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[F1-SP]<The first few lessons are free> (zero_lost04) [Completed]

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The walk through the town was pretty easy going.  Being the opening area of the game, "The Town of Beginings" was almost always sure to be lively and bustling with people and NPCs.  It was the safest area to be in after all and even though logging out was not possible right now, there were certainly a lot of people who either preferred to take their time going through the game, or had decided to really take it slow going in order to grow as much as they could so that they wouldn't be at risk outside the safety of the city walls.  Zero was never a player to think like that in any game and just because the rules had changed for this place meant nothing to him, if he was going to grow stronger and get out of here, then he needed to push himself and fight as strong of enemies as he possibly could.  That would allow him to grow faster and level up.  Since he wasn't the kind of player to really ever join a guild, he also knew that would put him at a bit of a disadvantage because he wouldn't be able to powerlevel as effectively as those who would join a guild.  Still, if knew that if he could just keep his attention focused and in the target at hand, he could grow quickly and be able to take on just about anything that was thrown at him. 


The city was laid out in a pretty straight forward and direct path, it was meant to be as accomadating to new players as possible and to prevent them from getting lost.  This made the routes very easy to memorize and he was doing his best to memorize the landmarks along his path so that he could find the blacksmith's again if he ever needed to.  Once he was able to get a little bit of Col gathered together and maybe a little bit of materials, he was hoping to be able to afford some new equipment that would give him a little bit more protection and safety from some of these monsters that he would be fighting.


He found his way pretty quickly to the end of the line and located the Blacksmith shop run by Lyle.  He quickly goes into the shop and delivers the NPC the goods that he had been given by Zackariah.  There was a little bit of a pang of relief that hit Zero's heart, knowing that he had come extremely close to death, but yet had managed to survive and had probably made the quest a lot more dangerous than he needed too.


"Those goods, I'll take it that it my delivery from Zackariah?  Thank you very much for bringing this too me.  I was told to give you these items as payment for your services.  If you need a bit more work, I have a little something that I need some help with as well.  If you are willing to help me out, just say so and when you are, I will be right here waiting."  The blacksmith gives Zero his greeting and accepts the package from Zackariah, once again he felt that swelling of pride as he completed his first quest in this game.  After receiving his reward, he lowered his head to Lyle and thanked him, taking note of the next quest in the beginnger's quests line.  He would definitely be back to get it soon, but right he needed a little bit of a rest.

Edited by zero_lost04
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