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[PP - F6] Endings and Beginnings

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Closed to Alkor

The steam climbed the cool air, bringing with it the impossibly sweet scent of apples, caramel, and cinnamon. Lessa breathed in like a drowning woman reaching the surface, filling every part of her with the familiar aroma. But when she exhaled, her own breath mingling with the vapor, she found herself wholly unsatisfied. 

Lifting the steaming mug, she pressed it against forehead, relishing in the way the heat permeated her cold skin. The spark of warmth raced through her system, but did little to fight off the chill that never seemed far off. And as her blue eyes opened, the same color as the lake she gazed across, she couldn't find the beauty in it. In any of it.

Frustration bloomed, as it often did, and Lessa grabbed for it. This, at least, was an emotion she could name, and understand, and do something about. Unfurling her long legs, she returned to her sliding glass door, giving her Adirondack chair's empty companion a wide berth. Once she'd stepped inside, and placed her full glass of cider on the table, she scrubbed both hands over her face. "What's wrong with me?"

Riker, who lay draped across the overstuffed armchair, watched her woefully. His soulful brown eyes, like dark pupils caught in amber, provided no answer. But she did find some comfort in the support he seemed to offer with his short, high pitched whimper. The wolf's shaggy tail slapped the fabric as Lessa drew closer, and though he grunted as she wedged herself in the chair beside him (or more aptly, underneath him), he did not object.

Burying her face in in his thick fur, Lessa emitted a grunt of her own. "I need to get out and do something," she muttered against his skin. But what is the point? The question, one that had dogged her for months now, played like a skipping record. Why bother? Exhaustion settled across Lessa's shoulders like a milkmaid's yoke, and she considered crawling back into bed. The same course of action she had taken so many days before.

As if reading her thoughts, Riker gave another whine, lifting his head to prod at her cheek with his wet nose. Fine, she decided. She would make an attempt. If it didn't go well, then she could go to bed knowing she tried.


To: Alkor

Hey, what are you up to?





  The Numbers

Lessa, The Violet Guardian
Level: 31
Paragon Level: 39
HP: 820/820
EN: 114/114

Damage: 23
Mitigation: 122
Accuracy: 2
Battle Healing: 41
H.M.: 8
HLY: 8
REC: 8

Equipped Gear:
Weapon: Arcael's Might (T4 THSS - DMG DMG DMG HLY)
Armor: Empress Armor (T4 HA - HM HM THNS THNS)
Misc: Neutron Star Necklace (T4 TRINKET - ACC ACC REC REC)

Straight Sword R5
Heavy Armor R5
Battle Healing R5
Fighting Spirit

Active Mods:
Emergency Recovery

Iron Skin

Active Extra Skills:

Housing Buffs:
Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
Col Stash: +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests
Advanced Training: +10% Exp to a thread. Limit one use per month [1/1]
Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll

Guild Hall Buffs:
Helping Hand: Lowest-leveled guild member receives +10 bonus Exp at the end of the thread. At least half of the thread's participants must be guild members. Limit one use per month, per character. [1/1]


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  • 2 weeks later...

Beads of perspiration clung to his body as he spun. The blade tore across the straw dummy, drawing a line of crimson that indicated his blade struck true. His other foot stepped forward and he brought the blade upward in an arc, and droplets rained to the floor beneath him. How many times had he executed the Sword Arts, now? How many times had he seen his own actions and deemed them too slow, too sloppy?

Alkor screamed his frustrations to the universe, and the loneliness of the training yard answered him. The swordsman had shed several layers to compensate for the heat of the ninth floor, the site of his greatest failure in Aincrad, but the memories robbed him of all the respite he'd gained from the small act of defiance.

He dismissed the blade and fell promptly to his haunches, head buried in both hands. "Why am I struggling this much?" he asked. Was it so hard? The system took over automatically. It registered the very thought of which Sword Art a player wanted to execute, and with only a vague amount of doing, it actualized their intention.

But he had almost managed to break free from that. 

His foundations deviated from the integrated data. The system's shortcomings, in his view, failed to allow him room to adapt. Instead of a single, powerful, disconnected blow, it was possible for him to combine a series of smaller attacks for greater effect. So why couldn't he just cancel the activation of a Sword Art mid-way? Or was there a trick he just couldn't pin down?

He wiped the towel he'd brought with him across his brow as the familiar sound of a message chirped in his ears. It wasn't rare to hear from an Info Broker, but when he opened his eyes, the name he saw captured his attention.

The blonde knight stood up and started to wipe himself off as he opened the missive. He hung the towel across his shoulders and sat cross-legged in the dirt. Lessa wanted to know what he was doing...?

He scratched his head idly for a moment. Admittedly, he was bad with these things, but he'd promised to work on it. So, he started to respond.


To: Lessa

Training. Nothing special. How about you?



Stats coming later


 Level 31//Paragon 21

1150/1150 HP 130/130 EN
23 Base Damage 30 Mitigation
5 Accuracy 3 Evasion 
32 Blight Damage (20 Mitigation loss for duration) 
48 Bleed Damage
50 Battle Healing 
Survival (10% increase to healing effects applied)


Witchfang : Tier 4 Demonic One Handed Straight Sword // CURSED / BLIGHT / BLEED / PARALYZE

"Forged from the fang of a Black Dragon, this blade promises ruin to
those who are struck by it. The blade's edge is fashioned of Obsidian and
invested with a myriad of afflictions."

Cloak of the Wanderer : Tierless Perfect Light Armor // EVASION / EVASION / EVASION

 "Tattered from the wear of many battles, this cloak was once worn by a warrior who faced the trials of the Castle
  and through the flames found the strength to walk again."

Eye of Osiris : Tierless Perfect Accessory // ACCURACY / ACCURACY / ACCURACY

 "A pin fashioned in the style of Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, depicting the eye of the god Osiris."


Edited by Alkor
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  • 2 weeks later...

His response came only a moment later, the chime of the incoming message sending her heart into her throat. She hadn't expected the swordsman to reply so quickly. Truth be told, she hadn't expected him to reply at all, meaning his speedy return caught her off guard. Lessa dragged her lower lip between her teeth, biting down as she read the six words over and over again. She had practically committed the simple message to memory before tipping her head back against the chair's cushion. She stared at the slanted wooden beams that supported her ceiling, gaze tracing them absently as her mind worked. What had she hoped would happen when she messaged him? That he wouldn't respond? That he'd have some words of wisdom to offer, completely unprompted, that would solve all of her problems.

She heaved a groan, and in sympathy, Riker did too.

"I'm really lonely, and clingy, and need you to drag me out of the hole." The sarcasm was there as she spoke to her empty house, but an edge of raw emotion peeked through. She was lonely, and clingy, and teetering on the edge of... something. A mental snap? A complete shutdown? Whatever it was, it managed to both terrify her and render her helpless. She knew she needed to do something, but she just couldn't.

Alkor couldn't know that.

On a few different occasions, Lessa had slipped up, and unloaded on Alkor. The results had been disastrous. He just didn't have the tools to navigate her storm of emotions, and she refused to keep putting him in that position. Still, she couldn't leave him hanging. 'Sorry, wrong number' wouldn't exactly work here.

Maybe he didn't know her language, but she did know something that spoke to him.


To: Alkor

Just vegging. I heard a rumor that might interest you. Would you be up for doing some exploring?



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He flicked through his inventory idly and summoned a towel. Dabbing the fabric against his body, the sweat began to dissipate and he felt the chill replaced with familiar heat. The false sensation of a digitized body burning off calories. It was a brief respite, but welcome. When her next message came, the blonde knight placed the towel over his head and folded his hands in his lap, seated on the ground. The rumors that began to circulate recently had created a massive influx in the number of info brokers. Where once they were relied on only for details about the floor boss, now they had a trove of new information about the ever changing world of Aincrad. Alkor rarely passed on the chance to explore. This would be no exception.

When he started to work up his response, Alkor paused only for a moment to consider what might make Lessa reach out to him specifically. They had talked briefly about being better about staying in contact. Was he overthinking again?


To: Lessa

A rumor? Exploring? Sure, sign me up.

At the very least, he could figure the rest out when they got to that point. If he let himself, his anxiety would just talk him out of agreeing anyway. That was something he wanted to avoid.

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  • 1 month later...

Lessa leaned forward, resting her chin on Riker's back as she studied Alkor's message. A part of her was surprised that he'd accepted her invitation so easily. She had expected him to ask for details, or to consider the request before answering. In fact, she'd even assumed he might have been busy doing something else. Did this mean that her old friend was beginning to loosen up a bit? Or was it simply that the man loved his rumor chasing?

"Ooookay," the woman drawled, closing her eyes as she considered. Now that she had his attention, she was forced to admit she didn't actually know of any current rumors. She knew they were there, of course, as the mill had been hopping as of late. But she hadn't planned anything specific. So she opened her eyes again, flicked to the stream of info broker reports, and chose one at random.


To: Alkor

How about strange lights in some old ruins? Sounds pretty spooky.

If you're game, why don't we meet up at Krycim's north entrance?


"Alright, you," she murmured, this time to the wolf, rather than the empty house. He craned his head to look back at her, enormous eyes blinking slowly. Though she saw love in those amber depths, she also recognized both wariness and sleepiness. He'd go with her if he asked - he'd follow her to Hell and back - but he didn't look particularly thrilled about it. "Alright, fine. You can stay." Lessa crunched to plant a kiss against his warm, shaggy fur, even as he began wriggling in her lap. Together, they gracelessly stumbled from the chair. For a moment, they simply stood together in the otherwise unoccupied space. Where Manderley had once felt warm and homey, the emptiness yawned around her. She found it terrifying.

So she reached out and placed a steadying hand on Riker's head. Once she'd recovered, she loosed a small sigh. "I guess I should eat something before I go." When was the last time she'd done that?

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  • 5 weeks later...

That was how conversations usually ended. Both sides exchanged information, and they reached a conclusion. Sometimes it came back up later, other times it was left in a comfortable place. This time felt more like the former than the latter. There was only one thing left to say that wouldn't needlessly prolong the awkward series of messages that, for his part, he wasn't completely sure about. Lessa was notoriously good at navigating these situations, at least that was his impression of her. He figured this was her way of being merciful.


To: Lessa

Sounds good. See you there.

He tossed aside the towel he'd dried off with and pulled his shirt overhead. Summoning arms and armor from the ether, he was fully kitted within seconds. It was one of the few reminders of the efficiency of this world, that lack of difficulty. It existed in other ways, certainly, but those differences from the world outside only served to remind him as well. It was the subtle nudge he felt daily, something that prompted him to continue his path forward. There were people who were blurring that line, and people who had already succumbed to the idea that they might never be free. Then there were people who he had gotten to know, people who he formed bonds with, no matter how small and seemingly insignificant those bonds might be. Aincrad had spun a web around him, and he was powerless to resist. Soon, the venom had spread throughout his system.

Now he was on his way to the sixth floor, and they were going to investigate a rumor about ruins and flickering lights.

He stepped out of the teleporter into Krycim. It always unnerved him the way that the settlement filled with women regarded him coldly, but then, they had warmed nominally since the floor boss was defeated. It was hardly enough to give him comfort. Those gazes were of malcontent and distrust, like he had done little to earn what praise the Players managed to gain from them. It was possible he was just more sensitive to body language like that, though, since a stare felt incredibly malicious to him on the best of days. What chances he got to go without notice, he relished. 

That was a rare thing in a game where you frequently ran into the same people due to a homogenous community. 

Alkor wasn't sure how long Lessa would be, so he set up not far from the town's exit, leaned against a tree. Maybe he was right. Maybe this was her way of being considerate. "North exit," he repeated aloud. "Now-"

Edited by Alkor
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"Alkor, hey."

Her voice seemed to boom in the relative quiet of the city. Though NPCs milled about, and the steady rumble of dozens of waterfalls filled the air, Lessa felt she'd called out in the middle of a movie theatre. A few women slanted her quick glances, confusion or even annoyance plastered across their faces. A sudden need to apologize slammed into her, but Lessa resisted as she walked toward her friend. Falling into step beside him, the pair crossed one of the many wooden bridges leading out of Krycim. Slowly, gazes boring into their backs lessened, until she felt nothing at all. A sideway glance at Alkor had her wondering how the stares affected him, if at all. Or if he hardly noticed the additional pounds on the weight he seemed to carry everywhere.

Had she ever seen the man just unwind? Laugh a little? Smile in a way that actually reached those star-dust eyes? Questions she found herself asking nearly every time they met up. Even before the floor boss fight that had changed everything, she'd worried for his mental well-being. She still worried, of course. The only difference was, this time, she didn't feel obligated to repair whatever did (or didn't) need fixing. There was an odd power in that, but she still felt a small tug on her heart as she studied him.

"Thanks for agreeing to come out," she said, her voice coming so suddenly it startled a colorful bird from its perch in a nearby tree. "I've been looking for an excuse to get out of the house."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Her voice cut into his thoughts before he had a chance to put them to words. She arrived more quickly than he anticipated, and that meant they could get away from there before he was buried alive. She might have noticed the nervous tick, the way he clicked his teeth- or that his eyes darted around, distrustful, while his hand rested near his sword belt. He was the same as them in some ways: uncertain, cautious, though perhaps his mania was an exaggeration born of innate anxiety. Up to this point, he stuck to the higher floors and honed his skills as a swordsman. Once he was able to confidently go alone into the unknown, he did just that without any misgivings. Returning to what was known often brought back memories. It often forced him to face the "comforts" of society, those things that were supposed to be familiar. 

For a mercy, Lessa was more interested in the things that were not so familiar. She wanted to explore changes born of their actions in Aincrad, and ripples that came as a result. Rumors. That would lead far from civilization, to places where the only eyes that fell on him were ones with well-understood intent. At least the things that wanted to kill him were forthcoming and honest about it.


"Thanks for agreeing to come out." 

"Yeah, sure," he replied offhand. Was she always that congenial? Maybe she felt like things were weirder between them than he did. Before he started to panic and overthink, though, she added:


"I've been looking for an excuse to get out of the house."

"Huh," her words struck him by surprise. It was unexpected for Lessa to need a reason to be social. Unless there were things he didn't know, things that weren't implicitly understood. "I figured it was just routine for you to go out," he blinked. Something wasn't right- though this marked the first time he saw it without her telling him. Was he getting better at it, or was she making it obvious? A bit of both, perhaps? "Trouble in paradise?"

He chose those words specifically because they wouldn't poke the bear, wouldn't end with knuckles in his face from an unhinged and overbearing alpha male. While there was a shred of concern, Alkor knew Lessa to be the better of the two of them at navigating social situations. Or at least... from his perspective. She'd once said that she envied him the ability to cut people out. Greener grass, he mused in silence. He pressed no further than that; if she wanted to say more, she was going to do it without his prompting. The fact that he'd asked as much as he had, that was a marked improvement over his usual grunted affirmations.

They stepped off of the bridge and into one of the the expansive jungle. He would follow her lead to the ruins from here, since she'd been the one to get the info from the broker.

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  • 1 year later...

With a self-deprecating snort, Lessa replied, "I don't think I've left the house more than twice in the past month. My routine doesn't even involve putting pants on. If Aincrad had Doordash, I'd have put on fifty pounds of Whoppers, Crunchwrap Supremes, and Sausage and Cheese McGriddles." For a moment, silence hung between them. Then, even the wry humor left her expression. She pressed the pad of her hand against her right eye; there were no tears, but it still felt raw. "I don't even know what paradise looks like anymore." The admittance sounded so melodramatic, like something her middle schoolers might say while trying to be edgy. But in the moment, for Lessa, it was God's truth.

Her gaze moved away from Alkor, and with a practiced flick of her wrist, she called up her HUD. "Sorry," she mumbled automatically, "just got a message, and it's flagged urgent." She paused, appearing to hold her breath as she read the words, composed a message of her own, then dismissed the window. "Sorry," she repeated, as if unaware she even spoke the word. "An acquaintance has asked to meet with me. She said it's important, and she's not usually one to exaggerate stuff like this. I told her I'd wait here, by the bridge, and she said she'd be here in ten."

Shifting her weight from one boot to the other, the woman hooked her thumbs in the many belts that crisscrossed her hips. "I'm sorry to keep you waiting." Three times. "If you want to go on, you can. It's just that Kyra is working with the survivors from the whole Sanctuary deal. She's a therapist in the real world, I guess, so she's better equipped to help them cope. If she said there's an issue, I really want to make sure everything's okay."

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...had he heard that right?

The way she talked about not leaving her house reminded him of life back in the real world for him. The way it had been for several years since his Grandmother's health declined. It was hard for him to picture Lessa as the kind of person who could succumb to depression, but then, Alkor had to admit his pool of things to compare it to was woefully limited. He had little choice but to believe her- especially because if he didn't, wouldn't that be ignoring what was essentially a cry for help?

...but who in their right mind would come to him for help??

I don't even know what Paradise looks like anymore.

Did you ever? He wanted to ask, mostly for frame of reference, but it seemed like a bad time for him to be excessively literal. Instead, when he opened his mouth to speak, he instantly shut it again. Just in time for her to apologize. Twice.

"It's fine," he started to say. But it wasn't. Or it didn't feel like it was. This wasn't the bold, confident Lessa who had grown from when he first met her into someone who could hold her own, who didn't need him or anyone else. This was a hollowed out shell wearing her face. He could hear it in the timidity of her words. In the meekness with which she apologized, profusely, time and time again. She was worried about everything, anything, especially in this moment about being a burden to him.

Lessa had explicitly told him that she wanted them to be equal, to be friends. He was sure from that alone, nothing was fine.

But Alkor wasn't the one who could fix it.

"If it's something you're worried about, it should take priority," Alkor said. "Don't worry about me, I understand." He paused. Did he? No- probably not- but he could exhibit some sympathy. "We can catch up another time, if need be."

Edited by Alkor
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At the sight of the heavily armored woman, Kyra felt a weight of her own lift from her chest. Lifting a hand in silent greeting, the woman closed the distance between them in short, crisp strides. The heels of her knee-high boots clipped smartly across the wooden bridge, further announcing her presence as she neared the pair. When she slowed to a stop, she clasped her hands delicately, and offered Lessa a small smile. "Thank you, Lessa, for agreeing to meet with me." Her words flowed like rich honey, sweet and warm, and without break or hesitation. If she had any qualms with standing outside the safe zone in boots, a skirt, a button-up blouse, and a long jacket, she gave no indication. Instead, her lavender eyes held nothing but polite interest as she regarded Alkor. "I apologize for the intrusion," she continued, "but this particular situation calls for some urgency."

"Right, yeah," Lessa nodded, then motioned to the middle of the bridge that Kyra had just crossed. "Let's talk over here. Alkor, you don't mind?"

Without waiting, they moved away from the man, speaking in hushed tones for a few minutes before returning. Though they weren't gone long, the conversation had clearly taken a toll on Lessa; her cheeks held even less color, and the black bags beneath her eyes were even more pronounced. Her blonde bangs stuck out at odd angles, the consequence of constantly running her hands through her hair. "I'm sorry, but I have to go." Lessa's gaze, and her mind, were clearly elsewhere, even as she spoke the words. "Kyra, why don't you stay with Alkor."

The snowy-haired woman blinked slowly, then tilted her head to the side as she considered the suggestion. "I'm not entirely sure that would be appropriate," she answered finally, but Lessa had already strode away.

"Please," the Guardian called over her shoulder. "It would mean a lot to me." And then she was gone.

A moment of silence passed, broken only when Kyra finally turned to her new companion. "I can't say I understand what Lessa meant by that."


Kyra | HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 2 | MIT: 0 | ACC: 0 | EVA: 0 

Level 1
Stats: Novice 1HSS
Gear: Vanity Sword, (3) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)


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"-this particular situation calls for some urgency."

He wasn't sure of what she meant, but Alkor managed a slight shrug in response. "Yeah, if you say so." No one was telling him what was going on exactly other than that it had something to do with the Sanctuary situation Lessa had explained to him, with what he vaguely recalled to be some kind of Kool aid cult. If that was the case, he had to assume that these women were invested, and there were some details that probably skirted the line of personal privacy. He knew better than to press his luck asking questions.


"Let's talk over here. Alkor, you don't mind?"

Realistically, it didn't matter if he did. Thom had always found it funny when people indulged in pointless niceties like that. "Do you mind?" They never waited for the response. And it was always assumed that you didn't. 

He didn't, but he always wondered what would happen if he did. Would it upset some unspoken balance in the stars? Why was he wasting time thinking about that? Oh, right- because it was easier to preoccupy himself while they talked than trying to wait patiently.


 "I'm sorry, but I have to go." 

"Wait, what-" Alkor started to ask, but she was not mentally present, and seemed hellbent. 


"Kyra, why don't you stay with Alkor."

Okay, but that part didn't make sense. Why would she suggest leaving the woman with him? They didn't know each other. 


"I'm not entirely sure that would be appropriate," 

Well, she seemed more agreeable than Lessa when it came to some things, at least! They agreed on that point. "Yeah, uh, I don't really- we don't-"


 "It would mean a lot to me." 

And the war was over before it ever began. When it came to sentiments like those, women (especially Lessa) threw them out like aces-in-the-hole. You didn't need facts or logic when you appealed to someone with your whims. That was why they were the hardest kind of person to deal with. Alkor bit his lip and glanced sidelong at the woman, assessing her gear, from garments down to her weapon. Was she properly equipped for the floor they were on, let alone anything that might happen? 


"I can't say I understand what Lessa meant by that."

"I gave up trying to crack that code a while ago," Alkor shook his head, shrugging. "Either way, did you just meet her here to relay a message? It might be safer if we get you back to the safe zone."

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Even as a small smile crossed Kyra’s pink lips, she regarded the man more closely. His shrug screamed nonchalance, but something in tone suggested that single statement held significance. Was this a man who gave up easily when it came to understanding others? Or had Lessa given him ample reason to throw in the metaphorical towel? Curiosity tugged at the edge of her consciousness, even as her conscience told her to leave it alone. Just as a doctor couldn’t diagnose every injured man on the street, neither could Kyra psychoanalyze every stranger she came across. Besides, this Player’s mind was his own, and it didn’t need any prodding without his explicit consent.

“I promise you,” she answered finally, “the message is my only reason for being here. This isn’t an elaborate scheme to get us alone, though Lessa’s behavior does certainly give that impression.” The faint traces of humor left Kyra’s expression as she added, “However, it wasn’t my intention to interrupt any business between you two. Is there anything that I can help with, in Lessa’s absence? Avoiding combat would probably be for the best, as I have nothing to contribute there. Aside from that, I would be happy to help.”

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Alkor blinked. The woman mentioned something about how it wasn't an elaborate scheme to get the two of them alone, but that wasn't logically consistent anyway. Alkor had met the woman perhaps once before, and he certainly didn't know her well enough for anything like that. She was joking, obviously. He gave a 'heh,' trying to be kind despite not finding humor in the joke.

"I didn't figure you meant anything hostile by it," Alkor replied when she stated that she didn't mean to interrupt. "Honestly, there wasn't much business involved. She wanted to check out some kind of rumor, but it seemed like she had a lot on her mind. If it was urgent, it's no big deal, but it makes me wonder why she called me instead of someone else."

He didn't intend to infer that he wasn't reliable, and yet, to say that wasn't the case would be false. He reached up and scratched at his temple insecurely as he addressed the woman again. "I wouldn't ask you to pick up on her end, since there's no telling if it'd be safe or not. I'd be glad to escort you if you just want to be on your way, though."

Alkor glanced up, pushing aside his feelings of inadequacy. He folded his arms. "It's your call, really. Getting practically thrown at a strange man probably wasn't on your short list for the day."

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  • 1 month later...

"A rumor?" Kyra echoed, interest coloring her tone and flashing in her amethyst eyes. "I've read a number of theories on the various message boards. I may not venture out much, but I enjoy the unknown, and the stories of the Players who explore these rumors." Though she didn't quite cross into "kid in a candy shop" territory - Kyra was far too proper for that - she did shift eagerly from one foot to the other. "If you'll have me, I'd be interested in finishing whatever it was that you and Lessa started." The woman paused long enough to survey her surroundings, a faint line tracing her brow as she slipped into thought.

"The sixth floor," she mused finally. "Would this be the one about the Diseased Hunters? Or is this the lights in the ruins?" With a small wave of her hand, she amended, "It really doesn't matter too much, as I'm fascinated by both." Kyra's gaze swept over Alkor's form, and the sleek sword that hung from his hip. Faintly aware of how ill-prepared she was, she motioned once more - this time, back the way she'd come. "I would understand if you'd rather not, but if you're the least bit curious, I say we see this through."

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He didn't take her for the type to indulge in gossip or rumors, but then, Alkor was nothing if not a terrible judge of character. He lacked the social skills to make passing judgments of any real worth, and couldn't pick up on any other cues besides. "Huh," he remarked aloud, giving his small amount of surprise more voice than a dismissive grunt. "Suits me," he added after a moment. "If I'm being honest, I'd hate to have come all the way here for nothing."

So he was a bit blunt, perhaps even rough around the edges. Honesty had always been Alkor's preferred poison, and he not only drank it, he practically force fed it to others, too. He paused when she mentioned the various rumors that existed on the board, as though she'd gone there and read over them enough times to pass a test if there had been one. He shook his head when she asked about the diseased hunters, but affected a "mhm" when she got around to the strange lights.

"That's the one," he replied. "No one's sure about what's causing it, or if there'sany inherent danger, but those lights are begging to be looked into. Admittedly, Lessa's into those ghost stories and supernatural things, so I'm assuming she was hoping that this might lead to something along those lines."

He paused. Shrugged.

"Just make sure to stick close. This floor's a bit above your paygrade- no offense- and I don't want to have to deliver your tags to Lessa later."

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