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[PP - F8] The Climb, Pt.5 (Mack)

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ID: 54237
BD: 8  + 3(ACC)
LD: 2 + 2(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas) + 3(Search & Detect)
(+4 Materials)

Takao: 201/201 (15/49) [Sword Art: Sharp Nail 1*6*22=132 DMG] (13 Base + 5 Charge + 3 Damage Crystal + 1 Alcoholic)

Ent Warrior 9 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Ent Warrior 10 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Ent Warrior 11 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Ent Warrior 12 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]

3/15 Remaining

"Finding dungeons isn't," Takao commented from over his shoulder. "Neither is reading maps, or killin' the little guys." Takao said, queuing another four to appear from the shadows. Takao was a step ahead of their advance, having readied a sword art by the time their branches stepped into whatever semblances of light seeped through the entrance behind them. "I have some rope in my inventory, but gettin' back up will probably be difficult, yeah... We'll either find another exit in the boss room, or you can try throwin' me up. I'm pretty light, you shouldn't have too much trouble."

Total Rewards:
46 Materials
12480 Col

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"Yes, throwing you like a javelin works just fine for you," Mack countered as Takao dispatched yet another group of monsters that really stood almost no chance against his onslaught. Then they shattered into pixels and it turned out that they stood no chance whatsoever against his attack. Mack shrugged his shoulders as the pixels of the ent warriors faded into nothingness. "But, that still leaves us with the very real question of how to get me back out of here. Unlike Chewie, I don't have the necessary claws or natural climbing ability to simply shimmy my way back out that hole without a bit of help. I mean, unless you think that spinning around in a circle while chanting 'Ssendom, Ssendom, Ssendom,' will cause the berserker appear to give me a boost."

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ID: 54237
BD: 5  + 3(ACC)
LD: 7 + 2(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas) + 3(Search & Detect)
(+4 Materials , +2120 Col)

Takao: 201/201 (15/49) [Sword Art: Sharp Nail 1*6*22=132 DMG] (13 Base + 5 Charge + 3 Damage Crystal + 1 Alcoholic)

Ent Warrior 13 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Ent Warrior 14 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Ent Warrior 15 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Ent Warrior 16 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]

0/15 Remaining

"We'll work something out," Takao said as the last group of four monsters appeared. "Worst case scenario is that you get trapped down here forever. Not so bad, right?" He continued, his words adopting a blatantly obvious sarcastic tone as Takao approached the four beasts. He prepared a sword art and began the tedious task of wiping them from the face of Aincrad-- a well-practiced art that was practically second nature to him by now. "I did say I have rope though, so I'll probably be able to anchor it to something and get you out... Probably." With the sarcasm replaced with a jovial tone, Takao spun on his heel and dropped his back onto the wall beside the boss room's door. "Go ham, fam."

Total Rewards:
50 Materials
14600 Col

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ID: 54320
LD: 1

"I suppose that's true, you're probably still going to have to do some tugging," Mack rumbled, considering how much effort it had been for him to squeeze his way down into this dungeon in the first place. "Otherwise, I bet Kayaba turns me into some kind of quest item or something. Rescue the red-haired guy and get a permanent head knocking side kick with a serious problem in the swearing department," Mack continued with a light chuckle as he approached the door that led into the Boss Room after Takao had cleared the last of the ents in the way. "You think I can turn this door into a crafting material," Mack asked, unsheathing his axe. Before Takao answered, the burly blacksmith slammed the blade of the weapon into the door, blasting it off its hinges. Nothing happened. "Nope." Mack peered in at the boss. "You think Treebeard there wants us to make like a tree and leaf?"

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ID: 54320
LD: 11  + 2(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas) + 3(Search & Detect)
(+1 Material)

"Puns like that should be tree-son," Takao quipped in response as his arms folded across his chest. "I guess that's what I get for traveling with a-corny guy. But yew should probably be gettin' on with it, right? Woodn't want me to lose my pati-ent-ce." Rapid fire puns were his specialty, and when one stepped into his pun-filled domain, they best be prepared for the assault that followed. Takao leaned his sword up against the wall beside him and settled against the coarse rock wall. Pain was null and void within the realm of Aincrad, yet discomfort was very much present. Even so, it was better than resting all of his weight on his legs.

Total Rewards:
51 Materials
14600 Col

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OOC: This isn't funny... I loot hunted last time because the BD was bad. This time it's worse.

ID: 54332
BD: 2
MD: 10
CD: 2 (No Regen)

Mack: 141/157 (36/38) [90-74=16 DMG]
Takao: 201/201
Rosebud: 560/560 (88 DMG)

"You would cherry pick the best low-hanging fruit for your comeback, personally though... I find it a bit wooden. Given time, though, I imagine your wit will bud and grow," Mack retorted, every bit as capable of busting out puns for the battle of wits with the bard. Of course, there were more important things to be dealing with. Like the gigantic Ent in the boss roared something that sounded like 'Rosebud' even though it clearly was not a rose bush, the small white flowers were a dead giveaway. "You think maybe the talking tree is confused," Mack asked, and without waiting for Takao to answer, the axe man barreled into the fight. Just as quickly he was sent flying back out through the door to thud against the far wall next to Takao. "Don't you say it..."

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ID: 54338
LD: 11  + 2(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas) + 3(Search & Detect)
(+1 Material)

"Hmh, touché." Takao said, nodding in acknowledgement to Mack's puns. Only mere second after Mack had entered the room did he re-enter, rather violently, by slamming into the far wall. Takao didn't move from his reclined, crossed arms and one leg in front of the other stance, and only shrugged. "I'd ax you how it went, but I think I can piece that together myself. Let's wrap this up, yeah? It'll be a re-leaf when we finally get out of here." A grin grew on his face as he slipped out a few more puns, just for good measure, whilst waiting for his energy to return. It seemed like he'd get a chance to hop into the fray, with the way things were going.

Total Rewards:
52 Materials
14600 Co

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ID: 54332
BD: 6
MD: 5
CD: 8 (+Regen)

Mack: 157/157 (25/38) [Dynamic Violence: 4x3x16=192 DMG] (+54 Regen)
Takao: 201/201
Rosebud: 368/560 (88 DMG) [-192 DMG]

"Can't you see I'm falling all over myself in there," Mack asked, picking himself up off of the ground and shaking off the cobwebs. "Now, if you'll excuse me... Rosebud has kindled quite a flame for vengeance," the axe man growled. Lowering his head, Mack charged into the battle once more. This time the results were much more favorable and the fact that his armor kicked in with some regenerative hit points meant that the fact that the boss had landed a hit was pretty irrelevant. Invictus flashed in the dim light offered by the cave as the axe bit time and time again into the gigantic sentient tree creature. "Ok, that should whittle it down to size a bit for you!"

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ID: 54338
LD: 3  + 2(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas) + 3(Search & Detect)

Takao reached for his sword and hefted it up onto his shoulder before moving to the threshold. The remnants of the shattered door crunched under his boots as he leaned against the doorway, watching the heated battle between tree and lumberjack from afar. "Keep it up, Mack! I'm rootin' for ya'!" Takao called out from the room's entrance, idly twisting the handle of his sword in his hand as he watched. His energy would return in force within seconds, and he'd be prepared to engage the sentient tree so that they could end their journey through the first dungeon of the eighth floor.

Total Rewards:
52 Materials
14600 Co

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ID: 54358
BD: 9
MD: 10
CD: 11 (+Regen)

Mack: 157/157 (25/38) [Dynamic Violence: 4x3x14=168 DMG] (+54 Regen) [90-74=16 DMG]
Takao: 201/201
Rosebud: 200/560 (88 DMG) [-156 DMG]

"Yes, and once you get in here we'll really be able to branch out in the tactical sense," Mack called out. Invictus twirled in the in the hands of the axe wielding soldier, its carbon steel blade a blur of motion as the axe head bit into the boss known as Rosebud from a variety of different angles. With each strike of the weapon a spray of wood chips geysered forth from the bark that covered the boss' body. Clearly, Rosebud was not a fan of being attacked in lumberjack fashion. With a roar of anger the boss whipped one of its arms around and slammed it into Mack's chest. For the second time, the gigantic blacksmith was lifted bodily from his feet and hurled backwards with remarkable rapidity only to slam against the wall opposite Takao once again. "It's time for you to login to this boss fight, Bard..."

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ID: 54373
BD: 9 + 3(ACC)
LD: 16 + 2(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas) + 3(Search & Detect)
(+1 Material)

Mack: 157/157 (36/38)
Takao: 201/201 (38/49) [Sword Art: Shadow Explosion 1*9*23=207 DMG] (13 Base + 5 Charge + 3 Damage Crystal + 1 Alcoholic + 1 Critical)
Rosebud: -7/560 (88 DMG) [-207 DMG]

A huff of breath left Takao's nostrils as he listened to Mack spout out a few last puns. He lifted his sword from the ground and turned his body to make room for Mack as he soared by and into the far wall once more, then shouldered the flat as a light chuckle rumbled in his chest. "That last one was a stretch, but I'll give it to you." He said, taking his first steps in the direction of the boss. It were a tree, as thorough as a description it deserved, for its presence wouldn't grace Aincrad for much longer. Takao's legs slid apart and his body effortlessly fell into place. A heavy hitting, single target sword art was selected for usage, and in a flash of movement and an instant later, the boss was struck a total of nine times. It burst into pixels, and that was that. Takao spun the blade and slid it onto his back, then turned and started walking toward the entrance. "Alright, let's go see how far you can throw me."

Thread Rewards

53 Materials
14600 Col (Monsters)
400 Col

Dungeon Rewards

2100 Col = 24(LD) + 6(Floor#) * 70)
6 Materials


59 Materials (Mack)
16700 Col (Mack)
200 Col (Takao)
4SP (Mack/Takao)

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