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[PP-F1] True swordsmenship <Itzal and Mossino> Completed

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The boar was on it's feet now and was upset that it collapsed so easily.  It became enraged with pure hate and rushed at Alisa with a murderous glint in it's eye.  Itzal smiled and hoped that Alisa would see the fault in this:  Hatred is strong but it also blinds you.  Especially a stupid, moron, pig with no brain whatsoever.  Seriously they were the stupidest and easiest mob in the entire game.  He chuckled as he recalled his own first moment's and was so proud he had killed them.  Alisa jumped at the last second of hesitation, allowing the boar to run into a nearby tree.  It recovered quickly however and swung around charging at her again.  Itzal watched this go on and on for a bit, wondering who would get the last say.  Although it did remind him of his first times fighting a boar it wasn't quite like it.  Verus had been there, and Adhae later on when he fought boar.  Not long after them however he had to fight on his own.  That was when it had gotten hard.

ID#  65881

MD:  3

Alisa:  20/20

Boar:  6/10

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Alisa quickly got back on her feet and was ready to fight again. Pulling her rapier out of the ground she readied for the Boar to get close to her. As it neared she moved forward and pierced an attack forward. The rapier sliced the side of the boar as it charged past it, leaving a line of pixelazation down the side. She got a nice clean cut on it. She smiled towards the boar her nice, little smile. She was happy she was doing this well. She prepared herself for the next attack, standing near the boar, ready to dodge any attack. Of course, she wasn’t the most agile yet, and had no EVA stat yet. She could easily be hit and struck by the boar, but it didn’t matter. She had a ton of HP left and could tank numerous hits from it. Grinning she prepared for her next attack.


Roll ID: ID# 65882

BD: 8

1 DMG done

Alisa 17/20 Energy 3/5

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The boar's anger was rising now and it charged once again at Alisa, and once again she dodged it running into another tree.  Itzal watched and his eyes narrowed under his hood as he noticed a familiar look in the boar's eye.  He had seen it in countless wolves he had fought:  It was analyzing what she did.  It would plan on pulling something new off.  Perhaps faint a run here, then hit here when she didn't expect it, wait to see which way she jumped and swing there with it's tusks aimed at her, or something of that sort.  Unfortunately the monsters in this game learned, seeing as how although they're not good AI they were still AI and could adapt given enough time.  If Alisa was skilled and understood this he'd have no problem.  But she was still a beginner and probably didn't understand that this thing is an actual ai, low level or not.  His sword at the ready he wondered what would occur next...

ID#  65884

MD:  1

Boar:  5/10

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Alisa, however, did not see any difference in the boars behavior. Just that she was destroying it. Smiling, she moved up on it this time, pushing it back and trying to find a weakness in its defense. But, as she goes in to impale the boar, it dissapears from her sights. Going slightly wide-eyed she looks around for it desperately. She didn't realize that another boar went under her legs and evaded her. You hear he mutter something in French, but can make none of it out. After another second, the boar snorts behind her, and she quickly turns, realizing it slipped between her legs. She smiled lightly, finding it funny. Shaking her head she widens her stance, and gets ready to fight the damn animal the next time it’s her turn. She can’t wait to get more damage so she can easily beat these enemies. After that, bosses, only time holds her back.



Roll ID: ID# 65888

BD: 4

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The boar turned around and forced it's hard head and tusks at Alisa but she blocked it with her rapier just in time.  It wasn't very effective since the blade was a stick, but it was enough to keep the boar from harming her.  After that it jumped back and struck from multiple sides trying to catch her off guard, while Alisa kept using her sword to deflect the attacks.  It was difficult on her and Itzal had half a mind to go in there and distract the boar, but that wouldn't be a good idea.  She needed to learn adaptability as well as focusing under pressure.  This was the worst part of being a mentor he guessed.  Wanting to help but forced not to in order to train them.  Still it needed to be done and thus she would fight it on her own.  If she were close to death however, he would have no problem in ending the fight there and then.

ID#  65889

MD:  1

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Alisa pressed the attack onward but couldn't find any pregnability in the boars defense. Getting lightly angry she starts to prepare her hit, but does it before she found a break in the boars defense. This causes her to mess up and miss the boar completely. Narrowing her eyes she moves back away from the boar. She has to get prepared next time and put effort into her attacks. Shaking her head, she defends herself, waiting for her next strike. This was getting annoying for her. Missing and the boar dodging her every time. She personally hated it, as it halted any good progress and made her look bad in front of senpai. It was rather stupid for her to be this bad. Shaking her head, she realized she had to just keep training and getting better. Just like professional gamers, she had to keep playing. If she didn’t she wouldn’t be able to do good.


Roll ID: ID# 65890

BD: 4

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Itzal watched as Alisa made a rushed thrust at the boar and missed it, and also watched as she blocked the sudden counter attack from the boar.  He observed the scene as the two danced it out, the boar moving faster than before and hitting on multiple angles around her to try and either wear her out or break through her defenses by unpredictability.  He mentally sighed as she continued to use her flawed defense and was barely getting by.  As a rapier wielder she needed to rely on precision, agility, and evasiveness to avoid damage, not deflection or blocking he thought a third time.  If her weapon were thicker she could perhaps parry her opponent's attacks but even then it would be risky.  Unfortunately nothing could be done about it now.  Talking to her would break her concentration and could cause her harm.  And he promised himself he would not bring harm to his pupil.

ID#  65891

MD:  1

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Alisa had enough. she wanted to end this, and found the perfect opportunity to do so. It was rather risky... but her plan was going to work. The boar charged at her again, but it was coming perfectly straight at her. Her Rapier started to glow white as she charged 'Rip Ravine' again. Her attack was going right through the eye of that boar, and killing it in the next blow.

The boar got closer and closer, and she started moving towards it. In a millisecond there was a thrust forward, and an explosion of pixels. Her rapier pierced straight through the boar dealing the maximum damage possible for her. She dealt a full damage crit. Smiling, she sheathed her rapier and waved to Itzal, happy it was over. She felt decently proud, scoring her first full damage attack, dealing a clean eight damage to the boar. She wonders if she can score more and more of those as time goes on.



Roll ID: ID# 65890

BD: 10

LD: 15

1 Base + 2 For Crit + 1 Proficiency x 2 x 1 for Rip Ravine = 8 Damage - 2 Mit = 6 Total Damage Dealt.

Alisa 17/20 HP 1/5 Energy

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OOC- Because the boar wasn't leveled to me, we don't get loot regardless.  If I wasn't here then it would but until then...  :(

Itzal gave a simple nod and walked over patting her on the back as they made their way to some seats.

"I won't lie to you Alisa, you did well!  But we're gonna have to talk about one or two things.  First off, as a rapier user you can't block or deflect attacks like that or your going to shatter your weapon in no time.  Not to mention the size of the sword doesn't reduce the physical force of the blow whereas mine does.  A rapier is meant for consistent, swift and precise attacks.  If you want to use your weapon to defend yourself you do it by offensive measures.  If you want an alternative you could get a rapier with a wider blade, maybe about a quarter of Retributor's width, and with that you could parry one or two blows if necessary.  But your true defense should be in attacks and agile evasiveness."  He smiled at her and pointed at her outfit.  "Now let's talk about your equipment eh?  We can't buy it if we don't know what we want now do we?"  He grinned.  "Let's start with your weapon first though."

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She nodded at him, feeling a bit sad at her mistakes at this point. She would have to work on her defensive skills, but she was at least doing a lot better than she was a few days ago. Smiling at herself, she listens to the last of his words. Parrying and blocking...yes...her rapier was way too thing for this, but, she had a solution. She has seen a lot of games and such in her time, and she knew exactly what she wanted. A game she had played before, Crisis Core, a Final Fantasy game, had a character that used a long, wide rapier. She would need to train her strength to wield such a weapon. But it would allow her to have the advantages of a rapier and a long sword at the same time.

"Uhm..I kind of already...know exactly what I want my Rapier to be..." she states, smiling at him a bit embarrassed, "I knew from the moment I figured out people could blacksmith custom items."

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He smiled.  She was thinking ahead which was a very good thing.  Despite the fact that he had wanted to be a scout when he entered this game, he didn't have any solid plans.  Alisa however was on top of things on her first few days.  Itzal gleamed at her, now knowing that sense of pride one gets from having an apprentice.  Not pride in himself, but for her.

"Good, that's very good!  You're thinking about the future, setting plans before hand.  That's how a strategist thinks.  Now though about your armor.  What kind do you want?  I suggest something that can blend into the darkness first as that's what we'll be doing a lot.  But as for fashion, fabric and design that's up to you.  All of my armor is designed to keep me warm but really."  He paused here as he didn't really think she'd want it.  "If you really like the cold you could have fabric that cools you down."

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She would rather like something that kept her cool. She hated the heat and rather despised summer. She smiled, nodding at him and his ideas. There was one problem though. She wasn't the best at designing materials or clothes. She wasn't very...artistic. She could only come up with cliche stuff most of the time.

Giving him a shrug, she states, "I'm not very good at designing stuff, I'll need some help there...but I would love stuff that kept me cool, summer stinks..."

She began to try and figure out the design for something in her head, but could really come up with nothing. She wasn’t very artistic before she got trapped in the game. Of course, she was more of a mathy and not a writer or arty person. She would much rather curl up with anime or math than try any time of art.  She sighed lightly, awaiting his response.

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Itzal thought for a moment.  So they were opposites then?  If that were the case then she'd need something that could conceal her while keeping her cool as well.  He pulled out a paper and pencil he had found in the town a while ago and began sketching.  Anytime he made a mistake or changed his mind he would reset the paper, removing a bit of durability at the same time.  He went on like this for a while before finally finding a design that suited needs, fashion and kept her relatively cool

"How about this?" he asked.

Once they wrapped up here they could continue their material gathering and then go collect her gear.  He was truly excited for her.  He knew the feeling of getting your first weapon and armor.  Despite that fact however they needed to finish their training.  He couldn't go around making breaks in the schedule for her.  If they wanted to do something they'd make a plan for it.  Otherwise she'd be training and that would be it.

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Alisa sat down beside him on the grass, not bothering him as he drew. She saw him go through many iterations of the same drawing, and it was rather fascinating. For twenty to thirty minutes she waited on him to finish, and finally he did. Seeing the end result she smiles to herself. "Ooo! That looks great! Yeah! That!" she states rather excitedly. She was starting to get into wanting her gear a lot, almost as excited as Itzal. She wondered what else she would get over her lifetime in this game.

She continues to sit down beside him, "I can't wait to get all my stuff! I'm going to look so cool! Thank you so much senpai!" She wondered if she needs to make a general drawing of her weapon so she can have it made to more specific specifications. "Hey, should I make a drawing of the rapier I want?" she tilts her head at him, wondering.

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Itzal smiled and even made a soft laugh when he saw her excitement.  It wasn't an insulting laugh, more enjoying the situation with her kind of laugh.  This time when she said the word senpai it had a different effect on him.  Instead of feeling weird from hearing the word, and Ulises feeling mighty and powerful, they both felt something new.  Something they never had before in their life whatsoever.  It was a sense of love.  Not in the way most people think.  He didn't love her in the sense of a sister, nor did he love her in the sense of a girlfriend, which technically he still hasn't felt yet either.  This was more of, 'I have someone I care for, teach, protect, and her youth not only inspires me but brings me joy and happiness'.  Almost how he felt a mother would feel to her children.  Although he was terrible at expressing through words, as social skills weren't his strong suit, he allowed his feelings to show through his face.  I feel, happy Ulises sighed.  Itzal did the same, mentally.  Me too Ulises.  Me too.

"Yeah why not give it a go?  I have a spare paper here that you can use.  If you need help with drawing I can give a few pointers."

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Alisa sees the odd, maybe more-than-happy smile on his face. She didn't know what it honestly meant but, he looked like he was okay, which made her feel okay. She wondered lightly what he was thinking, maybe just happy she wouldn't be near him so much soon, or something. Or maybe he remembered a funny joke. She wasnt psychic, so she couldn't know, but at least he was happy. She nodded, "Yeah! I remember the general shape of the rapier..I think I can badly recreate it, thanks!" she says happily.

Upon him giving her some paper and a writing instrument, she would attempt for a good while without asking for help to draw a decent looking sword. Her first one literally looked like a stick figures sword, and was rather bad. She laughed lightly, and a few attempts later seemed lightly frustrated, "Gah, I can't draw...can you give me some help?"

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OOC-  fyi you aren't getting out of training that easily  XD  We've got some ways to go.  But once we finish the quest I'll let you solo play.  As long as you don't bite off more than you can chew  ;)  i don't want my apprentice to die on me -- Wow, just edited this but seriously, one word short  XD

Itzal nodded when she asked him to draw it for her.  He took the paper and drew her rough sketch on the last durability of the first one, on the back.  He took the second paper and began to draw what he saw.  After a while he eventually drew it exactly as she envisioned, not realizing she got the idea from another game.

"How about this?"  He asked her, showing the drawing.  Overall he was very impressed with the design.  The hilt reminded him of a pirate's rapier, and the blade did somewhat as well.  Save for the fact that it was double edged instead of single, and that the tip was more squared than pointed.  This was what Itzal called a weapon blend, or in this case, a straight sword and rapier blended into one.  It needed a name though....  Ah he didn't need to worry about that.  He wasn't good at blending names together anyways.

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"Yep! That's right! I love this because its considered a rapier but its good enough to block with it as well! Still used for stabbing primarily, but you can switch off and use it as a regular sword if need be!" She seemed happy with the design she is going to say she came up with. But she is just a dirty pirate, it came straight from a game she loved to play. She looked up at the sky. After the early morning workout and killing some mobs, it was high noon, directly 12. This would be a good time to go get lunch, and get to that quest they needed to do. She looked over at Itzal, but before she could speak her stomach growled a bit, "Erm..." she lightly states, embarrassed her stomach got to state what she wanted before herself. It was somewhat embarrassing, but at least she got the point across…well..her stomach did.

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Itzal listened to her and shook his head slightly when she mentioned block.

"Yes to everything but block.  A rapier is never meant to block, not even this blade.  It's too thin, not enough width or thickness.  My blade can block without worrying about durability because of it's build.  With that blade you can parry, knock blades to the side while their in motion, but never, ever block.  Look at your current sword's durability if you don't believe me."  He looked at the sky and was happy to note that the clouds were growing thicker, not close to rain but just as a shade.  He was happy because apparently Alisa liked the cool and his armor would keep him warm.  Then she heard a stomach growling and smiled.  Without looking at her he pulled out the leftovers from the night before and handed it to her.  "Thanks to you our meals will be getting a lot tastier," he said with a grin.

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She tilted her head again, quickly opening her inventory to check the status of her rapier. Her eyes widen slightly, "O-Oh wow...okay..okay I see." Her basic rapier was already in the red, she'd have to get it repaired or get her new weapon rather quickly. She understands about the blocking them now, only do it if your life depends on it. After her stomach growled she saw him hand her leftovers and smiled at him, "Yeah! I'll cook us tasty foods! Just you wait!" she grins and bites down into the food rather happily, still sitting on the ground. This would be the end of this little adventure, until they started the next quest. She wasn’t lying either, she was gonna cook all her friends dishes of whatever they liked. She just had to get the profession first. Smiling, she makes a mental note to finish that quest soon and quickly.

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