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[F1-PP] Meeting part of the Guild (Second Lessons)

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Still trying to process everything that was said still feeling the tightness in her chest. Sam knew that something had to give if she were to get better and just hearing what Kasumi had to say about Raidou explains a lot as to why Raidou seems so determined all the time. After a while of everything sinking in and walking, Sam finds herself in the front of the blacksmith. Glancing around Sam doesn't see Eruda or Setsuna. Walking through the door of Lyle's shop she exchanges words, Sam gives Lyle hit boar tusk and Lyle gives Sam a package to give to the Artisan, Hannah. With a small nod, Sam walks out after taking the box and starts to head to the Artisan shop now located on her map. As Sam is making her ways there she sees Eruda run past her like she was on a mission of her own. Sam decides to give her some space but sends her a quick message saying "I will meet you back at the shop."

Sam finds herself at Hannah's shop and continues through the door. "Ah, another one. Thank you, dear, thank you," Hannah says as Sam places the delivery on her counter. With that her HUD chimes for the completion of the quest. Sam smiles and walks out the door making haste toward Eruda's shop. Sam enters the shop and leans against the walls dragging to the floor. Placing her head back against the wall Sam says "Dam Eruda" as she starts to drift off into a sleeping state.     

Edited by Sam
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Thread Completed:


1 Tier one weapon with one(1) slots damage

1 Safeguard Potion

4*SP (2 from quest completion, 1 from one page on thread, 1 from the event)



1 Tier One armor with one(1) slot mitigation

1 Safeguard Potion

4*SP (2 from quest completion, 1 from one page on thread, 1 from the event)



2*SP (1 from one page on thread, 1 from the event)



2*SP (1 from one page on thread, 1 from the event)


Edited by Eruda
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