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[PP-F3] The mean girl, and the loyal boy (Kashi)

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Yuki walks over to the cave, she sits outside of the cave. Yuki closes her eyes waiting for the monster to run out of the cave. Yuki opens one of her eyes to check if anyone is there. The monster runs out of the cave, catching Yuki in a surprise. Yuki quickly gets up from her seat and jumps up into the air. Yuki grabs her one-hand strait sword and slashes the monster. Yuki runs to the side and quickly slides onto the floor through the monster's legs and gets up and stabs the monster. It dies. Smiles at my work, sits on the floor and accepts my winning. 


Yuki's stats: 

Level: 1

HP: 10

Energy: 2



-Metal chest plate 

-Black coat



-One handed straight-sword [lvl 1]






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Yuki is surprised by this man's actions towards her. She takes his hand and shakes, She notices his features. Her eyes went from head to toe on this man to make sure he isn't one of her enemies. "The name is Yuki" She says drifting her eyes up to Kashi's. Her eyes lock with his, She notices how pretty his eyes are. She blushes and quickly gets up off the floor. 


Yuki's stats: 

Level: 1

HP: 10

Energy: 2



-Metal chest plate 

-Black coat



-One handed straight-sword [lvl 1]


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Yuki keeps her guard up once he says its a smart move to trust him. She thinks about how to reply to his question, then she just gave up and is just gonna tell him the truth why she is here. "I'm here to... lets just say, level up" Yuki watches what she says to Kashi incase he might trick her into a trap. She keeps a close eye on Kashi's movements. Yuki doesn't see Kashi as a threat but, she has trust issues that keep her from trusting people. Yuki tries her best to not come off rude in any way. 

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Yuki notices that he understands what she might be thinking. She is a bit shocked by him knowing that she doesn't trust him very well. She scratches the back of her head and bites her bottom lip. She thinks about what to say without coming rude, Yuki might have a chance to finally make a friend and she doesn't want to mess this up in the least. Even if she might be a mean person she still wants a real friend. She just doesn't know how to make friends, nor does she know how friends work. She decides to tell him the truth why she doesn't trust him. "No... its not that" She pauses and thinks. "I have trust issues" She looks up, into kashi's eyes.  

Her eyes widened at his question. "I... uh..." Yuki is surprised by his question and she doesn't know what to say. "s-sure" She stutters. 

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Kashi laughs. "I used to have those too. I lost my cousin to some gangsters irl, so for like, 3 years I didn't even trust my family." He sighs. "But I got over it. What am I doing, telling you my life story... I must be boring you to death," Kashi laughs. "Anyways, I don't mind if you don't trust me." He shakes his head.

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Yuki's eyes widened when she hears his life story. She is a bit happy that she has someone to relate to, but is also sad from his story. Yuki has never felt these feelings before, for a another person other than her little brother, Hiro. Yuki is surprised once more by Kashi's actions. "Your not boring... Your actually the opposite" Yuki begins to trust Kashi.  She blushes at her own words and covers her cheeks. 

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Yuki nods and is still blushing. "Sure. Lets just go ahead until we find something" She points ahead of them, and then back to Kashi to see if he agree's. Yuki looks at Kashi's silvery hair and pretty eyes. Notices that Kashi isn't a bad person from the tone and aura his body and eyes give off. Yuki trust Kashi and hopes that they could become friends. Yuki has never had a friend, she hopes that this will be her chance to finally have a friend.

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Kashi nods. "OK then, off we go!" He laughs, then jogs ahead for a second, but slows down to Yuki's speed. "Well, we better get acquainted. Let's friend each other." After doing such, Kashi bows and says, "Anytime you're in trouble, don't hesitate to contact me. I am in your service Ma'am." He laughs and straightens up, nodding towards a little ahead of them. "Now I wonder what that is?"

Edited by Kashi
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Yuki smiles at his actions, and how cheerful he is. She sends him a friend request, after she blushed as he bows in front of her. "T-hank you" She smiles, quickly notices that she is smiling for the first time. Blushes even more. Covers her cheeks and looks away from Kashi until he asks whats ahead of us as we walk. I quickly forget about looking away and looks ahead. See's a cool looking building, is curious what must be inside that building. 

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"Sweet!" Kashi announces. "We might find some rockin' gear inside!" He jumps and pumps his fist. He then droops, looking sad. "Hey Yuki? Before we continue, I'd like to inform you of something. If you live in Tokyo, and go to East Arts School, you might know some random loser. Named Peter "Dumb-A**. That's me...." He then flinches, like he is expecting laughter, or even a solid punch. "It's OK if you don't want to be around me..."

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Yuki's eyes widen when she hears that he goes to a school that is super close to where she lives. She smiles at his way of saying that he wants me to come and visit him once we get out of this game. "We live really close... If you go to allies you will find the bet master fighter" She waits for a 'not gonna be your friend anymore' speech or something like that. Suddenly becomes aware of who kashi is, she quickly turns to Kashi and remember seeing him at the market, before she was trapped in this game. Yuki laughs and quickly hugs Kashi. "I would like it if we cold meet up in real life" Yuki smiles and blushes lightly.

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Kashi blushes extremely. "Really? That'd be sweet!" He grins, then stops. "Well, we're here. If I go in first, do you think you could help me if I get jumped?" He backs up and pulls out his sword. He fists-bumps Yuki for good luck. Kashi then steps back, and rolls into the room, ready for anything.

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Yuki follows him and checks all the walls. Looks down at the chest and smirks "If it is a trap you think we ca take on whatever must come?" She asks him a question, showing him her true colors. the colors of a person who is mean, cruel, and has no friends but, she does have friends. She smirks at the trap that possibly might come. When ever danger happens, her evil side comes along causing more trouble. 

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