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[SP-F1]<<Earning a Living>> The Wandering Alchemist II [Completed]

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"Man, what a day..." The Wanderer says to himself as he sits on the ground resting. As he looks up in the sky, he notices that the it's going to be dark soon. The sky is lit with a bright orange color. It was beautiful. He has never seen a sunset like this before. After his breather, The Wanderer slowly gets on up on this two feet. "He should get back to town now, before it gets dark," he thought to himself. He then begins to run on the road heading towards the town. He looks ahead of him, so far so clear. As he looks off in the distance, he sees the town gate get closer and closer. He's almost there. He's almost back to the safe zone.


~6 Collected Mats~

~+400 Col~

~1 SP (1 for completion)~

~13 Extra materials (rolled by GM with Loot Die upon topic completion)~

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