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[F8-PP] Continuing the deal part 2 <<Monkey King>>

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I look towards you with a smile as i drink from my coffee once more as i look at you. Okay so you want to discuss the actual price for helping me out if i remember correctly. I say with a kind smile still hiding the discomfort and irritation i feel about having the chance to force lots of quests out of you lost. Hoping that by doing so i could prolong it enough to make a friendship from this. Wanting that chance to have been as high as possible, and wanting to befriend this individual since he seems smart in the business sense and mechanical sense of what the game is seemingly offering when tackling things he knows about. A nice bonus to have, and it helps that he is tier three and could be a nice partner to have for bigger future events. So then what is your starting asking price? I ask in a calm tone of voice.


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The smart ones are the ones who can swim with the sharks of business, and Hestia managed to prove herself witty and strong enough to do that with him. There was a certain respect after the attempted taking a company for themselves sort of deal, and he had that for Hestia ever since he first met her, though right after he tried to take her shop from her hands. "Well, I'm thinking of a portion of the company prices to be slashed out when I make a purchase." Sey explained simply, stiring his coffee with a small black straw as he stared down at the caramel-coated sugar drink. "Name me a percentage of a discount that you think fits the bill of three quests." It was simple. If he got a discount for any item he wanted from her, he was saving col. Like hell was he going to ask for a portion of her respectable company since she deserved to keep it in full. Besides, collecting rent is a boring way of doing things since it took so much time.

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So you just want a discount then basically when you buy things from me. That being what you're saying without any of the fancy words. I say calmly to you as i look you in the eyes and then chuckles as i shake my head. Nope you go first. You name me the percent you think is correct, and then i can work from there. I say to you not wanting to be the first to list them off since if i go to high and give more then what you would ask for it could be rather bad. I just take a sip of my coffee as i wait as i glance towards my familiar that is laying by my feet at the table we're sitting at. Waiting patiently for when we decide to leave the place that is where we are making the final words for the business deal. I chuckle a bit liking the fact that this is almost like a small game of cat and mouse dealing with a person that knows business. This being like its own game of hunt that surpasses the idea of man being the greatest hunt, and it is true especially in the business world it seems.

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Hm, she was being generous at the wrong time. Letting him set the price when he was the one who wanted the benefits from the discount, he can set the bar wherever and make a strong thesis and perhaps even claim it. Well, if she insisted he start it off, he wasn't going to complain about it. "All right, let's see what we have. Three quests, let's say a good four skill points from each of them is fair as well as that perfect item you took before." Sey explained, remembering how hard the blacksmith system took a hit, that item had much more value now. "I think 25% off your items for me would be fair enough, considering the potential items to be received as well as the skill points earned alongside them." A quarter of col wasn't too bad a chunk either to him, considering what he did give to some people. Make prices high enough and one will notice they didn't even lose too much in the deal.

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I just nod my head as if i am nodding along in agreement as i look towards you. That is all well and nice for certain Sey but i think that might be a bit steep you know. The skill points are all well and nice which are helping me get to tier 3, but they are all small in the big run and won't even help me reach that tier 3 spot i am trying to get towards. Furthermore, we both know that weapon has no use for me at all in reality. since i don't need such a damage weapon at all from that quest, and i am sure from previous experiences when weapons are given from quests. Who actually uses such a thing? The only drops that are items that are actually worth it are ones that are consumables. Also if you are considering the added discount prices from that last quest such as amount of damage dealt, and even taken. We both know for taken that will become zero damage towards you, and you knew going into this that you will have to be carrying me in terms of damage since i was a tank. I tell you calmly not stating a counterpoint in discount price just wishing to destroy arguments before i make my point much more valid. I take a slow sip of my coffee to get something to drink after saying all that.

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She seems to be one who got her blacksmith items before the recent nerf that it took, so her value in weaponry might be lowered. Though her comment on skill points did make him wonder why she wanted him to assist her on quests if they were insignificant to her in the long run, he assumed she really wanted that since he offered her as much as... Anything within his reach, really. "Going onto weaponry, the lower-leveled players use them. Blacksmithing took a huge hit, meaning to get such a weapon would be Christmas day to them. Simply put, the demand for them is higher among the low levels."  Sey explained, leaning back against his seat with his right arm place behind him, hanging it off to the side. "Yup, though the deal didn't have to be questing if you didn't want it to. Those quests just so happened to be easier for me, but I didn't push for you to choose them. If there is something else you want, list it. I have plenty of time in game these days." Not even an attempt to mislead into the quests, things just laid themselves as such. Her choice of repayment was hers, but he didn't want it to be held against him for the quests she chose for him.

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I nod my head at your words and drinks more of my coffee as i look towards you. I manage to get my gear just fine since there is players like Macradon offering prices to the lower leveled players for a rather nice discount, and in terms of light armor i have heard there is a player called Hei offering the first item free. Which means lower leveled players can get there gear, and such rather easily from experienced people of their craft. Furthermore, for me to even offer these to lower leveled players would require me to meet any of them, and i have taken this time to try and improve myself as much as possible for the next boss fight that is going to be happening. I want to make sure i am Tier three by that time to be able to be actually useful in it. However, i am fearful if i don't do lots of quests of varying degrees i won't make it in time to be tier 3. I say towards you. SO the SP is necessary, but it is not going to get me towards the goal i am trying to reach. I say calmly to you.

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He shrugged his shoulders, leaving his coffee in front of him and losing heat without so much a sip taken. Hey, deals were just up his alley. "I guess it's about perspective and how the time is used." Sey nonchalantly replied, though recalling in the back of his mind one thing to consider before continuing. With things going the way they were these days... Actually... "All right then, I'll rest my head on the thought then. No other real deal comes to mind, honestly." A bit of a lie, as he had plenty. But right now, he planned to test the waters and see how much progression he could get from the encounters. Call bluffs and give time to melt the ice. Besides, he needed to get himself a few skills points if he wanted to invest in that sweet Charge skill for extra damage. Even if it's a oneshot, it'll make a difference when penetrating through defenses.

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How about we do some more questing and such then in the meantime, and talk about final numbers after we kill a monkey. The more data we have on how much energy is put into this the more logical of a deal we can make then. I say kindly towards you as i finish up my coffee and then get up off of my seat from the table and looks towards you. Myself just wearing my casual clothing. Not seeing a need to be combat ready within a town since players are unable to die within one unless they accept a duel of some kind. My familiar seeing me get up follows suit as the lion gets up onto all four legs slowly but surely as he stretches out also including his wings as he then looks towards you also. What do you say Sey? Fine with waiting a bit longer till we know how to make a proper deal with more information provided to us? I ask kindly just wishing to delay to continue to get he chance to set it to whatever i desire.

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Seems like she caught onto his plans more or less. How much effort would it require if she did the quest alone? Should the damage be too low, it would take a while. If the enemy had health restoration, even Sey would struggle a bit if he found himself unlucky. But they didn't have much of either, though the mitigation was still a bit of a nuisance to him the last time he tried the quest. "Sure, let's see how long it takes to overthrow nature kings and how well that goes." Sey explained, Kyu lightly hopping onto his shoulder and flicking her tail to the side pridefully. With his hands placed in his pockets, he would swiftly slide his half-filled coffee cup of the table with a soft higher kick, bouncing it on his free leg once with little spill and kicking it once more into the trash can a few meters away. Martial Arts never felt as good in real life as it did in the game. With that, he would proceed to make his way outside the shop.

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I nod my head glad that you accepted the deal as i make my way out of the shop alongside you as i keep my hands within my pocket as i do so. Glad that things are going well so far as i managed to get the pricing delayed a quest. Now the only thing left to do is to delay it till after the Night's King then i can set it to be whatever i desire, and try to make him spend some more time alongside myself. Just wanting the reason of trying to help the man to get to know some people since he doesn't seem the very social type if he can stay away out of the light that people who become tier three basically get. Mainly from the fact that most just join the frontlines, and then the news slowly falls down along the grape vine of information to all the players in the Town of Beginnings. I glance towards my familiar that is by my side as i nod glad that he isn't playing with Sey's familiar for the sole fact that it is time to focus on travel more so then some fun. As soon as i am out of the shop it goes from pleasantly cool to just somewhat above normal temp's from the sun beating down upon my body.

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"All right, I'll give you the general gist of this before we start." Sey explained as he would open up his inventory, recalling the history of the quest through the previous quests he had done. One of them was the Monkey King, so he pulled that data up so he could review it while they were walking towards the edge of the safe zone. "It has some mitigation, so damage really shouldn't be a focus unless you wish to parry. But I doubt you'll need it, I could take it down with two strikes if one of them triggers my weapon." He held the worst part of it for last that might be more annoying rather than threatening, but he didn't like to waste time in the first place. "But I'm not the only one who would benefit from critical strikes. If it triggers for the king, he'll attack us both and we'll be stuck from the shock. Simply put, be prepared to sit in a corner for a bit when that happens, you don't need to be stuck in an awkwardly annoying stance."

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I nod my head at the information that you give about the boss glad to know it since it will prepare me even better when it come to fighting this. However, with the information that i know from the boss that survive-ability is not something to worry about all that much. Since i am certain that from the performance in the butcher of the sands that the monkey king won't be able to last that long against the two of us. Got it Sey. However, i am certain that with the two of us that the boss will not last that long. Even then if it somehow manages to last for awhile i can outlast it i think. I say towards Sey with a nod of my head as we walk through the town of Fortaleza as the teleport gate slowly gets into our vision. I grin a bit excited to see what the eighth floor will hold for myself. Having not visited it that much at all so knowing this will be a learning experience.

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She seemed confident in herself, so he might as well let her have the moment and leave the conversation with just a simple agreement. "Glad to hear it." Usually, he wasn't so much for words in the first place. This was a Field boss, it was going to appear out of nowhere should they not have their eyes peeled. So he made sure to avoid getting flanked by placing his spear out from his inventory, senses on high alert. "Anywhere outside of the safe zone is a perfect battleground for the king. So just prepare to get into combat." Sey explained as he continued to walk around. Kyu held her head low as if scanning the ground below would so anything for them. The king wasn't known for getting the first strike to the players, but he did eat up a few NPC beings for a reason before. Funnily enough, this didn't apply to players, but he would prefer not to discover what was inside the gut of a monkey.

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I nod my head at hearing that the monkey king could by anywhere as i keep my hands on my sword and shield ready to defend myself as the telltale signs of the kings arrival is felt in the tremors of the ground, and quickly followed by a roar from the giant monkey as it lands upon the fields pounding its chest before glaring down at the two of us as i do the responsible thing and quickly activate Howl for the first move as i look towards the creature holding my shield close to me, and bracing myself for a powerful hit from this thing. having never been this far up in the floors doing a quest, but knows enough that this is going to hurt quite a bit as long as i am not prepared for any of what is about to happen. I activate Howl to attract the attention of the king as i look up towards it with a grin on my face. Well you're up Sey time to hit this Monkey as hard as possible in the most efficient amount of time. I say with a smile on my face. The size of the king easily being comparable to possibly two houses stacked upon each other or even larger then that is what it seems like when looking up at it.

Hestia: 890/890  86/86 MIT: 111/1 ACC/ -1 EVA/1 regen/1 recovery/ 2 paralyze/ thorns 28 DMG/ bleed 24 DMG(8+)

Sey: 1,205/1,205 l 90/116 EN l DMG: 16 l Holy Damage: 8 l MIT - 99 l Flame Thorns: (Enemy 6-10 = 21 Dmg) / (Enemy 9-10 = 6 Dmg for two turns) l Thorns: 21 Dmg l ACC - 1

Monkey King:  250/250  MIT:50   On MD rolls of 9 or 10, the Monkey King will Pick up a tree or large rock and throw it at the party, hitting and stunning them all for 120 damage.

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  • 9 months later...

"The most efficient time? Sounds good, I'll make this boss vanish within the blink of an eye." Sey promised confident before holding his spear out to his right side, pointing it diagonally towards the ground as he looked up to face the dead man walking. The first second, he seemed to be just walking. The next, he would seemingly vanish out of sight, charging at full force as he charged forwards the enemy. Twelve slices to the gut of the king would quickly wear down the health bar of the king, his blade's tip glowing in blinding white light as the holy effect of the spear was triggered. To inflict this much damage was amazing, and he focused so much on gritting down the enemy's HP that his own would take a slight hit. In a desperate attempt to push him away, the Monkey king struck with an arm against Sey and sent him sliding back on his feet. But his health was still green, and the king would have to take a kneel, for it's health would be empty. "That didn't take too long, right? I felt like you could have gotten a cup of tea by the time I finished."


@Hestia: 890/890  86/86 MIT: 111/1 ACC/ -1 EVA/1 regen/1 recovery/ 2 paralyze/ thorns 28 DMG/ bleed 24 DMG(8+)

Sey: 1,064/1,205 l 90/116 EN l DMG: 16 l Holy Damage: 8 l MIT - 99 l Flame Thorns: (Enemy 6-10 = 21 Dmg) / (Enemy 9-10 = 6 Dmg for two turns) l Thorns: 21 Dmg l ACC - 1

Monkey King:  0/250  MIT:50   On MD rolls of 9 or 10, the Monkey King will Pick up a tree or large rock and throw it at the party, hitting and stunning them all for 120 damage.

ID# 110783 results:

Battle: 9 [Crit +1 Dmg] = 16 + 8 Holy + 1 Crit = 25 x 12 = 300 - 50 MIT = 250 DMG = Goodbye Monkey King

Craft: 5

Loot: 12

MOB: 7 = 240 - 99 = 141 DMG [Thorns = 21 HP Overkill]


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I watch the quick movements of Sey quickly cut through the gorilla as my eyes are just wide with shock at that as i see just a singular attack destroy this thing as i just look towards the man in shock before glancing back towards the empty space where the gorilla stood. HOW DID YOU DO THAT! I say in total astonishment as i look towards the man that is using a one handed spear that just skewered the thing in a singular hit. Having never seen such a high damage output before for at least something of this quality seemingly or at the very least not seeing something of that calibur done by a one handed weapon of all things. Having only seen such a weapon's strength from Itzal who i am almost certain couldn't do that at all if he took a shot doing that. Dang Sey you could be a absolute monster on the frontlines seemingly. I say with the biggest grin across my face as i look towards the man with still that small thought in the back of my mind. 'Seriously why isn't he on the frontlines.'

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He chuckled lightly when he was asked how he could do that on top of being told he would be a monster on the frontlines. It was slightly embarrassing, because it wasn't really true either. "It's really nothing. Without this level and these stats on my side, I'd be no good I'm afraid." Sey explained with placing his hands behind the back of his head while looking to her, the spear dissolving as he had done this. "Though if that was all it took for me to do that, what if you did the same? Perhaps you might be able to do just the same one day. Care to try it out? I'd love to see what sort of progress you could make." Sey challenged before placing his hands back in his pockets. It looked like that quest was done and they could carry on with building a reputation. But a part of him was more interested in her ambition and excitement. What if she could slay a Monkey King the way he just did right now? That would be an interesting sight to witness.

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I chuckle a bit at that as i would dismiss my armor  and even weapons leaving me in simple vanity clothing as i would look towards Sey and rub the back of my head taking his words as more so a joke rather than anything else. Me eventually reach being able to damage people? That sounds like you're trying to make a joke their Sey. I'm a tank and a healer it's not like i could ever branch further from their. I say sounding a bit doubtful about that prospect as i would look towards him before looking upwards and than nodding my head as i check the time. How about this Sey after this why don't we call it a day and meet back up in the future and if by than i can match you for what you think i can do. Than why don't i show it off or something you know? I say in a joking tone of voice with a smile across my face as i look towards the white haired man. And when we meet up we can finish up this deal we have going on for quests.

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Ahhhhh, so doubtful of her abilities in a video game. He would just nod along with her first explanation that could lead into a woulda, coulda, shoulda, sort of situation before giving her a reply of his own. "I don't think this game will have enough skill points to hold only such jobs. That why I aim to be a jack of all trades sort of player. Still in the process, but it's getting there." Sey would reply before considering her next suggestion. And he only could agree to it, for he didn't really see the need to stick around for much longer anyways. "And that sounds like a lovely idea. In that case, make sure to make me proud, I can't wait to see what you do with enough hard work. As for me, I have to do something as well, so I don't think it will be too soon before we cross paths again." And with that, he would flick his pointer and middle fingers up against his forehead and to the side before walking away from the scene.

ID# 110784 results:

Battle: 4

Craft: 3

Loot: 4 (No Treasure)

MOB: 2

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