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[PP-F3] The mean girl, and the loyal boy (Kashi)

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Yuki smiles as Kashi grabs her hand, she holds his hand and walks towards a shop titled "The Best Ribs in SAO!" Yuki smiles when she hears theres food, and god food. Yuki "You sure?... i could pay" Yuki says as she holds his hand. Yuki is still concerned about Kashi, but she tries to stop worrying. Yuki looks at Kashi's face, notices he has a jawline and a nice toned face. She blushes and spaces out as she stares at his face noticing how nice his face is. 

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Kashi grins, and shakes his head. "No, I got it! Thanks for the request though." He talks to the restaurant owner, then turns toward Yuki. "Let's go get our seats!" After sitting down and eating for a bit, Kashi asks, "So, got any siblings IRL? The closest I had was a cousin, but she's...." As Yuki looks at Kashi, she can tell that the cousin is dead. "ARGH! I did it again! I just ruined this very nice dinner!" He signals a waitress. Before he orders more, he tells Yuki, "Since I ruined the meal, can I fix it by getting us dessert?"

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Yuki nods thinking about her little brother. "yeah i have a little brother" Yuki looks up at Kashi and hides the pain of talking about her little brother. Yuki knows that her brother doesn't like her that much because of what she did to one of her friends. His friend is ... lets just say gone. Yuki feels so bad for his friend, she tried to save him but she couldn't. Yuki shakes off the feeling of guilt. "You didnt mess up the meal..." Yuki says quietly through the pain inside her heart. "Sure" Yuki puts up a friendly smile when he brings up dessert. 

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Kashi can see he struck a nerve, so he feels bad. But, after ordering, he talks to her. "Hey Yuki? This may sound rude, but I want to talk to you. Stop lingering in the past. Focus on the future. If you stay in past, it can destroy your future. Don't mess up like I did." He takes his hands in hers. She can see he is crying. "I want you to promise that you won't let your past block the light of your future! Promise!"

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Yuki turns her head and looks at Kashi, he sees her with tears in her eyes. She notices that he is teary as well. "I ... i-i-i" She starts to stutter as he noticed how she was feeling. Yuki looks at him with a new light, a new way that she hasn't ever felt before. "I promise that i wont let my past block the light of my future" She says with tears in her eyes and a small smile to keep going. She is gonna start a new way of living, a new way to look at the world. 

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Yuki eats the dessert with a small smile, and she would peek at Kashi when he wasn't looking at her. Yuki stayed quiet and ate the ice cream. Yuki started to wonder about a couple things that most teenage girls would. She was a bit insecure about her body, she didn't know the first thing about love, she was a teenager again, she was free from the bird cage that her mind trapped her in. Yuki finished the dessert and waited for Kashi who was taking his time, she smiled at how he would examine the dessert before eating it, and how he was so focused on the dessert. 

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Kashi seems oblivious to her thoughts, every once in a while, saying something with his mouthful. Finally, after finishing, he sits up. He sees that Yuki is lost in thought, so he sits back, toothpick in hand, and stares of as well. He drifts back to the old times, where he was living in fear, the painful times.

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Yuki thinks about how crushes work, and why they were even called crushes. She sits back staring at Kashi's face lost in thought. Yuki was thinking about who he might have a crush on, or if he even has one. She blushes at the thought of him having a crush or even a girlfriend and what they might do. Yuki is still confused what is love, she wonders, what it must be like to love some one. "What is love?" She mumbles thinking out loud. She doesn't notice she's said that out loud. She rest her head on her hand that was resting on the table. 

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"Huh?" Kashi snaps back into reality. "What is love?" He thinks for a second. "Love is a feeling that you hold for someone. It is a feeling that makes you want to be better, to help them, for them to help you. It means that no matter what, you would DIE to protect them. That is true love, in my opinion. But don't forget, love is a two-way street. You can end up feeling more broken than before, or you happier than you ever imagined. That is love. It is a powerful thing. Personally, I treat love as a treasure. I give it away, yes, but to very few." He blushes. "I think you might have some of it Yuki..." He turns his head. "Sorry about all that deep stuff. I really didn't know either, until I joined SAO."

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Yuki is snapped back into reality when he gives me the definition of love, she blushes at all the symptoms of love. She notices that most of the symptoms have already happened. She looks up to Kashi realizing what love means. "Does that mean that..." Her eyes widened as she noticed its with someone she has became very close to. She blushes a deep red and looks away after she feels her cheeks heat up. Her heart feels like it might pound right out of her chest, and her stomach is filled with butterflies. Yuki covers her mouth and hopes that he doesn't realize what she meant by 'does that mean that...' really means. Yuki looks over to him slightly as he says that i might have some of it, which makes her blush even more. Once he applogizes she shakes her head and smiles up to him with her cheeks still filled with the color red. "No need to say sorry" She smiles at Kashi to comfort him.

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Yuki blushes when Kashi grabs her hand. She holds his hand as well and looks at him with a big smile. "An adventure" Yuki smiles big just at the thought of it. Yuki has always been a big fan of adventures, maybe because it could help her cool off, or maybe because its just a nicer environment than large crowds. They walk outside smiling at each other. Yuki with her still flushed red cheeks, she tries to hide it from him, but theirs no point since he already knows that she's blushing. Yuki is happy that she became friends with Kashi, he's made her a better person, and made her choose the right things.

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Kashi and Yuki continue on toward the caves. However, in the bushes, several boars jump out, all with faces of hate. "Crap!" He draws his sword, and attacks. Yuki can clearly see he has the situation handled, but what she sees that he doesn't is the panther sneaking up on him. The panther rears back, then jumps on Kashi's back, causing him to stumble and trip, while the boars prepare for another attack. Kashi's health bar starts to lower, but he still has plenty left, so he continues to struggle. His face becomes filled with scratches, making it almost impossible to see.

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Yuki won't let him die this time, she goes after the boars who are all surrounded on Kashi. She slashes left and right and quickly they all vanish to pixxels. Yuki quickly turns to kashi seeing that he is struggling. She glares at the panther and her stamina hightens and she pulls the panther off and using her free hand she slashes the panther enough to make it back away for a minute or two. She turns and looks at Kashi to make sure he is alright. "Are you alright?" She asks Concerned about his health. Her health is not high either but not low to the point of dying. She has scratches all over hands from the panther and she has blisters all over hands. 


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Kashi, who can't see, manages to get up. He turns in the direction of the panthers breathing and charges. "Yah!" He yells and charges, but he doesn't attack. The panther leaps at him, but it is only at the last second that he slashes. The panther is cut neatly in two. Kashi sighs and sheaths his sword, then takes a potion. The scars over his eyes vanish, and he opens them. "We make a good team, huh?"

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Yuki finally lets go of her breath and smiles. She looks at Kashi and nods. "Yeah" She agrees. Yuki opens her mouth to say something, she quickly shuts her mouth and blushes. She grabs Kashi's hand and looks away from him and head the path towards the caves. She is blushing really red, when she was about to say something embarrassing. 

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Yuki has her black blade sword in her right. She is all ready, she nods "Yep". They walk into the cave on guard knowing a monster will show up soon. Yuki is determined to show Kashi she is perfectly fine, and that she doesn't need to be saved. Even if she might like being saved sometimes she needs to be able to safe herself without feeling the guilt of someone saving her and they die in the process. She doesn't want to hold that stress on her life forever, so she promised herself if he is in danger that she would risk her life to save Kashi

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