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[PP-F1] The Family Groweth <Itzal and Sly>

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Itzal leaped from one tree to the next, making his way back to the town.  He'd been looking for any dungeons but hadn't found any thus far.  Ever since he received a map for the first floor he felt he should seek out any and all areas just in case there were more.  Velnia flew by his side as they made their way back, most likely thinking about what they were going to eat today.  Itzal was thinking about trying something new, but he also wanted something from home.  Velnia was probably thinking about getting something huge, as usual, since her void stomach could never be satisfied.  Soon enough the city was in view and Itzal leaped from the branch, landed and rolled on the ground.  As he walked he looked at Velnia.  "No pizza this time.  Yes it's good and heavenly, but for crying out loud we won't have it every two days.  I want to try something new.  If we try something else I'll get you ice cream."  Velna switched from about to protest, to suddenly being overjoyed and eager for their food.  After all, food was food.


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Sly wondered what he should do today, he had not been gaining a lot of SP than he thought he did and he needed to pick up a lot of things, including a familiar... he even thought that he should spend some time today to get a familiar of his own! He's always had a liking to slimes, he never knew why... he always think that they had either looked cool or looked cute at times. He shrugged it off, maybe he should ask around trying to see if there is any slimes on any floors at the moment, maybe he'll get lucky and get the information he wants. He waited around the entrance of the town, he figured that the players would be entering and leaving so there would be enough players to ask around, however majority of them had just ignored Sly, which made him a little upset, then he had noticed a player with a dragon familiar, he took a deep breath and walked up to zed player and asked him calmly "Hey, do you know if Slimes exist anywhere? I'm looking to get a Slime familiar."


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Itzal was passing the gate when a player spoke to him.  Itzal turned as he heard the question and he was rather shocked.  Not at the player, his action or the question, but by the fact that he hadn't even considered slimes to be tamable.  Although now that he thought about it, technically any monster in the game could be tamed, it's just that he'd never thought of slimes being one before.  He easily shook this shock off though and focused on the player.  "I actually haven't paid attention to slimes but I can scan the floors real quick and let you know.  I could either message you about it, or meet you somewhere if you'd like.  For now I don't have the information you seek."  Velnia flew out from his shoulder and hovered in front of the player.  Itzal sighed.  "Ah crap."  She stared into the player's eyes with her red ones.  Once she decided she liked the player she landed on his torso and crawled all over him at lightning speed until she stopped at his shoulder and gave him a lick.  She looked at Itzal to find that he had facepalmed.  "Sorry about that sir, she's uh..  Extremely hyper.  That's her way of saying she likes you."  He offered his hand.  "My name's Itzal by the way."


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Sly had heard from the player that he is unsure and doesn't know if there are at the moment but can scan the floors for him if he so wishes "Eh, unsure I don't wanna have someone do stuff for me when I can scout a little bit myself. Only level one, but I got a little bit of scouting skills I suppose. Thanks anyways." he said before seeing the hovering dragon in front of him, he offered a smile and petted the dragon before it licked him, he never really liked it when pets lick him, but for this time he'll let it pass. Itzal had said that it was her way of showing that she likes him, yet that's what most pets do to show "You mean the common way pets mostly show how they like another, I can see that I suppose for dragons." then it was revealed that the players name was Itzal, then when he had noticed the name he has directed his attention to Itzal's health bar seeing the guild logo, this was indeed a leader of the Celestial Ascendants "Ahh Celestial Ascendants, I have been meaning to talk to one of you. The name's Sly." he offered a hand out for a handshake as a friendly greeting.


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When the player mentioned how it was how most pets showed affection, Itzal shook his head.  "I meant the part where she crawled all over you.  Most pets you see don't do that and sometimes I need to explain it to players since, well, not everyone likes the sensation."  Velnia nuzzled her head against the player's cheek and Itzal pulled a pretzel out of his inventory, snatching her attention immediately.  "Forgot something have we?  Come on Velnia, leave the poor guy alone."  Velnia shot back over to Itzal's shoulder and snatched the pretzel, sitting on her hind legs and using her claws to help her nom on it.  While she did Itzal looked back up at the player who mentioned how he was a member of the Celestial Ascendants.  "Oh?  What have you been meaning to talk to me about?  And nice to meet you Sly.  Hey, Velnia and I were going to get something to eat.  You want to join us?  Food's on me and we can talk over the meal.  Velnia will probably give me no end of problems until we get something."


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Sly had listened over Itzal speak to him and even mentioned that he was a poor guy "Excuse me? Poor guy? Just because I am level one does not mean you get to call me such a thing." he said with almost with an angered expression, by no means did he want to be known that way, matter of fact he didn't liked to be called anything for the general consensus. But he shrugged it off when he knew that it was indeed Itzal from the Celestial Ascendants "Well, I have just generally knew that your guild was one to help the lower end players, and I just wanted to get a little push in direction before eventually wanting to make my own guild in all honesty, I am unsure about this whole guild thing though, majority of the time I would like to work on my own." then he took a moment to breath forgetting that he mentioned something about food "If you wish to spend the col, I can go for some food." he said before looking around the area looking for something that remotely looks good, but is generally unsure.


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Itzal heard his response and saw his angered look.  "Wha-?  Oh wait, no I didn't mean it like that at all!"  He thought for a second on how to word it since he never really had to explain it before.  "Sometimes people are bothered by Velnia when she stays on them for too long.  I was referring to that, not you being poor or demeaning you in any way.  It was never my intention I swear."  It seemed that he needed to tread lightly with his words from here on with this player.  When he heard what Sly was looking for specifically, and thought about it.  Most players wanted help with leveling up but this player wanted help with guild related things.  He nodded and smiled.  "Ok.  I think I understand, and while our guild hasn't helped in that way before, I'm sure the other guys wouldn't mind giving some advice.  And yeah I can pay for it.  Just tell me what you'd like to eat and we'll go get some."  Velnia was excited period that they were going to go get food.


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Sly had looked over, even if it was a general mistake people should have at least think over what they have said at least to think if it slightly sounded disrespectful, he had said out to him "I guess, but for further reference, I am not anything of lesser quality. We are all equal in the same ways, despite what our levels say they are." he had said to him, was a man of true equality, even in a virtual world everyone is needed the same amount and everyone is given the same amount of opportunities despite some quests being only one offs and only one player can do it and that is it. He had looked back to Itzal after mentioning where they should go, and... well, he doesn't really know where because he is not acknowledged about the different places. "I'd prefer if you would choose, I have no idea what the different places actually are. All I have done for a while is just eat the free giveaways, they might be bitter or bland... but they go a long way. Better than paying sometimes." he looked back forward.


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Itzal nodded in total agreement with his statement on equality.  "I couldn't agree with you more, and I'll be more careful.  Thanks for mentioning that to me.  We're all just human and while some are different than others, when it comes down to it.  Nobody's better than anyone else.  We've all made mistakes at some point."  He listened to the player mention how he was comfortable with any sort of foods and how he'd been living off of giveaways for a while.  It was clear that he was poor but was very harsh to any sort of negative descriptions, even if it was slightly bad in his mind.  Which meant he needed to be very careful about it.  Itzal smiled.  "Alright, then how does Japanese sound?  Come on I know a good place."  Itzal led Sly through the town, keeping his eye out for the shop. 


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"Eh, even if we are human sometimes we need a push to realize what we are doing will offend some others, however sometimes in this modern day of society anyone can find anything offensive so... only in some cases I guess." he said as he looked around for anything at all that he could somewhat recommend, however he was unsure about a lot of things... right now he is rather unsure about a lot of things, including his entire build and how he is going to complete majority of the quests, however thats to be worried about for a later time. Sly had heard that he had mentioned something about Japanese food, and he supposed that it sounded good at the moment, so eh... he guessed he was up for it. "Eh, sure I guess I am up for Japanese, I don't really like it that much but its alright I guess. I can go for it." he said with a slight smile "Lead the way Itzal." he said to him following up behind him.


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Itzal listened to Sly mention how even though everyone is human, we still all needed a gentle push and reminder.  He did however acknowledge the fact that the modern day took most things as offensive.  Itzal nodded.  "There's a very fine line that people must learn in order to share one's mistakes and show wisdom, without offending the other.  It takes lots of practice, but I think it is worth it."  As they drew close to the Japanese restaurant Sly mentioned that while he wasn't a big fan of it, he would have it anyways.  Itzal smiled.  "Is that from sight or from taste?  Not judging, just curious was all.  I like to know why people think or say something as well as the reasoning behind their thoughts and words.  Not to accuse or judge them but so that I understand their point of view."  He sat down at one of the tables and the Waitress came by.  He smiled at her.  "I'll have the Gyudon please."  She nodded and wrote it down, turning to Sly for his order.


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