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[PP-F1] Hiya-Hiyaa! (Ruri) [COMPLETE]

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Haine snickered as she tapped Chimera from behind, using her acrobatics skill to do a backflip off of the tall tree, landing on her hand.. before she whispered into Yue's ear. "Go.. and find where Ruri is.. and I'll follow!" she smiled before Yue took off. And eventually they found Ruri. THEN THE GOOSECHASE WENT ON AGAIN!!

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Haine giggled before tapping her little sister lightly and laughing. "That was fun! Don't you think so Ru?" the bluenette chirped cheerfully with a tint of pink on her cheeks while she hummed "Aimo" softly, getting up and spinning around gracefully, and landing back on the grass with a sigh as she rolled over to face Ruri. "I want.. p-pancakes... PANCAKES!" the teen suddenly outbursted in a childish whine, kicking her legs and all before running over to a hill and giggling as she rolled down it. "SH-SHIIIINDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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She saw Haine suddenly giggle and fall down a hill... Wierd.... the smaller bluenette had spoke before turning and walking toward the main settlement to go eat something if her onee-san was hungry as well... "Onee-san Common!" She had squeaked at Haine before continuing over toward the settlement.

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Haine realized that she had been unrestricting her amount of childishness... she had wanted it to go away completely, but it was like trying to change who she was, Gulping Haine raised a brow at Ruri and placed half of the things brought in her inventory, and then gifted the other half to Ruri. Turning on her heels she walked away, TO DO SOMETHING.


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