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[PP-F1] Cats in the Cradle (Rin, Ivory Lotus)

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I continued to roam the long streets of the beginner town. Why was this place so big? I mean, I understood that it had to house many players, but it was so easy to get lost. I hugged my jacket as I kept my pace at a steady rate. My only goal was to memorize at least some parts of the town, but hunger started to distract me from my thoughts. I looked around at the various food shops and wondered what the currency was in this game. As far as I knew, I had nothing but my cloths... but come to think of it, how does one even obtain money? And Kayaba talked about a menu... what was that? My growling stomach brought me back to the thought of hunger, and I pulled my jacket over the bottom half of my face in embarrassment. Did everyone else know what to do? Perhaps I should have done some research. I've seen commercials and such, but nothing that ever described the game. Not even the beta testers released any info.

Either way, I was hungry with no money. What a way to start a new life. Speaking of new life, I pondered on how my actual body was doing back in the real world. What if someone tries to take off the helmet? No, with Kayaba's warnings, that wouldn't happen. All I needed to care about was surviving here... which was already becoming a struggle. If this went on for much longer, I would have to resort to talking to someone... what a scary thought.

@Rin @Ivory Lotus


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Rin hadn't done this in a long time, she was dressed in her strange costume that masked her appearance and identity to those who cam into contact with her. Although she hadn't really adorn this garb in a fairly long time since she first developed it. She hummed and flick the strange little tail back and forth with the swaying of her hips. The dark mask concealing her facial features and the large yellow colored hoodie draped over her form  A rather chatty meow kept rolling off her tongues as she bounced through the streets of the starting city. All the eyes that spotted her immediately raised an eyebrow in confusion from her passage before them. Some had heard of this crazy girl who had turned her suit into a warm soft plushie suit but others assumed that people were just making it up. She stopped though as she then bend over her head nearly against the ground as she bent over in half revealing a flexibility to she had.

The ears on the hood now brushing along the street as she blinked a bit confused trying to remember what she would be doing today. Perhaps material gathering or friend meeting as she did make a lot of friends who knew this odd form of hers though none new who she was beneath it.

"What to do now mew ..."

@Ivory Lotus

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