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[SP-F1] Who am I? [Complete]

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Solomon kept walking, his feet were clearly used to walking great distances. He could spot things with his hearing, as there was shuffling noises from most mobs as he moved into their general areas. Solomon did not take a break, as he did not need one, but he moved at a rather low pace. He was in no rush since he needed to remain in the woods and survive for as long as possible. He finally walked into something, which seemed ridiculous. The undergrowth in this forest was really bad, but Solomon had managed to dodge almost all of it. He seemed to follow a very faint breeze, probably coming from a clearing further ahead. However, when he walked into something, it was a rather large branch. Solomon had no idea why this branch was unlike the others, crossing an area that the breeze easily passed through, but he didn't care. He simply walked over it and continued to the clearing. Upon entering the area where the breeze had passed through, Solomon had found he was in a place surrounded by large trees and the small black silhouette of a humanoid creature. Solomon didn't know if it was hostile, so he quickly climbed a tree and made that area his dwelling spot.


Rewards: +1 SP, +400 col

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