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[PP-F1] Lending A Hand <<Earning A Living>>

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"HELLO! HELLO HELLO" Ronin's voice echoed throughout the cave as he called out and he smirked slightly.  Though his voice was resounding through the passage, he could hear something else that was stirring from his sudden outcry.  It was undoubtedly the sound of bats.  He could hear their faint squeaks, little screeches like winged mice hanging from the ceiling.  Just a little farther now and they would surely find what they were looking for.  Keeping his eyes peeled, Ronin searched the ceilings as well as the floor, looking for signs of a wing.

ID# 54367 results:

Loot: 5

Edited by Ronin
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As Ronin's voice echoed throughout the entire dark cave, Caspar continued down the path as he started to hear he faint sound of what could possibly be bats as well. The farther he got into the cave, the slower his pace was. He was careful to make sure he didn't scare any of them and cause them to go hostile on him and Ronin, the last thing he wanted was for a whole swarm of angry bats to descend upon them in the dark. Looking around at the walls and floor, Caspar hoped they'd get lucky and the remains of a bat would just be laying around somewhere... 

ID#: 54372

Loot: 17

Edited by Caspar
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"Look, there!" said Ronin, spotting the bat wing right near Caspar's foot.  His comrade was a natural at this, clearly.  They had just started searching and already he had come up with the bat wing!  Hell, they could probably head back to the shop now and make a fine potion with this ingredient alone!  "Nice work man!" cheered the swordsman, pumping his fist and heading toward the cave's exit.  "Let's head back to the shop and see if this'll do," he suggested, before walking outside the cave.

ID# 54374 results:

Loot: 9

Edited by Ronin
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• Rewards •

Ronin: [Repeat]

+1 SP

+200 Col

Extra materials (rolled by GM with Loot Die upon topic completion)

Caspar: [1st time]

  1. A title relating to your profession
  2. The ability to open up a shop
  3. 1 extra Skill Point
  4. Extra materials (rolled by GM with Loot Die upon topic completion)
  5. +200 Col

Quest Complete

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