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[SP-F1] Profession Earning (Earning a Living)

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Spencer stood outside of the building where he could finally start to get his quest to get hi profession. "Okay, I wonder what I will have to do, probably wont be super difficult, the recommended level was level 2 after all. So I think I should be okay." He mumbled to himself as he slowly entered the building. The shop smelled musky but also not that dirty. It was an odd smell that seemed to come from somewhere in the shop, but no where all at once. He looked around slowly and inspected the shop's walls closely, looking at everything as it glimmered in the sunlight. "This day is dragging on for days, I'm going to be doing my third quest and it is still the same day." He shook his head surprised at that, as a worker from the back and smiled a bit at the player, the beginning quest dialogue starting up. "Hello traveler, are you looking to gain yourself a profession? I could help out, but I would need something in return so I know that you are capable of doing this for yourself, you think you are up for it?" A quest icon appears in Spencer's HUD screen and he hits accept, starting his quest for his profession.

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The quest giver smiled a bit and walked around his counter, moving some stuff around while he talked to the player. "So, this quest will not be difficult, but it is to show me that you are really interested in owning a shop." He stood up and put his hands on the counter. "So, I would like you to go out material hunting for me. As many as you want, but the more you gather, the more I'll think you are ready to start your own shop." He stepped around to the man and pointed out to the fields and a small lake with trees surrounding it. "Go out to there and start your search, and don't come back till you know that you have found everything that you should have found. When you come back I'll let you know exactly what  think and maybe you will get the shop you are looking for." He smiled warmly and walked to the back, ending the dialogue and sending him on his way. "Here we go.." He muttered and opened the door to leave.

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Spencer opened the doo and the cool day wind brushed over his body and his shivered slightly, but he was determined. He finally had started to calm down from him getting super excited every single time he did something to help increase his level, but it was slowly turning into a sense of pride in himself, an overwhelming sense of feeling that didn't fade much, but this was just the first day of him doing all of this. Okay, don't get burned out, that would suck if you got tired of all of things in a couple days and sat at the same level for days until you had more motivation to do things. Keep things chill and you'll do fine. His mental support was getting a little better throughout the day, but still the rare negative thought started to slide into his mind. "Come on materials lets find you so I can get this done and finish the other two quests that I still need to do, if its even going to be two and not more, its been going on with no signs of stopping." He shook his head at the lessons quest.


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ID: 89116 BD: 2 CD: 5 LD: 14 MD: 7

So, it wasn't the perfect start to hi conquest of materials, but it wasn't going to deter him. He set out to start looking, but unfortunately he didn't really find what he was looking for, yet. He knew that it does kind of take some time to find the materials, he just was not up for another multiple minute thing of looking in the same places till one decided to spawn from the system. "Okay, maybe at the waters edge? I hope anyways because I really don't want to start looking everywhere just for some stupid materials I might not even be able to keep at the end of the quest." He sighed and started to move some rocks and yawned a bit, something he did any single time that he was just an ounce of being bored.

(Mats = 0)

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ID: 89505 BD: 4 CD: 12 LD: 16 MD: 7 (1 Mat)

Cue increase in Spencer's luck. He was looking around the water's edge, and a shining rock was glittering the in sunlight that refracted from the water that rippled over top of it. Spencer smiled a bit and bent down, picking up the rock and the system registered it as a material item. He smiled a bit and sent it into his inventory, his material counter struck up to '1', showing that he actually was able to do something so far in this quest. "Lets get a few more then I'll be good t go back to the shop keeper and start crafting my item, then I'll be on my way to making my shop." He smiled a bit and started to search the waterbed more. He had no idea if he would actually find anything else out there, but he was willing to bet that he would indeed find something.

(Mats = 1)

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  • 2 weeks later...

ID: 89506 BD: 10 CD: 1 LD: 14 MD: 10

He was hoping that it wasn't going to be a one and done sort of situation. He had already found his first material, but a second one was not easy to acquire. The rest of the river bed was not providing him with anything useful, but he was hoping. He sat down at the water and looked out onto the water. He was happy he was doing all of this for himself, but he was still nervous that he will never get to where he has to be, he will always be less and weaker than everyone around him. I can't be stronger than literally every single person that I meet But I'm hoping to become a name that people recognize, like Calrex, the highest level player there is in this game, even though I have never met him, he seems pretty cool.  He shook his head and stayed sitting there.

(Mats = 1)

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ID: 89515 BD: 9 CD: 1 LD: 2 MD: 2

Spencer's luck still wasn't with him, but he was too busy sitting at the water's edge to really notice his lack of materials that he wanted. He sighed and laid back onto the sand. He loved just laying on the ground with the sun beating down on him, lulling him slowly into sleep. He didn't sleep this time, but it was a calm serenity that he really appreciated and enjoyed from time to time. He yawned a bit, his habit of yawning when he was alone was still prevalent and would not stop for anything apparently. He looked at the forest and the area around him before closing his eyes, the warmth from the sun was beating down on him and making him basically exhausted as hell and making him think sleep was an actual thing he should.

(Mats = 1)

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ID: 89516 BD: 6 CD: 9 MD: 4 LD: 1

But sleeping is exactly what Spencer did. His eyes slowly started to flutter shut, and he fell into a dreamless nap. A while after he fell asleep, he for some reason jolted awake with a gasp and a slight spasm when he woke up. He gasped and sat up, sand was slightly collected in his hair. He panted for a moment, his forehead slightly slick with sweat. He sighed after a moment of gasping and shook his head like a dog, the sand flying out of his hair and hitting the beach he was on. He yawned a bit and rubbed his tired eyes. It didn't seem to be that long he was asleep because everything seemed the exact same as it was before hand, so he assumed it was only a little bit, at most an hour he was out.

(Mats = 1)

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ID: 89517 BD: 1 CD: 4 LD: 11 MD: 1

He was still a little sleepy, so his mind was foggy and his eyes were still weighed a bit, but he bent down and splashed some water in his face, that helping him to wake up a bit more than he already was. He stretched his tired limbs out and wiped the water off of his face. He was more or less awake, so he was hoping he could actually start the search up again that he was suppose to be doing this entire time, but he thought a nap was better for a point of time. He was still pretty tired so he expected the wouldn't be finding any materials for a slight bit. I remember every time I would fall asleep randomly, my contacts would start to dry in my eyes and dry up to where I wake up I can't see right for at least 15 minutes while they got back to normal

(Mats = 1)

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ID: 89519 BD: 10 CD: 8 LD: 8 MD: 9

It was taking him awhile to wake up, so he decided to climb a tree, it helped him find things the last time he went searching for materials. "Can't wait for this quest o be over, I'm hoping this will be the only quest that I have left to do that requires me to search for materials... I hate it with a burning passion." He sighed and grabbed a limb of the tree, pulling himself up till he got a good foot hold with his left foot. He stood up and yawned a bit, looking down at the few feet he made off the ground. He sat and wondered exactly how high this tree went, he couldn't tell exactly how high it was going from where he was at on the tree. He sat there for a moment before taking a few more feet in height, climbing the tree slowly.

(Mats = 1)

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ID: 89520 BD: 8 CD: 10 LD: 7 MD: 6

Spencer was busy climbing the tree to not expect any branches to break on him while he was climbing, but he really should have been paying attention to that a lot more than he was. He was about 20-30 feet off the ground before he could actually hear the cracking of the branches. He froze for a moment and tried to climb down quickly. He made it 5 feet down before the branch he was on broke. He gasped and fell, grabbing on to the next branch he found. He grabbed onto it, 10 feet above the ground. He sighed and dropped, landing with a plot on the ground. "Well... Great." He muttered and sighed, kicking the branch that broke from under him. He sighed and looked around, there was still no materials around him and it was really starting to suck.

(Mats = 1)

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ID: 89521 BD: 3 CD: 10 LD: 10 MD: 4

Spencer sighed, kind of wanting to give up at this point. It was starting to seem like he wasn't going to find any materials out here except for the one he found at the river's edge. He sat down on a fallen tree and picked apart the bark, boring himself out even more than he already was. I just want to find like 2 more, just two more than I bring that back and do whatever the man says, finding materials out here shouldn't be this hard, I don't understand why it is this hard. He groaned out loud and flicked a piece of bark off the tree on to the ground, it disappearing into crystals when it hit the dirt. He sighed again and stood up, starting to walk across the log, trying to keep his balance as he walked, hoping he didn't fall off.

(Mats = 1)

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ID: 89569 LD: 18

The log must have been rotted down for a very long time, or just designed to break when someone was on it, but Spencer's foot went straight through the wood, making him gasp and almost yell out loud by the sudden breaking of the wood. Spencer grumbled and slowly lifted his foot up, but he realized that there was something glowing in the wood. He smiled a bit and bent down, grabbing the item, it was a snail's shell. "Strange, but hey, I'll take it." He smiled and put the material in his inventory, the counter going up from 1 to 2. Okay, now my goal is to find one more, then I go back to the man and get all of this going, I really hope that this gets over soon, then I have to work on the lessons quests... He trailed off and groaned.

(Mats = 2)

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ID: 89624 LD: 8

Spencer yanked his foot out of the log, the rest of the log breaking where his foot was, dissipating into blue crystals. He sighed a bit and rubbed his ankle, even though there was no pain there. He sighed and started to walk a bit. He was way too impatient for his own good so now that he had 2 out of the 3 he needed, he really wanted to get the third on to get to the shop keep and make the item he needed, well at least he assumed that he was going to craft in order t finish this, this is a profession quest after all. He sighed and looked inside of a bush, but long behold there wasn't a single item sitting in the bush. He groaned a bit and kept looking, getting slightly frustrated. He did just find something, but now he wanted something else almost immediately.

(Mats = 2)

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ID: 89625 LD: 20

He had finally done it. Spencer was walking around a bit slowly, bored out of his mind, ready to be done with this god forsaken searching any more, but luckily for him he had found what he was looking for, a third material. A bird flew overhead, cawing over the forest as it flew from one side of the sky to another. A feather fluttered down from its body and slowly came down in front of Spencer. He grabbed it in mid air and the game registered it as a material, he smiled a little bit and put it into his inventory, making sure he had everything, and turned towards the town. "Okay, have all three of the items. Now to head back and do whatever this man wants me to do, I hope it isn't something like this, cause that will be no fun." He laughed and set off.

(Mats = 3)

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Spencer set off through the forest, and walked his way through the trees towards the town, to start working on this quest. He yawned a little bit and thought to himself. I'm about to finish my third quest ever, dang, go me He thought with a soft smile to himself, he was pretty proud of himself. He was tempted to go back to the lessons quests, but he was thinking about doing one more quest before he did that, but he had no idea what quest to do. "It'll come to me." He mumbled and moved a branch out of the way of his face and kept walking towards the town, ready to get this quest done. What if there is more to do, like a lot more to do. Or maybe even a storyline surrounding me getting a shop open... oh god I do not want that at all He laughed a bit and shook his head to himself.

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He sighed. He was ready to get this quest done, but he was thinking that he was kind of lost, well not kind of lost, he was lost that was for sure. He groaned outwardly and walked around, day dreaming and also trying to find his way at the same time. He was thinking about what he would do with his store, what floor it would be, and kind of the feel of it all, but he didn't know exactly what he wanted to do, or what floor, because he hadn't thought much of it before. Hmmm, Floor 4? What could I do there though... Hot Cocoa and Ciders! I love those soo much. Hmm, what kind of food would I have? Pastries, It could even have coffee, could be like a small little coffee shop on the Fourth Floor, okay this is starting to become a great idea, thank you self for wanting to be a cook. He laughed a bit and continued to walk, everything was coming together well.

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After a while of walking, which felt like a very long time, he came upon the shop he lost for a little while. He increased his pace slightly, entering the shop with a new found determination, the end of this quest was in sight, so he could finally become a cook. "Okay Spencer, walk up, tell him you have three materials, and go from there." He smiled a bit and entered the shop. "Sir?" He called out and the NPC slowly walked from the back, looking at the boy. The system registered him as a quest taker, the NPC smiled lightly. "Welcome back boy, do you have materials to finish along your training?" He asked and Spencer nodded, placing the objects on the counter for the man. He nodded and picked one up, the feather. "We shall use this one. You will be crafting an item that pertains to your specific profession in mind. Then I'll send you on your way, do you understand?" He asked and Spencer nodded, ready to get this on the road, he couldn't wait to open his shop.


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ID: 89874 CD: 8 (Item Crafted)

The shopkeeper started to walk back to the back, explaining certain things about the crafting system. "Now, what I'm about to do with you isn't the usual style of crafting you'll go through to make your wares for other adventures. This is to craft your crafting item, do you have one in mind?" He asked and Spencer nodded with a small smile. He was going to make a whisk, he was hoping it would go well. "Yeah, I'm going to make a whisk." He said, and then they were introduced to the main crafting area. He sighed a bit and took the feather, placing it into a small oven shaped thing. He placed his hands on it and turned up the heat, hoping the crafting went well. "Now, do not get discouraged if it does not work the first time." the NPC says, but it actually went okay. The oven went ding, and a nicely made whisk came forth from the oven. Spencer put it into his inventory, and the NPC finished his quest. "Mighty impressive craftsmanship. Now, go out and open your own place of trade, I wish you good luck with anything and everything you make." He smiled and Spencer nodded to him, leaving the shop.

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Spencer sighed. He was done with the quest, his third one that he had done. He didn't expect to be doing so many quests in one day, but he was happy that he was able to get them all done in one fell swoop, made leveling up a little easier, and the fact that he was able to get all of these quests done with so he didn't have to worry about them all was very nice. He sighed a bit and yawned, stretching and walking down the street. He was thinking of the lessons quests, thinking that he should probably get back to them. He had done the first two, he was hoping that, at most, there were going to be two more of them in the series then he would be done with them, then move on to whatever he was going to do. "Maybe I should do one more quest before I move on, just to do something different... What about the Bee Queen quest?"

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