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[SP-F1] I'm So Bored IRL That I am About to Collect T1 MATs By Myself <<Nature's Treasure>> [Complete]

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ID: 103765
LD: 20

Pick was delighted to find out that he had managed to obtain loot that were just as delightful as the last time that he had managed to get loot from a treasure chest. Pick smiled, looking at the gold that was literally shining into his face. He was very happy with the session, and this would be enough to seal the day off. Pick smiled, grabbing every single equipment and Col and materials that were within the treasure chest and putting them into his inventory. Pick smiled, walking into the the exit of the garden with all the materials that he had gotten. Pick smiled, leaving the place with his hands filled, not literally of course, but he had gotten so much materials that he doesn't even know what to do with all of them. This was a delightful session, and there is no doubt that he had success here today.


Total Materials: 65
150 Col
Unidentified Perfect Shield
2x Unidentified Rare Consumable

Thread Complete:

+1 SP
+550 Col
65 T1 Materials
+1 <<Unidentified Perfect Shield>>

+2 <<Unidentified Rare Consumable>>

Edited by Pick
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