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SP - F5 Striker / Defender (Sub Dungeon Exploration) (Completed)

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(1 Post Remaining Until Full Energy Recharge / 6 HP Recovered)

Seeing his energy flash a second time, remembering that only one more more needed to occur before his energy recovered fully. Getting to his feet Calrex gave a calming breath as he looked back at the cavernous entryway the scorpion emerged from, stepping up the staircase as he rested his hand against the Grand Blade's hilt once again. "There better not be another one of those creatures hiding in here."

Entering inside he saw it was a narrow entryway, even more skinny than the chamber he had passed through, "Just my luck."

Sliding his way through the rocky passageway he angled and articulated his limbs so that he could maneuver through the corridor, eventually emerging into a larger room, one that seemed closer to some kind of stadium or coliseum than a dungeon. Looking down at the bottom of the room he saw another pair of dog-like creatures combating each other. Keeping his posture low he decided to quietly observe. "These two are not just sparring. I think this one is more like a gladiator match, not ending until one is eliminated. Good, I think that might work better in my favor. Plus my energy isn't replenished yet. Can't go risking taking on two enemies with only three points of energy."

HP List
Calrex: 225/285 (+6)
   Energy: 3/55 (+1)

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(Energy Fully Recharged / 6 HP Recovered)

As he saw his energy return back to full Calrex stood up, beginning to descend down into the center of the arena, "Well, I guess I can't really make my way around sneakily. I don't have the Sneak skill, nor am I going to gain any benefit from obtaining it other than wasting a skill slot."

Making his way down the bluenette continued to observe the battle. It seemed the smaller of the two creatures was losing, but strangely enough with each blow the monster seemed to grow smaller and smaller. The Ultramarine Knight made note that with each blow a series of lights seemed move from the monster to move to the larger one, "Some form of assimilation or something? I guess these creatures feed off of each others energy, hence the constant sparring and combat."

With another couple of blows the lesser creature was eliminated, its crystals seeming to fade into the victor. The remaining combatant turned to face Calrex, pointing its blade at him, as if inviting the bluenette into the ring. A small sigh escaped the Ultramarine Knight's lips as he continued descend the rest of the staircase, stepping into the combat area.

Distancing himself equally from the creature the bluenette removed the Grand Blade and sheath from the back of his hip, holding it in front of him. Pulling from both sides he removed the blade from its sheath, tossing the scabbard aside, readying himself ready for battle.

HP List
Calrex: 231/285 (+6)
   Energy: 55/55 (+All)


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ID: 43237
Battle Dice: 2 (Accuracy +3 / Disguise +1) = 6
Mob Dice: 6 (Evasion +2 / Disguise +1) = 3
Sword Art <<Nova Ascension>> Activated / <<Disguise>> Activated / <<Charge>> Activated (12 Energy Used / 43 Remaining)

With the battle now begun the gladiator rushed at Calrex, who gave a quick exhale as his form suddenly shifted. His entire body shifted to resemble that of the creature the monster had just defeated, leaving it surprised as its blade flew clear of the mark.

Taking advantage of the opening his <<Disguise>> maneuver granted, the bluenette quickly rushed forward, unleashing his <<Nova Ascension>> Sword Art. Making use of the <<Charge>> skill at the same time he quickly closed the distance with explosive speed, unleashing the rapid barrage of slashes before ending it with his quick 360 spin pommel strike. Slamming the hilt of the Grand Blade into the creature's muzzle it staggered back, also receiving the Stun effect.

With a calming breath the Ultramarine Knight stepped back, tightening his grip as he homed his eyes in on his target, "One more strike should end this."

HP List
Calrex: 231/285
   Energy: 55/55

Set Champion:
71/150 (10+3 DMG * 9 Art - 38 MIT = 79 DMG / Stunned Until Next Turn)
DMG: 100
MIT: 38

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ID: 43254
Battle Dice: 5 (Accuracy +3) = 8
Mob Dice: 6 (Evasion +2) = 4 (Disregarded Due to Paralyze)
Loot Dice: 14 (Search and Detect +2 / Item +1) = 17 (Bonus Loot Found)
Sword Art <<Meteor Break>> Activated (11 Energy Used / 1 Recovered / 33 Remaining)

Immediately following his opening attack Calrex quickly used <<Meteor Break>>. The Grand Blade lit up with the shining golden glow of the Sword Art as he rushed forward, unleashing the rapid flurry of charges and slashes that consisted of the attack. As he completed his combo he ended with a leaping falling slash, cleaving the creature in half as it burst into crystals.

With a calming breath he flicked his sword to the side as if flicking off the residue remaining from an enemy before flipping it into a reverse grip, resheathing his sword. "Alright, that's done and over with. Hm?"

Looking below a similar scene resembling his entry into the dungeon took place. The sandy floor of the arena began to fall out like a sinkhole, taking him into the center as he fell through into another cavern beneath. However, this one seemed less renovated, and was more like someone had taken a glacial cavern and added a desert texture to it.

"Well...this is different from earlier. So what am I fighting in here?"

Loot List:
1 Material
Bonus Loot: 750 col (Mob HP 150 * 5 col = 750)

HP List
Calrex: 231/285
   Energy: 33/55 (-11+1)

Set Champion:
-12/150 (10+1 DMG * 11 Art - 38 MIT = 83 DMG / Stun End)
DMG: 100
MIT: 38

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(2 Posts Remaining Until Full Energy Recharge / 6 HP Recovered)

Standing up Calrex dusted off the sand that had landed on his shoulder, looking up to see Roc follow him through the hole in the floor above, descending about half of the total height of the drop before stopping at a height far enough up to keep an eye out for enemies. With a small sigh the bluenette shook his head, some grains of sand falling off of his bangs before he proceeded forward, "Alright, so I'm guessing the only way out of here is further in. Hopefully I don't have much further to go."

Swiping on his menu he resummoned the sheath for the Grand Blade, returning the blade to its home before attaching the set back to the back of his hip. Putting his hands into his jacket pockets he proceeded forward into the cavern.

HP List
Calrex: 237/285 (+6)
   Energy: 34/55 (+1)

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(1 Post Remaining Until Full Recharge / 6 HP Recovered)

As he proceeded further into the cavern Calrex made sure to check his sides and back intermittently to be sure no ambushes would come his way. Oddly enough, for such a large dungeon, it seemed to be fairly sparse of monsters, "I guess this one is of lower difficulty than some others. It's the only reason I can think of at the moment for why there'd be so few creatures wandering around."

As he passed by yet another collection of stalactites and stalagmites his elbow tapped one of the structures. But, instead of it being a solid mound of condensed sand, the area where his limb had strike quickly gave way and crumbled away. What made the event even more out of the ordinary was the noise that played, a sound that seemed closer to the noises a fairy or wish-granting creature would make as it zipped through the air, similar to the noise of a wind chime.

"Oook...this is different."

HP List
Calrex: 243/285 (+6)
   Energy: 35/55 (+1)

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(Energy Fully Recovered)

Continuing forward Calrex came upon a large set of double doors. Not even wasting a second to contemplate he gave a calming breath, pushing on the right door. With a loud creaking sound it budged partway before a second repetitive, compounding noise added to it. The sound of coin clinking against coin, and there was a lot of it. Finally akin enough room that he could get through the entryway, the bluenette saw something that made a bead of sweat form on the ide of his head.

There was gold, an endless mountain of gold, enough that even the treasure-hunter Ssendom would drop to his knees and weep at in jeaously. There was probably enough to easily fund all of the active guilds with enough col to build halls on the 99th floor, with a abundant amount to spare.

At the base of one of the mounds was a throne with a simple lamp on it, the very thing that the bluenette was focusing on, "Great...it is based on Arabian Nights. I guess this might be my next fight then."

Walking over to the throne Calrex picked up the lamp and rubbed it a few times. Almost instantly a dark grayish-purple mist escaped from the pouring spout of the lamp, more than what could realistically fit into the vessel. The fog soon began to take form, with the massive tree-trunk like arms first, then the body, and finally the head.



Taking a couple of steps back Calrex quickly drew the Grand Blade, training it on the djinn, "Game time..."

HP List
Calrex: 249/285 (+6)
   Energy: 55/55 (+All)

Great Djinn:
DMG: 80
EVA: 2
Special Abilities:
Limited Incorporeal: On normal hits, all incoming damage is halved. On criticals full damage is dealt.

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ID: 43316
Battle Dice: 2 (Accuracy +3 / Evasion +2) = 3 (Disregarded Due to No Action Taken)
Mob Dice: 10 (Evasion +2) = 8 (+2 Damage)
No Action Taken

Immediately as the djinn spotted the blue-haired player its eyes glowed a bright off-white as it roared, "YOU WILL SUFFER!"

Gritting his teeth Calrex prepared for a possible incoming attack, but instead of the floating creature flying forward to attack him, the djinn performed something of incredible might. Raising both of his arms the mountains of gold seemed to levitate, forming up into massive balls of coin behind the boss.

"That's not good..."

Rushing forward the Ultramarine Knight tried to interrupt the djinn's attack, but as he got into striking range suddenly he saw a stream of gold coins slam into his stomach, forcing him back before one of the two balls of gold slammed into him. Getting up from the ground he gave a calming breath, "Great...this is going to be tough."

HP List
Calrex: 227/285 (80+2 DMG - 60 MIT = 22 DMG)
   Energy: 55/55

Great Djinn:
DMG: 80
EVA: 2
Special Abilities:
Limited Incorporeal: On normal hits, all incoming damage is halved. On criticals full damage is dealt.

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ID: 43317
Battle Dice: 1 (Accuracy +3 / Evasion +2) = 2 (Disregarded Due to Meditation)
Craft Dice: 12 (Battle Healing + Meditation Success / Negative Status Effects Removed + 10% HP Recovered)
Mob Dice: 6 (Evasion +2) = 4

With another blast of gold coins coming his way Calrex gave a quick exhale as he flipped the Grand Blade into a reverse grip, resheathing it as he ran 45 degrees to the ground by way of another section of gold serving as a diagonal platform. As the stream of coins ended the bluenette ducked behind another mound to gain some breathing room.

"Geezes that relentless attack is a little bit ridiculous. With its speediness it'll make things even more difficult. I need to get a strike in that will keep that djinn from moving."

Giving a series of meditative breaths his <<Battle Healing>> and <<Meditation>> skills triggered, healing him up past the damage he had previously received, a small smirk coming across his face for a second, "Alright, back in action."

HP List
Calrex: 256/285 (29 HP)
   Energy: 55/55

Great Djinn:
DMG: 80
EVA: 2
Special Abilities:
Limited Incorporeal: On normal hits, all incoming damage is halved. On criticals full damage is dealt.

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ID: 43318
Battle Dice: 3 (Accuracy +3 / Evasion +2) = 4 (Disregarded Due to No Action Taken)
Mob Dice: 6 (Evasion +2) = 4
No Action Taken

Right as Calrex's <<Meditation>> skill ended he felt the eyes of the djinn lock onto him as he looked back and up, seeing that his hiding place was being moved by the boss' power. As the mass of gold coins flew at him the bluenette leapt to the side as the coins slammed into the ground where he was previously sitting.

Rolling before getting back to his feet he drew the Grand Blade once again from its sheath, retraining it on the djinn's location, "I've got to get a strike on this thing, or else I'm in for a very long battle."

HP List
Calrex: 256/285
   Energy: 55/55

Great Djinn:
DMG: 80
EVA: 2
Special Abilities:
Limited Incorporeal: On normal hits, all incoming damage is halved. On criticals full damage is dealt.

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ID: 43319
Battle Dice: 6 (Accuracy +3 / Evasion +2) = 7
Mob Dice: 7 (Evasion +2) = 5
Sword Art <<Nova Ascension>> Activated / <<Charge>> Activated (12 Energy Used / 43 Remaining)

As the bluenette avoided yet another barrage from the djinn he rolled to the side, seeing that the boss was having trouble recovering his attacking implements. Rushing forward he triggered his <<Charge>> skill, flying forward while also triggering his <<Nova Ascension>> Sword Art. Leaping up he quickly closed the gap, unleashing the barrage of slashes, the Grand Blade alight with a light blue hue.

With a quick spin he slammed the hilt of his sword into the djinn's face, leaping back as he slid down a hill of golden coins. Looking up he saw that the boss had a quarter of its health eliminated, as well as the Stun effect next to its HP bar.

"Heh, that was quick."

HP List
Calrex: 256/285
   Energy: 43/55 (-12)

Great Djinn:
187/250 (10+3+1 DMG * 11 Art / 2 Incorporeal = 63 DMG / Stunned Until Next Turn)
DMG: 80
EVA: 2
Special Abilities:
Limited Incorporeal: On normal hits, all incoming damage is halved. On criticals full damage is dealt.

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ID: 43321
Battle Dice: 3 (Accuracy +3 / Evasion Negated Due to Stun) = 6
Craft Dice: 11 (Battle Healing Activated / 5% HP Recovered)
Mob Dice: 3 (Evasion +2) = 1
Sword Art <<Meteor Break>> Activated (11 Energy Used / 1 Recovered / 33 Remaining)

Immediately following up on his stunning Sword Art Calrex quickly rushed forward once again. Since the djinn was unable to move, it was unable to manipulate the gold surrounding the two, the balls of coins falling apart in a chasm of sparkling pieces. Closing the distance he unleashed <<Meteor Break>>. Opening with the shoulder charge he unleashed the flurry of cuts, riddling the creature with multiple shining golden cuts a brighter shade than the dull gold coins surrounding them.

Sliding back once again Calrex saw that the genie's Stun had ended, being able to move once again.


HP List
Calrex: 271/285 (15 HP)
   Energy: 33/55 (-11+1)

Great Djinn:
126/250 (10+1 DMG * 11 Art / 2 Incorporeal = 61 DMG / Stun End)
DMG: 80
EVA: 2
Special Abilities:
Limited Incorporeal: On normal hits, all incoming damage is halved. On criticals full damage is dealt.

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ID: 43322
Battle Dice: 6 (Accuracy +3 / Evasion +2) = 7
Mob Dice: 3 (Evasion +2) = 1
Sword Art <<Meteor Break>> Activated (11 Energy Used / 1 Recovered / 23 Remaining)

As the djinn resumed its assault Calrex gave a calming breath, already aware of its method of attack. The two large masses of golden coins formed behind the floating boss once again before it began to shoot streams of gold at the Ultramarine Knight once again. Weaving around each strike the bluenette rushed forward once again, the Grand Blade glowing with the shining golden hue of his <<Meteor Break>> Sword Art once again.

Ramming into the djinn Calrex unleashed the flurry of charges and sword strikes that ripped into the djinn, even though he made note of each blow seeming to only do about half of the damage it normally would, "So...this thing has a reverse incorporeal property. Unlike the Snow Beat from the Essence of Steel quest, this one basically has a passive Parry skill on all times."

HP List
Calrex: 271/285
   Energy: 23/55 (-11+1)

Great Djinn:
65/250 (10+1 DMG * 11 Art / 2 Incorporeal = 61 DMG)
DMG: 80
EVA: 2
Special Abilities:
Limited Incorporeal: On normal hits, all incoming damage is halved. On criticals full damage is dealt.

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ID: 43326
Battle Dice: 9 (Accuracy +3 / Evasion +2) = 10 (+1 Damage)
Craft Dice: 12 (Battle Healing Activated / 5% HP Recovered)
Loot Dice: 13 (Search and Detect +2 / Item +1) = 16 (Bonus Loot Found)
Mob Dice: 2 (Evasion +2) = 0
Sword Art <<Meteor Break>> Activated (11 Energy Used / 1 Recovered / 13 Remaining)

As Calrex avoided yet another barrage of coins from the genie he quickly looped around another mound of gold, dropping low for a second. At the same time he looked and saw his health recover back to maximum as his <<Battle Healing>> triggered once again. Giving a smirk he looked back up at the djinn, leaping upwards as he touched down on top of the hill before rushing forward, unleashing <<Meteor Break>> once again.

The djinn was caught off guard this time as the Ultramarine Knight slammed into it before he unleashed the barrage of blows. Angling his body so that he was striking the djinn towards the ground, Calrex finished his attack with a fierce impaling stab, riding the attack back to the ground as he pierced the djinn into the mass of gold.

At this point it seemed the djinn was consumed by its rage, no longer speaking coherent words, only spouting out nonsense and grunts of anger.

Getting to his feet Calrex gave a calming breath, retrieving the Grand Blade, "See what happens when you lose your head? You don't have the Berserker skill, so I'd chill. This will be over soon."

However, right as he was able to deliver the finishing blow, he looked in surprise to see the djinn's HP drop far past zero. It seemed his powerful strike managed to bypass the boss' incorporeal effect, actually dealing overkill damage to it.

With its dying words the djinn laughed, facing the Ultramarine Knight, "You have done well slaying me. I shall grant you one wish. What do you choose it to be?"

Giving a small sigh Calrex already knew what it was his wish would be, "Show me the exit."

As the djinn burst into crystals some of the fog that remained flew towards a platform in the back of the room, resting gently above.

Loot List:
1 Material
Bonus Loot: 1250 col (Mob HP 250 * 5 col = 1250)

HP List
Calrex: 285/285 (+15 HP)
   Energy: 13/55 (-11+1)

Great Djinn:
-56/250 (10+1 DMG * 11 Art = 121 DMG)
DMG: 80
EVA: 2
Special Abilities:
Limited Incorporeal: On normal hits, all incoming damage is halved. On criticals full damage is dealt.

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Without wasting a second Calrex walked over to the platform, giving a calming breath as he looked back at the masses of gold. Giving a small sigh he put his hands into his pockets, "Not like gold equals col in this game anyway..."

The platform began to shake before ascending, raising upwards through a gigantic chasm. At this points thing were pitch black, giving the bluenette no sense of what direction the platform was moving over than the occasional shift in the wind's direction.

A few minutes later light broke through from above as Calrex arrived back on the surface of the floor. To his surprise, it seemed the platform had returned him not far from the settlement of Armadillo, "Well...I guess that's another one done then. Talk about a unique venture, heh."

Topic Complete

  • Topic Complete (1 SP)
  • 2 Pages Completed (800 col)
  • Beginner Dungeon Rewards:
    • 1 SP
    • 2 Materials
    • ID: 43328
      (Loot Dice; 16 + Floor 5) * 40 = 840 col
  • Non-Combat Materials Gathered: 5
  • Battle Loot:
    • Battle 1: 1 Material + 715 col
    • Battle 2: 2 Materials + 1430 col
    • Battle 3: 1 Material
    • Battle 4: 1 Material + 750 col
    • Boss Battle: 1 Material + 1250 col
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