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[PP-F2]<<Earning a Living>> The Wandering Alchemist III [Complete]

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ID# 57209 results: Battle: 1 Craft: 7 Loot: 20 MOB: 3

Both fighters waited for the breeze to stop. After a minute, the breeze stopped and at that moment, they both savagely rushed each other. However, they both terribly missed each other. It was like an episode of Dragon Ball Z where the fighters are just attacking and dodging each other with no serious winner in the brawl. 

Wolf | HP (4/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2

Rain | Level 4 | HP (15/16) | Energy (4/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 3 | MIT 18

Rain | Level 4 | HP (15/16) | Energy (3/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 3 | MIT 18
-2 Energy, +1 Energy

Wolf | HP (4/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2

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ID# 57213 results: Battle: 5 Craft: 8 Loot: 11 MOB: 1

After the two gladiators fought each other, the both took a rest while slowly circling each other again. They were both really tire and exhausted, but none of them wanted to give up. The Wanderer raised his blade getting it ready for the next brawl. The Wolf, viciously growls at the swordsman, inching little by little towards The Wanderer. 

+1 Energy

OOC: Dude... both these two missing constantly is really making it hard to think of things to write about. Like ddaaaaaannngg man. kill me. x.x

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ID# 57216 results: Battle: 3 Craft: 5 Loot: 14 MOB: 8

OCC: I won't lie. I rolled 3 times for this post... the 2 rolls before this both the wolf and my character missed.... some more.

After a long pause of glaring and circling each other, both fighters began to rush at each other again. The wolf viciously bites the leg of The Wanderer leaving it somewhat scared.

Wolf | HP (4/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2
Base 6 - MIT 18 = Total Damage 1 (Minimum of 1)

Rain | Level 4 | HP (14/16) | Energy (4/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 3 | MIT 18

Reacting to the savage attack of the wolf, The Wanderer swings his blade hoping to hit, but sadly to no avail. The wolf was just too nimble for the swordsman to land a blow.

Rain | Level 4 | HP (14/16) | Energy (3/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 3 | MIT 18
-2 Energy, +1 Energy

Wolf | HP (4/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2

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ID# 57220 results: Battle: 7 Craft: 8 Loot: 7 MOB: 7

Following it's dodge of if The Wanderer's attack, the wolf savagely bites the swordsman's arms. The wolf latched on to the left arm of the swordsman not wanting to let go.

Wolf | HP (4/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2
Base 6 - MIT 18 = Total Damage 1 (Minimum of 1)

Rain | Level 4 | HP (13/16) | Energy (3/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 3 | MIT 18

The Wanderer wails with anguish as he tries to throw the wolf off it's arm. Unfortunately, the wolf wouldn't let go. The Wanderer, takes his blade and slices through the wolf's front left leg. 

Rain | Level 4 | HP (13/16) | Energy (3/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 3 | MIT 18
<<Reaver>>[Base damage 1 + Enhancement 1 + Skill 1] = 5(1x1) = (Rain) Damage 3 - (Boar) MIT 2 = Total Damage 1
-1 Energy, +1 Energy

Wolf | HP (3/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2

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ID# 57221 results: Battle: 3 Craft: 5 Loot: 13 MOB: 10

Without any disregard for his own life, the pounces on the swordsman and begins to ruthlessly maul on the his feet. The Wanderer moaned in agony trying to kick the wolf off his feet, but sadly, it was all for naught. The wolf wouldn't let go if his feet. The Wanderer raises his blade until it emits an azure blue glow. Then he swung his blade at the wolf hoping to hit, however, the wolf let go of his feet before he could sink his blade in.

Wolf | HP (4/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2
Base 6 + Critical 2 - MIT 18 = Total Damage 1 (Minimum of 1)

Rain | Level 4 | HP (13/16) | Energy (3/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 3 | MIT 18

Rain | Level 4 | HP (13/16) | Energy (2/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 3 | MIT 18
-2 Energy, +1 Energy

Wolf | HP (3/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2

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Second floor... This certain blonde hasn't been wandering around here since she did defeated the minotaurs a long while ago and didn't have any desire to come back as there was no more things of importance here...(a.k.a. quests) but couldn't help but still be here. The reason for that was simple: she was asked by her profession mentor, the renowned Grandmaster Tailor Diana from the first floor, to gather certain materials for her. She couldn't say no to the woman that provided the foundation for what she was today, professionally speaking. So she was roaming around this floor, asking left and right as to where this elusive crafting material could be found. It was during her search that she stumbled onto a fight between man and beast. It wasn't in her character to deny a guy of his glory in killing such a foul opponent but as she continued to watch them, she became impatient as neither of the two made any progress in killing the other, One would say they were evenly matched after the last attempts to strike one another.

With a sigh, the blonde decided to intervene... maybe this guy knew where she would find what she was searching for and the Wolf he was currently fighting was in the way of that. She removed rapier from her waist but kept the sheath on, with a blade that slim one could almost not tell the difference between the steel blade that was as dark as the night and the black leather sheath that housed it. She entered the perfect pre-motion for her charge sword skill and in mere moments covered the distance between herself and the fight. With pinpoint accuracy she thrusted her blade at the wolf's head sending it backwards... dissipating into pixels as it was pushed back from the force of her strike.

After making a side slash with her weapon, as to remove the 'blood remains' from her blade, she re-attached her sheathed fighting companion to her waist and then turned towards the guy who was fighting the mob earlier: "Sorry about that... just couldn't stand to watch any longer." she said in a crystalline tone as she made a slight bow, typical japanese custom. 

ID# 57312  BD: 8 (5+3acc)  MD: 1

Rain | Level 4 | HP (13/16) | Energy (3/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 3 | MIT 18
Ariel | Level 46 | HP (189/189) | Energy (45/46) | DMG 12 (13-6+5) | ACC 3 | EVA 3 | MIT 12
Basic thrust made with a sheathed rapier(7 dmg) + charge(5 dmg).

Wolf | HP (-7/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2

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The wanderer took a moment to process what just happened? A woman with blonde hair came out of nowhere and struck the wolf down for him. "Why did you save me? Who are you?" crossed his mind as he slowly stood up. He swings his blade to his side into a scabbard that's kept at the left side of his waist. In a similar fashion, the wanderer lowered his head and bowed while letting out a subtle, "Thank you..." As he rose his head, he begins to notice something familiar with this woman. "You seem familiar, have I met you before?" the wanderer says as he studied his savior.

+1 Energy, +3 HP

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From behind her, a white furball came running towards the two. First showing a displeased expression towards the rapier wielding player as if saying: "You left me behind!" To which the blonde simply chuckled at the thought of how many times the reverse happened. The blonde lioness then turned towards the gray/platinum haired player that was just a bit taller than her and after taking a quick look at his gear she pointed towards his boots. More precisely towards the lion themed logo on them. " Don't mention it! " she first said with a smile as he thanked her instead of starting to shout for a petty reason like stealing his kill, then continued: "Those bear the mark of 'The Lion's Den', my shop. I'm not good with faces as most of my clients come and go without striking much conversation but I can tell that you stepped through the doors of my shop at one point in time:D" that was her way of saying that she recognized the gear but not the owner, though she should've. The white lioness beside them went near Rain and sat on her rear, slightly cocking her head at him, expecting some form of attention from the man.

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"Aahhh! The Crowned Lion, now I remember you," exclaims The Wanderer as he lowers his blindfold. "So you're a tailor and a tamer, too?" says The Wanderer as he leaned over towards the white lioness and lightly pets it hoping it won't bite. Getting back up, The Wanderer looks at his savior in the eye, "I should head back to town before another wolf jumps on me. Do you happen to know where the nearest town is? I'm kinda lost."

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It came as a surprise to her as the guy used her tittle rather than the name she usually went by. 'At least it sticked..' thought the blonde with a smile as she noded to the first part. "Yes, Aincrad's highest ranked tailor, at your service!" she said with a small bow then continued. "As for the second part... 'tamer' isn't exactly what I would call myself. You see, Kimba here kind of tamed me instead..." she added while looking at her companion that growled some sort of approval. As she next meet his ... colored eyes, she summoned her HUD Map data and maximized the window flipping it so that he could see where she was pointing. "North of here there is a small setlement named 'Marome Village' you will see a stone fortress peak above the tree line as you get closer to it." she then made a swipe movement with two of her fingers towards him, sending him the map data of this floor that she had. It wasn't more than about 30% as she only came here for quests and material gatherings but it should help him get to the nearby safe zone.

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"Oh my..." wallowing in self-pity, The Wanderer had just realized that this was but a game. He had lost himself in this world for so long that he had forgotten what reality and what virtual reality was. He quickly opens his map and beings to map out his route with the help of the built in compass - really would've helped earlier - and the data given to him by his savior. The Wanderer quickly lowers his head and bids the blonde lioness, "adieu, thank you for the help again." Then quickly rushes off into the forest while waving goodbye.

~8 Collected Mats to Rain~
~+400 Col to Rain ~
~1 SP (1 for completion) to both Rain and Ariel~
~+4 Extra materials to Rain (rolled by GM with Loot Die upon topic completion)~

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