and look at it all but Crozeph is pulling her towards him. She listened as Crozeph and the old man he called Zakariah talked "they know each other?" she asked herself. Shirogane blushed as Crozeph pushed her towards the counter "h-hi I'm Shirogane and a helping hand is always welcome to me" she said as she stretched out her hand. Shirogane was confused, are they going to craft something "um mister, am I going to use your laboratory equipments?" she asked.

  22. Shirogane made a smug face as Crozeph praised her weapon "of course I can pick something good, I'm planning to be a merchant someday because it looks fun. Didn't you say that you're moving to the performer profession? as payment for helping me here I'll help you with the profession though I can only teach you a few things I know" she told him eagerly. Shirogane didn't like it when music is the topic, she was almost a prodigy but her point still stands, her music is for her family and not for earning something. They continued to make their way into the large city, she had no idea where they are going but she trusts Crozeph, and even if he tries anything funny she'll just stab him with her naginata.

    The idea of her having a few armor from Crozeph was exciting for her "really? I'm on the heavy armor side so I wasn't expecting you to have any heavy armor since your equips are all light" she said "still I am grateful for what you'll give" she added. Shirogane followed him, her journey for self-improvement has begun an she plans to make good use of the time Crozeph gives to her.

  23. Roleplays

    Chapter I
    » [solo/private/open] <<FFLAF>> Training Regime I [Complete] 5 SP
    » [solo/private/open] <<SLAF>> Training Regime II - Conquering A Certain Fear [Complete] 4 SP
    » [solo/private/open] Tanabata Celebration [Complete] 8 SP
    » [solo/private/open] <<SLAF>> Meet The Shielder
    » [solo/private/open] <<Third Lesson>> Training Regime

    Relationships (optional)

    Crozeph - Shirogane sees him as a senpai or senior. They both met each other when she decided to follow her friends who ditched her to do the Sand Shark quest. Crozeph reluctantly helped her but soon they became friends and at times she would request for Crozeph to do things for her. 

    Story Thus Far (optional)

  24. Shirogane was startled by a voice and when she looked in front of her, there he was, the person who she forced to agree to train her. "Y-You're late!" she yelled at him. People around them began looking at the two and it made Shirogane more anxious "sorry about that but still, you're late" she said. She stretched out her hand holding a naginata and showed it to Crozeph "this is the best that I can have with my skills right now so I may not be of much help when we are fighting" she told him. 

    Shirogane wanted to address one more thing before anything that they would do for today "I'd prefer if you'd call me Shirogane, that's my proper name and since we're partners from here on out, I'd like to be called by my name" she said. Shirogane felt bad that she told Crozeph a fake name the first time they met at Floor 4, she was asking a stranger for help and also felt paranoid at the same time. "So what are we going to fight today for my training," she asked him.

  25. Is it really a wise decision? for a girl who was always scared it seemed like she wanted to try something else but since she was always scared of the unknown, Shirogane only moved from one settlement to another. "I wish Jeca and Alca are here with me" she thought. Shirogane held her naginata firmly, maybe they will fight something fearsome and it made her feel uneasy "I'm not ready to fight something like that again" she thought while shaking her head. Shirogane would have to deal with this new way of life that she chose "I'm going to be a wonderful nobushi, then I'll be able to venture out on my own" she told herself as she smiled and slams the butt of her naginata on the ground.

    Floor One was where it all started and it made sense that the person she asked to train her would choose this floor to start with "gotta start from the lowest and work my way up to the..." Shirogane remembered how she went to the upper floors just to gather Easter eggs with her friends. It was the good times but now is the hard times and it didn't matter to her how hard the task would be from her trainer "I'm going to be strong that we'll be the Holmes and Watson of this game" she exclaimed. Shirogane's smile caught the eyes of other players and they were mesmerized by it. Shirogane noticed the glances they gave her and shied away "crap I got carried away in excitement" she thought. She gripped her naginata tight and kept her eyes down, she was feeling embarrassed at the moment "w-when will he arrive? I feel eyes on me already" she thought.




    • Level: 1 I HP: 20 I EN: 2 I DMG: 7 I ACC: 0 : EVA: 0 I MIT: 0


    • Ko-naginata [+2 damage] I Heavy Armor 


    • THAS [R1] I Heavy Armor



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