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[SP-F03] In the mind of a Captive <<Escape>>

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 Black sniffed roughly. His hip hop music began to blare through the sound crystal as he began to bob his head to the music. He knew he had to dig deep for this boost of motivation. He wasn't going to let any overweight b******* discourage. The spirit of the thug within him began to grow as he tapped into those deep ancestral roots and began to bring out his inner warrior. His footwork was insanely masterful as he skirted across the battlefield. His sneakers twisted and turned, kicking up dirt with a cocky flair as he tumbled and did a slashing rage blow strike to the warden's back. He knicked him with a glancing blow, but he felt that if he kept up a viral assault that he could bring the large man down. It was his destiny to be a champion. He ducked past the man's swipe with grace. 



BD 8 (-2) 

MD- 5


-1 HP to Warden 

<Bandit Warden> 
A giant of a man, who wields a club. Will laugh and mock the player in battle

Damage: 45, on natural rolls of 9 or 10 ignores armor mitigation, +2 Eva, +15 Mitigation
<Bandit Warden 35 HP/150 HP



Black | Level 15 | 189/300 HP | 5 DMG |39  MIT | +3 LD | 18 THN | 1 REC

End rewards

Treasure Chest: 630 Col, 8 T1 Materials, <<Unidentified Perfect Shield>>, (2) Rare consumables


630 Col + 1 Mat from Bandit 

1260 Col + 3 Mat from Bandit A 


Total so far: 2570 Col + 15 T1 Mats, unidentified Perfect Shield, (2) rare consumables. 


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The savage side of Black began to come out as he became increasingly reckless. The bloodlsust growing within him more and more. He refused to cave into fatigue as he became the embodiment of a blood mad beserker. There was no controlling him as he slipped through the enemies defenses and began to tangle him in his web of violent ambition. Every strike he had infused the very essence of his burning passion as he seeked to destroy his target. 

"There's no getting away from my blade. You die today. You were already dead the moment you locked me up. I'm about to ****ing flex. I hope your a** is ready for it." Black grunted as the warden's reflection shined in his headband, displaying tension as the Warden tensed up with every movement Black made. The Marine was charging forth like a torpedo from a Naval battleship. He was determined to win. 


ID - 107345

BD-6 (-2)

MD- 3 



<Bandit Warden> 
A giant of a man, who wields a club. Will laugh and mock the player in battle

Damage: 45, on natural rolls of 9 or 10 ignores armor mitigation, +2 Eva, +15 Mitigation
<Bandit Warden 35 HP/150 HP



Black | Level 15 | 189/300 HP | 5 DMG |39  MIT | +3 LD | 18 THN | 1 REC

End rewards

Treasure Chest: 630 Col, 8 T1 Materials, <<Unidentified Perfect Shield>>, (2) Rare consumables


630 Col + 1 Mat from Bandit 

1260 Col + 3 Mat from Bandit A 


Total so far: 2570 Col + 15 T1 Mats, unidentified Perfect Shield, (2) rare consumables. 



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By this point in the fight, the two had already begun to study each other's movements and were monitoring each other's patterns. They began to become more wise in how they handled each other. They were learning how to predict each other's attacks. Time had grown and they began to mature with another in their battle. They learned each other's moves and the new tension that would grow would come from them trying to become more unpredictable. 

Kiba began to bark loudly and provide a good distraction for Black to slip past the Warden's assaults as the warden had to deal with the Wolf annoying him as well. This frequent pestering was something Black was relying on to help him perform a strike that he needed to end his opponent. So far their health levels were somewhat steady. He was gaining the advantage and needed to keep it that way. 



BD - 1 

MD - 4 



<Bandit Warden> 
A giant of a man, who wields a club. Will laugh and mock the player in battle

Damage: 45, on natural rolls of 9 or 10 ignores armor mitigation, +2 Eva, +15 Mitigation
<Bandit Warden 35 HP/150 HP



Black | Level 15 | 189/300 HP | 5 DMG |39  MIT | +3 LD | 18 THN | 1 REC

End rewards

Treasure Chest: 630 Col, 8 T1 Materials, <<Unidentified Perfect Shield>>, (2) Rare consumables


630 Col + 1 Mat from Bandit 

1260 Col + 3 Mat from Bandit A 


Total so far: 2570 Col + 15 T1 Mats, unidentified Perfect Shield, (2) rare consumables. 


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Black wondered what his enemy would do with the time that was afforded to him where neither one of them had managed to land a massive blow to the other. Something didn't feel right about the flow of combat. Black was making his body fatigue as he moved swiftly about the field, but he wasn't sure if he had the mental energy to keep up the battle at this pace. 

Suddenly, he found himself having to slow down and he became sluggish in his movements.

"Oh, what's the matter boy? Yopu tired? Do I have to go inside and get the dog his drinking bowl? Maybe you can sit on the floor with your dog and lap up the water! Huh, how about that you wretched bottom feeder!" The Warden shouted as he charged forth like a raging elephant and bashed Black hard across the top of his skull with it's club.



BD- 6 (-2) 

MD - 9 


-45 HP to Black 


Bandit Warden> 
A giant of a man, who wields a club. Will laugh and mock the player in battle

Damage: 45, on natural rolls of 9 or 10 ignores armor mitigation, +2 Eva, +15 Mitigation
<Bandit Warden 35 HP/150 HP



Black | Level 15 | 144/300 HP | 5 DMG |39  MIT | +3 LD | 18 THN | 1 REC

End rewards

Treasure Chest: 630 Col, 8 T1 Materials, <<Unidentified Perfect Shield>>, (2) Rare consumables


630 Col + 1 Mat from Bandit 

1260 Col + 3 Mat from Bandit A 


Total so far: 2570 Col + 15 T1 Mats, unidentified Perfect Shield, (2) rare consumables. 



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Black began to feel his spirit leave his body after such a critical strike like the one he had received. It was a challenge to even form a coherent sentence in his mind as he saw his health bar shift into a fearful sight. It had reached a dangerous yellow zone which meant that he was about halfway to dying. He knew that if he died he would be gone forever so he had to push himself up and summon whatever courage he had left to finish this fight. He stared at his opponent and began to eye the enemies health bar. 

'Just two more hits..all I need to do is land to strong hits and it's over. I can do this..either I hit him or I have to force him to slip up somehow' Black thought as he staggered to his feet and  leaped over a blow, slicing at the giant man. 


ID- 107348 

BD - 4 

MD - 3 



<Bandit Warden> 
A giant of a man, who wields a club. Will laugh and mock the player in battle

Damage: 45, on natural rolls of 9 or 10 ignores armor mitigation, +2 Eva, +15 Mitigation
<Bandit Warden 35 HP/150 HP



Black | Level 15 | 144/300 HP | 5 DMG |39  MIT | +3 LD | 18 THN | 1 REC

End rewards

Treasure Chest: 630 Col, 8 T1 Materials, <<Unidentified Perfect Shield>>, (2) Rare consumables


630 Col + 1 Mat from Bandit 

1260 Col + 3 Mat from Bandit A 


Total so far: 2570 Col + 15 T1 Mats, unidentified Perfect Shield, (2) rare consumables. 


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Black became more and more desperate to finish the fight. The grueling battle was starting to drive him crazy as he saw his energy resources going away over time. He knew that it was possible for the fight to end messy. It was possible for the enemy to keep up a crazy multitude of heavy critical hits and he couldn't allow that. He knew he had to stop this fight at any costs, except giving up his own life. 

The two began to walk around each other. They stared each other down as if they were already picturing hanging the other's head up as a trophy on the wall above their fireplace. Black tense his hands around his blade. The giant man clenched his hands around his club like it was an extension of his body. The two darted after each other with animosity in their eyes and swung blows that were terribly off target. 


ID- 107349 

BD- 1 

MD- 1 



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Black kissed his teeth at how he blade had gotten off track, he had no clue how his enemy had been so evasive being such a large man. The bandit's ability was truly remarkable. However this wasn't the time to idolize his opponent. His feet collided with the ground and he began to run towards a wall at an extremely high velocity. His eyes had shined at the Warden like a cunning fox that had laid out bait. 

Fortunately for Black, the Warden took it as he turned raising his club and shouting as he swung it around to swat Black like a fly into the brick wall. 

"I'll crush you like a bug! I'm paint my walls with your blood! We'll hang your body from the post and teach you that Ravenguard is meant to be feared!" 

Black huffed at the man's words as he ran up the brick wall to do a back flip and land another glancing strike. 



ID 107350 

BD- 8 MD - 1 


- 1 HP to Warden 


<Bandit Warden> 
A giant of a man, who wields a club. Will laugh and mock the player in battle

Damage: 45, on natural rolls of 9 or 10 ignores armor mitigation, +2 Eva, +15 Mitigation
<Bandit Warden 34 HP/150 HP



Black | Level 15 | 189/300 HP | 5 DMG |39  MIT | +3 LD | 18 THN | 1 REC

End rewards

Treasure Chest: 630 Col, 8 T1 Materials, <<Unidentified Perfect Shield>>, (2) Rare consumables


630 Col + 1 Mat from Bandit 

1260 Col + 3 Mat from Bandit A 


Total so far: 2570 Col + 15 T1 Mats, unidentified Perfect Shield, (2) rare consumables. 


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The battle waged on as the warden's club got stuck in the brick wall. The brick was fractured and a large dent was created in it. Dust and debris began to fly out all around them. The loud crash of the walls pounded through Black's eardrums, but he kept his mind clear as he fell from the sky and landed on the ground. His knee touched the deck as he had to use his hands to catch himself. His katana had dust coating it now, but he wanted to make sure that dust was caked in digital blood as he lunged frth to cause another glancing strike on his opponent. He would not let up. He planned to whittle his enemy down as much as possibl and leave him no room to charge up a strike against him. This made the warden rely only upon a weakened strike that hit Black in the ribs. 


ID- 107351 

BD - 8 (-2) MD - 6 

- 6 HP to Black

-18 to Warden

- 1 HP to Warden. 


<Bandit Warden> 
A giant of a man, who wields a club. Will laugh and mock the player in battle

Damage: 45, on natural rolls of 9 or 10 ignores armor mitigation, +2 Eva, +15 Mitigation
<Bandit Warden 15 HP/150 HP



Black | Level 15 | 138/300 HP | 5 DMG |39  MIT | +3 LD | 18 THN | 1 REC

End rewards

Treasure Chest: 630 Col, 8 T1 Materials, <<Unidentified Perfect Shield>>, (2) Rare consumables


630 Col + 1 Mat from Bandit 

1260 Col + 3 Mat from Bandit A 


Total so far: 2570 Col + 15 T1 Mats, unidentified Perfect Shield, (2) rare consumables. 



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Black knew that the Warden was on his last legs. This time he would show no mercy. He faced down the warden with hands on his Katana. He stared down the enemy with vengeance flooding his eyes. His dark brown eyes faded deeper into the realm of darkness. The two stared down each other as if drilling holes in each other's heads. The moment of truth had finally arrived as both charged at each other with all the strength they could muster. 

"Die mother****er DIE!" Black shouted out in a violent rage as he swiped his sword art clean across the enemy while taking  a blow to the shoulder. Both men stood opposite each other now, with their backs turned in traditional samurai glory. However, at the ed of it, only one would remained as the warden exploded and turned into a notification of EXP and rewards that would be earned by Black. 


ID - 107352

BD - 10 MD - 6 

- 6 HP to Black 

- 14 HP to Warden 

-18 HP to Warden 


<Bandit Warden> 
A giant of a man, who wields a club. Will laugh and mock the player in battle

Damage: 45, on natural rolls of 9 or 10 ignores armor mitigation, +2 Eva, +15 Mitigation
<Bandit Warden 0 HP/150 HP



Black | Level 15 | 176/300 HP | 5 DMG |39  MIT | +3 LD | 18 THN | 1 REC
Loot Roll for Warden 

LD- 8 (+6) = 14 

Reward from Warden = 4*150 Col + 5% = 630 Col + 2 T1 Mats

End rewards

Treasure Chest: 630 Col, 8 T1 Materials, <<Unidentified Perfect Shield>>, (2) Rare consumables


630 Col + 1 Mat from Bandit 

1260 Col + 3 Mat from Bandit A 

 630 Col + 2 T1 Mats from Bandit Warden

Total so far: 3200 Col + 17 T1 Mats, unidentified Perfect Shield, (2) rare consumables. 


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Black began to feel relieved as he had defeated the boss and watched the man's health bar erode and enjoy him shattered into tiny particles as Black had overcome his enemy at last. The sweet taste of victory was almost as satisfactory as eating an S classed dish. Black was happy to have achieved such prowess in the field of battle. He knew this was a sure sign that he had to train more so they he would not need to fear dying as much. 

He knelt down to pet Kiba. "Without you I would have died, buddy. You held it down out there. I almost thought that fat monkey could have actually killed me for a second. " Black chuckled as he fell down on his ass. 

Suddenly, Kiba began to start barking as he walked off to another area and began to start digging. It seemed the wolf had found a treasure chest!


Finding a Treasure Chest



Black | Level 15 | 191/300 HP | 5 DMG |39  MIT | +3 LD | 18 THN | 1 REC

End rewards

Treasure Chest: 630 Col, 8 T1 Materials, <<Unidentified Perfect Shield>>, (2) Rare consumables


630 Col + 1 Mat from Bandit 

1260 Col + 3 Mat from Bandit A 

 630 Col + 2 T1 Mats from Bandit Warden

Total so far: 3200 Col + 17 T1 Mats, unidentified Perfect Shield, (2) rare consumables. 


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Black began to recover from his wounds as he saw his health bar slowly shifting from yellow back to green. That was a good sign for him. His hands clenched the soil as he rotated his neck and rubbed the tension from his forehead. The whole scenario of the quest had him stressed out. He couldn't believe he could be so easily taken. He also noticed the quest had transported him somewhere off the grid which was set to isolate him from any friends. He wasn't even able to contact anyone for help. He blinked at the quest completion notification and accepted the item that it gave out. 
"An evasion boost item? " Black said as he rubbed his eye. "Maybe that's how they were doing all that. Those evasive bastards. " 

Black rose to his feet after hearing Kiba continue his incessant barking. "Okay, okay.." Black said as he walked over and opened the chest. 



Opening treasure chest


Black | Level 15 | 206/300 HP | 5 DMG |39  MIT | +3 LD | 18 THN | 1 REC

Reward: (4 * 50 Col) [+1 Prosperity] = 200 Col  + 5 %= 210 Col , 2 T1 Mats, 2 Uncommon COnsumables

End rewards

Treasure Chest (1): 630 Col, 8 T1 Materials, <<Unidentified Perfect Shield>>, (2) Rare consumables
Treasure Chest (2) 210 Col , 2 T1 Mats, 2 Uncommon Consumables


630 Col + 1 Mat from Bandit 

1260 Col + 3 Mat from Bandit A 

 630 Col + 2 T1 Mats from Bandit Warden

Total so far: 3410 Col + 19 T1 Mats, unidentified Perfect Shield, (2) rare cconsumables. (2) uncommon consumables



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Black began to loot the treasure chest. He took everything of value that he could muster. It was filled with col and other valuable items. "Great more materials for cooking. I really could use those. " Black began to rub his eyes again. He had grown weary. He looked to two unidentifiable uncommon consumables. "Hm..wonder what these are..." He pursed his lips staring at the item for a few moments. 


He lifted his feet to walk in the opposite direction. Things seemed to be fine until he  heard something in the distance near a garbage dumpster. "What the hell is that?" He muttered as he advanced with caution. He took several small steps towards it's direction. The sound of the noise grew louder and louder as if someone was digging around for food. 


That's when he saw it. It was a large guard dog. The pelt it had was an ebony color with a white underbelly. The dog had a Ravenguard black and grey outfit adorned across it and it ceases from digging through the dumpster. The beast turned it's head towards Black and started growling as it charged him and sank it's teeth into his left arm. With Black's free arm he swiftly cut it off with a Rage Blow Sword art.



ID - 107398




-10 HP to Guard Dog 

- 6 HP to Black 


Guard Dog 140/150 HP 45 DMG 

Black | Level 15 | 215/300 HP | 5 DMG |39  MIT | +3 LD | 18 THN | 1 REC



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Black had not faced a foe as savage looking as the dog that had stared him down and growled menacingly. The tenacity of the beast was unlike anything he had ever faced before. 'Wait...don't wolf's usually hunt you down if you run...they are usually all bark and no bite, so I have to stand my ground.'Black considers his options as he holds his shield up high, sidestepping around the wdog, concentrated and focused on the battle. He attempts to swing his sword at it horizontally, slicing through the went as a sharp gale exudes from his blow, missing the mark. 

"Damn it.." Black winced as the Dog took advantage of his tactical misstep and leaned down and thrust it's jaws forward to wrap around Black's ankle. "[censored] off!" Black cursed but the beast's jaws would not let up, despite the armor damaging it in the process. "What the hell is wrong with this dog? It's not like normal animals at all. 






-6 HP to Black

Guard Dog 140/150 HP

Black | Level 15 | 209/300 HP | 5 DMG |39  MIT | +3 LD | 18 THN | 1 REC


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"Get the hell off me you disgusting rabies infested hound!" Black barked at the Guard Dog. The thought of having a dog maul his arm off was a freaky sight for Black to witness. Even though this was a digital world, such graphic images had an eerie effect on the mind. Black had thought the worst was behind him, but before he could fully recover he was yet again assaulted by another member of this raven guard mob. 

"Damn, this place is a freak show with their damn circus clown dogs!" Black yelled out as he set in motion his Rage Blow Sword art that was fully charged to wreak havoc upon the Guard Dog. The blade had been swung from left to right to try to knock the dog off course, but it merel flipped around and proceeded to go for Black's legs. A splintering crack sound effect could be heard as the beast bit down. 


ID- 107400


BD- 9 

MD- 8 


- 6 HP to Black 

-14 HP to Guard Dog 

-18 HP to Guard Dog 


Guard Dog 108/150 HP

Black | Level 15 | 203/300 HP | 5 DMG |39  MIT | +3 LD | 18 THN | 1 REC


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The sound startled Black as he felt that there would surely be some debuff inflicted, but it seemed that Kiba had came to his rescue by shifting into a defensive layer of an electric security charged ward. He operated as a layer of extra protection against wounds. Black appreciated this sentiment as the lightning warrior once again found his resolve to fight. He wasn't used to having to fight alone, but he knew this was the perfect chance to learn how to train and operate alone. He needed to reach the higher tiers so he could help fight on the front. 

He knew that precious lives were at stake and he wanted to do all that he could do to help each and every one of them out. 

So he fought with this unwavering strength, keeping the monster away with his strikes and not giving the beast an opening at all. 






Guard Dog 108/150 HP

Black | Level 15 | 203/300 HP | 5 DMG |39  MIT | +3 LD | 18 THN | 1 REC


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Things started to heat up on the battlefield as Black began to prepare himself mentally for combat. This dog had a very powerful bite. It's aggressive nature was as if it was raised and bred solely for the purpose of underground dog fighting. It even had scars on it's face suggesting that it had been through such harsh trials in it's youth. 

The owners must have been real ****bags. The dog was literally just eating out of a trash can. No wonder it had been so aggressive. 

"Listen, I'm not going to be your lunch pal. PETA might be real pissed at me for this, but I'm going to have to chop you up. At least I won't eat you like the Chinese would!" Black says as he charges his deadly sword art and flings it at the Dog who gets knocked back, but insanely keeps coming back and locking those fierce jaws around Black's left hand. 



BD-9 MD-10 

-6 HP to Black.  

-12 HP to Guard Dog 


Guard Dog 96/150 HP

Black | Level 15 | 197/300 HP | 5 DMG |39  MIT | +3 LD | 18 THN | 1 REC




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Blacker eyes bulged at the vicious sight of the dog shaking it's head with savagery as red lines ripped across Black's hand. "Get the HELL off me dog meat!" Black screamed as he flung his hand and kicked the beast off. The dog spun out and crashed on it's back kicking up dusts. "Damn these ***king dogs....ugly little throw up eaters. I'm getting sick and tired of this game!" Black growls as he whips his blade through the air and takes several steps in a militant fashion towards the center of the combat field. He knew that the dog had the advantage in speed and attack power, but it's defenses were weak so Black simply had to be very careful in how he evaded the beasts. Once the dog got back up to it's feet, it immediately looked to Black with eyes of savagery and charged at him like a barbaric hound. 


ID- 107403

BD-1 MD - 2 

Guard Dog 96/150 HP

Black | Level 15 | 197/300 HP | 5 DMG |39  MIT | +3 LD | 18 THN | 1 REC


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Black dashed to the left to backstop the opponent on his mad dash. The velocity and inertia of the beast made Black able to decipher a weakness. The hound was only really able to charge forth in a straight line. It's ability to turn was hampered due to it only being able to fight on four legs. Black had the advantage of being able to pivot. He only needed to keep his side steps strong and leap out of the mutts range. Black crushed the sand under his feet as he prepped for the enemies next rush. The dog, as expected went into it's bull headed charge barking loud as it kicked it's legs to propel it forward. It was bearing it's fangs and tried to take a huge bite out of Black to rip his leg off and then Black dashed to the right and slashed from left to right. 



BD- 8 MD - 1 

-10 HP to Guard Dog

Guard Dog 86/150 HP

Black | Level 15 | 197/300 HP | 5 DMG |39  MIT | +3 LD | 18 THN | 1 REC


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Black was confident that he had found an exploit the enemies weakness. The dog would have gotten wrecked by the tip of Black's blade as his step allowed him to dip out of the animals rage. Black had a confident smirk as he watched the dog take damage as he came out unscathed. He was beginning to get better at understanding his opponent and figuring out how to redirect attacks. He became more powerful in his mastery of defensive techniques. He began to rotate his his shoulder and glare at the beast. He tilted his head at the door and beckoned it over with his left hand. He kept a cocky grin on his face as he gripped his blade. He once again dashed away. This time he jerked to the left and slashed from right to left and cut a large red streak across the beast displaying his great skill. 



BD- 9 MD -2 


-12 HP to Guard Dog 


Guard Dog 74/150 HP

Black | Level 15 | 197/300 HP | 5 DMG |39  MIT | +3 LD | 18 THN | 1 REC



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Black was feeling like a very successful swordsman as he chose to keep his distance from the beast. His attacks were weak but effective. He planned to make this combat a slow burn for the mangy mutt. He began to feel the intensity of battle as he gripped his blade firmly in his hands and ran to his right to circle around the dog. The speed at which the beast was moving was difficult to track as it seemed to be adjusting to how Black was reacting to it's attacks. The ebony skinned Samurai was in for a challenge. The beast opened it's jaws and started chomping it's teeth and digital spit went flying left and right. Black decided to choose a very dangerous vertical strike to hit his opponent, however it came at a cost as the beast tackled him. The blow landed well as his armor dealing thorn damage. 



BD-5 (+1) [Concentrate] 

MD- 7 


-6 HP to Black 

- 10 HP to Guard Dog 

-18 HP to Guard Dog 


Guard Dog 46/150 HP

Black | Level 15 | 191/300 HP | 5 DMG |39  MIT | +3 LD | 18 THN | 1 REC




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