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[F1-PP-NK] The return (Wolfie) [Complete]

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The more the story developed the worse Wolfie's life had become. For many what happened with the nerve gear was a curse, however the spearman knew there were a few out there who very well prefered this reality to the previous one. Not speaking solely of the murderers and player killers but to those who had already suffered in their previous life, or perhaps even those who wanted to become much more... a hero. Hydra pondered how Wolfie viewed this reality in comparison to the last. The spearman personally had mixed feelings. This place without a doubt had left him with memories he would rather forget, however he had almost made so many friends and had gained more confidence. "Not all might have been as fortunate however." he thought glancing across the fire at Wolfie.

 As Wolfie continued his story several others were mentioned. All of whom left a bitter after taste in the young adventurer's mouth. All of whom he would kill if they were to appear in front of him in that very moment. Once before Hydra was kind and loving. He would have forgiven these creatures for their monstrous crimes, believing words were enough to meet justice. In many ways he still held these morales. But only for people and these certainly did not sound like people. "In order to preserve peace, one must be willing to fight." He spoke, not directed at anyone in particular. Just whispers to the wind.



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Wolfie heard and nodded “But the longer you live, the more peace seems like a fantacy.” By now Wolfie had his knees pressed against his chest and his arms locked around him. He knew they were nearing the end of his story, and so he continued. “Four years passed of me living in the woods and scrounging the city for money, even pennies. It didn’t madder what, I just needed something. One day, a girl, about my age at the time. Had been watching me for a while, we talked on and off, and she was very nice to me. This seemed to be genuine. Her name was Samantha. I knew people made fun of her for talking to me, I would hear it from time to time whenever her friends walked by. I hated that they were so cruel to her with there words but she insisted that I just leave it be. One day, once I had enough money. I asked her if she would come with me to the beach nearby and I would buy her dinner. She said yes.” Wolfie stopped, his eyes started to water. Wiping them, he recomposing himself and continued. “Abigale and I were waiting at the beach for a long time before she arrived. Though, she wasn’t alone and wasn’t okay. She was already badly beaten and she was accompanied by a large group of men dressed in black, masks covering their faces. They surrounded me and pushed her forward, she fell face first into the sand, her hands tied, I helped her up but when she looked at me she got frightened and scooted back. ‘please, no more!’ she said to me ‘please don’t hurt me any more’ I was so confused. But then a man, seemingly the man in charge, broke the wall of men surrounding her. The men then grabbed my arms and tranquilizer Abigale. The man took off his mask and I froze. It was the same guy that killed my parents. He proceeded to tell Samantha ‘see him? This is his fault, if it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be doing this too you. This is all his fault’ he then forced himself on her, the men forced me to watch, to listen. I felt myself going insane, I didn’t know what to do. Then, he pointed her scared face at me. When he did this she screamed at me ‘Why did you do this to me Shorael? Why?’ Then I watched as he slit her throat, the light draining from her pleading eyes. A dart hit my neck. The next thing I knew, I woke up on the beach, a bloodstain in the sand beside me and a scared Abigale laying beside me, her neck across mine as a Luna wolf does to an Alpha. I sat weeping, reliving the last thing in my memory over and over again. I resolved that I would double what this man did to me, and do it to him. I wanted him to know the pain I have felt. So from that point on, for the next nine years of my life I trained my body for combat. Training myself to be agile, to be able to swiftly move in and out without being noticed. I also collected money. Once I learned about this game I purchased the nerve-gear and played it as soon as possible, hoping I could learn how to hunt people, how to kill. However, once we were told that we were stuck it dawned on me… I left Abigale in the real world to fend for herself and die. Her blood is on my hands, my only true companion dead because of me.” Wolfie was shaking violently now, his muscles tensed and his breathing heavy. He felt the panic attack coming but didn’t know what to do.



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Things began to close off one by one, how Wolfie came to this place. The things that were eating away at his mind. His story. By the end Hydra could see the impact it had put him through mentally, what had happened to Abigail and the fact he blamed himself. Hydra swiftly moved over to him at the sign of heavy breathing. Kneeling down next to him the brunette gently placed his hand upon his shoulder. Unlike most the people Wolfie had had in his life the spearman truly cared about helping this person, even if he didn't want his help he would give it.

"Don't ever blame yourself for what happened, with Abigale or the girl. And for starters you don't know that... Abigail could easily be alive and waiting for you to return, just like she waited for you back the first time. That is the reason you haven't given up and that is the reason you can't give up, just like im sure she hasn't given up on you!" Hydra's voice was soft and composed now, but there was also a determined tone behind it. There was a slight pause and then the spearman continued. "And know this, that from this day you are not alone, not anymore! I am here, and I am your friend and even if you say I am not, well you are my friend and you can't deny that because its my own preference!"


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