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[PP - F9] Moving Forward, Pt.2 (Mack)

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ID: 52961
BD: 6 (3 + Concentration(5/5))
LD: 7 + 3(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas) + 3(Search&Detect)

Takao: 185/185 (45/45) [Sword Art: Sharp Nail 1*6*22=132 DMG] (13 Base + 4 Charge + 3 Damage Crystal + 1 Alcoholic)

Lesser Lava Elemental 1: -7/100 (Mit. 25) [132-25=107 DMG]
Lesser Lava Elemental 2: -7/100 (Mit. 25) [132-25=107 DMG]
Lesser Lava Elemental 3: -7/100 (Mit. 25) [132-25=107 DMG]
Lesser Lava Elemental 4: -7/100 (Mit. 25) [132-25=107 DMG]

11/15 Remaining

"I'd like to think I'm good at calculating risks." Takao replied without turning his back. Truthfully, with the dungeon found, the gloves were nothing more than a slight bonus to loot drops. If he were to be giving Mack whatever spoils of war they came across as a result of their spelunking, he figured it might as well be worth their while. His ability to obliterate a group of mobs wasn't much when compared to more specialized builds, but for carefully selected situations, it was more than enough to get him by. As they walked, Takao's eyes scanned the area, both figuratively and literally. The skill gave him clear warning of the small clearing ahead, which housed four monsters. "We're a bit over-leveled for these guys at this point anyway. The one at the end is the real threat." His blade began to glow red as he walked, and in the seconds that followed, four monsters were reduced to confetti-like pixels.

Total Rewards:

+4 Mats - Mack

+(4) 16 Mats - Takao
+(2000) 6700 Col

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"In that case, they're all yours," Mack rumbled, taking a step back to allow Takao to move out to a comfortable lead. The brunette swordsman was quite correct. The normal floor strength mobs on this floor really didn't pose all that much of a threat to either of them. If Mack could handle them by himself, being more than ten levels beneath Takao then there wasn't much reason to think that Takao couldn't handle everything well enough on his own. "I'll stand by for the big boss at the end then. I assume you do want me to draw hate on that one," Mack asked, even as Takao was springing into motion to dispatch a quartet of softly glowing red lava elementals that, frankly, weren't all that intimidating.

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ID: 52966
BD: 5 + 3(ACC)
LD: 11 + 3(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas) + 3(Search&Detect)

Takao: 185/185 (22/45) [Sword Art: Sharp Nail 1*6*22=132 DMG] (13 Base + 4 Charge + 3 Damage Crystal + 1 Alcoholic)

Lesser Lava Elemental 5: -7/100 (Mit. 25) [132-25=107 DMG]
Lesser Lava Elemental 6: -7/100 (Mit. 25) [132-25=107 DMG]
Lesser Lava Elemental 7: -7/100 (Mit. 25) [132-25=107 DMG]
Lesser Lava Elemental 8: -7/100 (Mit. 25) [132-25=107 DMG]

7/15 Remaining

A low grunt escaped Takao's throat as he straightened his back, the post-motion rigidness of his sword art having kept him in place for a short minute after its usage. Before long, he was back to moving forward, advancing through the cave-like dungeon. "That's the plan," Takao said as another four rocks, separate from each other, began to glow and rumble as the pair grew closer. "Doin' this will probably wipe me out by the time we get to the room. If you do happen to get hit, you should be able to mitigate most of the damage, and I'll try to step in where I can." As he spoke, the same sword art he had just finished using was prepared once more. Control was relinquished to the system, and four more piles of sentient rocks met their end in an explosion of colourful polygons.

Total Rewards:

+4 Mats - Mack

+(8) 24 Mats - Takao
+(2000) 8700 Col

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"Oh Captain, my captain," Mack rumbled, moving along at an easy jog as he followed Jomei through the dungeon. On the one hand, the plan definitely made sense. Mack knew he would need to stay ahead of the boss monster on the hate table, if for no other reason than to keep Takao from getting slaughtered by the creature. If the rumors he had heard we true, then the boss would have somewhere north of six hundred hit points that would have to be taken down. Of course, what made these bosses a bit easier to stomach was the fact that they wouldn't have other spawning minions to be dealt with. Pulling up his inventory with a finger swipe as he followed along behind Takao, Mack produced Trooper's Respite in his hands and then called out to Takao. "Here, try these. They carry a plus two recovery. You're making such short work of the mobs that you could swap out. Just toss them back at the end."

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ID: 52984
BD: 8 + 3(ACC)
LD: 10 + 3(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas) + 3(Search&Detect)

Takao: 185/185 (11/45) [Sword Art: Sharp Nail 1*6*22=132 DMG] (13 Base + 4 Charge + 3 Damage Crystal + 1 Alcoholic)

Lesser Lava Elemental 9: -7/100 (Mit. 25) [132-25=107 DMG]
Lesser Lava Elemental 10: -7/100 (Mit. 25) [132-25=107 DMG]
Lesser Lava Elemental 11: -7/100 (Mit. 25) [132-25=107 DMG]
Lesser Lava Elemental 12: -7/100 (Mit. 25) [132-25=107 DMG]

3/15 Remaining

Takao sniggered as he listened to Mack behind him, yet vigilant eyes never left the path ahead of them. One of the several advantages to seeing through walls and the like meant that monsters stuck out clear as day, contrasting beautifully against the otherwise transparent green-hued environment. Another four conspicuous rocks laid ahead of them and stirred when the duo drew closer, and another four rocks were promptly vanquished with a simple three step three swing motion. One monster on the first swing, one on the second, and the last two on the third. It was an art that was very quickly becoming second nature. "Hey, man. Say what you want about OHSS, but we got -options-." He said, backpedaling in the direction they'd been heading as he turned to Mack, only to point at himself with his thumbs. "Weak options, but still. Options." He caught the item as it was offered and glanced it over. "Sure thing, thanks. I'll put it on when we get to the boss room. I should be able to take out the last couple up this way."

Total Rewards:

+4 Mats - Mack

+(8) 32 Mats - Takao
+(2000) 10700 Col

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"I have options too," Mack said, Invictus still shouldered as Takao accepted the boots from him. "A famous barbarian once said, 'Crush enemies, see them driven before you. Here the lamentations of the women.' We are told that is what is best in life," the soldier continued, speaking in a very knowledgeable tone as he did his best impression of Arnold Schwarzenegger as he repeated the famous line from Conan the Barbarian. Of course, there were some that said Mack was, himself, a barbarian. But that was beside the point. "How much farther into this cave do we need to go? Feels like we should be just about there." 

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ID: 53018
BD: 9 + 3(ACC)
LD: 18 + 3(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas)

Takao: 185/185 (0/45) [Sword Art: Sharp Nail 1*6*22=132 DMG] (13 Base + 4 Charge + 3 Damage Crystal + 1 Alcoholic)

Lesser Lava Elemental 13: -7/100 (Mit. 25) [132-25=107 DMG]
Lesser Lava Elemental 14: -7/100 (Mit. 25) [132-25=107 DMG]
Lesser Lava Elemental 15: -7/100 (Mit. 25) [132-25=107 DMG]
Lesser Lava Elemental 16: -7/100 (Mit. 25) [132-25=107 DMG]

0/15 Remaining

"That is good, that is good." Takao said, chuckling lightly to himself as he completed the reference. He found old movies of that sort to be entertaining in a cheesy sort of way, and had once made a habit of watching them late at night when sleep eluded him. "Yep, we're about there now. Just four right 'bout here," Takao answered, stopping momentarily to engage the last remaining monsters that occupied the cave. With the Inundator glowing blood red, he stepped forward and cleaved each of the four monsters in twain, leaving their corpses to decay and burst into confetti. Takao swung his blade up and shouldered the flat, then slid it down into the scabbard. A few more steps forward lead them to a conspicuous wooden door in the middle of the cave. "He's about twenty meters directly in front of the door," Takao said as he stepped aside and gestured upon deactivating the «Reveal» skill. "All yours."

Total Rewards:

+4 Mats - Mack

+(8) 40 Mats - Takao
+(4000) 14700 Col

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OOC: Since we don't have to give it mit to get the Reward Drop... I ain't gunna.

ID: 53023
BD: 9 
MD: 1

Takao: 185/185 (0/45) 
[H:2] Mack: 133/133 (20/32) - Dynamic Violence 4x3x17=204 (6 Weapon, 5 Skill, 3 Charge, 1 Base, 1 Nat. 9, 1 Athletics)

Balrog: 426/630 (DMG: 99) [-204 DMG]

"Is this one of those you find the traps, I'll fight the monsters things," the ginger man asked, stepping up to the indicated door and pushing it open just a smidge to peer inside. For his trouble he was greeted with a fireball that slammed against the door as Mack jerked his head back out of the room so quickly that he actually fell backwards onto his butt. "Not one word," he muttered, getting back to his feet and using Invictus as a bit of a walking stick as the heavy wooden door was pixelated under the fiery assault. "As you can see, they have a Balrog," Mack rumbled, tightening his grip on the axe. "If you'll excuse me." The ginger giant charged through the now missing door, drawing Invictus back as he ran. When the Balrog swung its lava axe at the first attacker, the third in command of the Knights of the Blood Oath dropped to his knees and slid under the attack before popping back up and moving into range. Whirling the heavy weapon around, Mack slammed a lateral chop directly into the beast's chin before delivering a pair of heavy body punches to the glowing red and orange creature that towered over him. Finally, he swept the Balrog's legs out from beneath it with a powerful chop to the creature's knee that toppled the beast with a ground shaking thud.

Total Rewards:

+4 Mats - Mack

+(8) 40 Mats - Takao
+(4000) 14700 Col

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"Hm? Oh, I already saw it." Takao said, grinning slightly as he tapped his temple with an index finger. "X-ray vision, remember?" With crossed arms, he watched Mack charge through the recently obliterated doorway. "I'll hang back here for a bit!" He yelled from the cave, not quite having any interest in joining the fray whilst his energy stores still hovered at laughably low levels. Instead Takao opted to lean against the threshold where the door had once been, and applauded when Mack landed the first strike against their large, demonic quarry.

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ID: 53090
BD: 7
MD: 3

Takao: 185/185 (0/45) 
[H:3] Mack: 133/133 (14/32 [+1, -7]) - Crescent Avalanche 7x1x13=91 (6 Weapon, 5 Skill, 1 Base, 1 Athletics)

Balrog: 335/630 (DMG: 99) [-91 DMG]

Deciding that the best tactic was to stay as far inside the guard of the tower Balrog as possible, Mack changed up his tactics. As the lava emperor was getting back to its feet, using a glowing battle axe to assist it, Mack drew Invictus up over his head and locked in the Crescent Avanlanche skill. Dextrously, the ginger giant moved around the glowing boss as the heavy bearded axe lashed out again and again to drive into the monster. The steel tipped butt cap whipped around and slammed into the Balrog's chin with enough force to snap its head around. Mack's hands shifted on the haft of the weapon so that the bearded portion of the blade would protect his hands and a flurry of body shot punches rained down. Finally, the gargantuan axe man lifted the axe high above his head and tomahawked it down on the Balrog's skull, driving the beast to a prone position on the ground once more. "I hope you're using those boots I gave you," Mack called out, his attention still focused on the Balrog.

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"Huh? Oh, yeah. I've got 'em on." Takao said, glancing down at where his boots had once been, and were instead replaced with Mack's alternative. They didn't seem to be doing much in the way of recovering his energy; just a poor few rolls of the dice. "You just uh... You keep doin' what you're doin'. I'll be set 'n ready in a few seconds." He called out in return, his main hand reaching over his shoulder to grasp the handle of his sword. He pulled the blade free of the scabbard on his back and rested the tip against the ground, waiting for the system to restore his simulated stamina to engage the Balrog.

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ID: 53105
BD: 6 (5+1 Concentration) [Concentration: 5/5]
MD: 8
CD: 3 (No Regen)

Takao: 185/185 (0/45) 
[H:4] Mack: 100/133 (8/32 [+1, -7]) - Crescent Avalanche 7x1x13=91 (6 Weapon, 5 Skill, 1 Base, 1 Athletics) [99-66=33 DMG]

Balrog: 244/630 (DMG: 99) [-91 DMG]

Something about this division of labor didn't seem quite fair to Mack. Sure, Takao had dealt with orders of magnitude more mobs. And sure, the hit points on all of those mobs was more than twice the total hit points on the Balrog. But, Takao had been able to one hit everything and that was not the case with Mack and the mighty glowing Balrog. As the enormous glowing beast struggled to rise again it through off a tremendous blast of heat, even as Mack leaped to the attack once more with Crescent Avalanche. Once, the Balrog pushed up to rise from the ground and Invictus slammed into its back. Twice, the Balrog tried to push up from the ground to get to its feet, and again Invictus was tomahawked into its back. This set of maneuvers continued, most comically until finally after the seventh time the axe slammed into the boss' back the creature swiped out a massive hand and backhanded the ginger axe man with enough force to lunch him backwards. Mack crashed to the floor of the cave and slid backwards, right through the door that was no longer there, to stop at Takao's feet. "Any time, Brosef, he's super pissed," the blacksmith remarked in a dry tone.

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"Well, that's probably 'cause you keep hittin' with an axe." Takao said, arms folding as he glanced down at Mack. "I'd probably be pretty angry if somebody broke into my house and started hitting me with an axe too." A quick look at the health gauge floating beside his head gave clear indication of how much damage the beast had been able to do, which wasn't enough to warrant immediate alarm. The brunet tapped the end of his sword on the ground a few times before hefting it up and shifting the grip into something more proper, then stepped over Mack. "Looks like you're fine though, and my energy is just about to come back. One more hit 'n I should be good."

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OOC: For NOT having Howl... I have drawn a ridiculous amount of hate on this thing. I assume you're going to kill it now? :)

ID: 53109
BD: 9 [Concentration: 4/5]
MD: 4
CD: 2 (No Regen)

Takao: 185/185 (0/45) 
[H:6] Mack: 100/133 (2/32 [+1, -7]) - Crescent Avalanche 7x1x14=91 (6 Weapon, 5 Skill, 1 Base, 1 Athletics, 1 Nat. 9)

Balrog: 146/630 (DMG: 99) [-98 DMG]

"Well yeah, when ya put it like that it sounds like I'm the bad guy," Mack grumbled, getting to his feet and rubbing the back of his head, even though that was a completely unnecessary reaction on his part. "Now see? That's the kind of attitude that gets people so upset with us front liners," the axe-man continued, referencing Takao's comment that he seemed to be doing just fine fighting the beastly Balrog all by himself. The ginger man glanced back at the Balrog which, ostentatiously, held up one colossal hand and beckoned to the armored warrior to come back for more. "Aww, don't be like that Balrog... I've got an axe and I'm gonna bust you in the face!" What followed was a string of expletives too vile for the tender ears of his traveling companion, most likely, as Mack went tearing back into the Balrog's chamber. There was no finesse about it, none whatsoever, the gigantic blacksmith dove into the fiery demon beast with a pile driving tackle. Landing sitting astride the Balrog, Mack proceeded to rain blow after blow after blow smack into the middle of the Balrog's face.

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OOC// oh yeah. it's dead.

ID: 53110
BD: 2 + 3(Accuracy) + 1(Concentration)

Takao: 185/185 (45/45)  [Sword Art: Deadly Sins 1*7*21=147 DMG] (13 Base + 4 Charge + 3 Damage Crystal + 1 Alcoholic)
[H:6] Mack: 100/133 (2/32)

Balrog: -1/630 (DMG: 99) [-147 DMG]

"Well, you are the one with the axe." Takao responded, and chuckled lightly at the front liner comment. "You should take it as a compliment! I mean, you are doing just fine. You've basically killed it by yourself," He said just before Mack launched into his next attack. The brunet took the opportunity to circle around to one side of the monster whilst it was preoccupied with his expletive spewing companion, and waited for his assault to end. The instant Mack finished his attack, Takao launched into his own. With speed and damage augmented by the «Charge» skill, the blue hued Inundator cleaved into the Balrog a total of seven times. His attack carried a considerable amount of finese in comparison to Mack's, with a few unnecessary jumps, flips, and turns to accentuate the grace of the attack. When the dust had settled, the beast burst into confetti-like polygons, and a window appeared in front of both Mack and Takao. "Well, that wasn't so hard. Y'alright over there?"

Thread Rewards

45 Materials
14700 Col (Monsters)
400 Col

Dungeon Rewards

1610 Col = (15+8(LD/S&D) * 70)


45 Materials (Mack)
16510 Col (Mack)
200 Col (Takao)
4SP (Mack/Takao)

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