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[PP - F5] Pressing the Advance, Pt.1 (Seul)

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"Should've made him keep quiet about those..." Takao grumbled to himself. It was early in the morning, much too early in the morning for the brunet. Sleep had eluded him in the previous night, as it had been for quiet some time now, yet here he was. Mack had quite the mouth on him, and had seemingly taken every opportunity to utilize the nickname he'd given Takao; something involving sniffing dungeons. Word was spreading despite him not necessarily wanting the attention... but in the end, here he was. Leaning on the outer wall of Armadillo, rubbing at the dark circles under his eyes and waiting for his newest dungeon hunting accomplice to arrive.

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It had literally been ages since he and Takao teamed up, the last and only time being against the wasp queen when Seul was first starting to get his bearings in the world. Still, he was grateful that the boy had agreed to help him once again on his quest for more power. He left the warp plaza on the fifth floor with haste and made his way to the edge of town where Takao was waiting. "Hey, I made it! Guess you can sorta see that though... Heh." Taking note of his current appearance, Seul could only guess as to why he was so tired. Part of the knight was tempted to let him back out and rest, but of course that was only a small part. He wasn't expecting to be of much use in their dungeon dives and especially wasn't too fond of letting Takao always carry him through tasks that he couldn't accomplish on his own. He didn't want to use other players like this, but the fact of the matter was that he needed the experience and levels that came from facing ordeals within the dungeons. As one of the best dungeon hunters currently in the game, he knew there would be rewards to be had if he turned to him. There was one point that weighed heavily on his mind though. Despite all of the effort he had put forth and his growth as a player in this world, nothing had really seemed to change since their last meeting.  

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