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[PP-F1] Meeting a new, er, two friends <Itzal, Yui and Yua>

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Yua rolled her eyes as the boy started talking about how he was a stand up man and had no ill intentions to men or women of any age it seemed. "Right because saints exist in this world and I'm in the presence of the most benevolent angel who intends to save puppies and kittens from the most dangerous of situations. Boy, get out of my way or go get us the equipment that I need either way I don't want to see you here when I-" She was so rudely interrupted this time by her sister as she was now pulled off to the side to get a stern talking to it seemed. "You really think that anyone would just help without some sort of payment first he will ask for our col then our mats then your," Yua stopped as she realized this wasn't the best train of thought to speak to a man she would possibly be stuck repaying.

Oh good this will be fun good ole near telepathic talk between twins eye to eye. What do you think I'm doing I attempting to scoot this creep along his way and get him out of our hair.  Yua rolled her eyes an sighed giving her usual queue that then was followed by a blank expression as she just stood there half zoning off. Blank uncaring face, yup talk to that yui. Another yawn escaped from her lips as she then closed her eyes as if she was falling asleep form the sounds of crickets chirping. Yua's eyes then blinked open as she heard the growling of wolves that had surrounded them Crap, not good how did they even?

Yua glanced between Yui and the wolves behind her as she then hoped that she wasn't about to scream. As it bursted out into the air Yua tackled her to the ground clasping her hand across hers sister's teary eyed face as she began to fully cover Yui her body acting as a shield as she began to close her eyes in fear. The two curled up together tears streaming down their face as they didn't expect to live this even if he was willing to help them. Oh god, I-I can't stop all of them a-and my corpse can't even protect her when I die as it will just turn into pixel. W-what do I do?

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The warg was stunned and on the ground.  That gave time for Itzal to double check his surroundings as well as check on the twins.  It was obvious by now that they were.  He used reveal and confirmed that there were indeed wolves blocking every area.  He heard their snarling.  These wolves were not from the pack Varx was in and thus they must be a rival pack.  Itzal narrowed his eyes at them, showing them that he had no fear of them.  He then rushed over to the twins and crouched beside them, his icy blue sword still in his hands.  "Keep still and don't say a word.  Those wolves won't attack unless provoked.  Once I kill the warg they'll know they stand no chance and flee.  Hang in there ok?"  With that he charged the warg again, which was beginning to get up.  As it did Itzal rushed at it, charging and releasing Shadow Explosion on the monster, hacking at it with everything he had.  Wolves didn't back down unless authority was shown.  That's how he earned the trust of the other pack.  Once the sword art was completed the warg shook it's mane and howled in rage.  Itzal watched as Velnia hovered beside him, electricity shooting from all of her visible bones and spikes.  Itzal nodded to her and took his defensive and evasive stance.

ID#  74132  BD:  4+3  CD:  8  MD:  8  Shadow Explosion used:  x9,  -18 energy

Itzal:  893/940  <>  64/92
Warg:  326/470  <8x9=72 dmg.  Stun over>


Edited by Itzal
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