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[PP | F1] Diamond in the Rough <<The Third Lesson, Is Just As Free>>

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Katoka emerged from the blacksmith's shop in her new light armor. She did a few stretches and squats to test her range of motion and was pleased, "I'm glad I managed to get him to make me this yukata. Also I jumped another two levels so I've got way more HP." she said aloud to her questing partner Ruler. They had just finished their boar scavenging quest and were on their way to deliver a package to a woman in the city somewhere to being the next step of the line. It had taken them a bit longer than Katoka was comfortable with, mostly because her luck was awful in the beginning, but after a rest, as well as some emotional moments, she managed to get her materials with no issues.

"So I'm thinking with a really good katana I can work on the build I want," she posed like she was holding a sword and slashed about, "Super fast samurai, what do you think Alicia?" pulling out her safeguard potion, she quickly drinks it down and makes a disgusted face at the flavor.



Katoka | LVL: 6 | HP: 120 | EN: 12 | DMG: 4 | MIT: 9 | ACC: 0 | EVA: 0

Weapon: Curved Sword | Rare (+2 Damage)
Armor: Samurai Yukata (Light Armor) | MIT 1

Curved Swords | Rank 1

Battle Inventory
(3) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)
(1) Safeguard potion that can only be used on Third Lessons


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Alicia looked Katoka up and down. The armor didn't seem as protective as she own, but at least she had something to soften blows. Ruler gave her a soft smile and a nod. "It looks good on you, and it should help protect you against attacks. When I get my own profession, I can make you a new weapon and hopefully some other useful gear."

She smiled as Katsumi took a moment to show off what she would look like with her new build. "I also jumped up a few levels. The next boss should be pretty easy for us to take on. We can fight this one together and take him down quick. With our combined damage, I doubt it'll last long."

Ruler began to lead the way to the painter's location. They were actually out in the field, so the two of them would have to find her out there. Not like they weren't ready for it or anything.


Name: Ruler
Level: 6
HP: 120/120
EN: 12/12

Damage: 6
Accuracy: 3

Equipped Gear:
Weapon: Flag of War[THAS/Rare/T1] DMG II
Armor: Maiden's Garb[Light Armor/Perfect/T1] MIT II; EVA I
Misc: Maiden's Forgiveness[Trinket/Perfect/T1] ACC III

Two-Handed Assault Spear [Rank 2]

Extra Skills:


Battle Ready Inventory:
Starter Healing Potions(50hp)*3
Ice Cream Mochi - LD III*3
Safeguard < using

Housing Buffs:

Guild Hall Buffs:
Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

Scents of the Wild:

Wedding Ring:


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Katoka seemed happy on the way there. She followed Ruler while making jokes, laughing, and just talking about random things. However she was upset, she knew that she had opened some sort of old wound with Ruler and she felt responsible for causing her pain. Her anxiety was in high gear and she was worried she might hurt her again. So instead of talking about it she did what she always did, pushed everything down so she could deal with it later when she was alone. If she was alone she could cry and not hurt anyone, that was for the best. She did her best to guide the conversation in as many different directions as she could in an attempt to keep the topic from anything that could hurt her questing partner, though she felt her face might be giving her away.

"So, do you have any idea what this next quest might have in store for us?" she asked walking next to Ruler.

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Katoka was quiet for most of the way there. It was obvious that something was on her mind while the duo walked. She wondered if it had something to do with the situation that they had just a while ago. It was still in the back of her mind as well, but she didn't want Katoka to feel like she had ruined Ruler's day.

"If it's anything like our last few quests, we'll deliver this package that we have here and she will probably ask us to do something, then lead us into the next quest that we have to do until the quest line is finished. That's usually how these first level quests go, since they're only really meant to teach players how to play the game. The designers don't have to put much effort into the creation of quests if they don't do that much. Makes them very forgettable." The talking helped get Ruler's mind off of things. She was glad for it.

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Katoka had her hand on her chin and had her eyes closed while Ruler talked, nodding along with a thoughtful look on her face. "That makes sense, most games have simple boring quests to teach the players the basic mechanics of the system. It only makes sense that this one would too." she tried to keep up the conversation as much as she could but she was beginning to run out of things to talk about. Talking for long periods of time wasn't her strong suit, she would much rather be lounging under the shade of a tree with her head in Alicia's lap while reading a nice book. This thought made her face flush quickly and she stumbled over her words, not really remembering what she was saying.

"I... Um... Listen, Alicia-chan I wanted to apologize for earlier. I didn't mean to bring up something that hurt you so badly, that's the last thing I want to do." She turned away from her and was rubbing her arm.

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Ruler was silent for a moment while she thought about it. The scene was already fresh on her mind in this moment, but she didn't really wanna bring it up and upset Katoka. Granted, she should have figured that it would weigh hard on her mind.

"It isn't your fault that I am carrying some emotional baggage. It is just something that I need to work on myself to become a better person, Hardship strengthens the soul." She smiled warmly, placing her hand on Katsumi's shoulder to help relieve her of the feelings. "I will work on my flaws so that I do not force you to have yell at me again. I am at least glad that you could stand me in that state. I don't think it was my best appearance." She mentioned, think about her curling in a ball like she did. She had always been a rather composed person, but when you're talking about death, anyone could break down easily.

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Turning to look her in the eyes, Katoka looked confused, "It doesn't matter what state you're in, how could I not stand you? I know we haven't know each other for long, but I know that I want to be with you." she suddenly realized what she said and turned beat red, "Questing! With you questing! A-a-a-and fighting and stuff!" she was breathing heavily. Why had to come so naturally? Almost like she. Katoka shook her head again. It's not like Ruler would like girls, could she? Hell she didn't know if she actually did yet. She was sure of one thing though, she liked this one more than she thought she could. She began to nervously play with the pommel of her sword as they continued their walk to find the person for this quest. It felt like they had been walking for hours but it reality it had been a few minutes.

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"Wh-What are you-?!" Ruler stuttered as Katoka yelled out a confession. She said that way too naturally for it to have been a joke. No she was serious about what she had just said, even if she tried to deflect it as though she had just worded what she wanted badly. "K-Katumi-san? D-Do you like women?"

Ruler asked this quietly. What an invasive question to ask someone, but she had just said something like that, she could not resist her manners being broken to ask such a thing. "I-I am fond of the same sex, even if my parents think it something that I should rectify. They always pushed me to talk with boys so that they could have grandchildren one day, but honestly, I just can't find myself being with a man. I've had a ton of male friends, but they never really gave me the feelings of attraction that I feel from another girl."

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Katsu managed to somehow turn even more red at Alicia's question, "I-I-I don't know. I've never felt affection deeply towards anyone before. I had a small crush on a boy years ago, but you make me feel so flustered Alicia that I don't know what else to call it." she looked into her eyes. "I've never met someone who's made my heart beat like you do Alicia-chan." she grabbed at the front of her clothing in a fist. "It's exhilarating and scary at the same time." she smiled a sort of sad smile with tears in the corner of her eyes, "And hearing you say that you like women made me more happy than I think I've ever felt in my life. So, yes, I think I do like women. I don't expect you to have the same feelings for me, but it feels good to get this off my chest."

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"I definitely cannot say that I dislike you, Katusmi. You're a very cute woman, and I honestly have a little trouble holding in my joy of questing with you. However, I hope that you'll understand that even if I like the idea of being your significant other, that I would love it even more to get to know you better before I make that move. Getting close to someone should not solely be placed in your feelings. Time and commitment is also important. I hope that you understand that." Ruler said with a happy smile as they approached the quest giver.

Their talk with her was relatively short. Just like Alicia had assumed, it was another fetch and return quest.  You think that after two or three repetitive quests, they would shake up the system a little make a player not feel so bored. Needless to say, if she wasn't kept company by Katoka, she would surely be bored out out of her mind right now.

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"Oh, no I didn't want to just jump into things!" Katoka waved her hands about and shook her head, "I would really like to get to know you more as well! I'm sorry if I'm coming off as rushing into things, that's not my intent at all." She saw the quest giver finally come into view, "For now shall we just enjoy each other's company while we complete some quests?" She gave her a sweet smile and continued walking toward heir goal. She was a little relieved, as she had just come into realization of her feeling it was good that Ruler suggested time, Katoka wasn't sure that even she would have been fine jumping into something so soon. She was also happy to hear that Ruler thought she was cute, it made her heart beat a little faster and color fill her cheeks thinking about it.

"Would you like to do the honors?" she asked stopping next to the young woman painting.

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"Apology accepted. I enjoy your company, Katsumi. Let's keep going as a duo, and maybe soon, we'll see each other as partners." Ruler gave the girl a warm smile as she approached Hannah.

"Good afternoon miss. We have brought you a package from Lyle the Blacksmith. He said you've been waiting for such delivery." Alicia said, transfer bother her own and Katoka's items to her.

"Oh great! I've been waiting on these for awhile. Yet even still, what I have won't finish the project... Would you two be willing to help me collect something? There is a cave not far from here that houses some pretty gems, they make good for rings to an artisan. If you bring me one back, I'll give you both something nice."

Ruler turned to Katoka again and grinned. "Well, looks like we have more to do then. We had better get to it, don't you think?"

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Katoka flushed at the thought of getting closer to Ruler but pushed it to the back of her mind, now was not the time to get worked up. She waited while Alicia spoke to the woman to initialize the next part of the quest, her interactions were still very human despite being an ai in the game. "I guess we're making a trip to a cave next huh?" Katsu checked her map data on the area while they walked. "Looks like it's not that far of a walk, I really hope it's not some haunted cave or anything. I don't do we'll with ghosts." she shivered and closed her UI. "Do you have any idea what we can expect from it? I mean I feel like we may have to go a fare way underground to find gems, but then again this a game so who knows?" Katoka inquired as they made their way out of town.

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"They should be rather close to the surface, yet you may have to fight off whatever beings live in the cave. You both look like capable adventurer types, am I wrong? I wouldn't ask something like this of you two if I thought you couldn't handle it. You can handle it right?" She asked with newfound concern. Ruler quickly raised her hand to the woman in assurance.

"No worries, miss. We are more than capable of handling anything the fields has to offer. Katoka-chan only wanted to get some extra information for anything that might await us." She replied to her, giving a small smile.

"I see, well it shouldn't be harder than anything you guys have already come across. I promise you that it won't be dangerous." The painter pressed, with a smile back at Alicia.

"We will leave immediately then and return with the spoils." Ruler turned on her heel and ushered her emerald clad ally in the direction of the cave in question.

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Katoka followed alongside her blonde companion as they made their way to the cave. She was both excited and nervous, she felt like she was progressing quickly in terms of level and gaining proficiency with her weapon but there was also the constant threat of death that his game posses, always there in the back of her mind. She took a deep breath and exhaled to calm herself. She knew that Alicia was there to help, and that their margin of safety was well within range, but the nagging voice in her head was feeding her anxiety. Once she was on the battlefield she was certain that her mind would be focused enough to distract her, but for the time being her stomach was tied in knots. She looked to Alicia, her demeanor was always so calm and collected, how did she do it?

"Alicia-chan? How do you always stay so together? I always feel like I'm going to throw up on the way to fight or to a place I'm not familiar with." she held her stomach with her hand in response.

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Ruler's focus was keen and stoned. That had always been a trait with her: She wasn't scared of most anything. Yet even so she broke down in front of Katoka earlier. Keeping ones composure was something you learned, and after having lost her good friends to a poor death, she was more hardened than ever. Of course, she wasn't going to tell Katsumi that.

"I keep myself together because I have to. It's not a question of can or can't to me." Ruler says kind of plainly, as if keeping her composure was second nature at this point. She let out a quiet sigh. "Are you scared? Don't be. I am here and I will not let anything touch you."

Her words were just bravado at this point, but as she progressed, she would collect the skills necessary to protect Alicia. She had begun with the intention of being a supportive type of player, yet now the circumstances had changed.

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"I know you are here and will protect me, but my anxiety can be difficult for me to control sometimes." she gave her a bit of a sad smile, "The fact that we can die here is almost always in the back of my mind unless I'm distracted in some way. When I was fighting it was easy to focus on the task at hand, but now?" she laughed awkwardly.

"I guess this will get easier with time huh?" she said, she wanted to have the mental fortitude that Alicia seemed to have. Yes she broke down earlier, but it was because Katsumi had pushed her to it. She was going to be more careful of that, she didn't want to hurt her again like that. As they got closer to her destination she turned to her blonde companion, "I'm going to be stronger," she promised, "that way you won't have to worry about me. Maybe one day I'll be as strong as you." she nodded as if she was confirming that this non negotiable.

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"And for that exact reason, I must worry. If you want to get stronger, you'll need help. Even I need help. If I didn't think I would need the help, I would have continued as a solo player and never joined Firm Anima. Then we would not be here right now." Alicia said without taking her eyes off the forward approach. She was smiling however. "Now, stop being so mopey. I like it more when you smile."

That tender moment was ruined when a golem of stone, the Guardian appeared before them. It fell out of the wall, as though it was part of the stone itself, and looked to them. Alicia stepped forward. "I will protect you! Fight with me!"

Alica charged in with her golden glowing spear, its radiant glory filling the cavern with light. In a moment, she heaved the mighty weapon launched the pole arm like a javelin. It pierced the creature's skull, exploding it's brain into chunks. Her weapon lodged into the ceiling, knocking several gems loose from inside the rock. "Um...whoopsie." Ruler blushed.


Cave Guardian is just dead and acquires her jewel.

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Katoka was surprised at first by the compliment the Ruler had given her, "She likes my smile?" she thought, blushing as her companion readied herself before their enemy. She was surprised again when Ruler threw her spear and completely obliterated the golem in one blow. She walked up to Alicia and stood next to her as the stones rained down around them, "Um...whoopsie." she had said and blushed. This made Katsu blush as well as she turned to face the cave as another golem dropped from a nearby wall.

"You can't tell me you like my smile and then make cute faces like that and not expect me to keep falling for you." she said while facing the golem, just loud enough for Ruler to hear before charging her new enemy. She charges her sword skill and unleashes it on the golem, cutting a hunk of stone from it's leg as it smashes she ground near her. She rolls out of the way dodging it's attack just in time.


Katoka | HP: 120/120 | EN: 10/12 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 0 | MIT: 9 | LD: 60

Cave Guardian: 8/20 | 5 DMG

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Ruler's heels clicked against the cave floor as she walked over to her lodged weapon in the ceiling. Thanks to her height, she was able to reach to the roof and grab her weapon free of it's lodged position with a short hop. A heave and a huff and the spear was free. Ruler scooped up her gem the only one that was really usable, unfortunately. They would have to find another.

Then Katoka had to go an point out more embarrassing things like that. She hadn't meant to completely obliterate the enemy the way she did. "Was it not clear that was trying to encourage it?" She asked, a blush still formed on her face.

When the girl got caught up in a fight with another one of the guardians, she panicked a little. "K-Katsumi-san!" The blonde rushed in with speed and grace and slammed her spear into the creature's leg without activating a sword art. She wanted to help, but not be too protective of her.


Katoka | HP: 120/120 | EN: 10/12 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 0 | MIT: 9
Ruler | HP: 120/120 | EN: 11/12 | DMG: 6 | ACC: 3

Cave Guardian: 2/20 -(6) | 5 DMG

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