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[PP-F2] An Interesting Gathering -Domarus, Buckstrap, Hestia-

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Domarus heard that there was a unique type of quest out on the second floor of Aincrad.  One that he had missed.  Therefore he was on this floor now to investigate.  However where the quest resided turned out to be a place where any player may walk by, so he would be wearing his Sovereignty armor, which was essentially silver armor that was shaped to appear more kingly.  Without the extra decorations however, he looked a little more like extra fancy knight's armor.  He didn't wear it at the current moment, so he was currently wearing a black T-shirt as well as black pants.  He kept a relaxed and general appearance while Keres walked behind him in her maid's outfit.  Domarus had his two handed battle ax in his battle ready inventory, ready to be pulled out in a moment's notice.  Along the way, perhaps he could convince a few players to join his guild.  Or rather, at least interest them enough to set them down that road.  Beside his health was the symbol for his guild, so curious players would see it and know he was in a guild to begin with.  If they didn't, he could always insert it into conversation at one point or another.  The guild desperately needed players firstly.  After that they'd need to work on training all players till they were stronger.  Strong enough to make the guild actually matter, mean something to Aincrad.  The recruiting wouldn't end either, and those strong players would be able to train these new players, always looking for more players willing to join the guild.  At the same time he would urge all players to gather col so that they could purchase a guild hall, as well as better stores for when players start filling up the marketplace.  For now however, he needed to gain levels and grind col.

@Buckstrap @Hestia

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I walk through the second floor of Aincrad having just finished the last of the quests i am willing to do for this floor at the moment. Knowing that attempting these dragon quests that i have been hearing about would not be in the best interest of my continues survival. I walk the streets of the second floor in a simple black t-shirt, and long black pants having my familiar at my side. The familiar being a lion with snow white fur and black as night wings. I look around the floor with my blue colored eyes as i spot something that is just all sorts of out of place. A man who looks normal enough in comparison to other people i have seen, but he has a girl following him wearing some maid costume. I turn to my familiar and points to the two as he just nods his head. Okay so i'm not just seeing this. I say as i rub the back of my head and then sighs knowing my curiosity could be the end of me some day. I make my way over to the duo that i see. Hey maid, and red haired dude! I call out towards them not knowing any other way of addressing the people that i see before me, and to get their attention to possibly stop for me so i can have a conversation with them. Wondering who these players are, and whats with that girl. Knowing these have to be some type of players since i have seen these two walking around the floor during my time here on this floor, and i'm sure i would've seen such unique looking people if they were NPCs.

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Sato weaved his way through the streets of Urbus*; this was his first time to the Second Floor, and he was happy to take in the sight, sounds, and smells for awhile. 'This in nothing like the Town of Beginnings, they've managed to capture the feel of another place entirely,' he thought to himself, impressed at what the Cardinal engine was accomplishing. After so long on the first floor, this one almost felt like a different game.

Sato had come here looking for more quests, both to occupy his time and to further his level so he could assist in getting out of this forsaken game. He had heard of several quests and questlines in this area, though most were likely too difficult for him. One, though, had no recommended level, and he was searching for it now. Or he was planning to, for now he was just enjoying the new sights. He took a deep breath, there was a bakery nearby and the smell was to die for. He closed his eyes and enjoyed that a moment before hearing "Hey maid, and red haired dude!" He snapped his eyes open just in time to step out of the way of the young woman who had spoken.

"Hey, watch it!" he called after her, but was immediately embarrassed. There was no harm done, and no reason for him to act that way. 

@Domarus @Hestia



I assume we are in Urbus, if not, lemme know, and I'll fix it up.


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Domarus' thoughts were interrupted, which he greatly disliked.  However with the morons he worked with it happened more often than he'd like.  He turned around as did Keres, and saw a player he recognized from the Halloween event, rather instantly as well.  In fact he had hopes that this player could be persuaded to join his guild.  At any rate she didn't seem to recognize them, at first anyways.  He believed she'd recognize Keres when she saw her face.  Domarus grinned and nodded to her while Keres bowed to Hestia.  Before he could reply he heard a player call out, his words making no sense due to the fact that she made no physical contact with him.  He turned his attention back to Hestia and smiled.
"Hello there Hestia!  It's been a while since the halloween event eh?  It's nice to see you again."  Keres waited until Hestia was closer before bowing again.
"It's nice to see you again my Goddess," she said, hoping that she would get some kind of reaction out of Hestia that she could relish on.  She then turned her eyes to the boy just standing there and winked at him for good measure.  Speaking of guild's, Domarus was still on edge that she was thinking of joining the Celestial Ascendants.  They hadn't helped any players thus far as a guild, only individually.  Not only that, but the players had no sense of direction..  At least that's what info he had gathered so far.  He wasn't the only one who was keeping an eye on things after all.
"So what brings you to this floor Hestia?"


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I didn't knock into you sir! Why don't you come over here and we can talk for a bit and try to short out what's up! I call out towards the stranger that i have never meet before, or at the very least not one i think i have meet before. @Buckstrap

I look towards the person who is speaking as i try to think and quickly forms a conclusion in less then a second. Ohhh you're Domarus, and that leaves you to be Keres. I say looking at the maid outfit and can only nod. That makes way to much sense for her. I say with a sigh hoping that the girl doesn't wear that on quests, or during fights. Thinking that doing so would be pretty illogical thing to do. I hear Keres' goddess comment, and just internally shrugs finding it not that weird considering how she said she begged to be a slave. That fact still making me a bit weary of wondering what she had been through to want that, and what person would accept that rather then try to help the person be normal. I'm not looking for any slave i actually think the practice of that is horrid. To own the soul of another and command them. Even if it was something you wanted Keres i still wouldn't understand such motivations in my lifetime. I say as i turn to Domarus then. It has been quite a bit since then, and my familiar and i have never stopped improving ourselves since then either. We can only grow stronger with each quest we accomplish on our own, and each quest we help another play with. I say with a grin on my face. And i'm on this floor since i had just cleaned it of most of its quests so now i'm relaxing. I tell @Domarus

Edited by Hestia
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Domarus should have figured that she would linger on the part with Keres.  That was the most difficult thing to balance, but he really couldn't ditch her at this point.  For a very long list of reasons.  He listened to her give out her mini lecture, talking about slavery and how it is a very horrid practice.  To own the soul of another and to command them as well.  She finished with explaining to her how she would never be able to understand her motivations.  Keres looked up at Hestia and simply smiled sweetly.  She understood why Hestia was so against the concept, especially with the history of slavery.  And while Keres did indeed make herself a slave to Domarus, she called it being a servant among others.  And she played it off rather well.
"I understand the contempt you have with this relationship Hestia, but I assure you it's not slavery.  For one, slavery is forced.  Domarus hasn't forced me to do anything.  In fact, he hasn't given me any command really.  It's mostly requests that I follow through with to the letter.  I make the decision to do as he says.  And all I will say about my motivations is that it has to do with my parents.  I'd like to avoid that topic from this point on if you are fine with that miss."  She smiled and tilted her head a little for a bit of cuteness flare.  Nowhere on her body or voice was there a trace of deception.  Domarus sighed and looked into Hestia's eyes with a sad smile.
"I see Keres here as my friend Hestia.  In the real world she was one of my first and only friends.  I would rather her stay with me, than end up with someone who would treat her badly and abuse her.  At least this way I can protect her, satisfy her personal needs, and have a friend with me at the same time."  If this didn't change her mind on Domarus then nothing would sway her besides releasing Keres...  Which Keres wouldn't allow of course.  He then listened as she mentioned how she and her familiar were making attempts to get stronger.  Hmm, he thought to himself.  Perhaps, if he could convince her to ditch that foolish guild running into the ground.  She then mentioned how she was relaxing since she had found all the quests on this floor.
"Keres and I heard a rumor of an unnoticed quest on this floor.  We were heading to check out if it was true or not.  Interested in joining?"


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