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[PP-F5] Sub-Dungeon Search! (Manta, Ariel)

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Hikoru sighed as he came back to the barren wasteland of floor 5. He had been here often, so the heat and the sand didn't really bother him as it used to. He had sent a message to his wife-to-be and his friend Manta to search for a subdungeon, and he hoped he could find one. He hadn't had the best of luck with Sub-Dungeons, but he knew that he would find one eventually. He sighed and walked over to a nearby bench and closed his eyes, enjoying the quiet serene feeling the desert seemed to give. He enjoyed this floor at times, besides the sand. The heat was just right. Not too hot like floor 9 or too cold like Floor 4, just suited for him. But he enjoyed Floor 3 being his home for now, and he breathed as he waited for the two girls to appear from the teleporter silently.

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Floor 5, of course it was this place. One of the few floors the blonde and her white furred companion despised due to the extreme amount of sand. But even so she made way towards the designated spot and saw that her raven haired half was there. To be honest, the blonde didn't get into a advanced dungeon before so she accepted the offer without hesitation. Thus she was here, trying to sneak behind Hikoru as he sat facing the teleporter... she came from the opposite direction as she just finished something and was returning to Armadillo when she recieved Hikoru's PM. If she'd succeed she'd plant a kiss on his neck then sugary whisper in his ear: "Waiting for someone?" Her overall attire was the same as the summer-like outfit would 'fit' here more than the fourth floor. Not that the blonde put much attention into those detail.

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Manta really disliked the fifth floor. It was hot and gritty, plus all of the sand made walking strenuous. She wasnt going to abandon her friend Hikoru though, especially if he was going to be searching for a subdungeon. Some dungeons were extremely difficult, and she didnt want Hikoru to get hurt. She stepped out of the teleprter and onto the fifth floor, grimacing as she looked around at all of the brown and yellow. Pretty much everything on the fifth floor was ugly. She turned her gaze to Hikoru, and gave him a smile and a wave.

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