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After waiting a few moments, Aereth formed a fist with his left hand, which immediately started to glow in a dark green color. "Let's see if it has started to work." He let the fist speed forward and with a thud it made contact with the players face. Suddenly the man screamed in pain and turned to face Aereth. "Don't give me that look. If you talked right away I wouldn't need to use these... gruesome methods." Just as Aereth finished his sentence Tristard's body also scattered into pieces leaving nothing but his sword buried into the ground left. "Now it's just the two of us here..." 
To that the red player spit into Aereth's face, and let out a high pitched whistle. Suddenly, Aereth felt a dumb pain in his back, and noticed how he started to loose control over his virtual muscles. His body fell to the ground like a piece of dead meat and he found himself unable to move. "Good job, now message the boss, and tell him what happened. We've got him." the red player said, and Aereth was now finally able to see what took him out. And what he saw made his blood freeze. In front of him was standing a child. No not just a child. It was one of the very same children he attempted to rescue before. After that his vision turned black and his consciousness was fading away.


Aereth gets 1SP and 400 Col

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