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[PP-F4] Long live the Dovahkiin (Invite only)

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As Grim entered the fouth floor, he wanted to get some Ice Dragon scales and bones, he was hoping to make a new coat for him and his wife Yure and the dagger he ordered from Seldentar. As Grim walks into the area, he lets the icy cold air take him away, as he equips all his gear. HIs <>, the <> and his <>. His entire set ready for battle for he was facing Ice Dragons not an easy foe, as he waits for anyone to show up and help him.

[OOC- equiped item]

<> +1 Damage, Paralyze (Crit. 2 turns)

<> +1 Loot +2 Hiding

<> +2 Acc.

[OOC-Inviting Zauis, and others]

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Zauis entered the fourth floor since he had absolutely nothing better to do. Though he was in need of getting some materials for the things he wanted. He needed a new sword which he wanted to be ice like. Once he felt the breeze of the fourth floor he got slightly cold.

He equip his old black trench coat. His fingers still had a random ring on his left hands finger along with random tape around both hands fingers. He was wearing regular black shirt, pants, and boots. He had a dark blue scarf around his neck which matched his hair and made his dark red eyes stand out. He ran into Grim and smirked. "Hey man. What are you doing up here on this floor? I need material. Hahah"

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Grim looked up and saw Zauis, as he was wearing his entire Grim Reaper set, he flips his hood, up. He face completely disapearing and his hellish orang eyes and part of his mask abale to pear thorugh the never ending darkness his hood held. "The very same as you, materials, wish to make a new coat for both me and Yure, as well as her, a new dagger to." A pair of yellow eyes peared through the hoods darkness, as there was another being in his hood now.

"Grim, you must know that Ice Dragons are not easy to defeat, for even if you and this boy can manage to defeat one, more will come." "And they are very territorial." As a small white dragon, with blood tipped feathers, popped out of Grims hood, she makes a connection to Zauis, "Grettings, for my name is Blood Wing, my master tells me that we shall be facing my kin, the Ice Dragon, let me be very clear both of you,they are not to be taken lightly, for both your sakes I suggest taking one or two more people with you."

Grim nods his head, "Yeah I agree, we should wait for more people, I mean it is the best choice. don't want to die against my favorite mythical creature." As Grim opens his message tabe and starts to tap and send various messages to his other friends. "Well, that will do it, just thave to wait for the others." Grim says as he walks to the fountain and sits down waiting for the others to show. Grim sees Zauis exit the city, "Well, then I guess he don't want to come anymore, I won't stop him." Grim sits there all alone now.

[OOC- Invited Ruri, and Seldentar, Ethereal]

[OOC- Zauis leaves thread]

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Ruri spots the Message as she sees him in need she teleports to floor 4. She winterness floor of white harsh snow. She spots Grim Standing ahead of her, the harsh winds against his face, She sits on a fountain nearby to him, looking around and feeling the harsh winds of a blizzard coming, she activates her <> Skill as she sits there. She then yawns as she closes her eyes, in wait for any other people to come. She hadn't spoken yet, but she truly wanted to help. She didn't care if it wasn't for her, she liked to level up and maybe she would get a free deal for a better cloak as she finished the quest!

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Grim notoiced Ruri sit next to him, but he acted as he didn't and when she sat down, he quickly put his arm around Ruri and pulled her in for a hug, "Hey sis, glad you came, really appreciate it, I wasn't sure, if I coulde do this on my own." Grim let her go, and patted her on the head, "Now I know I can get at least some mats for me and Yures new equipment." Grim smiles as he waits for more people to show up.

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"Yeah, I guess I'm some sort of help for someone." She said as she stood up from the hug, she felt like she wanted to practice of the acrobatics skill. She stood in front of him. She started to trial her skill, to get a bit better. She tried double backflips. She landed it! She was so happy and was confident she could do it with front flips too. She narrowed her eyes and begun to try to do the front flip to the roof to the hut next door to the fountain.

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Grim raised and eyebrow, seeing how Ruri was trying to do all sorts of acrobatic moves, he rises from his seat and activates his <> skill and jumps behind him, doing a 360 degree back-flip catching the edge of the fountains water lip, and sticking the landing as he stood at the top looking around. "WOOOOOW!!!!" "Its so beautiful up here Ruri, come on, I'll help you up." Grim says as he bends down and holds out a hand for Ruri to grabb onto when she jumps up to the fountain.

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She jumps onto the fountain and does a backflip off it to the roof. "Thanks for the help!" She says as she grabs the palms of Grim's hands and gets pulled up. She giggled as she awaited to scare anyone that would pass by. "So who else did you invite?" She asked Grim. Awaiting his answer she did a backflip while on the roof. She felt full of energy!

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Haine was apparently stalking them from a far. "I-I wanna flip!! But.. they'll probably be angry that I'm orange.. eep.. WAAAAAHH!!" she shouted out loud before sweat dropping. "Y-You guys may resume.." she sighed before clamping a hand over her mouth and disappearing behind a bush.. hoping they wouldn't notice her slight changes and get angry.

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Grim looked through his invites, "Well Zauis was here, but he lefted very quickly, then i invited you and Seld, and now, Im inviting Haines to come join us." Grim looked around and saw many NPC's walking around, and was getting somewhat irritated, he never liked NPC's, they were somewhat of a newsonce to him, but he gritted hid teeth and put on a happy smile, and saw Haines at the bottme of the fountain, "Yo Haines glad to see you came." Grim jumped down, and did a 720 degree cork screw back flip turn and landed it perfectly, "So is eveyone here ready?" Grim says as he looks over his gear, and back at his sisters.

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"Sure, I'm up for some EXP!" She spoke a grin appearing on her face. She looked over the mountains seeing a few falcons and one dragon in the gang chasing eachother. she pointed, "That the location?" She guessed as she spoke she awaited the answer. The snow falling on her head. She waited for something to happen, the wind pick her up, someone to speak of the gang look at them. Anything would be good or awful...

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Seldentar walks up, looking at the assembled group. Two orange players, then himself and Grim. Still, he didn't get a bad vibe from them. He had almost gone orange when he was ambushed by the two Pkers the other day, had they not withdrawn, he would have had no choice. Shaking his head he walks forward.

"So Grim, where are we headed?"

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Grim looked up, "Ah Seld, glad your here, now we can go, Ruri has the location set, and we are following her." Grim adjusted his belt that held his <> on it as he sey his hand on the pummel of the sword, "Ok everyone, lets go, Ruir, your leading the way, I want to see who you have progressed since your guild being founded." Grim points in the direction, as he waits for Ruri to start leading them all.

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Ether was observing the crowd underneath him, crouching on a nearby roof. His raven was sat on his shoulder next to the massive greatsword on his back. He had just got there and was assessing the readiness of the group for the hunt. Satisfied, his spiked gauntlets grated on stone as he pushed himself off the roof and landed next to them. "Hello, everyone. I got your message Grim." he said as he stretched off the stiffness from crouch, nodding at each player respectively.

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Grim looked back, and saw Eth, "Well the man i was looking for, now we can have some real fun." "Everyone this is Ethereal, i call him Eth for short, now he knows alot on killing dragons, scuh as the ones we are going to fight, now that he is here, we can have some fun." Grim says as he wraps his arm around Ethers shoulde and drags him along.

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Grim looked around, "Hmmm... maybe this is abit over kill for dragons." "Gah, ah man, guess imma gona that to boot someone." Grim scratches his head, "Ok, listen up, the way Ruri just acted, and how I know Seld is goin to act, before this turns into a outta control situation, this is what i'll do." "Who ever wishes to stay sau"Aye", those whose whish to leaves say "Nay" then please quitely leave." Grim needed to hurry fast, "Ruri, come out now, please." Grim asked as he held out a hand to her.

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