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Posts posted by Starla

  1. Post Counter: 10

         Tron seemed to be in a similar boat to her. He had spent a long while worrying about his life that he couldn't go back to and he couldn't get himself to do anything because of it. Starla had led a life of comfort and now things were... Not so comfortable. Games were an escape, but not from a world that provided everything for her. Now that she had been cut off from that, she held a deep resentment for whoever decided to trap her and everyone else here. She was determined to get back now, but her fear held her down like a cage. This first quest was like the key in the lock to that cage and talking about this to Tron seemed to make her realize that people would help her move on in her journey. She could have good allies who help her along her way. She hoped Tron would help her out at first, but she was hopeful for him. He seemed to have a spirit to him that made her comfortable.

         As she exited the town, she caught herself breathing a little heavily. You're fine. You're just collecting some materials. Nothing too scary or crazy. Don't get worked up. Starla breathed deeply as she kept trodding forward. She hoped it wouldn't take long to find these materials. If she was going to get to the front lines, she really needed to step on the gas pedal. "Alright, let's get to looking for these materials! Ah! I just had a great idea!" Starla smiled. "Let's have a race to see who can collect faster! How does that sound? That way we can make this go a bit faster! And I'll even throw some Col into it if you win!"

  2. Post Counter: 8

         Starla was happy that Tron had accepted her party invite. They seemed to be a decent person, especially since they laughed at her little joke with the party name. Tron said they didn't need anything else inside the shop, but Starla took a moment to take in all of the things that were inside of the shop. Herbs hanging from the ceiling, all kinds of potions and liquids brewing different vibrant colors. All the reds, greens, blues, and yellows made Starla's eyes almost spin. I couldn't imagine being an alchemist or a potionmaker, all of that stuff just goes over my head. I would probably just blow up the whole building trying to make a healing potion.

         When she was done taking in the little details of the shop, she headed out with Tron. Tron was kind enough to walk with her, which made her feel like this person was someone she could keep around for a little while. As she walked with Tron,  they asked her what she had been doing for the last 8 years. "Ah..." Starla rubbed the back of her neck and laughed nervously. "Honestly... I was just spending all of my money and being lazy." It was hard. I realized I couldn't go back home... "I mostly kept to myself, but I've finally gotten up the courage to go out there to the front lines. I imagine it's gonna take a while since I'm behind by quite a bit, but... I wouldn't have it any other way. This is my own adventure and I'll do whatever I can to help those along the way. Well... That's what I tell myself anyway. I just can't wait to get out there and start hunting some stuff. But... Gathering quests like this are good too. Materials are a necessity if you want to get good gear and start heading up the floors." Starla looked at Tron. "And what about you? Studying for 8 years is a lot. Anything else keep you from moving up? Girlfriend? Boyfriend? Hmmmmmmmmmmm?"

  3. Post Counter: 6

         The person who was with Zachariah turned to her and addressed her. He seemed to want to party up, which was perfectly alright with Starla. She was happy to go on a quest with someone, especially if it was something as easy as gathering materials. If there was an extra reward for being in a party, she was always happy to join someone else. An extra reward never hurt anyone, after all. Starla smiled at Tron waving her hair over her shoulder. "I'd be happy to party up with you! Should make things go a bit faster since I won't be doing it alone. Talking always makes things go by much quicker, doesn't it?" Starla browsed her party menu for Tron's name before inviting Tron to a party named "Zachariah's Little Helpers". She held in a little bit of a laugh as she sent the invite. She was very much hoping that Tron would get some entertainment out of the name, especially since she was so proud of her naming sense.

         A window popped out in front of her with Zachariah's quest. She pressed the O to accept the quest and she turned to head out of the door. "Need anything else while we're here?"

  4. Post Counter: 4

         Starla woke up, stretching her arms and legs. She was a bit tired from the previous day, but she had gone about her days doing basically nothing. She was enjoying the time she had in the Town of Beginnings, but she figured it was time to get off of her own sorry butt and do something for once. She gripped the dagger she had on her hip and she donned the light armor that she had. She thought it was a good idea to try and head out for some quests. After all, those were the bread and butter of most RPGs.

         Exiting the small inn she was staying in, she headed out. She figured she would probably bump into something. Level 1 quests normally were in a few places and there was always something to do to get you off your feet. Maybe she would go visit an apothecary or something. She was in need of some more potions, especially since potions were a key part of survival if you got yourself in a pinch. But that was beside the point now. She headed in the direction of a store that bore the name of Zachariah. He seemed to be a potionmaker that she heard the name of a few times in her time spent in the Town of Beginnings. Starla entered the quaint store and saw that someone was interacting with him. Ah I see. Looks like I might have a companion for this first quest. That'd be nice. Make things go a bit faster.

         Starla walked up to the two and smiled. "Hi, I heard you're in need of some help? What can I do? Fight some monsters? Collect some grass?" Starla seemed oddly excited to collect grass.



    @Tron Vs Matrix

  5. Hello all, I'm Star(la)! Most people just call me Star and I'm happy to be referred to that way! You're welcome to call me whatever you like, but that's just the thing most people refer to me by!

    Anyway, I've been a roleplayer for a verrrrrrrrry long time and I've decided that this place seemed like a good spot to settle. My old stomping grounds got a bit too dramatic, so I decided to move on.

    My current age is 21 and I am based out of the US.

    With that, I'm super happy to be here and hope to make some wonderful creations with everyone! Hope you enjoy Starla as much as I do <3

  6. b5e2e59726addc06c2ff34bba10832a9.png





    Real name: Sibyll Treatori Abigail Renaldi
    Age: 22
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'3''




    Sibyll Treatori Abigail Renaldi was born to an exceptional household whom had both money and power in the United States. Mostly based out of Los Angeles, the Renaldi family was one whom traveled the world to peddle their various wares and invest in ideas which were seemingly made of gold. From a young age, Sibyll received a large amount of tutoring on world languages, world geography, various business practices, and most other general subjects. She never wanted for anything and there was little she could not get her hands on. However, even with all of the practices of the world given to her, she couldn't help but want more. With how well off her family was, she felt as though she would never have to work a day in her life. Her family catered to her so well that she felt comfortable in any situation, but... There was a guilt that was deeply laid inside her. She always knew that others did not have it as well as she did. She knew that no matter how many mistakes she made, her life would always turn out for the better because her family would handle it. As such, Sibyll began to act out a bit.

    Sibyll grew to be a bit of a tyrant in her household, but she took a liking to those who would talk back to her, those who would not give her any slack for her family status, and those who simply did not care who she was. In most cases, those kinds of people were people she did not meet in person. Sibyll turned to video games to widen the net of those who would actually appreciate the effort she put in, rather than just congratulate her for existing. She was never wanting for friends after she joined such communities. And then she heard of a new game which was supposed to come out. Sword Art Online. A game which would reward you for your exemplary skill and effort. A game which appealed to Sibyll in many more ways than one. But the bite she took out of this game was a bit too big for her. An exceptionally too big of a bite.



    Although Starla can be a bit on the more hoity-toity side, Starla is always there for those who she trusts. She may do something you don't expect, but you can always expect her to keep her word and to execute the tasks someone gives to her. She cares dearly for those she holds close and will always show up if someone is in need.
    As taught by her family, your golden goose could show up at any moment and in any form. Whether it is an old lady who looks so ugly it physically hurts or a strikingly beautiful young boy, she will hear them out without fail. Starla is the epitome of someone void of judgement.
    Starla holds her honor in the highest regard. Anyone who lies or cheats anyone is worthy of seeing the bad side of her blade. Starla will never break the laws of the world as she sees them and she will never lie.

    Reference: Character Flaws | Dark World RPG
    Starla is a bit too bold at times. She trusts herself to get herself in and out of situations, but sometimes her confidence is a bit misplaced. She'll follow her own set of values if she feels like it is the best option. She's really not much of a strategist.
    Starla may be versed on many subjects and have a vast intelligence, but her knowledge of the world is severely lacking. She can be seen as insensitive by many others because she says things carelessly, not knowing that others may be hurt by them. Unfortunately, she also doesn't think what she ever says is wrong... So good luck if you end up in a situation where she has done you wrong.
    People say it is good to have ambitions. Unfortunately... Starla has a bit too many. She seeks to be good at anything and everything, so she sometimes spreads herself a bit thin. She gets highly upset if she isn't doing well and is always upset when she can't do something she wants to do. She is aiming for the top and wants it to happen as soon as possible.



    Total SP: 1/19


    » Light Armor (Rank 1) - Gain 5 MIT while wearing Light Armor


    Weapon skills:
    » OH Dagger (Rank 2) - Gain 2 DMG with Daggers



    »Dagger (Uncommon, Tier 1 - Keen)
    »Dagger (Perfect, Tier 1 - Keen, DMG II)
    »"Black Star" (Perfect, Tier 1 - DMG III)
    »Light Armor (Uncommon, Tier 1 - Evasion)
    »"Celestial Body" (Perfect, Tier 1 - EVA III)
    »Gold Ring (Perfect, Tier 1 - ACC III)
    »5 Starter Healing Potions
    »5 Tier 1 Potions (Rare Quality - +40 HP)
    »1 Tier 1 Damage Potion (Uncommon Quality - +1 DMG)
    »1 Tier 1 Over-Health Potion (Special - +50 HP to Max HP For Rest of Thread)
    »Matriarch's Stringer
    »5 Tier 1 Materials

    Current Col/Spending:
    »20,267 Col





    <<The First Lessons Are Free - Starla>>
    <<Bee In Her Bonnet - Starla/Yuki>>
    <<Down The Rabbit Hole - OP>>
    <<The First Sword - Alkor/Lessa/NIGHT/ChaseR/Starla>>



    Starla's Theme Song:



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