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{F1 Artisan Rank 7 -><- The Painter's Stones -><- Closed until further notice

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Name: (Artist's Choice)
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 6
ID:  (leave blank)
Roll: (leave blank)
Item Type: Crafting Tool?
Tier: T1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +1 Ambition
Description: This item is a worn leather knife roll. It holds a collection of well used knives, which can be used in many different kinds of dishes.


Name: (Artist's Choice)
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 6
ID:  (leave blank)
Roll: (leave blank)
Item Type: Lucky Charm?
Tier: T1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 LD
Description: A set of silver dangling earrings, shaped like elongated tear drops.


Name: (Artist's Choice)
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 6
ID:  (leave blank)
Roll: (leave blank)
Item Type: Trinket?
Tier: T1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 ACC
Description: It is a silver wolf's head attached to a black leather string. In the mouth of the wolf, hangs a thin crescent shaped moon.

Total: 2400 Col

Winik came into the shop, slightly leery of what he might find.  He had heard good things about the artist, but many also held comments about his mannerisms when out in the fields.  His head turned from side to side, taking in the shop.  He noticed the couches and order forms, making a beeline for them as he saw no one.  He had just settled himself into a chair and began filling out the order forms when a feminine voice broke through his thoughts.  He jumped in his seat, toppling the chair and himself backwards.  It took him a moment to extricate himself and straighten everything back up before he answered. "Just looking for custom work, I heard the artist here knows his stuff.  I won't be long, I promise." Settling himself back into the chair, he filled out the rest of the forms and held them out to the lady.  He hoped she didn't notice his slight shaking, but if she did she didn't say anything.

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Keres observed as a player walked into the shop, and sit down with an order form.  When she greeted him he fell out of the chair and he couldn't help but give out a light laugh before she toned it down quickly to a mild chuckle.
"Hee hee.  Did I startle you?"  She watched as the player walked up and handed over the order forms and went back to the seat.  She noticed his shaking and gave off a smug little smile while looking at him through the corner of his eyes, but it didn't look like he saw it.
"Alright then, let me give this to Domarus real quick."  She walked over to the crafting room and found Domarus with a series of good, failed and rare items.  She caught his attention and he turned his eyes to her, taking the order and looking at it.  Three items.  There was no way he'd be able to finish the order today, not with all but one of his crafts expended as it was.  He could however take a shot at the last slot available.  He took the proper materials and began to craft the item.  When he finished, he successfully crafted one of the three items.  He stood up and walked over to the counter and showed the item to the player, with a calm, kind, and yet slightly apologetic expression on his face.
"I'm afraid you caught me at the end of my crafting day, and thus I was only able to craft one of your requests.  I thank you for the col however, and I will use it to purchase more materials to get your item crafted as soon as I can.  I started with the first of your order, so you'll have one out of three of your requested items."


ID#  87341  CD:  5  -4+1=5-

ID#  87342  CD:  11  -10+1=11-

ID#  87343  CD:  7  -6+1=7-

ID#  87344  CD:  3  -2+1=3-  LD:  13

ID#  87345  CD:  3  -2+1=3-  LD:  15

ID#  87346  CD:  6  -5+1=6-

ID#  87347  CD:  3  -2+1=3-  LD:  8

ID#  87348  CD:  12  -11+1=12-

Materials Consumed:  7

Total EXP:  29

Items Forged:  


Name: Primed Ambition
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 6
ID:  87348
Roll:  12  -11+1=12-
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: T1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +1 Ambition
Description: This item is a worn leather knife roll. It holds a collection of well used knives, which can be used in many different kinds of dishes.


Name:  Raider's Ring
Profession:  Artisan
Rank:  6
ID:  87342
Roll:  11  -10+1=11-
Item Type:  Trinket
Tier:  1
Quality:  Rare
Enhancements:  +2 Prosperity
Description:  A golden ring with an indented strip through the center.  There is a large red jewel on it.



Edited by Domarus
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Kasier whistled as she walked into a random artisan shop. She had her mind on getting some tools and charms that can help her with crafting and she had been putting it off until today. So today, she forced herself to finally go to an artisan's shop and purchase the tools that she wanted for her shop. Of course, it might take a while for the tools to actually get to her but eventually, they will and that's when crafting will be so much easier and simpler. It won't be as hard to make the food that she hadn't made in a darn long time. Kasier sighed, walking into the shop on the six floor to see someone that she thought was awfully familiar. Big dude, red hair. She had seen him somewhere before. Actually, she had conversed with him before.

"Hello." She couldn't exactly recall his name because it had been a long time since the two last saw each other. "I need some crafting charms and the sorts." She exclaimed before putting down the official order. In addition, she also donated some materials that can help out with the crafting in case the artisan was running short on them.

-2400 Col
-8 Materials


Name: Blessing of the Cook
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 6
ID:  (leave blank)
Roll: (leave blank)
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: Tier 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: 1x Crafting Die
Description: A golden trinket with a red jewel within. It has been said that ancient cooks have passed it down to each other, each donating a bit of their expertise to boost the power of the trinket as the years go by.


Name: Ambition of the Cook
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 6
ID:  (leave blank)
Roll: (leave blank)
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: Tier 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: 1x Ambition
Description: A blue trinket with stripped lines going across it and a cross-shaped figure in the middle of the trinket. Gives a magical power in which the cook becomes more efficient in his or her profession faster.


Name: Endurance of the Cook
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 6
ID:  (leave blank)
Roll: (leave blank)
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: Tier 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: 1x Crafting Attempt
Description: A black trinket with a blue jewel within. Gives a mystical power in which the cook receives the power to carry on more than usual and craft more than he or she is supposed to.

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Domarus had only recently returned with materials he very much needed in order to craft the final two orders the player winik had given him.  That was when another player entered his shop.  There was only one real reason players would come to his shop, and the fact that he already had two orders he needed to complete was making this a rather heavy order.  This player, however, he recognized.  Kasier.  They had met near the beginning of Domarus' venture.  He smiled and nodded.
"Greetings Kasier!  How have you been?"  Then the woman walked over and handed her the order.  Another three items, all of them specifically for crafting.  He looked at what the items themselves were.  Unfortunately all of them were simply jewelry, with no indication as to her profession.  He looked up to her.
"You'll need to forgive me, I have to finish an order prior to yours.  However once I've completed it I shall craft your items and message you.  Hopefully it does not take too long."  After Kasier left, Domarus made it to his crafting room and began to shape the materials as the order requested.  He had managed to craft the last two items and messaged Winik.


ID#  87390  CD:  11  -10+1=11-

ID#  87391  CD:  10  -9+1=10-

ID#  87392  CD:  12  -11+1=12-

ID#  87393  CD:  3  -2+1=3-  LD:  8

ID#  87394  CD:  1

ID#  87395  CD:  8  -7+1=8-

ID#  87396  CD:  7  -6+1=7-

ID#  87397  CD:  12

Materials Consumed:  8

Total EXP:  30

Items Forged:  1 Uncommon, 2 Rare, 1 Perfect pending


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Domarus returned to his shop and brought in the materials, moving to his crafting room to get started on Kasier's order.  He was able to finish Winik's the day before, so it was now time to get started on hers.  He wondered whether or not it would be worth it to persuade her into joining his guild.  There was still far much to work on but perhaps he could lay the foundations in their relationship which would make swaying her to his side easier.  From what he could tell she had no affiliation other than her guild, but it was very possible he could grind a wedge between her and them.  Especially if there was no real connection between them.  He began to craft his materials and most of them ended up becoming good quality than anything.  In the end he managed to craft one of each, the perfect being Kasier's.  He looked at the item and nodded his head.  One out of three he thought to himself.


ID#  87407  CD:  9  -8+1=9-

ID#  87408  CD:  5  -4+1=5-

ID#  87409  CD:  11  -10+1=11-

ID#  87411  CD:  4  -3+1=4-

ID#  87412  CD:  12  -11+1=12-

ID#  87413  CD:  7  -6+1=7-

ID#  87414  CD:  7  -6+1=7-

ID#  87415  CD:  3  -2+1=3-  LD:  8

Materials Consumed:  8

Total EXP:  33

Items Forged:  1 uncommon, 1 Rare, 1 perfect


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The previous day, Domarus had managed to craft one out of the three items Kasier had ordered.  All of them were orientated towards shop tools so he made the obvious conclusion that she was setting up a shop.  What her profession was, now that was the true question.  The tools themselves weren't actually tools so it was rather difficult to tell.  However he would learn soon enough.  Perhaps he could use the market section of his guild to lure her into his guild.  Of course he doubted she was that kind of player.  He returned to his crafting station and began to work with his materials.  As he did however, while he came close to a perfect once, he did not craft any perfect.  Growling he tried again but the item ended in a failure.  Thankfully he was able to salvage the item for later crafting.  At this rate he would be hard pressed to craft Kasier's requested order.  However he could do no more today and thus stepped away from the work.


ID#  87542  CD:  9  -8+1=9-

ID#  87543  CD:  9  -8+1=9-

ID#  87544  CD:  10  -9+1=10-

ID#  87545  CD:  3  -2+1=3-  LD:  18

ID#  87546  CD:  11  -10+1=11-

ID#  87547  CD:  6  -5+1=6-

ID#  87548  CD:  5  -4+1=5-

ID#  87549  CD:  8  -7+1=8-

Materials Consumed:  7

Total EXP:  31

Items Forged:  2 uncommon, 2 rare


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Kasier walks into the shop and looks around once more, chilling for a few minutes before realizing that the shopkeeper was not actually crafting. Shrugging, she opened her inventory and pulled out yet another eight materials for the man so he can get the crafting done faster. She wanted these items done as fast as it can possibly be done because she needed to as much crafting experience out of the crafting attempts that she has at the current moment. Not only that, she wanted to get the most out of the materials that she had left in her inventory. Kasier sighed, waving goodbye before running out of the shop in order to get her daily grind complete without any interference from other players. Or at least, she hoped she would not get unwanted visitors during today's grind session.

-8 T1 Materials

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The entire crafting day was a complete and utter failure.  Half of his attempts ended in failures, and the other half in nothing but good items and one single uncommon.  He stared at his work, a shadow over his eyes.  This was pathetic, disgraceful.  It made him want to reach the highest profession rank even more.  Once he hit that mark, he would have far little issues from this point on.  The only problem was that he needed a material income for this to work out.  Not only that, but these materials he had used were given to him by his customer, who was becoming impatient with him, as was justified.  He would not forget this, and he would go gather materials, even if it cost him col, to get this craft done.  His reputation could be severely damaged by this event and he could not allow such a thing to occur.  At any rate...  He had some degree of hope on drawing her into his guild.


ID#  87657  CD:  6  -5+1=6-

ID#  87658  CD:  1

ID#  87659  CD:  8  -7+1=8-

ID#  87660  CD:  7  -6+1=7-

ID#  87661  CD:  3  -2+1=3-  LD:  9

ID#  87662  CD:  7  -6+1=7-

ID#  87663  CD:  5  -4+1=5-

ID#  87664  CD:  8  -7+1=8-

Materials Consumed:  8

Total EXP:  24

Items Forged:  1 Uncommon


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  • 2 weeks later...

Domarus had recently bought materials from Aereth.  Very recently in fact.  He brought them into his shop.  Today he would craft Kasier's request if it killed him.  In fact he went ahead and sent Kasier a message, telling her to come on by as her order was nearly done.  After doing so he walked into his crafting station and got to work.  While the first attempt was an utter failure, his determination and willpower was unchanged.  Pretty soon he not only crafted Kasier's item, but an additional one to go along with his Sovereignty armor as well.  He sighed as he at last crafted the equipment.  He took the items and moved into the counter and waited for Kasier to appear.  When she did he'd give her a weary smile and present the three items.
"I apologize for the wait.  I truly am sorry that it took so long.  You can take this for your troubles,"  He said as he placed eight hundred col on the counter for her.  He hated to part with even more col, but if it would keep his reputation afloat, then he would do it.

-800 col


ID#  87944  CD:  1

ID#  87945  CD:  7  -6+1=7-

ID#  87946  CD:  12  -11+1=12-

ID#  87947  CD:  12  -11+1=12-

ID#  87948  CD:  8  -7+1=8-

ID#  87949  CD:  12  -11+1=12-

ID#  87950  CD:  3  -2+1=3-  LD:  6

ID#  87951  CD:  12

Materials Consumed:  6

Total EXP:  47

Items Forged:  1 Uncommon, 4 perfect pending

@Kasier's Order


Name: Blessing of the Cook
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 6
ID:  87412
Roll: 12 -11+1=12-
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: Tier 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: 1x Crafting Die
Description: A golden trinket with a red jewel within. It has been said that ancient cooks have passed it down to each other, each donating a bit of their expertise to boost the power of the trinket as the years go by.



Name: Ambition of the Cook
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 6
ID:  87946
Roll: 12 -11+1-12
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: Tier 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: 1x Ambition
Description: A blue trinket with stripped lines going across it and a cross-shaped figure in the middle of the trinket. Gives a magical power in which the cook becomes more efficient in his or her profession faster.



Name: Endurance of the Cook
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 6
ID:  87947
Roll: 12 -11+1=12-
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: Tier 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: 1x Crafting Attempt
Description: A black trinket with a blue jewel within. Gives a mystical power in which the cook receives the power to carry on more than usual and craft more than he or she is supposed to.



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Kasier sat there for quite a long time - about an hour or so if she remembered. Honestly, she should've probably left the artisan to his works and gone to do something else instead of waiting there the whole time. That way, she would be productive and gather some materials and then pick up the items at night to craft. However, she just didn't seem to have the ambition to go out at the moment and would much rather sit there for an hour for her items to be crafted. They were, of course, rather valuable for a healer such as her who does not obtain Col as common as all the DPS players whose wallets seemed to be filled with Col and materials. She needed to make everything count and that includes sitting here to make sure her items are crafted to perfection and no one is around to do anything to the items that she had ordered. After a while, her items were brought to her, and she accepted the items along with the Col that he had offered in compensation for the long time that it took. "Don't think much of it. Thanks for the items." Kasier said, making sure the items were safe in her inventory before venturing out into the seventh floor safe zone.


+800 Col
+1 Endurance of the Cook
+1 Ambition of the Cook
+1 Blessing of the Cook

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  • 2 months later...


Finally finding the shop. Kyoto walks in Domarus’ Shop and walked up to the counter. Kyoto looks around and sees quite of bit of unique items in here. Almost make him feel like a new player… oh wait he is a new player. “Hey Domarus, Itzal told me to come see you for new gear. I’m looking for a necklace or a lucky charm.” as he talked to him trying to explain what he wants it to look like. Kyoto not very good with fashion nor is he very good with describing what he want his gear to look like but he tries.




Name: The "Holy" Cross 

Profession: Artisan

Rank: 7

ID:  (leave blank)

Roll: (leave blank)

Item Type: Lucky Charm

Tier: 1

Quality: Perfect

Enhancements:+3 Acc

Description: a cross with his little sister’s and his parents names scribe into it.

-7 T1 Mats

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Illia cringed she had heard of this artisan through another vender by the name of Aereth who had suggested purchasing the item she required to complete her build here. The redhead sighed, her eyes skimming over the strange trinkets and baubles. She had heard tattoo's were a commodity which one could have permanently etched into their flesh as the real world had to offer. A slight shiver at the idea of marking oneself in such a fashion. Instead she wished for something simple, as a cook it would seem out of the ordinary for her to request something in the shape of a fruit her favorite being an apple as they always held a secret power while in a story or in sustenance keeping one alive. As she stumbled about she tried to find the prices as she still had a fair amount of material's and didn't agree to take the easy way around unlike with the blacksmith who had refused her payment of the full price.

"Pardon me, I would like you to make me a special craft if you are around I have a fairly large amount of tier one materials to offer for my patronage."

Once he arrived she would send him a message with the stats and appearance hoping it could be created relatively quickly.


apples-akagami-no-shirayuki-hime-01-01.pngName: Poison Apple
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 7
Item Type: Lucky Charm Miniature
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: 3 ACC
Description: A solitary crimson apple with a chain attached to the stem for easy carrying. It helps the user's aim to be true.


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Kairi after receiving starting equipment she had skipped her way to a store she had heard from a couple of people to get her trinket, she had received her new sword from Macradon, and even received her new light armor from Aereth. She awaits his message to do something with him as payment for the light armor, however she was told to expect to a wait a few days maybe a day at the earliest. However she just needed to get her trinket she needed to last her till she reaches tier 2. She had heard of a man named Domarus on floor 1 and some where suspicious about the man, while others praise him. Whether or not he may be a creepy man or not, she needed her trinket. She had arrived upon the scene and asked the man very cutely if she could get the item as fast as he could.


-6 T1 Materials to Domarus

Name: Battle Tiara v.1
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 7
ID:  (leave blank)
Roll: (leave blank)
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Evasion I / Accuracy II
Description: A cute Tiara fit for a cute princess~

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Domarus heard the door open up and saw a player with black hair walk in.  He smiled warmly to the player, hearing him mention that Itzal told him about his shop.  Well, at least that dolt of a scout wasn't useless after all.  He received the materials and nodded.  
"Nice to meet you!  I'll have your item ready in no time, mister....?"  Before he could get an answer, another player walked in, one with red hair.  She mentioned how she would like a special craft done and how she would reward him with materials.  He nodded to her with a smile.
"Of course, I'll make sure to craft your item right after I'm done with his, miss.....?"  Before she could reply, another walked into his shop.  Was hell raining down or something?  Because for some [censored] reason everyone felt like coming into his shop when he had no materials at all.  At least, nothing other than what the first player had given him.  This girl didn't even say anything, just left her order and some materials.  He sighed slightly, shaking his head with a chuckle before waving at the players, heading into his crafting room.  "I'll be back in a moment sir."  He began his crafting, and had luckily made at least one perfect item.  He was still pissed off that he had no additional crafting points, but his anger wasn't going to change anything.  He walked back into the main room and presented the item to the man.  
     "How does that look?"



ID#  90025  CD:  4  LD:  4  -1 MAT  Fail

ID#  90026  CD:  12  -1 MAT  Perfect Craft

ID#  90027  CD:  9  -1 MAT  Rare Craft

ID#  90028  CD:  5  LD:  10  -1 MAT  Fail

ID#  90029  CD:  10  -1 MAT  Rare Craft

ID#  90030  CD:  6  -1 MAT  Uncommon Craft

ID#  90031  CD:  2  -1 MAT  Fail

ID#  90032  CD:  3  LD:  4  -1 MAT  Fail

ID#  90033  CD:  8  -1 MAT  Uncommon Craft

Items Crafted:  1 Perfect, 2 Rare, 2 Uncommon

Total EXP:  36

Materials Lost:  9


- The Holy Cross  @XxSulSus


Name: The "Holy" Cross 

Profession: Artisan

Rank: 7

ID:  90026

Roll: 12

Item Type: Lucky Charm

Tier: 1

Quality: Perfect

Enhancements:+3 Acc

Description: a cross with his little sister’s and his parents names scribe into it


Edited by Domarus
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Kyoto smiled as he grabs the Charm from him. “It looks great.” He replies with a smile. He examines it as he even spelled all his families names right. This is the closes thing he can get with them for now. Until he beats this game. “Thanks for the help. Oh and by the way my name is Kyoto.” He replies once more and again with a big smile on his face. Kyoto then moves out of the way for the lady behind him can step up to the counter. As then he walks near the entrance door and leaves his shop.

+ The "Holy" Cross

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Taro returned to a familiar shop. It was the first place he had ever really ventured too. It was there Domarus had first agreed to help him and take on the first beginner thread. That had been a magical time for the young man, as he had not made real friends at all in the game. True, Domarus had his own personality and Keres definitely kept things interesting. But over all, they were each more than willing to help out newer players, and had been very gracious when it came to Taro. 

Now however, it was time to get moving upward and forward. He had a request for a new ring, one that would change up his build path and direction for sure. "Hey Domarus, was hoping you could make this item for me. Would appreciate it!" 


Name: Fang of Fafnir
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 7
ID:  (leave blank)
Roll: (leave blank)
Item Type: Trinket
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 Keen
Description: A silvered ring, mostly plain save for some runes engraved on the inside, this ring takes a nod to the fabled dragon Fafnir. It is designed to ensure the rich get richer. 


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Domarus nodded with a smile and added Kyoto to his list of names.  The guild symbol hadn't passed his eye either.  Celestial Ascendants.  Their guild would soon be below him and his notice.  He turned to the next customer and smiled apologetically.
"Apologies for the wait miss.  Let me get to your craft right away."  He turned to the second customer who hadn't said anything.  "Apologies to you as well miss.  Let me see if I can't craft yours as we-"  With that the door opened a second time, causing Domarus to chuckle again.  It was better than growling at least, and it would only show that he was a bit stressed from the fact that he now had customers, but it was all at once.  At least he knew this player.  He nodded to him with a grin.
"I'll see what I can do my friend.  Give me a moment."  With that he made his way over to the crafting station and got to work.  This time, he had managed to craft up to two perfect items rather than one, and also managed to salvage an item.  He walked back to the room and presented the two items to the ladies with a smile.
"Here you are!  And Havok, I wasn't able to craft yours just yet.  If you give me some time I'll have it made though."


ID#  90047  CD:  2  Fail

ID#  90048  CD:  12 Perfect

ID#  90049  CD:  11 Rare

ID#  90050  CD:  12 Perfect

ID#  90051  CD:  4  LD:  12

ID#  90052  CD:  8 Uncommon

ID#  90053  CD:  9 Rare

ID#  90054  CD:  4  LD:  15  Fail - Salvaged

ID#  90057  CD:  7  Uncommon

Total EXP:  46

MATs lost:  8



Name: Poison Apple
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 7
ID:  90048
Roll: 12
Item Type: Lucky Charm Miniature
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: 3 ACC
Description: A solitary ruby apple with a chain attached to the stem for easy carrying. It helps the user's aim to be true.



Name: Battle Tiara v.1
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 7
ID:  90051
Roll: 12
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Evasion I / Accuracy II
Description: A cute Tiara fit for a cute princess~


Edited by Domarus
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"Illia I it's no problem I just wish for a ruby apple that can be worn upon a belt loop preferably made out of ruby."

She glanced down toward her feet already equipped with her armor and rapier now sighing as she was ready to attempt her own ascent through this world even if it was to be a lonely one due to her own failings. It was strange she was quite good at making friends but her own patients were tested possibly due to the way of life that was threatening to her own plans in life. She was planning on being a doctor in the real world and now she was taking a path of combat against the floors that kept her out of those plans. As he returned with the crimson apples she reached up poking at her menu now transferring over the seven materials.

"Thank you much, I will see you again when I am of level to get this upgraded to a tier two item. Good day and I wish you luck with the rest of your crafts for the customers behind us."

She then walked toward the door and out equipping the final item as she planned to go out for some missions.

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I walk into the shop, and looks around at everything, and finds that it looks very impressive all things considered. I grin as for once i have my plans for what i want planned out ahead of time to prevent the owner some hassle of having to deal with a player who doesn't know what they want. As i see the maid that i have grown familiar with i know instantly whose shop this is. Hello Keres, do you mind getting Domarus, or to hand these orders to him? I ask of the maid as i hand her what i had in mind for the two things that i wished to have crafted. Tell him i have 27 tier 1 materials, and near 8,000 COL. That way he knows he won't have to worry about payment options when it comes to these. I inform her. Handing her the designs.


Name: Guidance of Icarus
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 7
ID:  (leave blank)
Roll: (leave blank)
Item Type: Charm
Tier: Tier 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: x1 ambition
Description: A small charm that has little feathers along it.


Name: Necklace of Hermes
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 7
ID:  (leave blank)
Roll: (leave blank)
Item Type: jewelry
Tier: Tier 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: 3x prosperity
Description: A gold medallion with little wings coming off the sides of it. Going down the center is a staff with two snakes coiled around it with their bodies going along the edge of the medallion to meet at the top of the staff. The medallion allowing the user to be guided in their prosperity by the god of wealth.


Edited by Hestia
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After a bit of time, the man had gotten to her, she had nodded... this man didn't seem too creepy or out of the order, at least to her, she thought that this man can be trusted. She had nodded and took a seat and waited for her item to be completed. She had looked around and swinged her feet back and forth and placed her hands on the seat as she patiently waited. However after a bit of time, Domarus had finally finished her Tiara, with a squeal she had grabbed onto the Tiara and placed it on onto her head while bouncing, she had looked out to the man and said to him "Thank you!" she giggled and walked out of his store really happy. She got her last piece of equipment and for the next 24 levels she wouldn't need to get any more equipment.

+Battle Tiara v.1

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