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Posts posted by Nevina

  1. Watch some Xena, a staff is a perfectly viable weapon for bludgeoning~

    But in regards to SAO, I haven't read enough of the books to know the more technical side. Think there was an episode where they apply a sword move on a rock showing that the move can be done on anything, but it'd be the weapon that adds to effects like damage or range maybe. But again, I don't know the technical side.

  2. Immersion is a great effect, but not sure how well that'd work in some cases. Some people may want to play as a character that isn't "themselves" and still want to talk about irl related things using the forums, and talking OOC gives more chances for players to bond with one another. I know skype 'n such is another option, but not everyone may want to get skype or perhaps are too young or don't know how downloading programs works. We'd need an rp-ooc section for users to make plots with one another and have posts for easy reference, so extending ooc to have a general chat section couldn't hurt. Don't need to break it all up into 'gaming', 'anime' etc unless it gets too busy.

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