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[PP - F1] Fire in Her Soul, Stars in His Eyes (Lessa)

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Beatbox had been working really hard on his new store, he finished his first crafts and been rearranging his store to his liking and noticed... he needs materials, sure he has around 25... but those we're reserved for his Tier 2 equipment. Beatbox had sighed and figured that he would bring someone along... but Itzal and Birdie we're busy at the time and he didn't know who else to ask at the current moment. He took a deep breath and figured to instead take a stroll and steam off some steam that was still within him. He wore his Append attire as he didn't really have much else to honeslty wear at the current moment, and as usual... people had been staring at him. Beatbox didn't mind people looking at him, he was expecting this to happen... heck he wanted this to happen... somehow... it brought a smile on his face to see people giggle about how he was wearing, people to talk about how he was wearing, or see people silently judge him in their minds. He continued to walk forward in the streets, it was filled with people talking about either him or other things that were happening. His familiar was on his shoulder looking around at the many people in the streets of the town of beginnings.

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Lessa had a love/hate relationship with the first floor. There had been a time where it had been her preferred destination. Then, her life had been dedicated to helping others, and there was no better place to scope out newbies than the Starting City. Later, when Lessa had opted to hide herself from many of the higher-level players she had come to know, the first floor provided excellent cover. Frontliners rarely stooped so low as to spend their days there, and the woman had effectively dodged the veterans for quite some time. However, the floor had grown less desirable as of late. No longer so interested in committing her waking hours to aiding others, the requests for help seemed endless. Once, she would have aided without hesitation, and been happy to do so. Now, she recognized that she needed to spend more time on herself. Her skills had weakened considerably, she had fallen behind in level, and she was nearly out of materials for her shop.

It was that final point that had her on the first floor that morning. Her initial plan had been to proceed directly from the teleport to the city gate, so to minimize the time she did spend there. To avoid the stares of individuals who had never left the city, and rarely spotted an experienced player, Lessa had donned her jeans and blouse before making the journey. The less attention she drew, she determined, the better.

With hands shoved deep in her pockets, she strode along the packed streets of the Town of Beginnings. Many people milled about, some in armor or fancier apparel, others content to remain in their starter gear. Its been years, Lessa mused, I'm surprised they're still happy wearing that. With her attention turning to how other players were dressed, her gaze settled on a boy in stranger garb than she had seen in a long while. Her eyes narrowed to better see him, and then widened with recognition. A she was only on the opposite side of the street, she gave a small wave, and added, "hey, Beatbox."

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Beatbox had found it odd how he enjoyed walking the streets of this town, everyone mostly here we're either still low-levels or people who are too scared to get out there and fight to gain levels. He had overheard some people asking for help, crying about how unfair this world is. Beatbox continued to walk forward and thought to himself in his head "This game isn't THAT bad... heck, its giving me the freedom to do something I've wanted to do in the real life for years..." then giggled. He shoved his hands in his pockets and continued to walk forward minding to his own business regardless to what people had been saying about his attire. While walking down the streets he heard a familiar voice, he looked over to see that it was Lessa, a female he met the other day. With a smile and a wave he walked over to her side of the street and said "Oh hey Lessa, I didn't expect to see you here on this floor."

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"Didn't expect to be here on this floor," came the rejoinder, a wry smile crinkling the corners of her blue eyes. "But hey, I need materials, and I hear they're pretty easy to come by down here." Realistically, she felt a little dirty farming the same mobs that had ended weaker players' lives. It felt cheap, and it seemed to somehow laugh in the face of something so serious. At the same time, however, she recognized the importance of being well-stocked. A pile of materials in her shop meant a higher possibility of forging a strong weapon, or sturdy armor. Ship those pieces of equipment off to the front lines, and the likelihood of victory increases. Lives are saved. Teams are strengthened. So, maybe, her picking off level one boars was not such a crime after all.

Her hands moved to her hips, a casual enough pose that also worked to keep people a few steps away from her. The steady stream of other players had resulted in her being bumped once already, and despite her good nature, she would rather they pierce themselves on her elbows than cozy up any closer. "What is it that you're up to?" she asked the other blonde.

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Beatbox had smirked when she had replied "Yeah... I guess I have no real reason to be here either..." he thought to himself as he shook his head. "Yeah, Materials are pretty easy to get around here especially for higher levels like us, its basically easier... WAY easier for us. Because our numbers are just that high." he sighed. He honestly grew bored of the idea of "the higher the numbers, the better off you are in this world", because he hates how numbers will get high and the challenge lowers, it just becomes a chore rather than a real challenge. He had been thinking a lot lately since his change of clothing and growth in numbers about why he's even here and why is he even worth anything in this world? He figured to build his own worth, with his new style. He had broke out of thinking and saw her pose after she had asked him a question, he gave her a smile and said "I was on my way to get materials myself, I opened a store around here... its honestly a good location for me since the materials are so easy to get..." he then grew a grin on the thought of numbers being high again. 


@Lessa - Sorry for the late upload :P

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"You don't feel a bit like you're cheating?" she prompted, a sly smile unfurling across her lips. "Coming down here, and making quick work of these little boars? Sure, it is where the getting is good, but there's no challenge to it." Her blue eyes flashed with good humor, but she offered him a wink just to make it known she was teasing. Or, at least, sort of teasing. More like making light of something that truly did bother her. And maybe that was not such a bad thing. Maybe it was high time that Lessa stopped taking herself so seriously. 

The young woman shifted her weight from one hip to another, her expression softening as the boy explained that he was also in need of mats. "Well," she began with a bit of a shrug. "I don't suppose there is any reason why either of us should venture alone. Interested in joining me?" Some of the amusement leaked back into her voice as she added, "since we'll be mowing these suckers down, we might as well make it a social affair, don't you think?" She offered him a nod, motioning toward the gate, her long, blonde hair cascading over her shoulder. "Come on. It'll be fun."

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"Cheating? No, I call it "playing it safe"." he giggled in response, he gave her a warm smile and listened to her words with a casual pose, he laughed and gave her a wink "Hey, whatever gets us the materials to keep a store together to get some col. You teasing me or something?" he said as he giggled one more time. He looked up at the sky and looked to see what time it was in his menu, it wasn't even noon. He watched her transfer he weight from one side to the other and listened to her with a smile, he listened to her and smiled even wider "Yeah sure! I'll be more than glad to join along side you to get some materials, the more the better I suppose!" he said as he followed the blonde haired female towards the gate. Fun, he never really thought about fighting in this game to be really fun... but, he kept a smile on his face as he continued to walk with her towards the gate, he looked over from side to side and saw that some players we're still looking at Beatbox or whispering something to another's ear as their eyes trailed his movements, in seeing this he let out a sigh.

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"Playing it safe," Lessa repeated, and then grinned. "I guess that's a fair way of looking at things. We all benefit from playing it safe. I'd rather take  that over the alternative any day."

As he fell into step beside her, she tossed him a side-ways glance. "If I remember correctly, you're not too many levels below me. I don't think we'll have any problem taking down whatever we see on this floor. If you're up for it, I don't see why we can't just find ourselves a small group and take them out at once."

The pair had only walked for a short time before a small herd of boars trotted across their path. The site might spell danger for some of the floor's lower level players, but there was no spike of fear within the blonde. Rather, there was a familiar itch in her fingers, a desire to train that she had rediscovered during her time in the mountains.

"Might as well start off strong," she mused aloud, flashing Beatbox a grin before lunging forward. Expertly, she eased the enormous magenta sword from its position on her back. It seemed to hum with newly acquired energy.


ID# 69843 results:  Battle: 5 (+3 accuracy = 8) Craft: 5 Loot: 19 MOB: 8

Attack successful! <Tempest> activated. 96 damage dealt per boar.

Lessa: 600 HP | 41 EN | 4 H

Beatbox: ?

Boar 1: 204/300 Stunned

Boar 2: 204/300 Stunned

Boar 3: 204/300 Stunned

Boar 4: 204/300 Stunned

(Boars deal base 10 damage.)



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Beatbox had giggled as she had said after he had said "playing it safe." he found it funny that most people wouldn't agree that staying safe should be priorities, and people just need to learn to calm down and relax every-so-often. "It's nice to remember when you are in a bad situation... just take the easy way out, it'll save you in the end." he said while scratching the back of his head. He had looked over to her as she gave him a glance as they walked downwards to the area where monster's has laid, after hearing her words he opened his eyes a bit wider and thought for a moment, "Yeah... I guess I'm not too too far below you..." he said as he looked down as they walked together to the place where they would fight, after a bit they had reached a group of boar's in which they started off very strong as Lessa dealt a good chunk of damage to all of the boars, with a shocked face, Beatbox prepared his sword to attack all of them as well with an AoE attack against all of them.


Player Stats: Level 23 - HP: 460 / EN: 46 / DMG: 8 - EVA: 3 - ACC: 3 - MIT: 7

ID: 69878 - BD: 6+3=9

Sword Art Used: Vertical Square (Damage: 7+1=8*4=32)

Lessa: 600/600 EN: 41/60

Beatbox: 460/460 EN: 38/46

Boar 1: 172/300 Stunned -32

Boar 2: 172/300 Stunned -32

Boar 3: 172/300 Stunned -32

Boar 4: 172/300 Stunned -32

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"Nice hit," the girl commented, offering her companion a broad smile to accompany the compliment. At the rate they were moving, it would take little time at all to deal with the wolves. As it was her turn next, she took a few steps forward, readying the heavy claymore. It felt good, she noted, as she moved closer still to the paralyzed mobs. Perhaps that was a strange realization to come to, considering the very real danger that the beasts posed. But they were manageable, and she felt confident in her partner's abilities. Even more importantly, she felt confident in her own. It had taken a considerable amount of time for her to reach that point, and while she knew more work was necessary, she figured she might bask in it while she could.

"It worked the last time," she called over her shoulder, her expression smug. "No point fixing it if it ain't broken, right?"

Just as the wolves were beginning to stir, she raked her pink blade across them once again.


ID# 69988 results:  Battle: 9 Craft: 5 Loot: 17 MOB: 2

Attack successful! <Tempest> activated. 104 damage dealt per boar.

Lessa: 600/600 EN: 22/60

Beatbox: 460/460 EN: 38/46

Boar 1: 68/300 Stunned

Boar 2: 68/300 Stunned

Boar 3: 68/300 Stunned 

Boar 4: 68/300 Stunned 

(OOC: I rolled a natural critical, so I did 13 damage instead of 12. If that's not how I was supposed to do it, please let me know, because I'm honestly pretty rusty.)



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"Thanks!" the blonde haired player said with a smile, he sat back and watched Lessa fight against the boars with such mobility and power, it honestly fascinated him, he watched with a smile on his face knowing that one day he would be able to deal massive amounts of damage just like that. He shook off his smile and went to a more casual look when she had looked behind her to say a few words to Beatbox, he coughed and said "Y-yeah... no need to fix whats not broken..." then shook his head and ran up to the group of mob's and attempted to strike all of them with another AoE attack. He struck all of them and dealt a great amount of damage to all of them and he let out another cough as he leaped away from the group and said to Lessa "finish them off!" with a smile and a wink.



ID: 69989 - BD: 6+3=9

Sword Art Used: Vertical Square (Damage: 7+1+1=9*4=36)

Lessa: 600/600 EN: 22/60

Beatbox: 460/460 EN: 31/46

Boar 1: 32/300 Stunned -36

Boar 2: 32/300 Stunned -36

Boar 3: 32/300 Stunned -36

Boar 4: 32/300 Stunned -36

OOC - You are indeed correct @Lessa ;)

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  • 1 month later...

"Got it."

As Lessa turned back to the wolves, tightening her hold on the Claymore, she was startled to see that the effects of her stun were wearing off faster than she had anticipated. It was unnerving, seeing the beasts frozen in their positions of attack. But it was even stranger watching them come to life, snapping out of the paralysis as if a switch had been flipped. In the past, the blonde had watched the stunned mobs lose their effect more slowly, appearing dazed, and confused, as they recovered. This time was different, and that change threw her off her groove.

"Whoa," she cried out, as the wolves descended on her all at once. She threw up her arms in defense, her sword working to swat away at the pack amidst angry snarls. Finally, she was rid of them, but a small sliver had been carved from her health bar.



ID: 71631 - BD: 1 MD: 7

Lessa's attack misses. Wolves attack hits.

Lessa: 596/600 EN: 20/60 - 4 damage (1 from each boar that isn't mitigated)

Beatbox: 460/460 EN: 31/46

Boar 1: 32/300 

Boar 2: 32/300 

Boar 3: 32/300 

Boar 4: 32/300



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