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Speacilities and Shops

Specialities and Shops  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. Should this be implemented?

    • No I don't like this idea.
    • Yes this idea sounds good.
    • Yes, however it needs changing slightly.
    • Other.

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Okay for once I don't have a question but rather an idea to submit. I am not really expecting this to get much attention but if you could give me so feedback on how good or bad you think this idea is, I would really appreciate it.

First thing first:

What is a specialty:

  • A specialty is a unique style of crafting items that every merchant and shop owner can claim. What I mean by this is that when one crafts there items they craft it in such a way, which is unique to them.
  • For example: Artisan (1) might have a speacility where they utilize intricate patterns to give there items an optical illusion. Where as artisan (2) might have a specialty where there objects make sounds which can be triggered by the environment e.g. a bird song when it is windy.
  • As a result when a customer would happen to purchase a certain item from said shop, the description of the item would be something along the lines to do with that store owner's specialty.

Why would we want to have specialties:

  • I believe this would create a feeling of uniqueness for every player, as well as diversify the stores and shops more. For example at this point in time how would Hydra decide to visit a blacksmith other than his personal preference of the player or there rank.
  • Design space - Whilst specialties could work cosmetically, it could also be extended so that specialties offer a little bonus in addition to the enhancements of an item.
  • For example linking back to the Artisans as previously mentioned. Artisan's (1) specialty with the optical illusion could have a very small effect of granting +1 evasion if there foe successfully hits them twice in a row. Where as Artisan (2) Might have an effect of regenerating 5 additional health when out of combat.

How would one decide there speacility:

  • A player who wants a speacility should submit there idea to staff, who would help them make it better by appropriately making any changes. A thread could be created where a specialty should be submitted and then evaluated by staff.

The rules of specialties:

  • Once a store owner has there speacility it cannot be changed. A speacility should be posted on the title thread of the store.
  • A store owner cannot copy someone else speacility and the speacility has to be able to work within the confines of there type of occupation.
  • Specialties are designed to offer very situational bonuses. They should not be abused - An example of a bad speacility would be a blacksmith who forges weapons with serrated blades which deal +1 damage to attacks. This is broken. A better example would be a blacksmith who forges weapons with serrated blades that deal a +1 bonus damage on three consecutive hits which goes away after a miss.
  • Whilst specialties should always be situational, with each X number of ranks a speacility may get slightly better. Such as regenerating 6 additional hp when out of combat at rank 8 compared to the 5 at rank 5.
  • The description of an item has to link to the speacility in some way of said particular store, however it does not have to be the same for each item. E.g. If the specialty is somehow linked to creating optical illusions with the item, then the optical illusions can be completely different and up to how the customer or store owner would like it.
  • A store owner should only be allowed a specialty upon reaching rank 5.


  • Every player who owns a store now has something unique to them and only to them.
  • Tunes up the RP flavor in certain scenarios.
  • Bonuses aren't game changing but a little something extra.
  • Helps diversify two identical ranked stores from each other.
  • Items now have more specific descriptions although there is still freedom in how they can be described.


  • Difficult to come up with so many specialties.
  • Easily abused.
  • Some loss of the freedom of description.
  • Still can be inequality if one store owner has a slightly better speacility than an other.
  • Harder to apply to merchants and professions which craft consumables.
  • Not canon (at least I don't think it is)


To sum up, the reason this idea occurred to me was when I was reviewing previous orders I had in the past at my store. One of my very first perfect items was a charm I made which emitted a bright light upon catching the sunlight. I noticed a few customers that visited my store at later dates were also asking for items which emitted light (I assumed they asked for items with such descriptions after seeing it in my order template or looking at my own item.)

So im now going to try and make a specialty template for my own store. (Again im not really expecting any of this to be noticed but feedback or other ideas would be nice ^^)

Template and example:


Name of player: Hydra.

Name of store: Twilight Dreams.

Profession Rank: 6

Specialty: Hydra specializes in working his crafts so that they emit light in certain scenarios. This could mean a bright or dark glow upon catching the sun or moonlight, or a faint glow that seem to bring his objects to life slightly. Can work with all shades and colors of light.

Effect: Whenever the <Evasion> enhancement triggers allowing you to dodge an attack which previously would of hit, the speacility of the item activates restoring +1 health at rank 5, +2 health at rank 8 and +3 health at rank 10. This cannot exceed your current health cap, additionally if the attack would of already miss then this effect does not trigger.


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Hmmm. I can see this having some promise. BUt instead of players choosing their own speciality, but can choose it from a list that unlocks at a certain level (i'd suggest level 3 or 5) Note that some professions only cap at 5.

Maybe a person could get more out of something if he creates a certain item. Say blacksmiths can make better S.Sword's because they specialize, or a person is able to make better cloaks or swimsuits >_>

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Haha, I like that alternative and yeah it'd make more sense this way. It's less easy to abuse as it's under the control of you guys, whilst still providing players the freedom to have something unique about them and there stores.

Will add it onto the page when I get a chance. Thanks! 

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Yeah definitely. There are quite a few impacts a system like this could have, as I mentioned this was just an idea which sprung up in my head the other day. It is far developed and would probably need a lot of work put into it,  which I know a lot of people simply can't make the time for. Interesting to see how people generally feel about this sort of thing though. Thanks for the feedback.

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