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<<Earning a Living>> An Alchemists Journey (d0ttmAniac & Vigilon)

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The town of beginnings, a simple place, quaint and full of adventure, even if most of the adventure was outside of the walls or within the already cleared dungeon, a scorn of people already in the higher floor while those who wish to live a humble and peaceful life on the starting floor. However, despite this sensation of being alone and trapped made many docile and rather dull, not all wished to be a trapped bird inside a cage. The glimmering eyes of one such player gleamed through the "V" shaped slits in their helm, the glimmering silver armor of the individual was only shunned down by the rather bland lance they had resting upon their shoulders, one arm wrapped around the half of it while creaking of their steel shell filled the air. The quiet tone they held as the faint echo of their breathe dwelled out from the metal prison, the shimmer of blue glinting from the inside of the metallic helm as the individual looked upon yonder at anyone that would assist him. He had accepted a quest from the bulletin board for a quest known as <<Earning a Living>>, but he had little information to go by as he held the flyer in his hand, a simple piece of parchment with the words printed on it; "Only you can make your future great!"; the being at question had no clue what that meant. All he knew was, it entailed some kind of objective, but without a traditional HUD like in most games he made, no compass and having to open up a map to find your way, he was out of his element here.

OCC: The figures armor





Edited by d0ttmAniac
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Vigilon couldn't believe the fact that he had overslept again. How he could possibly oversleep in something as uncomfortable as a bench was beyond him. When his vision cleared after waking up, what he was looking at was his familiar, Veriost. The small white frost dragon stared at him as if to say, "And you call ME a sleepyhead..." Vigilon rolled his eyes. "This doesn't normally happen. In fact, usually it's the other way around, with me looking at you, wondering why you're still asleep." Veriost responded with her frost breath. "Fo!!!" Sure, when directing it at players, Veriost doesn't make it strong enough to inflict damage, but it is still cold nevertheless. "Alright, I'm up, I'm up!" He didn't exactly know what the reason for Veriost trying to wake him up was about, until she began tugging at the collar of his light armor in another player's direction. Vigilon turned in that direction. "Oh. That's what the fuss was about." He started walking toward the player. "Do you need any help with anything?"


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When the glimmering sunlight crept over him, making the light shine off his armor, the glint of it caused him to raise a hand to block it, annoyed by the blinding light he stood up only to hear a voice coming towards him, which was rather strange. "Is he a NPC, or a Player?" "Could he be with my quest?" "I'll have to ask him." Dot retorted quietly to himself in his mind as the figure asked him if he needed any help, which caused him to speak out towards the rather helpful being. "Um yeah, I'm kind of at a loss with this mission called Earning a Living." " Without a traditional HUD element like a compass I can't seem to find how to further it." He stated, being rather uneasy with talking as he avoided with eye contact, the seventy-two inch fellow, looking at the fellow before him as he looked closer at the being before him noticing a green rotating diamond above their head. "What in Tartarus's name is that above your head?" "I've noticed a few others with it, but it still is unusual." Stating out while being uneasy with talking, his stance showed that of a nervous individual as he wasn't standing confident at all, but showed he was doing it in a subtle manner that most wouldn't realize instantly.

Edited by d0ttmAniac
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Vigilon listened to what the player had to say. "Eh? Earning A Living? It's actually a quest without a general destination. You gather the correct materials, probably learn a little something about the profession and/or materials by what you find, and before you know it, bam. You have a profession, you have a quest cleared, and you become able to start a shop based on the profession you chose. Pretty simple really." When the player mentioned the cursor over Vigilon's head, he looked up, and saw nothing, for his cursor would be over his Username, HP and Energy meters, over at the upper left corner of his sight. "Hm? I don't see anything. Are you, by chance, talking about the cursor that appears over players and monsters?" Vigilon guessed that this player probably didn't get out much, but that was still a wild guess. Veriost began looking at the player curiously.


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As Dot listened in on this players words, hearing what he had to say about the quest and seeing how it should be completed, he could nod and sigh lightly under his metal helm as he hated quests like this, he was more or less a combat man. But if a quest like this could get him the ability to make items he would be better off doing this, but what struck him was what profession he should go with, seeing how he would only need armor and weapons when he needed them. Once getting them he would have no use to do so, and visa versa if he was to consider other players, so a blacksmith and armorer were out of the question, as well as a trinket maker, his final thought was consumables. "Alright, so.. let's see here." "Perhaps... an Apothecarian, or Potion Maker." He retorted out to the figure before him, but as quickly as he stated this, the individual threw him for a loop about the cursor above his head, and quickly as he stated it Dot pointed above his own head. "No, I mean a emerald like diamond above your head, right about here." "I guess that signifies you're a player... or good, not sure." Dot mentioned before letting his arm fall limp, suddenly realizing the entire time that he and this figure were talking, he hadn't given out his name, or rather his handle. "By the way, I'm d0ttmAniac, but call me Dot, please, Dots shorter and easier to remember." He stated with ah short chuckle, his voice sound older due to the helm muffling his voice slightly and making it sound like he was talking into a Pringles can.

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