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[PP-F3] The mean girl, and the loyal boy (Kashi)

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Yuki gets ready to fight the monsters. Yuki stays behind Kashi making sure that if he gets hurt that she will get in and kill the monster. She sees a monster jump onto Kashi, she quickly jumps in front of him and slashes the monster making it die. Yuki turns around to make sure Kashi is alright, she feels a sharp pain in her back. Yuki turns around and sees a monster almost about to stab her through her back. 

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Kashi sees Yuki's predicament a grabs her and pulls her to him, into his chest. He swings his sword, cutting the monster's arm off, then finishes it with a thrust. "You OK Yuki? That was a deep blow. Here, have a life crystal." Kashi pulls one out and quickly hands it to her. "Now, let's check out that chest."

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Yuki is pulled into his chest, she blushes. Her back hurts but she couldn't stop thinking why he must be so nice to her. She starts to think if he knew the real her that he would leave her, she becomes sad. Yuki looks up to Kashi when he hands her a life crystal, she was about to say thank you but he went back to see what is in the chest. Yuki heals herself with the life crystal and walks to the chest. 

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Kashi slowly approaches the chest, carefully avoiding what looks like traps. When he finally reaches the chest, he swings it open revealing it's contents. "It's a sword, huh. Well, since I can't use it, it goes to you." Kashi lifts the sword and bows, holding the sword in is hands, presenting it to her. "Take it, as a sign of our friendship."

Edited by Kashi
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Yuki smiles at him when he bows and hands her the sword. "Thank you" Yuki says as she touches the sword. One he stops bowing he hands it to her, she smiles and slashes with the sword, She smiles big showing her pearly whites. She turns to Kashi with her big smile and laughs slightly. Yuki is really happy that she gets this sword, she's always wanted another sword. Yuki smiles as she pretends she's killing monsters with the sword just to see how she could fight with it. 


Sword acquainted: 

Item: Steel sword
Item Type: One handed straight-sword [lvl 2]
Quality: Common
Enhancement: +1 ACC
Description: A large sliver sword blade connected to a golden hilt. 


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Kashi nods and goes into the next room, which has nothing in it besides a giant stone owl in the middle. It sits and does nothing, but Kashi swears it's breathing. Suddenly, it opens its red eyes and shrieks, then starts flapping its wings. "Oh boy!" Kashi states, then draws his sword. "Now is your chance to try that new sword Yuki. We got a mini-boss on our hands!"

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Yuki was startled when the Owl opened its eyes out of no where. Yuki holds the new sword in her hand, she gets into her position and waits for the owl to make its move. Yuki is a bit scared on how it will end up, she sees the owl fly straight towards her. Yuki jumps up into the air to the same level as the owl. She tries to hit the owl but the owl quickly flies behind Yuki and flies right into her making Yuki fall straight onto the floor. 

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The owl starts flapping its wings at a very fast rate, shooting sharp rock feathers at Yuki. But they don't hit her. Kashi is pinned to the wall by his arm, giving the owl a chance to repeatedly stab Kashi in the ribs and chest. He screams in pain. The owl turns to attack Yuki, put Kashi rips the feathers out of his arm and lands on top of the owl, covering its eyes.

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Yuki is about to break in tears for Kashi until she has a chance to kill the owl. She quickly stabs the owl in between Kashi's arms that are holding the owl tightly. Yuki killed the owl and she hugs kashi softly before checking his wounds. "Are you alright?" Yuki says with a tear falling down her cheek. Yuki has never been so scared in her life, she's filled with new emotions that she has never felt before. She was scared for Kashi, she was scared for someone else. 

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Kashi lay on the cold floor, holes in his hand arm, and ribs. He is looking off in the distance, pixels swiriling around Yuki's face. He coughs, and Yuki notices his extremely low health. He then coughs again, more violently than the last. "We..we..item." He manages to say, before falling more into death's grasp, the only thing allowing him to live is the thought of leaving Yuki.

Edited by Kashi
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Yuki starts to cry harder than usual, since her first friend might die. "Kashi!... Kashi! please stay awake... please don't leave me" Yuki knows if Kashi dies she would go back to her old ways. Yuki finally made a friend, and now she is about to loose her only friend. Yuki cries as she stares at Kashi. "Kashi please... don't leave me... ill be all alone again" Yuki cries, She holds his head and sits on the cold floor. Her tears hit onto his face like drizzle of rain. "please" Is all Yuki can say through all of her pain from the thought of her only friend dieing,

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Yuki looks at the item he just handed her. She sees its a small silver ring with a red jewel. Yuki stares at the ring for moments until she notices that it became quiet. She looks up and sees Kashi unconscious. Yuki doesn't bother yelling, she gets up off the floor and wipes off her tears. She bends down and puts Kashi onto her back. She walks out of the building, and down the road. She is still crying that he was close to dying. She keeps walking down a path, thinking about what just happened. Yuki gets tired, but she doesn't stop to take a rest she keeps walking with Kashi on her back.

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Eventually Kashi wakes up, and slides off her back. "You carried me all this way? Sheesh, that's a heck of a feat. I guess it's my turn." He picks her up in his arms and walks the rest of the way to town. Upon reaching the entrance he puts her down. He thanks her. "Thanks for all that! You saved my life!" After a second he says, "So, what's next?" He grins.

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Yuki is surprised that he can actually walk, she was carried from when he got off her back to when they arrived at the town. He thanks her and she smiles but theres also tears in her eyes. She quickly turns away hoping he wouldn't see. "It was no problem" She wipes the tears off her face and smiles at the thought of whats next, the adventures of Kashi and Yuki. "Lets go on an adventure! or maybe..." She goes off thinking about what they could do. She's happy that her friend is alive, her only and true friend. 

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Kashi asks, "So, do you want to explore the city? Maybe we could find a secret entrance to a rare cave!" His eyes sparkle. Suddenly, a large growling is heard. "Oh man, I forgot that I was so hungry. Almost perishing really makes me hungry. Why don't we go eat somewhere? I'll pay!" He grabs Yuki by the hand and pulls her behind him to a shop, titled, "The Best Ribs In SAO!"

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