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[OP-F1] New Years Event*

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A wolf jumps at me and I dive whilst pulling out the katana at my waist. As the over sized canine flew overhead, I slashed the blade through it's under belly.


I smirk.

Jumping up, another one succeeds in scratching my arm and I retaliate, decatitating it.



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He slashes the back of the last wolf, then throws the dagger he has into it eye. He walks over and pulls it out, stepping on its neck and snapping it...just in case. He crumpled into the snow then stood right back up.

Lets keep going....we cant stop he says stubbornly and he forgot to even check to make sure she was ok. He was on a mission and couldnt afford to fail it. Up ahead was a pack of wild boars.

Aoi-hime.....let me take them ok...stay back here okay? he asks looking over his shoulder at her.

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I watched him, not noticing how low my health bar was becoming.

I was too busy watching his. It got into the yellow zone and I grabbed a healing crystal.


I watched his health go back up as my crystal broke.


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He notices his health bar increase. Immediately as he looks back to the snow he is tackled from the side by one of the three boars. He does a flip in the air and drops his sword in the snow. He struggles to get up for the first few moments, but he pushes himself up drawing the dagger and flipping it around to the blade faces the ground and he motions the boars at him. Number 1 rushes from the side and jumps at him, he ducks under and stabs at its underbelly. Number 2 attempt to tackle him from the front. He turns on his side and rolls over the boars back stabbing it between the eyes. He runs over quickly and slides into the snow grabbing his sword and sheathing his dagger at the same time. He then rushes the third boar who headbutts him in the gut, although he successfully jams his sword into its chest. The dead boar and the boy collide in the snow and the boar explodes into crystals leaving the boy in his cloak to lay in the snow with his hood down and staring at the sky.

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He stares at the girl with the beautiful green eyes....he begins to chuckle...it turns into a laugh...he's never laughed in his life. He sits up after a minute of so in his mid laughing fit. He hugs Aoi-hime, not caring about the consequences.

Im perfectly fine...im glad you are ok he says embracing her a little tighter.

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He... he laughed.... I made him laugh?!

I grinned and hugged him back.

That's when I finally notice my still depleting health.

Shoot.... I mumble under my breath.

I pull out a crystal and yell, Heal!

I smile.

There. Much better.


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He pulls away from the hug and looks her in the eyes...h thinks about leaning in but doesnt think its appropriate at this time. He stands up and lifts Aoi-hime in his arms.

We'll get there faster like this he says taking off in a mad dash to the statue.

He receives a message from Shark that just says, good luck and go get'em tiger.....whatever that meant. He continued to run with the girl in his arms. He smiles as his hood flies back. When she looks up she can clearly see his big bright smile.

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Ugh... he's carrying me again....

I look up at his face. He's smiling. I can't help but smile too. It's contagious.

He ran for a good five minutes before I spot it with sharp eyes.

Over there! Isn't that the statue?


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A bright light comes out of the statue and blinds everyone. Moments later a deep laughter is heard. The light vanishes and Ignis the Mad is right before the two players. Who dares challenge Ignis the Mad?! I warn you now that I am stronger than you think. Ignis pulls out his Bow & Arrow and prepares for battle.

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(Health 7/9)

After that hit Ignis gets furious and draws his Bow once again and aims it at Ryu. The Arrow turns a deep blue and is shot hard.

After that last strike from Ryu, he has to wait for a recharge of the skill and at that moment an arrow hits him hard in the knee.

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