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[PP-F1] Moving up in life <Itzal, Mossino and Morgenstern> Completed

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Jonathan listened as Itzal made fun of him for not liking the bears. "I am not scared of them, I just very very don't like them. " Jonathan looked at the time. It was starting to get very dark. He backed up a few steps. Then he heard Itzal say something about Camping. Jonathan shook his head. "No camping for me, if we're all done her I am out. There are some chairs I need to sleep in on floor seven. It was really nice to meet you Alisa " With a smile, Jonathan turned to walk away. He turned around, when he was almost completely out of sight. He looked at Itzal and said, "Itzal, don't have toooo much fun camping. I mean I know there is no laws in SAO but..." and with that Jonathan walked away. 

-Jonathan exits the Thread-

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Itzal turned to Jonathan with mute surprise.  He slept in chairs?  Either he was strange and found that comfortable or he had no bed.  Itzal shook his head either way.  When he made his shop he planned to have a tiny room with a bed and nightstand.  He was about to turn around when Jonathan made that last comment and he shot a look to Jonathan.  This look was a mix of:  'WHAT THE HELL MAN?!  ARE YOU INSANE?!'  'I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'  'WORST POSSIBLE COMMENT EVER'.  Despite that Alisa hadn't heard the comment his face ignited into flames filling his skin with red coloring.  He instantly pulled his hood and mouthpiece up and turned from his friend with a rough and quick wave.




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