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[PP-F4] Strawberry Fields [Kiluia]

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Kana regained her posture, pulling her sword up so it was in front of her, she braced herself in case the tongue came out at her again. Hearing Kiluia's words she looked over at him and grinned, he really was a good guy. She liked him a lot, but her feelings for him hadn't changed for him after his confession. She had thought about it all night, and there was still nothing. Her feelings for him was strong, but they held no similarity to her feelings for Hikaru. Rather they were more similar to her love for her brother Kyoko. She really hoped he didn't ask her any time soon, because at the moment she couldn't give him the answer she wanted. She didn't know if she ever would.

"Thank you, Kil-" She began, only to watch him thrown back by the lizards tail, she would have to watch that too. The creatures tongue flew forward, Kana dived to the left, the tongue skimmed her shoulder. She ran over to Kiluia and attempted to help him up. "If it's any consolation, you fell with incredible style" She joked, trying to make light of his failure. If this thing could knock him down, then it must be strong, at least Kana didn't feel so bad anymore.

- Party -

Kana - 14/15

Kiluia - 15/17


Violet Lizard - 14/18

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They say love is fleeting but in his heart she held a special place. No matter what the answer, Kiluia would be there, friend or lover. They were going to best friends if anything. A light laugh was heard as he dashed at the lizard again." It's what I do. Fall with finesse!" His body cut right to the beast and he jumped into the air.

The reptilian, sensing a murderous strike, moved quickly out ofnKiluias leaping strike. A small dust cloud was seen as Kiluia landed on one knee with his dagger in the frozen earth. His eyes gazed upon the Lizard. " Keep running.." He grinned. " If I don't catch you.." He pointed at Kana. " She will. And trust me. Don't make her mad."

With that, he pulled his dagger out of the ground and moved back to Kana still on guard. " Don't push yourself ok? " He spoke with his eyes honed in on the lizard. He felt at ease..loose and in control. They should go out more often on hunts.

Kana 14/15

Kiluia 15/17

Lizard 14/18

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Kana laughed at Kiluia's response to her joke, it was nice to banter with him. With all the seriousness as of late, it was a good change of pace. Her emotions had been all over the place this days; happy, angry, sad, happy, angry, sad. It was an endless cycle that she would be glad to end, and this was definitely the way to go about it. She felt it in her veins, the adrenaline. It had been so long, in the real world she got her adrenalin from triple front flips during her cheerleading. It felt good.

The lizard was agile, it made it dangerous, fortunately speed didn't necessarily equal strength. She listened to Kiluia's words, and grinned devilishly at the creature. "And I'm your worst nightmare." she said daringly, she wished this animals understood them. If they only react to the things she said, this would be a lot more fun. Kana knew she would have at least been able to distract the creatures with conversation. But these beasts were made for talking. She leaped forward once more, aiming for the beasts thigh, it slithered backwards out of her reach. She snarled at it annoyed at having missed, "I'm gonna getcha!" she quoted like a character in a horror movie, she followed with a laugh, this was actually surprisingly fun.

- Party -

Kana - 14/15

Kiluia - 15/17


Violet Lizard - 14/18

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All in all the lizard stood in the way of Kiluia and the kids pie. It was their goodbye present from Kiluia and a thank for the time spent with them.His dagger was clenched tight as he ran to the lizard. He jumped again in the air but this time right at the lizard to gain an element of surprise.

The lizard was actually caught off guard as Kiluia slammed the tip of his blade into its chest bringing the reptile to its knees. With a second later, Kiluia punched it in the face causing the dagger to rip out of it violently resulting in a critical hit. " If she doesn't, I, for sure, damn will. " He pushed back to land beside Kana." Except she's scarier than I." He grinned.

The fight definitely loosened the two. They could make a difference together and with everyone around them. The game seemed beatable. However, there were far horrific monsters ahead, he thought as he gazed at Kana. Would she be all right?" Switch." He said distracted by the thought.

Kiluia 15/17

Kana 14/15

Lizard 10/18

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Kana grinned as Kiluia landed another spectacular hit, it only encouraged her to want to be stronger. But how was that going to happen if she go only ever take off a small bit of the creatures hp. If she carried on this way every battle would take hours, she needed to upgrade her abilities. She decided as she as she was able to was going to upgrade her weapon, as much as she like the elegance of her one-hands curved blade, she needed something more effective. Something that would do a great deal of damage.

Kana dived forward towards the purple lizard, she attempted to feint to the left, making the lizard think that she was going to attack that way. However when she went to the right, the lizard propelled it's tongue forward and caught her in the shoulder knocking her back once more. Kana barely caught herself before she almost toppled over, taking a few steps back. She made an annoyed growl. She was fed up of get hit, wanting to do see some more damage done to the lizard, she switched out and waited for Kiluia's next move.


Kana - 13/15

Kiluia - 15/17


Violet Lizard - 10/18

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Seeing her get struck made him slightly more worried about the situation. Kiluia admired hee resolve to keep fighting. He twirled his blade in his right hand while running at the lizard. His body lowered as he plowed his left shoulder into the chest of the reptile hoisting it into the air. As the reptile began to lift off from impact, three crucial strikes from his dagger struck into the beast.

He used the momentum of the reptile to not only throw the reptile but to push his body to safety where Kana was presently at. " It's a privilege to be hit by her. " He kinda sounded like a sadist..and portrayed Kana as a Dom of sorts. Oh now he was howling with laughter. His face red from over imagination.

Kana 13/15

Kiluia 15/17

Lizard 7/10

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Kana frowned at his slightly inappropriate joke, rolling her eyes at it. "Boys..." she muttered! before attempting to switch in. The lizard charged at her slightly, it had obviously noticed that she was the weaker target, and was aiming more so for her. This annoyed her slightly, she dived out of the way, using her <> to cartwheel over itself tail smoothly. She landed and smirked, barely gathering herself before it attacked her again, she leaped back, barely able to stop herself from being hit.

She couldn't wait for this to be over, all she wanted to do was start planning her training routes and how she was going to develop her skills. She had to upgrade her weapon of course, and her skill set. Defeating this lizard was the first step, then she would climb the ladder to a more powerful self and she would finally be confident in her ability in the game.

Kana - 13/15

Kiluia - 15/17


Violet Lizard - 7/18

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Her one worded response calmed him down as he felt a bit bad for making a joke under these circumstances. He regained composure from laughing and started to run low towards the lizard .

Unfortunately, after all the laughing, he had been too distracted to see that the lizard was already going to hit him. Kiluia was completely blind sided by the attack as the right hook of the lizard connected to his face along with a tail to the sternum.

He laid sprawled out from the attack and spoke. " I deserve that.. " He sighed and sat up slowly. " Don't be mad. I thought you would of at least laughed or played along. " He narrowed his eyes on her.

Kiluia 13/17

Kana 13/15

Lizard 10/18

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Kana sighed once again, a guilty niggling feeling eating at her already. Everything was clearly getting to her, the stress of the situation was already putting her in a mood. Kyoko always said there were two types of Kana, Normal Kana and Stressed Kana. Normal Kana he could terrorise until she went red in the face, and he would be fine. When she was truly stressed, he said he'd rather wrestle bears with rabies. After seeing a kid die the night before, and hearing about the death of kids she had just met, stressed was a light word for her mood. And now she was taking it out on Kiluia.

Not to mention, he had just confessed his love to her yesterday, she couldn't understand how he felt so comfortable making rude jokes about her so soon. Had he fantasised about her before? Or was his thoughts pure? She hoped they were pure, she couldn't handle the thought of one of her closest friends thinking about her in such a way. It would make his presence very uncomfortable.

"Sorry, I'm not exactly in the mood right now," She replied, hoping he would understand. Taking a deep breath, she refocused her energy into her next attack. Allowing her anger to flow with it, she leapt forward and struck the lizard across the side of his head, she grinned at the collision. That felt way too good.


Kana - 13/15

Kiluia - 13/17


Violet Lizard - 6/18

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He stood up and nodded. He had a bad time keeping his mouth shut. In fact, he rarely thought about his words before saying them. That is until she got mad. His eyes narrowed on the lizard as his body lurched forward.

He quickly ran in front of the lizard only to vanish with his speed. A brief moment of snow dust clouded the area and the next moment he was behind the lizard. Dagger spun in his hand before he drove it into the now dying lizards spine. As the lizard fell, he kicked off of it.

He landed near Kana thinking about what had happened. She was yes someone he deeply cared about. She was also his motivation to stay alive. Yes he was also a bumbling idiot around her. He never knew what to say or do. It's how people who love someone don't know how to react. He knew now never to speak of love around her. Ever since he admitted it, things had changed. He wished he just kept on loving her from afar."Let's finish this, Kana. I think the kids are hungry. "

Kiluia 13/17

Kana 13/15

Lizard 2/18

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Kana watched as Kiluia took another big chunk out of the lizards life point, it's bar was very much in red. At least one or two attacks and they. Would easily be able to take it out. Kana repositioned her weapon across from her, ready to make one final blow. She ran forward, and swung to strike at the lizard. However, the lizard dodged her attack speedily, and whipped its tail around at unrecognisable speed.

The tail wrapped round her feet, and knocked her onto her back. She wheezed as the wind was knocked out of her, the tail swung around and smacked her straight in the guy. She yelled out, as it hit her crushingly, the tail raised up to hit her again. Regaining her focus, she rolled out of the way, the tail barely missing her. She crawled forward, out of the way of the next attack. That had been a hard blow, surprisingly tactful for a lizard, but it was clear it was getting desperate to survive. It seemed it was down to Kiluia to take it out.


Kana - 10/15

Kiluia - 13/17


Violet Lizard - 2/18

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His eyes darkened as he watched Kana get struck in her small frame with the bastards tail. Every time anyone got hurt, his anger rose. But to hurt a dear friend meant judgement. There would be no mercy to any and all that hurt someone as close to him as Kana.

His azure cold eyes drained of emotions as he walked in a quiet fashion to confront the condemned lizard. The monstrous beast lashed out by sinking it's fangs deep within the shoulder of Kiluia. As the enraged beast began depleting Kiluia of his hp, he judo flipped the beast on to it's back. With that moment, he took the blade and struck the creature several times with it.

A brilliant shatter of virtual pieces were seen but a brief moment. Soon after, Kiluia was seen sitting on the ground of where the beast had been slain. His platinum hair matted itself across his face as he pulled his knees up to rest his head. " That was tiring." He spoke. But no rest for the weary as he started picking those berries for the kids.

Lizard dead- Loot dice roll 17. Success on loot drop

Kana 10/15

Kiluia 10/17

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