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[SP/F21] <<Nature's Treasure>>

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Kityuisa woke up in her shop, just like every other day. But today, she wanted to revisit the cavern she had gone to on floor 21. She needed some material. Someone had advertised that if she got 300 t3 materials she could get a special and rare item that would change an item type. Kityuisa wanted it pretty badly, as she also knew another person that told her she could get a really good t2 weapon if she got the item changing type. So that was what Kityuisa was doing. She was going to go and seek out a lot of materials. The materials she knew she needed. If I correctly count.. I need about two-hundred and fifty.. That means I'll be here for a few days. Kityuisa nodded her head, I might as well take Mitsuko and Tanine Willowflame with me. They will give me the amusement I need for this. 

Kityuisa woke Mitsuko up, and nodded her head to Willow.

~~ A Few Hours Later ~~

Kityuisa stood in the same cavern she had been in to begin with. Kityuisa nodded her head. She reached for the closest plant, placing it in her inventory.

ID: 120946
LD: 19 + 3 = 22
+2 T3 Materials

Total: 2 T3 Materials


Using Yui's Grace [2/5 Remaining]

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Kityuisa watched as Mitsuko wandered around the cave. Tanine Willowflame was by Kityuisa’s side. Kityuisa decided to take the time she spent gathering to remember everything she had done on her adventures thus far. Mitsuko and Willow were also looking for materials. Kityuisa let her memories take hold of her as she continued her gathering. She was quite good at that, looking for things, finding things, fighting things while she let herself get lost to her memories. Her body seemed to always know what it wanted to do. Kityuisa first began to remember her very first adventure. The quest she had gone on with Kirbs and Bahr. She had met them rather weird.. Bahr had shown up out of nowhere it seemed. He had been what seemed to be following her. Kityuisa had asked an NPC nearby to her about the dragon hatchlings, and Bahr just so happened to be close by.

ID: 120947
LD: 10 + 3 = 13
+1 T3 Materials

Total: 3 T3 Materials

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He had asked her about them and suggested that they join together. More damage, more people, more gain. That way Kityuisa wouldn’t die. Kityuisa was always like that… Biting on more than she could chew. She always felt that if she went all out and took up harder quests, she would somehow gain levels faster. Really what she ought to be doing was fighting things her level, or slightly under her level. She could kill them faster than fighting things that were higher than her level. Kirbs had then shown up, with her familiar wrapped around her. She was so happy during this quest… Kityuisa felt a sigh leave her body. She wished that Kirbs had stayed the happy and innocent girl forever, but Sword Art Online… Aincrad always changed people. As time passed, everyone changed. Kityuisa knew that for a fact. She had even given up on finding her sister, something she never thought she would ever do.

ID: 120960
LD: 11 + 3 = 14
+1 T3 Materials

Total: 4 T3 Materials


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Kityuisa felt as if she was going deeper and deeper into her psychotic nature than ever before.. Her only pair of wings, being the friends she kept close.. Bahr, whom she hadn’t had a good chat with in so long… He seemed distant.. Hikoru the very man she had met, that had made her feel like she could escape psychoticness… That was only temporary. Now she hardly saw him… We are supposed to have a date soon. At least I keep calling it a date… I doubt he thinks of me or even sees me. Just friends… Like I deserve anything else… Kityuisa let out a soft sigh. What had happened to her? Her very first adventure out of the first floor… Kityuisa hadn’t a clue…. She had changed so much from that first day, now she rarely gave thought to her sister. She only focused on the people she met and her future in the game.

ID: 120961
LD: 1
+0 T3 Materials

Total: 4 T3 Materials

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She wanted to get stronger, but she felt like she was held back by invisible hands. The less she leveled, the more psychotic she got.. But when she did grind her way to the top, she also got more psychotic. It was a never ending cycle. She enjoyed socializing and having fun during the time. But it seemed every time it was over, she would fall right back into her original pattern. Kityuisa returned her thoughts to her first meeting with Bahr and Kirbs. They had chatted for a bit before heading straight out to the plains. Where they had stumbled on the sleeping form of Pinball. Kityuisa had thought he was cool. Her very first orange player that she had ever met. But to be honest, despite having met with him, she found him utterly detestable. She didn’t want to go out of her way to see him ever again. Never.


ID: 120962
LD: 6 + 3 = 9
+1 T3 Materials

Total: 5 T3 Materials

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The three had gone up to the dragon, and Kityuisa had watched with her very own eyes as Pinball took the dragon out in one fell swipe. This had encourage Kityuisa to fight harder than ever before. She wanted to be able to kill things in one hit, just as Pinball had done with the dragon. Kityuisa thought of the next thing she did.. She had stumbled upon a garden on floor one. That very garden was much like this one. She had fought a rabbit and won! Nothing much of excitement had happened on that day, so Kityuisa let her memory skip by it. The next string of quests that Kityuisa had done was rather amusing to her. She had made so many relationships with the NPCs during these quests. She had done them all in one sitting. The first being the First Few Lessons Are Free. She had met Zakariah. 


ID: 120963
LD: 17 + 3 = 20
+2 T3 Materials

Total: 7 T3 Materials

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He had taught her the art of gathering materials, despite the fact that she had already done it in her garden. Kityuisa had listened patiently however. She had gathered all give materials pretty easily. Kityuisa had barely ventured outside the wall. After she got all five materials she had made her way back to Zak’s shop.She had crafted a potion very easily. It had been rather easy and it had introduced her to the crafting mechanics of the game. Kityuisa had then taken up the last part of this first quest in the line. She had received the parcel, and met some nasty people that had tried to take it from her. They had tricked her and she had somehow managed to convince the couple to give it back to her. She still needed to go back and teach them a lesson… Kityuisa had then gone to meet with Lyle Tealeaf in his shop.

ID: 120964
LD: 1
+0 T3 Materials

Total: 7 T3 Materials

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He had given her a plain white dress. Something she had found a lot of interest in. Something she always wore now whenever she wanted to wear something casual. Kityuisa still had her butterfly kimono but it was going unused. Maybe I could get someone to make it smaller so it could fit Mitsuko… Kityuisa thought for another moment before letting her memory take her back to what Lyle had wanted her to do. Kityuisa had to kill boar pups. At this point she was a bit stronger, so it had seemed like an easy task. Now she could take them out in less than one hit. Kityuisa chuckled at the thought. I have gotten stronger.. But I just need to get even stronger than the strength i’ve received through my training. Kityuisa had been level four while fighting the pups and she had gotten the tusks that she had needed.

ID: 120966
LD: 4 + 3 = 7
+0 T3 Materials

Total: 7 T3 Materials

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Kityuisa grinned, before letting her memories take her to Lyle’s shop. She had returned with the tusks and Lyle had given her an uncommon white armor, much like the normal dress he had given to her. Kityuisa had then been asked to deliver a parcel to the alchemist… Kityuisa felt her memory grew hazy so she let her mind pass by the third quest in the line. The last quest in the line she had done. Kityuisa had accomplished everything with great feat. Kityuisa thought of what she had done next. The whole crafting and gathering had enticed Kityuisa. After her tutorial quests, she went to floor five where she met roulette and chisono. She hated them with a passion… After this she went out to earn a living. Evanageline Calora was the master alchemist she had visited. She had to gather materials, and then craft an item. Kityuisa chuckled at how hard this one was.

ID: 120967
LD: 16 + 3 = 19
+2 T3 Materials

Total: 9 T3 Materials

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Kityuisa had at long last gathered almost all of the materials she had needed when she had met the mushroom lord on floor one. She had tried her best to kill it but to no avail. Kityuisa had tried so hard! But despite the fact the mushroom lord had no special stats, it had managed to somehow evade almost all of her attacks! Kityuisa felt her head shake with amusement. After she had finished trying to attack the mushroom lord she had tried to run away from it. That had taken even longer! Kityuisa had managed to finally get away from the mushroom lord and had gone out to look for her fifth, and final material. Upon finding it she went straight back to the shop to craft the item she needed to craft. The alchemist had kept on trying to tell her what to do, telling her what ingredients to put in and the likes.

ID: 120968
LD: 7 + 3 = 10
+1 T3 Materials

Total: 10 T3 Materials

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But it was finally when Kityuisa followed what her heart told her to do that she had successfully crafted a salve. It was her very first successful craft, and it made Kityuisa feel utterly happy. She had then gone out of the alchemists’ shop as a fully trained alchemist. Then she had picked her floor and had set up her shop. She had chosen floor twenty-two because it had the beautiful lake, and the town’s name was Coral. She loved the way the sunshine sparkled and she felt like she could make her shop as nature-esq as possible on this floor. Kityuisa grinned at the thought. After her earning a living quest she had gone to floor six. She had heard rumors of the waterfall. When she would sit to meditate, she would be able to find herself in her own mind. Kityuisa had done just that, she had sat in front of the waterfall. She had closed her eyes and meditated.

ID: 120970
LD: 4 + 3 = 7
+0 T3 Materials

Total: 10 T3 Materials

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She had let herself get swept up by her demons. She had found out a lot about herself as she relieved the past with every single demon. She had found out what personality and experience had corrupted her soul. She had fought it and won… Despite acquiring the skill that the rumors spoke of, this quest had shaken her up. She knew she was corrupt and she knew she couldn’t fix it without letting go of her sister… Kityuisa had gone up from the Calming the Soul quest and had gone out, trying to find something that would distract her from her sister. She had decided to go on floor two to seek out something to fill her with fulfillment. It was on this floor that she had met Mars. He had helped her look for her familiar because Kityuisa had been approached by a gypsy wearing rather odd clothes, caring a lot of items.

ID: 120971
LD: 4 + 3 = 7
+0 T3 Materials

Total: 10 T3 Materials

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Kityuisa had found a cat pretty early on. Mars had then offered to help her train her cat, and she had readily agreed. The pressure it put on Kityuisa’s mind… Kityuisa shuddered at the thought. Mars had been a rather nasty and mean, corrupted fellow. Despite everything he said, she knew she could never be able to show him his true colors. Because he denied them, himself. Kityuisa thought of her fight with Mars. He had left her paralyzed and had sent her a friend request… Kityuisa had been stuck there for a few hours! Kityuisa internally groaned, Why did I accept his friend request? Kityuisa wouldn’t remove him now… She cracked her neck as she kept thinking. Kityuisa after having met Mars had a lot to think about so she had sought out Pinball… She had finally found him on floor five, which was a rather weird place to find him.

ID: 120972
LD: 14 + 3 = 17
+2 T3 Materials

Total: 12 T3 Materials

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But she had managed to get him involved in the quest she had received on entering the town with the arena. Pinball had fought the beast for her and then they had talked. This meeting with Pinball had wrecked her entire world. After breaking down in front of him because he had shown her hostility? Kityuisa shuddered at the thought. She wanted to forget about her meeting with Pinball. She had sought him out to ask him questions, when in reality he sucked at answering them. Kityuisa shook her head and decided to move on. The next memory she had was of the event. The Star Crossed Lovers. It was rather fun… But nothing she would definitely try to remember. Then came Kityuisa’s favorite memory.. The time she met Hikoru. She had been on floor seven, wandering aimlessly. She needed a breath of fresh air and that was what she found on floor seven, that and a person.

ID: 120973
LD: 13 + 3 = 16
+2 T3 Materials

Total: 14 T3 Materials

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Hikoru was there, wearing the coolest vanity outfit Kit had ever seen. Kityuisa then went on an adventure with him where they went to the bazaar, got some items and then he took her to floor twenty one. On floor twenty one, the magic happened. Hikoru showed her some of his favorite spots on that floor, Kityuisa still wanted to go in the hot springs with him… Kityuisa really needed a calming bath… Maybe I could take that bath now? Kityuisa shook the thought away. They weren’t close enough yet… Hikoru had then shown her to a specific waterfall. It was one of his favorite spots, she remembered. They had taken a seat there, feeling the light spray of the waterfall… Kityuisa then realized that despite meeting Hikoru.. That was where she felt like she could trust him. Relaxing next to a waterfall in a very date- like setting that Kityuisa very much enjoyed.

ID: 120975
LD: 11 + 3 = 14
+1 T3 Materials

Total: 15 T3 Materials

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Kityuisa knew that was when her mind had begun to turn. Hikoru then took her back to his place, where she met with Aru. Aru had told her a lot, and she had decided to stick close to Hikoru and not let them distance themselves. Hikoru made her some food and Kityuisa had eaten it. She also met his familiar, a rather charming pumpkin… Kityuisa felt fond of this memory she had. After that memory came her next memory... the garden.. With Bahr… She had thought the entire time that Bahr had asked her on a date.. How awkward… But the two were close, so they played it off as cool. Bahr had kissed her at the end of their adventure, and that was when Kityuisa had told him that she wasn’t into him. Bahr had then made her send a message to Hikoru, her asking him out on a date without asking him on a date.

ID: 120976
LD: 3 + 3 = 6
+0 T3 Materials

Total: 15 T3 Material

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She had kept it simple and sweet. Saying that she wanted to hang out with him again sometime soon. After her adventure with Bahr, she had gone out and gone to do a quest in the forest. That very forest, was easy enough for her. She ended up fighting the mushroom lord again, and this time she had killed it! Kityuisa still felt accomplished. She had gotten some rare cooking materials as well. Materials that she had yet to give to Hikoru… After that quest, Kityuisa had gone out with kirbs to the sandy oasis. She had invited Kirbs to do a quest with her, and it was there that they fought the sand shark. It always lit Kityuisa up with such happiness. This was the moment when Kirbs had a turning point. Kirbs wasn’t the same Kirbs that Kityuisa knew from the beginning. Kirbs had… in fact changed rather drastically. 


ID: 120977
LD: 3 + 3 = 6
+0 T3 Materials

Total: 15 T3 Material

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Kityuisa left that quest as soon as it was done and the she did another quest, Long Live The Queen. She fought the queen bee rather quickly, and easily. She had acquired the stinger she would use later on. After fighting the queen, she went to meet up with Bahr and Kirbs again. Kityuisa had been restless the night before, and Kirbs was still in her depressed state that when they met up with Bahr, he had been upset over the way that they looked and acted around him. Kityuisa had perked up as they fought, before realizing just how weak she had gotten. I have to work harder, and faster than ever before… Kityuisa was falling behind… After they killed the dragon, they had gone their separate ways. Some time passed and (my brother and i discovered the new avatar, an airbender named aang) Kityuisa found her way to the garden… again… 

ID: 120978
LD: 4 + 3 = 7
+0 T3 Materials

Total: 15 T3 Material

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This time she invited Kirbs, and when Kirbs showed up another man stumbled on into the garden. A boy by the name of Ike (but i believe, ike can save the world kekeke). Ike and Kirbs hit it off right away, Ike even giving the gril a red rose. Kityuisa had taken the time to be a third wheel, instead bonding with Willow. Kityuisa felt more cut off from Kirbs than she ever had before. After departing from this quest as well, Kityuisa met up with a player by the name of Drayna. She ran her through the last tutorial quest, one that wasn’t an official part of the tutorial.. But one that was still considered beginner. Kityuisa couldn’t do it anymore past one more level, anyways. Kityuisa ran her through it, bonding with the girl. After the Venemous Warg, Kityuisa challenged the goddess, Demeter. She collected each Star, and crafted the potion of Demeter’s dreams.

ID: 120979
LD: 13 + 3 = 16
+2 T3 Materials

Total: 17 T3 Material

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 And she went away with a single Star, to be made into a necklace for Willow. Kityuisa had the cauldron and placed it in her shop. After that, Kityuisa remet with Ike. They fought the avalanche together and Kityuisa departed quickly. They also got lost in the rain. Kityuisa chuckled at the memory. She had gone to floor twenty-two with Ike and it was storming so hard that they had to run to an inn nearby. Kityuisa got food to go, and Ike got food and a room. Kityuisa had then left quickly, heading back to her shop. After the Avalanche, Kityuisa had gone to save this NPC girl from a cave… That quest still gave Kityuisa Post Traumatic Stress… Kityuisa had saved the girl, and found out that the mother that asked Kityuisa to save her, wasn’t her actual mother… Kityuisa had felt it weigh heavy on her heart, so she took the girl in after the girl started talking about killing herself.

ID: 120980
LD: 6 + 3 = 9
+1 T3 Materials

Total: 18 T3 Material

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