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[PP-F1]Why does it have to be dragons? (Itzal) DHA.1

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<<Dragon Hunter Anthology - Dragon Hunt 1: the Emerald Hatching>>

This quest takes place on Floor 1.

This quest CANNOT be repeated.

You must complete this boss before fighting any further dragons in the DHA Series.



After a while in being in SAO more bosses we’re only going to be discovered in a amount of time… however, recently a group of information brokers hired some explorers to check out a mysterious castle that had appeared on floor 10, on arrival they couldn’t get in no matter how hard they tried… not even Aincrad’s best Scout could get in. And on the door there are 9 crystal slots, which presumably you needed 9 specific gems to get in, then miraculously they had found a dragon protecting an emerald in the plains of floor 1, it was said that the dragon hatched not too long ago and no matter what they tried they couldn’t get the Emerald from the dragon. They ask of you for help, maybe collecting all 9 will meet in grand fortune?







Rhaegal - the Emerald Hatchling

HP: 125 - MIT: 25 - ACC: 0 - EVA: 0 - DMG: 50



<<Cute Rawr?>> On a LD roll of 17+ when this boss attacks, this boss will make a very adorable sound that somehow freezes your character in place, removes all evasion properties.



Recommended Level: 10

Post Limit: 1 Page (20+)




1 SP - 500 Col

<Rhaegal’s Emerald> [Vanity Quest Item] : 1 of 9, collect all 9 and meet whom that waits before you, only then will you get the grand prize.


Jonathan stood on the first floor, his sword at his side, and his White cloak covering his body. He waited for Itzal. Today, they would take on a quest that strangely popped up a few weeks back. They might also talk about the Shaman they had saved from their last meeting. He wondered if it had woke up yet. It had been a few days, so he would have figured it would have gave it time to recuperate from the beating they had to give it to save it. He opened his HUD and sent a message to Itzal for them to talk and take a quest on the first floor. With that, he waited for Itzal to arrive. "Sol" He called to his familiar. The bird swooped down and perched upon his shoulder. "I don't want any surprises, upon seeing Itzal OR Velnia, you come straight back to me. Itzal will be in hiding, but I know Velnia. She would blow anything if she got excited enough" He chuckled and watched as his familiar began to fly off. 


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Itzal had recently received a message from Jonathan informing him that there was a quest the two could do together.  What the quest was Itzal had no clue but he was all in to get some experience.  He needed to get charge maxed out if he wanted to deal any damage.  Of course now that he had rank two martial arts he could use his strongest sword art now.  Although he wondered if he should get another rank in charge or get ferocity first.  Regardless Itzal made his way though the floor walking over to the coordinates Jonathan sent him.  Velnia was hoping she'd be able to see Sol again and get to know him a bit more.  Soon enough Itzal saw Jonathan and waved.  Velnia looked around but seemed disappointed that Sol wasn't there.  "Hey Jonathan!  What quest are we doing today?  I finally got rank two martial arts as well as rank one Charge thanks to the dungeon we cleared.  Although I'm wondering if I should save up for ferocity, get the rest of the ranks for charge, or work on light armor till I get the extra evasion."


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Jonathan watched as So returned, indicating Itzal was nearby. Within a minute, Itzal appeared from around the corner, Velnia in tow, who appeared to be frantically searching. "Hey Itzal. Quest... Hmm. Well, its a new one and I really have not looked a tit much. Dragon Helper Apology? I don't remember, we can accept the quest on our way out." He sent the other man a party invite, and would wait to see his friend's name join his. Itzal proclaimed he finally got his best sword art, and even charge with it. Joanthan clapped. "Well... I got Rank four sword now, So I am in the AoE business... and I am quite close to being able to get the Stonewall mod. From there, my next thing will probably be my battle-healing again. Now that I have AoE, our dungeon clearing should be quite a bit easier." Jonathan prepared his Sword, Shield and armor in case they found a nasty creature only found by higher levels. "Shall we get moving?" 


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Itzal listened as Jonathan mentioned how the quest was named Dragon helper anthology (OOC- oh this poor clueless kid ;-;).  "A quest where you help out dragons eh?  It's about time a game designer made a questline where you help out a dragon.  Well, in MMO's at least.  Skyrim had good dragons you helped out.  Regardless let's complete the quest and get the sp eh?"  He accepted the invitation as speedily as it was sent and nodded to Jonathan.  His friend then mentioned how he had reached rank four in his weapon skill and thus had AoE skills, as well as was close to stonewall.  Itzal smiled.  "Well alright!  Congrats man!  Glad to hear you made some progress yourself!..  You know now that I think about it, I think I want to get precision before going back to charge.  That way nearly never miss.  After that I'll max out charge and then work on ferocity.  After that I'll work on my light armor skill.  After all, I have you and the others to watch my back."  He smiled to his friend, revealing his total confidence and faith in his friends. 

ID#  81928  LD:  6+8


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Jonathan walked forward with Itzal as they spoke of the quest. Itzal seemed quite excited to be able to help out some dragons, and how they barely had them helping them. He mentioned something called Skyrim, that he himself had never heard of. "Umm.. Sure" Itzal accepted his party request. Itzal went off talking more about his skill tree plans and Jonathan nodded. He needed occasional help to know what he should get. There was so many things to invest in, he needed to decide which was more important. He was at max mitigation, he just needed to work on the sub-skills and mods now. He needed battle-healing and its mod, Stonewall which was his next in line, and a few other tanking skills like Parry. "Well, there is the NPCThe NPC was a lanky black-haired boy, with a spear at his side. He wore light combat gear, but he appeared to be wary of everything that moved. He looked to them. "Are you the hunters that were hired?" Jonathan raised an eyebrow. "Hunters? We came here to-" "Well there is no turning back now! You can find it in the plains!" With that the NPC briskly began to walk away. "So...." He looked over at Itzal. 

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Itzal could tell by his best friend's response that he had no clue what Skyrim was.  He chuckled.  "Remind me to send a few games your way once we get out of here.  It's a great one after all."  The two continued forward until they reached the npc.  Itzal didn't mind the height but he was able to tell that he was still rather young.  "Um...  He does know that this will probably be dangerous right?  Unless the dragons need supplies though I doubt it."  Then the npc called them hunters.  Itzal's eyes widened and looked to Velnia.  She seemed confused more than anything but before they could say anything the npc told them to follow him and go dragon hunting.  Itzal sighed at Jonathan's response.  "Yeah I guess.  I suppose I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up eh?  Well hopefully this works out well for us.  Maybe it won't be so powerful."  Little did Itzal know that strength wouldn't be what he should worry about.  It was the age of the dragon, though he'd find that out soon enough.


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Jonathan would listened as Itzal would sigh. "I seriously thought it was helping dragons." Of course though, like every fairytale, the dragon was always the bad guy. Jonathan sighed and looked to Itzal. The man appeared to be a little downed when he heard the news. "I am sorry.... But. I think I do still have a present for you that I have been lugging around for forever" Jonathan opened his menu and tapped the name of the sword that was made to be gifted to Itzal. The blade appeared in his hands and he smiled at it. "This weapon is called Faithkeeper. I had it made for you a while back. Made specifically for your hand, and your hand alone." Jonathan handed him the weapon. "I know you were tired of switching back and forth between items, so I just had a weapon made for you" Jonathan smiled and tapped the hilt of his own weapon. 



Name:  Faith Keeper 
Item Type: O.H.S.S
Tier: 1

Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: (3) ACC
Description: A sword with a bronze and silver handle. The handle is smooth to the touch and ends in a point. The blade itself is is four foot long without the handle, making it a longsword. The blade is black, made out of iron and cooled in the waters of the Stygian River from the tenth floor. In the center of the Guard of the sword, is the insignia  of the CA with a word on each side. "Faith" on one side, "Keeper" on the other. If you were to flip the weapon around to the other side, the user would find that it then says "Stay True" IMG without words or insignia


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Itzal sighed as Jonathan explained that he thought it was helping dragons.  "It's alright man, nearly every fantasy game has dragon hunting quests so I guess I should have seen it coming.  Oh well, can't get any worse."  (Oh boy was he wrong) After that however Jonathan mentioned a present of some sort.  Itzal turned around, rather curious.  He sent the item to his inventory and Itzal read the name.  Faithkeeper...  A one handed straight sword?  He opened it and the weapon appeared and Itzal caught it with his left hand.  He had forgotten that dragon's soul was equipped, thus the sheath was held on the opposite hip.  The weapon was far more heavy than Itzal's dragon soul sword, possibly double the weight.  However he didn't notice the extra weight much.  Every day he exercised and so his strength continued to grow.  He looked at the stats.  Three accuracy.  He looked up to Jonathan with amazement.  "I-I I don't know what to say!  Thank you Jonathan!"  He tested the weapon out as they walked, swinging it around and preforming his own combos.  "It's awesome."  After that he inserted the sword into his inventory.


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Jonathan smiled as he seen Itzal's reaction to his gift. "Here, let's put it to use" Jonathan made way for the plains. He moved through his inventory and equipped his Sword, Maiden's Kiss, Shield and Armor. He unsheathed his weapon as he surveyed the area. "There we are" Jonathan darted forward at the group. His aura started blue, but the air took a different atmosphere suddenly. The area brightened as his blue hue became gold and struck each of his targets. He slashed each target four times, leaving golden slashes over each of the large boars body. Squeals were heard in the mess and Jonathan came out with a bit of health lost. The damage was not severe, but he had dealt more damage on the creatures than ever before. "Alright Itzal. How does that weapon work?" He pointed Maiden's Kiss at Itzal from the midst of the battle and the golden hue faded slowly. 


82485 BD:8 Holy Activated! MD:9+1

Morgenstern 1032/1114 <> 82/98 [171-134=37*4=148-66=82 DMG]
@Itzal 1140/1140 <> 114/114

Frenzy Boar x4 434/570 [9+8=17*8=136 DMG]


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Itzal looked at Jonathan in confusion until his friend walked towards a group of boar.  Oh so they were uh, testing them now.  Itzal put away Dragon's Soul and kept the new sword, Faithkeeper, out.  It was black he noticed so it matched his black armor very well.  He re equipped his ring for Skyreach, another ring with the col multiplier.  After that he saw the sword Jonathan had pulled out a katana with a red and black strapped handle, a gold guard and a long silver blade, and when he activated his sword art the aura was gold.  It was painfully clear that his friend had found himself a new weapon and obviously he was wondering what it was capable of.  When Jonathan attacked instead of howling Itzal was a little annoyed.  When he charged he asked his friend, "Maybe you could tell me about your sword before deciding to fight monsters.  Oh and how about mentioning that you decided you're not going to tank this fight?  That would be awesome to know."  He tried to make it sound like a joke, ish, but for all he knew it could have been something totally different.  He could only hope his friend would know him enough to understand that it was a joke...  Er, attempted joke.  Itzal activated charge and dealt a little more than he usually did.  Sweet.

ID#  82490  BD:  7

@Morgenstern 1032/1114 <> 82/98 [171-134=37*4=148-66=82 DMG]
@Itzal 1140/1140 <> 96/114

Frenzy Boar x4 317/570 [12+1x9=117 DMG]


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Jonathan would smile as he would stand in front of the beasts. Itzal would charge in beside him, fighting strong but questioning of his actions. "Tanking?" Jonathan was taken aback a minute before he realized his mistakes. "Oh" He looked to the boars and <<howled>> to gather each of their attention. They charged him, ramming into him once each, dealing a bit of damage. It was strange the way this game worked. If they were high levels, they could fight on the low level floors. Something that would probably be in another future update by Kayaba himself. "The sword. My new sword's name is Maiden's Kiss. It is a Demonic Sword with two slots of holy and two slots of damage. I acquired it just the other day" Jonathan said it calmly, even though he had been very excited about it. He was quite glad to have got it. 


82493 BD:3 MD:7+1
Morgenstern Used Howl! It was SUPER EFFECTIVE

[4] @Morgenstern 950/1114 <> 83/98 [171-134=37*4=148-66=82 DMG]
[1] @Itzal 1140/1140 <> 96/114

Frenzy Boar x4 317/570 


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Itzal watched as Jonathan realized his mistake.  Whether he realized it was a joke or not, he didn't get pissed about it.  And that's all that counted right now.  Itzal sighed a breath of relief.  The monsters charged at him and hit a brick wall, dealing nearly nothing at all to the greatest tank in Aincrad....  What?  Itzal didn't brag for himself, but he didn't mind giving his friends some earned credit.  The only reason Calrex was greater was because he had more health and he had a unique skill.  If Jonathan had a unique Itzal was certain he could match, possibly even beat Calrex in a dual.  Itzal charged forward again and was about to land his strike...  When he explained his sword.  Itzal stopped in his tracks, dropping his energy a bit, and stood there for a few seconds.  Even the boar seemed to pause their actions for a moment.  The wind blew for a bit and a tumble weed could be seen rolling by.  ".......How....on earth....did you aquire that?!"  Itzal had been trying to get a unique that would actually work for his own build but had recently given up all hope for a scout item or any demonic whatsoever.  Now suddenly his friend got a demonic without even finishing a boss off???  The boar just backed up and looked between the two in confusion.

ID#  82496  BD:  2

Morgenstern Used Howl! It was SUPER EFFECTIVE

[4] @Morgenstern 950/1114 <> 83/98 [171-134=37*4=148-66=82 DMG]
[1] @Itzal 1140/1140 <> 95/114

Frenzy Boar x4 317/570 

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The  battle moved on until Jonathan mentioned the sword. Itzal stopped completely in his tracks, and the lack of fighting even had the boar confused. "I might have had it given to me, by Seul. He either did not like it, or he is finishing his time as a frontliner. The bosses are getting more difficult" The blond charged forward again, his aura blue this time instead of gold. He struck fiercely, but his damage was not even close for when it had previously. "I have been working on getting the CA demonics for the past year! Give me some time, I will eventually find one for you!" Jonathan looked at the boars and waited for Itzal to make a move. "I just need time" He told the man. He had no idea what demonic would be good for the man anyway. There was very few scout demonics, and the ones who owned them.... Well they did not use them. Itzal would want Holy or Fallen DMG with paralyze or Accuracy on it probably. Perhaps something like Limbos Fang. 


82529 BD:7 MD:9

[4] @Morgenstern 868/1114 <> 83/98 [171-134=37*4=148-66=82 DMG]
[1] @Itzal 1140/1140 <> 95/114

Frenzy Boar x4 245/570 [9*8=72 DMG] 


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Itzal listened to Jonathan mention how he had received it from a player named Seul.  Itzal had heard the name before but hadn't actually met the player...  Regardless the reasoning behind it seemed to make sense.  If he didn't want it he could sell it.  If he was giving up as a front liner might as well give a demonic to a front liner who has none.  Itzal nodded, now satisfied that he knew the details.  "Ok then.  Sorry, I just like to know the details about everything.  I take everything into account when I head into battle."  He watched as his friend charged forward and struck at the monsters and Itzal ran up almost directly beside him with a grin.  "You and me both man!  I think the KoB has plenty of demonics by now don't you think?  He shot after the boar's and his blade ignited with lightning.  Velnia swooped in behind him.  Itzal lashed out at the monsters with Shadow Explosion and Velnia shot them with chain lightning.  The attack left them bleeding but not paralyzed.  He'd need a critical hit to paralyze them.

ID#  82540  BD:  8

[4] @Morgenstern 868/1114 <> 83/98 [171-134=37*4=148-66=82 DMG]
[1] @Itzal 1140/1140 <> 77/114

Frenzy Boar x4 137/570 [12x9=108 DMG  Bleed applied 2/2] 


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Jonathan would listen to Itzal, but not take something he already knew into account. He knew most of the things that made Itzal run, as he had been partied with him for a long time. The man would attack, dealing quite a bit of damage, but leaving a good amount of room. "I got it!" Jonathan smiled as he charged in, his Sword's aura changing from blue to gold once more. His attacked moved faster and he slashed each and every one of the mobs. The gashes in their sides were gold, and each mob was left with only a sliver of health. Bleed kicked in, and these creatures were already dead. They shattered and Jonathan looked at the rewards with a wince. "This is probably... Never mind" He closed it out, disappointed that they had only gotten materials. "Well. That was fun" He made a slash through the air before sheathing his weapon. "Anything happen with the shaman lately?" He asked the man beside him. 


82625 BD:8 HOLY  MD:1 

[4] @Morgenstern 898/1114 <> 83/98 [+30]
[1] @Itzal 1140/1140 <> 77/114

Frenzy Boar x4 137/570 [17*8=136+24(Bleed)] 

82626 LD:!6 CD:8

3 T1 Materials & 3,420 Col received each


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Itzal watched the col filter into his total and looked up to his friend as he mentioned the shaman.  "Nope.  He's actually still in the recovery phase if you can believe it.  He should be good enough to talk to soon though.  My question is why he didn't die after losing his health points.  Is it possible that he's the key to finding the dwarves?"  He walked over to his friend with a sigh before looking around.  "Um...  By the way, did you see where that npc hunter went?  I want to get this quest over with so I can go home.  We should be prepared though, dragon's are powerful creatures and often an extremely deadly foe."  Velnia flew over to Jonathan and landed in his hair again, crawling through it like a lion would prowl through the tall grass.  She liked going through people's hair, it was fun.  Especially if their hair was soft and floofy.  When she got to the front of his head she poked her head down, staring at his eyes upside down and grinned.  "Velnia would you leave Jon alone for once?"  He asked as he picked up four materials.  She shook her head.  Unless she could hang out with the red bird that spit fire she'd have to hang out with Jonathan.

ID#  19  +4 MAT


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Jonathan would look over to Itzal as he would answer that the Shaman was still recovering. The blond nodded and replied, "Good. It was strange when he survived like that" The man went on, but Jonathan was busy watching Sol fly through the air, scouting the area. Then, Itzal of the quest. The blond rubbed the back of his head. "Um... No. He kind of just vanished, leaving us to ourselves." Itzal told him to be cautious as dragons were powerful and dangerous creatures. He nodded and then asked, "Is it not a bit weird that a powerful dragon would be on such a floor?" He sighed and felt something land on his head. It rustled through his hair and stopped as it looked him in the eyes. The Dragon smiled and he could not help but smiling back at Velnia. "Anything in particular that you need Velnia?" He asked. He did not have any food. Something landed on his shoulder. He turned his head to see his phoenix, its fire died down to show off his white plumage. "Well hello the- EY. STOP PECKING AT THE DRAGON" Sure enough the bird was sitting there pecking at the dragon wildly, not bad enough to hurt the scaled familiar, but enough to get its attention. 

Sol would fly high and proudly over the area, scanning for the large beast that roamed this floor. He had seen nothing of interest yet, no massive dragons infiltrating HIS airspace. He looked back down at his master and seen an odd color found in his hair. The bird swooped down a bit to get what was going on. the dragon that hung around with the weird scout guy was in his spot! INVADER! The bird let out a screech, notifying the dragon of his coming. He then swooped down, bravely taking charge to the dragon. He found ground atop his masters shoulders and then began to heroically batter the beast with his beak. 

Jonathan would knock the bird off his shoulder and Velina would chase after no doubt. "Well then I-" A rustle was heard form the bush in front of him. Jonathan smiled. More mobs? He drew Maiden' Kiss and readied to charge. The creature ripped through the bush and landed in front of them, growling at the two players. A baby green dragon stood in front of them. "Wait. Is this the dangerous dragon? A baby?" Jonathan was confused. Where was the huge dragon they had to slay?


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Itzal nodded at the statement then looked up as he saw the phoenix swooping down.  Oh boy he thought.  Velnia had looked up and her face lit up with excitement when she saw the red birdie.  She was about to lick him with joy when the familiar started pecking her.  However being that she had dragon scales it felt like a kiss kind of peck.  So she thought he was just as excited to see her.  Velnia saw him take of and shot after him at lightning speed, easily catching up with him and hoping they could play a game.  Oooh!  Maybe tag!  Itzal just shook his head and laughed.  Afterwards Itzal was able to answer Jonathan's question.  "Well that's technically not true.  In other MMO's there can be dungeons or quests that spawn a monster in a secret room that can only be unlocked by the player who's activated the quest.  So unless a player takes the quest I doubt it would appear for anywhere.  Thus if you use this method, you can have the most powerful boss of all time on the first floor if you wanted to, and nobody would discover it until the quest was unlo-"  That was when they saw the dragon...  It was a baby.  A baby dragon.  "Oh no."  He said to himself softly.  "Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, No, No, No, No, No, Nooooooo!!!!"  Velnia obviously heard this and motioned to the phoenix that they should probably check in on their masters.  "WHYYYYYYY?!  I CAN'T KILL A BABY DRAGON!!!  I JUST CAN'T!!!  KAYABA YOU ARE THE CRUELEST SADIST I'VE EVER MET!!!  WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!"


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Jonathan would draw his weapon, his perfectly fitted weapon, was now far to heavy. "The ferocious beast is a baby? That is unfair! Like, you don't kill babies" Jonathan stepped forward with his weapon, slowly striking at the baby. It managed to easily outmanuver his weapon and stood forward, facing the two players. Then, it flew up, clawing at him, but he managed to block the attack entirely. "A hatchling? That is what we are supposed to slay? This is the most jerk quest line ever" His weapon fell to his side as he stared at Itzal. There should be reason why they were fighting such creatures. 

His master would push him off the battleground and he would squak in distress. then, he was in pursuit. He was flying slowly so the dragon caught up to him easily. It flew next to him in the air, which did not really please him. The phoenix began to burn brightly in an orange light, flying closer and closer to the dragon, in an attempt to burn it. Te dragon stopped abrutly, forcing the bird to turn around to see what was so wrong. ANOTHER DRAGON? He did not sign up for this. 


82946 BD:1 MD:4

[0] @Morgenstern 898/1114 <> 83/98 [+30]
[0] @Itzal 1140/1140 <> 77/114

Rhaegal - The Emerald Hatchling 125/125   25 Mit


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It wasn't fair.  None of this was fair.  IT'S JUST NOT FAIR!!  He heard Velnia diving down and waited for her to see the target.  She looked at Itzal with understanding and nuzzled against him.  He sighed.  He really didn't have a choice.  He gulped.  "Velnia...  I'm going to close my eyes.  Please guide my hands for me?"  Velnia nodded and he prepared his sword.  She ignited into Lightning and Itzal activated charge, rushing forward and activating his sword art, his eyes closed.  Velnia never touched Itzal and yet when she glided it was almost as if she pulled and pushed his hands anyways.  In fact it was rather graceful movement rather than jagged.  As if he was looking rather than keeping himself blind.  This was a combination of Itzal's skill in combat, his memorization of the sword art, Velnia's skills, and their faith in one another.  His strike nearly finished it off, but not enough to do so.  A single tear fell from his closed eyes as he stopped beside Jonathan.

ID#  83001  BD:  8

[0] @Morgenstern 898/1114 <> 83/98 [+30]
[0] @Itzal 1140/1140 <> 66/114

Rhaegal - The Emerald Hatchling 7/125   25 Mit  <12+1x11-25=118>

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