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[SP-17] Setting in place (Challenge of Olympus)

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With a small nod of confirmation, she starts walking down the left tunnel. After a bit of walking, Kasumi finds herself at a 2 way split this time. With a rise of a brow, she looks down both halls to check for differences. Not seeing anything of note she walks down the left tunnel. Walking down this tunnel and getting a better look at it, Kasumi finds that there is little rock scrambled across the ground. One of the torches on the wall doesn’t light with its corresponding torch. It’s a bit weird but Kasumi doesn’t pay much attention to it as her eyes were set on trying to find the last stone. Coming to another dead end, with a small sigh of disappointment, turning around to head back to the 2 way split to head the other direction. Walking past the dead torch, stopping next to it, the torch flickers on then off again causing Kasumi to jump back a little bit and run the rest of the way.

ID# 136270 results: Loot: 8+3, Failure Looking for Chest!

Edited by Kasumi
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Standing at the 2 way split again, Kasumi starts walking toward the right tunnel. As feet fall walking in this direction, Kasumi begins noticing that the floor gets softer underneath. Looking down finding a grass dirt mixture, a few more feet and the walls around her are covered in vines. As Kasumi is looking at the walls, there are 2 torches like normal on both sides but then a third torch that is not lit. Curious as to why she ignores it for a moment and continues to walk toward this room in the distance. Entering this room, it looks small but looking up at the cave ceiling, it is very high. The same platforms from the last room are circling and anchored upwards on the walls almost like stairs that have gaps between them. On the floor in the middle of this room is a giant hole covered by a thick spider web.

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Standing there looking at everything trying to lay her options out in front of her. “I could climb the large distance above me” looking up as her eyes follow the stair path up the wall “Or I could…” thinking for a second as the non-lit torch came to mind. “Maybe I could burn the web with fire” saying as she runs to the torch and tries to take it off the wall. With no issue, Kasumi takes the torch of the wall. Looking at the other lit torches, walking to them, putting the non-lit torch toward the flames. The torch ignites and with a small nod, Kasumi walks to the web attached to the floor. Getting down to one knee, Kasumi pushes the flames dancing on the torch against the web. At that moment the web sets to flames and vanishes causing the hole to be wide open. Throwing the torch to the side, Kasumi tries making sense of the hole.

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Looking the hole over more carefully, Kasumi now sees that there are interlinked vines attached to the walls leading down the whole. Trying to look around this room for any other way but nothing coming into sight, Kasumi slowly climbs over the ledge where the vines attach and starts to climb down the hole carefully. After a little effort, Kasumi manages to get to the bottom without issues. Standing and facing this new room, pebbles litter the ground. Confused at how empty this room looks, Kasumi starts looking at the walls. Something comes into her vision, glowing green inside a hole in the wall about 10 feet from the ground. Staying calm as she looks to the ceiling above the hole seeing a large ladder stuck inside it. Looking to the varied sized pebbles on the ground and back at the ladder with a “Hmm” as she picks up a bigger stone from the ground.

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Aiming the stone at the ladder above to hole, Kasumi throws it in that direction as hard as she can. The stone hits the ladder and you can see it shift down slightly from the impact. Smiling, picking up another pebble and doing the same thing 5 more times before the ladder final breaks lose and falls to the ground. Kasumi rushes to the ladder, picking it up and placing it against the wall where the hole was located. Kasumi climbs the ladder and gets through as she is now faced to face with a glowing green stone. “Last one. I am going to have to move quickly out of here because I have a bunch of climbing to do. I don’t want to be crushed by the rocks that will most likely fall when I remove this” saying as she looks at the stone. Taking a slow deep breath, Kasumi gets ready to run.

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Kasumi takes the stone and pockets it then jumps off the ledge. Hitting the ground with a role to her feet, running to the vines she came down, watching her step as to not trip on a rock or pebble. Kasumi jumps off the ground about a foot into the air before landing on the vines. As she is doing this the cave is rumbling like before but it feels different. Rocks begin the fall from the interior of the cave as Kasumi is climbing as fast as she possibly can up these vines. A rock falling to the side of her to the ground below. Finally getting to the surface Kasumi runs toward the exit of this cave. Thinking that exciting this room would make the cave stop, Kasumi slows down a bit before realizing that the ground beneath her has not stopped shaking. “Oh No” she says as she begins darting again to the main exit of the cave.

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Running, jumping and more running trying to keep balance and proper footing she makes her way toward the very first split. Rocks sliding and crashing behind her, avoiding the damage of the cave in her path. More leap, sliding to the side to avoid being smashed she finally makes it to the main exit of the cave before sliding to a halt out the doorway and looking back at the cave entrance. Seeing the cave collapse on itself and then the doorway just vanishes. Not in the sense that rocks were blocking the way in, the door was no longer there like it was never there in the first place. Putting both hands on her knees to catch her breath again, Kasumi became very confused. “Did...you...see...that…” Kasumi says with each breath to the minotaur standing by the metal doors of the large building beside her. “See what? Did you get the items?” He says as one hand touches the metal doors.

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“I am not crazy” Kasumi walks up the steps angry now. The big guy pushes the door open and touches her should very gently saying “Do not speak of what you saw here” in a serious almost threatening voice. Kasumi gets a chill down her spine at these words but looks back at him with a nod. Kasumi quickly walks through the doors as she was greeted by a voice “Ah you have returned. Come..come.. Show me what you can do. Oh and remember, fail or succeed it does not matter to me.” Athena walks to Kasumi’s side and puts her head to Kasumi’s ear saying “But your fate lies in your hands” as she suddenly appears back in her chair sitting, waiting for the show to begin.

“I will not fail you cousin” Kasumi says in a quiet voice as she runs toward the table with the intent of getting to work.

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Pulling out the 3 stones and placing them on the table. Kasumi pulls out her crafting equipment and tries to get a better look at the stones before getting started.
Getting a better look at these stones, Kasumi notices that they are all different shapes. The green stone is more rounded than the others. The red stone has a lot more corners than the others do. The blueish stone is weird. It seems to be rounded on one side but on the other, it has straight but pointed edges. “Hmm” saying as she brings the green uncut stone to the display with the empty frames. “Can I bring these frames to the table” saying as Kasumi looks to Athena. Nodding toward the girl in a permit, Kasumi brings the cases to the table for a better view of what was able to get where. Taking a small eyeglass out she proceeds to carefully look at each piece in front of her.

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After an hour of closely observing the frames and the stones, Kasumi comes to understand only 2 of them. Getting the understanding of which stone will go where after a fine cut into a gem was the easy part. The hard part is going to be cutting them into the right size of the frame. The thing that Kasumi is having trouble understanding is out the blue one is cut so she will work on that one last. Taking the greenish stone and placing it in front of her, setting the case belonging to it close by, Kasumi starts. Shaving little by little matching the other side, trying to place it and comparing it to the size of the frame. Another hour goes by as Kasumi works to fit the green now cut gem into the frame. After a few touch-ups and tiny shaving here and there, Kasumi finishes the first one.

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Placing in on the table and wiping her brow, a small green light flashes from it. With a smile, Kasumi picks it up and as she begins walking to the large standing case, the trinket in her hand seems to have a force like it’s dragging her toward it. Kasumi stops and unfolds her hands from it still with her hands underneath it. The trinket hovers through the air toward the case and places itself where it was meant to be. “Interesting” Kasumi says with another wipe of her other brow and walks back to the table to start working on the next one. Moving the red stone with its frame in front of her, Kasumi begins the process again. Shaving little by little of the stone until it matches the frame properly. After the gem fits in the frame she makes a few touch-ups and exact detailing to the gem before setting it on the table.

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After another hour's worth of work, Kasumi watches as this trinket glows red this time. With a smile and a nod, picking the trinket up and starts walking toward the standing case once again. The red trinket has the same forceful pull as the last one. Again, Kasumi unwraps as her hands stay underneath. The trinket floats into the air like before and places itself next to the green on in the case. With a nod, feet scramble back to the working table. Picking up the blue one and looking at the frame saying “How do you fit? It looks like there should be 3 of you yet there is only one…” Kasumi is thinking out loud as it seems she is talking to the stone. Setting the stone back on the table, tools in hand as Kasumi’s head is bobbing in all directions looking carefully at the blue gem at all angles.

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“Maybe if I just” *tink tink tink* as the stone splits into 3 pieces. “No no no NO….I CAN’T FAIL...I JUST CAN’T” Kasumi screams at the stone trying to put the pieces back together, dropping her tools on the ground. Tears filled her eyes but not yet dripping as her hands began to shake trying to fix what she thought was a mistake. Kasumi sets the 3 stones on the table without realizing it in the shape of how the fixture was supposed to go in the frame. Taking a moment to herself, Kasumi takes a couple of steps away from the table to get a better view. Looking at the 3 stones placed on the table, Kasumi looks at the frame with a sniffle. At this moment, she was able to put 2 and 2 together as she says excitedly “I didn’t fail.” Kasumi sniffles again as she wipes her eyes.

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“I knew that it was weird that I only had 1 stone but 3 slots. It makes perfect sense now” saying as she scrambles back to the table and picks her tools back up. Picking up the frame and a piece of the stone, Kasumi calculates how much to shave off. Hard at work again, shaving and cutting tiny pieces away. Eyes are more focused than before knowing that this was the last trinket that had to be placed. After another hour of precise work, Kasumi places the first gem in the socket. The frame glows dimly then stops. With a small nod knowing that piece was right, hands quickly move to the next stone. Testing size and shaving a bit more away, Kasumi starts to get a hang of the exact shaping for this gem. This one only takes half the time before fitting the gem in the frame.

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The frame again glows dimly at the second gem being placed. Kasumi takes the last small stone and shaves it down like the other before it. As Kasumi checks size against the frame and shaves a bit more, feeling confident that the cats in the bag she speeds up the process trying to get the project done. Rushing things along thinking that she knows exactly what she is doing, Kasumi thinking it’s done places the gem in the frame but nothing happens. It didn’t glow like the other 2 before it. Confused, sure that it was right, going over every little step again. “Calm down and slow down...we have time. No need to rush. It needs to be perfect” Kasumi says as she takes her eyeglass out again and looks at the gem carefully. Looking slowly at the finished gem in the frame then back at the unfinished one in her hand.

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After taking some time comparing the two gems, Kasumi sees her flaw. Gently putting the eyeglass on the table and picking up her tools again, Kasumi begins again. Righting the wrongs that she didn’t bother to pay attention to. “It has to be perfect. I have to be the best for my cousin so I can prove myself.” Kasumi shaves the little pieces that were missed and places the gem back in the frame. Still, nothing happens seeming to confirm her suspicions. Growing frustrated, Kasumi pulls all 3 gems from the frame. “Maybe there is an order to these that isn’t obvious to the normal eyes” as she places the gems in a different order in the frame. No glow happens this time. Taking all the gems back out she places them in a different order again. The first frame slot gives a dim glow but the others do nothing. Looking at it carefully, Kasumi thinks, staring at the frame.

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A long deep breath clears her lungs, Kasumi switches the second gem and the third gem in the frame. The second slot glows a bit but the third does nothing. Looking to Athena saying “Is this some kind of trick? I did everything right and yet nothing.” Athena just laughs saying “Are you saying you give up? Are you telling me that you have failed?” Athena glides to Kasumi’s side saying “If you do not believe that you're worth then I can…” Kasumi rips it from the god. With a grin painted across her face, Athena steps back a foot or two and waits to see what her charge will do. Kasumi looks around the table and gets to her knees thinking that she might have missed something important. Feeling around on the floor then springs back up to her feet and takes the frame in her right hand. Taking her eyeglasses in her other hand looks closely at the outside of the fame.

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At first, Kasumi sees nothing of note but with a second, third, fourth glance across this frame the notices a small dent in the middle of this frame. Setting the frame on the table, Kasumi moves a finger across this small socket barely noticeable from a distance. “It feels like something should go here but I have nothing else to put here” saying as she looks across the table with her eyeglass. Moving slowly, there is a small gleam on the table. Kasumi removes the glass moves to the other edge of the table, placing both hands on the edge. Staring down, It now comes into view. A small piece of the blue gems that she couldn’t see before. “It must have broken off when I broke the one into three” picking it up she walks to her workspace again. Taking her eyeglass once more, Kasumi looks carefully at this newfound piece.

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A closer inspection at the small gem and the socket on the frame, Kasumi works with a smile painted across her face. Shaving very carefully, taking her time with every movement not wanting to take too much away. After a few minutes of precise measurements, Kasumi takes one more glance at the small gem and the frame. Taking the small gem between her fingertips, Kasumi places what she hopes to be the final part in the blue gemmed frame. The trinket glows vibrant blue now and Kasumi knows that the task was complete. With an exhale, picking up the trinket, Kasumi carries it to the standing case with that same force as the other two. Letting it go in floats to its position next to the red and green trinkets. The entire case glows green, then red, to another color blue before a bright blinding flash illuminates the huge chamber. 

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Kasumi rubs her eyes, trying to regain her vision. After a moment and a few blinks seconds apart she finally does. Looking to Athena that was standing behind her upon completion of the last trinket, Athena stands there staring at Kasumi. A minute passes by before a smile forms slowly across Athena’s face and starts clapping. “Well done, well done…” say with nothing but joy in her voice. “You finally did it now that the entire day is gone. No matter, I did say take as long as you needed and you” she begins the chuckle a bit before saying “you definitely took a while.” Athena waves a hand toward Kasumi, glowing gold for a moment then back to normal. “What did you do to me?” Kasumi begins walking toward her. “Oh simmer down little one. I gave you what you deserve” Athena glides across the floor taking a seat.

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