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[PP - F6] The Climb, Pt.3 (Mack)

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ID: 53694
BD: 10 + 3(ACC)
LD: 19 + 2(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas)

Takao: 185/185 (12/46) [Sword Art: Sharp Nail 1*6*24=144 DMG] (13 Base + 5 Charge + 3 Damage Crystal + 1 Alcoholic + 2 Critical)

Gnoll Whelp 9 0/115 (Mit. 28) [144-28=116 DMG]
Gnoll Whelp 10 0/115 (Mit. 28) [144-28=116 DMG]
Gnoll Whelp 11 0/115 (Mit. 28) [144-28=116 DMG]
Gnoll Whelp 12 0/115 (Mit. 28) [144-28=116 DMG]

3/15 Remaining

"Pizza..? Pool at the-.. what?" Takao said, glancing over his shoulder at Mack. "One more word and I will turn this sub-dungeon around! 'n I ain't playin'!" A light chuckle reverberated in his chest as he walked, gaze slipping forwards once more to return to vigilance. "I left him at home. He's runnin' the shop while I'm gone. He actually seems to enjoy it quite a bit, you'd be surprised." Takao replied as his eyes settled upon another grouping of four monsters. One sword art, three steps, and three swings of his sword later, and all four off the ambushing monsters were cut down in rapid succession. "Boss room's just up ahead."

Total Rewards:

(+8)16 Mats - Takao
(+4600)8600 Col

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"Well, I better not make Papa Bard angry then," Mack said in a low, but carrying whisper, that was meant to mimic the hushed tones of small children. "You don't want Papa Bard to get the belt! Nobody likes the belt!" Then Takao mentioned that he had left his familiar in charge of running his restaurant and the ginger giant quirked an eyebrow in Takao's direction. "That's not as bad as leaving Chewie to look over the restaurant, but I'm not completely certain that Oto won't eat every single food ingredient that you have. I wouldn't want to place bets on whether or not he could beat Chewie in an eating contest. I really don't know who would win that one," Mack continued, watching as the brunette swordsman cut down four more Gnolls on their pathway to the boss.

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ID: 53694
BD: 2 + 3(ACC) + 1(Concentration)
LD: 8 + 2(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas) + 3(Search & Detect)

Takao: 185/185 (1/46) [Sword Art: Sharp Nail 1*6*22=132 DMG] (13 Base + 5 Charge + 3 Damage Crystal + 1 Alcoholic + 2 Critical)

Gnoll Whelp 13 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Gnoll Whelp 14 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Gnoll Whelp 15 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Gnoll Whelp 16 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]

0/15 Remaining

"Papa Bard ain' nuttin' to mess wit'." Takao commented, nodding matter-of-factly as he shouldered his sword. "But Oto's pretty smart, he knows he won't get the good food if he eats everything else. He seems to genuinely like interacting with people too, which is kind of odd, but I'm not really complaining. It's pretty good for business too, y'know? Gettin' served by a lil' dragon dude." He continued, slowly making his way toward the boss room entrance. As he turned the corner, he cut down four more monsters, revealing the large wooden door of their quarry. Sheathing the sword on his back, Takao took a few steps to the side and gestured forward. "After you."

Total Rewards:

(+4)20 Mats - Takao
(+2120)10720 Col

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ID: 53770
MD: 6
CD: 7 (Regen. Activates)

Takao: 185/185 (1/46)
Mack: 149/149 (66-74 Mit=-1) (+54 Regen)

Gnoll Chieftainess 420/420 [66 DMG]

"As long as you don't expect me to call you daddy that's beyond wrong," Mack rumbled as Takao polished off the last of the Gnolls and paved the way to the door that led into the boss' lair. "No time like the present," Mack said in a low tone as he stepped up to the heavy oaken door. With all the subtlety of a brick through a plate glass window, the behemoth put his boot to the door and kicked it in. Immediately, he wished he hadn't. "Get a load of this thing, Bard... it's a Gnoll Chieftainess. Damn, she needs some clothes... nasty," the hulking blacksmith commented in regards to the creature's clothing, or lack thereof. In response to the remark a dagger came sailing out the now open doorway and lodged itself in his chest. "Ow."

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"I'd really rather you not... 'n what're you "ow"in' about? You can't feel a thing," Takao said as he reached out and pulled the dagger from Mack's chest. "See?" He glanced over the weapon and shrugged at the quality before tossing it behind him. It was useless in quality and useless in design to him, which made it as good as trash. At the mention of the boss's apparent nudity, Takao's curiousity was piqued. He glanced through the open door for only a second before quickly whipping back around, hands covering his eyes. "Jeez! I'm uh... I'm sittin' this one out. Have fun!"

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ID: 53781
BD: 7

MD: 7
CD: 8 (Regen. Activates)

Takao: 185/185 (1/46)
Mack: 149/149 (66-74 Mit=-1) (+54 Regen) [Dynamic Violence: 4x3x16=192] [Energy: 24/36]

Gnoll Chieftainess 228/420 [66 DMG] (-192 DMG)

"Oh, it's going to be like that, is it," Mack asked, gesturing through the open door as Takao plucked the knife from his chest and discarded it. "That thing has six boobs and none of them are covered... I'm pretty sure you forcing me to do this is against some kind of anti-cruelty or anti-bullying laws," Mack rumbled, sneaking another peek at the Chieftainess and shuddering. Even as he did so, another throwing knife came sailing out the door and thudded into his chest.

"You know... that's starting to get annoying." When Takao still indicated it was Mack's job to kill the beast he shrugged and plucked the knife from his chest, discarding it over his shoulder. "Yes oh mighty bard, tales will be told of the way we spayed the mighty beast..." Charging through the open doors, Mack slammed Invictus into the Gnoll repeatedly, marveling at the highly amusing animation that sent the creature's bangles flying in all directions with every swing of the axe.


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"It's a system!" Takao shouted out from behind the door, arms folding at his chest after moving covering his eyes. "And it's a good system! I take out all the lil' guys 'cause I got a bunch of energy, you take out the big guys-- or in this case, girls I guess... or... not girl.. hyena thing... could still be a girl, I guess... Point is, it works!" Takao huffed out a breath and shook his head. It didn't seem like Mack was having any trouble with the Chieftainess, which meant he had not even the slightest semblance of obligation to help him. Judging by the sounds of combat, and the weird slapping sounds that filled the caves, it was going quite well... or perhaps the opposite, given the context. "Oh god, I think I heard them just then. Isn't this game 'spose to be PG-13?!"

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ID: 53789
BD: 1

MD: 7
CD: 12 (Regen. Activates)

Takao: 185/185 (1/46)
Mack: 149/149 (66-74 Mit=-1) (+54 Regen) [Energy: 23/36]

Gnoll Chieftainess 228/420 [66 DMG] 

"I think so, but I bet it also still lets the players engage in adult oriented activities, that's not exactly PG-13," Mack called back as the Gnoll Chieftainess did something so disgusting it couldn't really be spoken of. But, then again, she was a gnoll. Still, it did cause even the brutish axe man to avert his gaze to the point of turning his back on the creature to continue his conversation with Takao. No way he wasn't going to force his emerald-eyed companion to help with this one. What was good for one was good for the other. "Besides, haven't you ever played Diablo II, that game's a classic and it had an everybody rating, more or less even though the first boss was practically naked." While he was speaking the chieftainess outlandishly buried a knife right between his shoulder blades. "Ow. Takao, the dog witch is stabbing me again!"

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Takao scratched his head and shrugged. "Well, I mean, technically yes... But that's an option you have to enable, and I most certainly do not have it enabled, yet she's still got 'er goodyears floppin' out!" His hand found its way to his face, harmlessly slamming into his forehead before moving up and running through his hair. A grimace set in on his face as the image burnt itself into his memory; he really wished it hadn't. No matter how hard he shook his head, he just couldn't rid himself of it... or rather, them. "Look, man. That's above Papa Bard's pay grade. You're gonna have to sort it out 'chaself."

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ID: 53794
BD: 6 (5+1 Concentration) [Concentration 5/5]

MD: 4
CD: 6 (Regen. Activates)

Takao: 185/185 (1/46)
Mack: 149/149 (66-74 Mit=-1) (+54 Regen) [Energy: 12/36] [Dynamic Violence: 4x3x13=156]

Gnoll Chieftainess 72/420 [66 DMG] 

"You know," Mack began, calling back to Takao and ignoring the Gnoll. Then it jumped on his back and tried to bite him. "Damn dog, stop that." Reaching up with one massive hand the blacksmith grabbed the Gnoll Chieftainess by the throat and jerked it over his head to slam into the ground. Then he pummeled it repeatedly with the steel shod butt cap of his bearded axe. "Traditionally, the bards are the ones that want to get every other player into bed. Male, female, inanimate object... I've never known too many of them to be picky with who they use the charm skill on."

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"Oh no, don't you go puttin' that evil on me. I'm a pure bard, and I won't be tempted by that... thing." Takao shook his head defiantly. Not once had the urge ever crossed him to bed the Gnoll Chieftainess, nor would said urge ever cross him. "Also, the only thing I have in common with being a bard is that I can read maps. That's it! I think you should maybe re-evaluate the bards you've been hangin' with if that's what they're all like." Despite his desire to move on from the cave and put the memories behind him, he couldn't bring himself to finish the monster off. Not this time.

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ID: 53798
BD: 6 [Concentration 4/5]

MD: 2
CD: 9 (Regen. Activates)
LD: 19

Takao: 185/185 (1/46)
Mack: 149/149 (66-74 Mit=-1) (+54 Regen) [Energy: 1/36] [Dynamic Violence: 4x3x13=156]

Gnoll Chieftaines: -84/420 [66 DMG] (-156 DMG)

"Aww, now come on," Mack called, his foot still planted firmly on the Gnoll Chieftainess' throat. "If you're worried she's the bigger man I'll hold her down, see," the ginger man continued good naturedly. "Besides, six of those things is just like..." Suddenly, the hulking ginger man retched and then dry heaved. "Ok, I took that one too far... let's kill this thing and move on to our next stop." Once, twice, three times and more the steel clad butt cap of his axe slammed into the creature's face until it shattered and exploded into pixels.

Thread Rewards

24 Materials
10720 Col (Monsters)
400 Col

Dungeon Rewards

1750 Col = 19(LD) + 6(Floor#) * 70)
6 Materials


30 Materials (Mack)
12670 Col (Mack)
200 Col (Takao)
4SP (Mack/Takao)

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