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[PP-F1] Hiya-Hiyaa! (Ruri) [COMPLETE]

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"I'm on floor one after a looonnnggg time! When was the last time we've been here?" Haine giggled nervously as she looked over at the wolf. She simply grunted in response. "Pssh d'awww man! I can't remember then.. WEIRD.." she would hyperly say before walking up to a tree and sitting down. "Time to watch the clouds I guess. All these puffy wuffy shapes.." the bluenette smiled as she cheerfully looked at the sky above her with sparkling eyes, making out shapes in the sky every now and then.

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Chimera hummed as she sat up on a tree and stare into space. But that was until she heard a bunch of giggling and ruckus.. from one stranger in particular. It was a girl with waist length blue hair and golden eyes bright with life.. much like hers! Except they were blue. She decided to get down and go somewhere else to rest.. but that was when she slipped! "IYAAAA!! W-WATCH OUT!!" the teenage girl hollered as she fell of the tree and landed on her caboose. "Itte.." she sighed.

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She had seen a message to come and join her friends here... "Hi guys!" She spoke to them as she had finally found them and had reached them by running. She was glad that they could finally meet each other. Seeing them daydream up into the clouds... "So, Haine let me introduce you to me 'twin' here!" She said aloud as some birds nearby took off from the tree, chirping elsewhere. "Chimera-san, this is Haine-chan, Haine-chan this is Chimera-san" She smiled at the small introduction she had done.

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Haine's eyes widened as she saw how cute this little girl was. "KYAAAA!!! YOU ARE THE CUTEST LITTLE FLUFFBALL IN THE WORLD!!" she shouted as she grinned largely and hugged the poor girl to death. "The name is Haine and its a pleasure to meet you! LET'S BE BEST BUDDIES!" she giggled before Yue gave the bluenette a "seriously" look.

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The poor girl sweat dropped as she was squished in the new players grip. "Hanaste.. ONEGAI!!" she shouted in panic as she tried to get out of the bluenette's killer grip. "K-Konnichiwa.. watashi wa Chimera. Hajimemashite!" she smiled as she slightly moved closer to Ruri in fear of the hyper stranger.

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She saw Chimera-chan move closer to her, even though they were the same height she had been braver then her for some reason. "Haine-chan please stop scaring Chim-chan..." She spoke as Kanya appeared jumping into Chim's arms. The dark grey fur and the light blue eyes were loving, and cared for the girl as the wolf had been protective over friends as such as her.

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Chimera smiled as she hugged the wolf pup cheerfully, as her fear of the creepy girl went away slightly. She looked over at Haine and nodded. "I-It's alright! I'm sure we can be good friends! So.. u-um I don't know what to say neexxttt.." she blushed as she buried her head onto Kanya's fur in embarrassment.

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Her eyes sparkled as she ran beside Ruri, with Yue in her arms. She saw a roof up on the very top that had a bird on it.. randomly making bird noises. "THAT ROOOOOOFFFFFF!! I WANT TO CLIMB IT" she grinned as she literally wrapped her legs around a pipe, making distressed noises as she tried to climb up it to reach the roof. "Gosh.. this is hard to climb!" she whined.

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Chimera giggled as she put her hands on her hips and outstretched her left arm, pointing at Haine. "There's a way called stairs!" she giggled as she took off to the back of the building and she dashed up the stairs swiftly, at a quick pace. Then she waited on the roof patiently for both of her friends.. when would they reach? Slowpokes!

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Haine childishly cried as she ran up the stairs and trudged her way onto the roof. "VICTORYYYY!! I HAS MADE ITTT!!' the bluenette grinned as she climbed onto the roof and danced around. "Crow!" she giggled as she pointed at the black bird on the roof before climbing up to try and catch it. Birds, are amazing creatures. I bet you think so too.

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She sweat dropped as she watched Haine chase after the crow energetically. "H-Haine-san.." she whispered softly before facepalming. But then she looked over the terrace and gasped at the beautiful view before her. "W-Woah!! I-It's so pretty.." she sighed as she embraced her surroundings.

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Haine puffed her cheeks and took the bird away from Ruri before giggling and dancing all over the roof, while running away from the fellow bluenette at the very same time. "Catch me if you can Ru~!" she giggled before using her acrobatic skill to leap off the roof and land gracefully on both feet, LIKE A CAT! Then she sprinted away. Then followed Ruri..

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Chimera snapped out of her trance and noticed the girls running off the roof on their epic parkour.. THE BIRD CHASE! She squeaked before climbing down the stairs and bolting after the two. "N-Nani.. WAIT UP GUYS!!" she sniffled as she ran like a jackrabbit in order to keep up with their very high sprinting skills.

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Chi taunted Haine as she sprinted off all over the area.. entering the wooded areas?! Oh no! The first place she had spotted was a high up tree.. hidden away from Haine! It's leaves were so long that it was a good place to hide in! She'd never find her up here! Or so she thought?!

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