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[PP-F1] Meeting new people <Itzal and Zaun>

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Itzal was walking along the edge of the town of beginnings.  Ever since Alisa asked him to be her mentor he'd been working with her so much he hardly had any time to himself.  Now however Jonathan volunteered to help out so while he was talking with Alisa he decided to go fight a few mobs his own level.  He wanted to try and attempt a surprise attack now that he had achieved his first stealth skill.  He scanned the grounds for an area perfect for stealth like movement and saw piles of crates and boxes with a boar or two nearby.  He wasn't sure what level they were at this range but he wouldn't worry about it right now.  The whole point was to catch it by surprise.  He made his way over to the crates without drawing the boar's attention and ducked behind them, making his way in between the barrels, crates and boxes to avoid detection.  As he did so he kept his eye on the boar so when it turned to look at him he retreated to cover.  At that point he listened for the boar to snort with disinterest before continuing his path.  As he moved however he spotted something in the distance.  Was that a player?  He paused, stopping in an area shaded by the crates surrounding him and watched carefully.  He did need to practice hiding period so observing this scene would be beneficial too.  And seeing as how this was on the first floor it could be a low level player and if he or she was in trouble Itzal could intervene.

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  • 4 weeks later...

(Sorry about the wait. Ended up getting kind of busy)

Zaun stood still upon the top of a small hill. He wore his starter black, or grey, cloth armor given upon entering the game, as well as a sand-coloured mask that revealed only one eye. At his waist sat a curved sword that seemed to be made of a sort of iron or other metal material. He took a small breath as the faint wind passed gently through his short, black hair. With the eye he was able to see out of, he stared up at the sky. It was a light blue colour covered with large, white clouds.

The noirette had already noticed the player in the distance. In fact, that boy was not the only one. There seemed to be many players out in the distance, probably grinding or something of the sort. However, this one had definitely looked in Zaun's direction before he turned the opposite way. I'll simply ignore him. If he decides to come here then I'll have no choice but to speak with him, although, I don't see a reason he would.

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Itzal watched as the player took notice of him but made an attempt to ignore him.  As he did he turned and began walking in the direction of the group of boars.  Itzal knew that if he was a low level player they would strike out at him with all their fury and that would be the end.  And from the look of his equipment, he was.  His mask was interesting though.  He didn't know any player who spawned with anything besides the starter gear and this made Itzal twice as curious.  Curiosity was excellent to have in a scout and that's what he intended to become.  As the player approached the boar they were beginning to notice him and began communicating to each other.  One was beginning to take up position.  Oh no you don't Itzal thought and leaped from his hiding spot onto the top crate and leaped from there towards the group of boars, Retributor being drawn like lightning.  Although the boar hadn't actually seen him they had heard from the others about a player cloaked in black whose face was hidden running around killing every boar in sight.  They certainly weren't strong enough to face this guy and they turned and fled.  When he landed he turned to the player.

"You'll want to be careful.  Fighting one monster at a low level alone is a big risk, let alone a group.  Unless you just haven't bought any gear and are saving up."

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